How To Use Gender-neutral Pronouns In Your Writing - International Writers' Collective (2024)

How To Use Gender-neutral Pronouns In Your Writing - International Writers' Collective (1)

July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day, the perfect time to talk about the correct use of gender-neutral pronouns. First off, we’re talking about personal pronouns (they/them/their). By correct, we mean correct grammar and usage. In English, it’s relatively simple to refer to people in a gender-neutral way, unlike in many other languages, by using they/them/their.

Using they/them/their in the singular has actually been accepted usage since modern English evolved from Middle English. Look up centuries-old newspaper articles about “persons unknown” and you’ll find plenty of examples of the singular use of “they” as in “the thief entered the residence through the kitchen window. They went through the house room by room.” Literary history, too, is littered with examples of the use of they/them/their in the singular. Merriam-Webster quotes William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, E.L. Doctorow, W.H. Auden, W.M. Thackeray, to name a few big ones.


We’re all familiar with the use of “they” and its various forms to refer to more than one person or a group of people, vague or specific (as in “you know what they say” or “the second-graders will hand in their assignments next week”). Especially if you’re speaking English as a second language, you may be less familiar with the use of “they” to refer to a single person, either unknown and therefore gender-neutral (“If a student would like to register, they can do so via our website”) or known and non-binary or gender-fluid (“Rene felt a dull pain in their left foot”).

Traditionally, “he” was the preferred pronoun in formal contexts for a person whose gender the writer didn’t know, much like we used “mankind” and “man” to describe all of humanity. In recent times, many writers defaulted to “she” instead. Nowadays, MLA, APA, Associated Press and the Chicago Manual of Style actively advise academics, journalists and other professsional writers to use the singular form of they/them.

Here are some examples of the singular use of “they” pronouns forms from the APA style guide:

They: “Casey is a gender-fluid person. They are from Texas and enjoy tacos.”
Them: “Every client got a care package delivered to them.”
Their: “Each child played with their parent.”
Theirs: “The cup of coffee is theirs.”
Themselves/themself: “A private person usually keeps to themself.”

Both “themselves” and “themself” are grammatically correct when used to refer to only one person, despite what your autocorrect or grammar checker may say. Using themself is a great way to help your reader differentiate between a group and a singular person in stories about non-binary characters.


When we use third-person pronouns such as “he,” “she,” and “they,” readers need context to know to whom the pronoun is referring. The sentence or clause preceding the appearance of each pronoun usually provides that context. Grammatically, “he” and “she” refer back to the last person of that gender referenced in the text.

When you’re writing about non-binary characters, the same basic rule applies but you may need to take extra care that readers understand from the context that you are using “they” in the singular. For example, in the sentence, “He threw the ball. She caught it. They played catch for hours,” it’s clear that “they” refers to the two people throwing the ball. What about “He threw the ball. She caught it. Izzy wanted to join. They could happily play catch for hours.” Here, although Izzy is the last character referenced, we could take “they” to refer to the group. If you want to be clear, it’s better to reword the sentence, for example, “He threw the ball. She caught it. Izzy, who could happily play catch for hours, wanted to join.”


Use a plural verb form with the singular pronoun “they” (i.e., write “they are” not “they is”). For example, “They are the best doctor I’ve ever had.” These types of sentence constructions, although correct, can sound a little clunky, so you may want to use a name instead of a pronoun.

It’s possible that the language will evolve to include new singular third-person pronouns such as ve/ver/vis or ey/em/eir, to help us differentiate from the plural usage. For now, we can keep using they/them/their in the singular as the simplest and most inclusive option.

22 June 2023

How To Use Gender-neutral Pronouns In Your Writing - International Writers' Collective (2)


Inge Lamboo

Inge is an Amsterdam-based freelance writer, editor and translator. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of San Francisco and initially trained at The Writers Studio NYC under Sarah Carriger. She is currently working on her first novel.

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How To Use Gender-neutral Pronouns In Your Writing - International Writers' Collective (2024)


How To Use Gender-neutral Pronouns In Your Writing - International Writers' Collective? ›

Use a plural verb form with the singular pronoun “they” (i.e., write “they are” not “they is”). For example, “They are the best doctor I've ever had.” These types of sentence constructions, although correct, can sound a little clunky, so you may want to use a name instead of a pronoun.

How to use gender-neutral pronouns in writing? ›

Luckily, singular “they,” in use since the 14th century in informal and spoken speech, has started to gain traction as a gender-inclusive pronoun to refer to a person of unknown gender in formal and academic writing.

How do you use gender-neutral pronouns in a sentence? ›

Learn the typical forms that nonbinary gender pronouns can take.
Pronouns of referenceNominative (subject)
they/them/theirsThey wrote a carefully- researched article.
ey/em/eirsEy wrote a carefully- researched article. (“ay”)
ze/hir/hirsZe wrote a carefully- researched article. (“zee”)
2 more rows

What is a gender-neutral collective pronoun? ›

Gender-neutral pronouns are don't specify the gender of the subject of a sentence. 'They,' for instance, is a third-person pronoun that is gender neutral. Other gender-neutral pronouns include 'them', 'this person', 'everyone', 'Ze', or 'Hir'.

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In addition to its use as a plural pronoun, they/them/their has a rich history of use as a gender- neutral singular pronoun in the English language.

What to say instead of his/her? ›

Common pronouns include she/her/hers, he/him/his, and they/them/theirs. There are other nonbinary pronouns. It is important to ask people what their pronouns are. If you have questions, politely ask the person if they feel comfortable giving examples of how to use those pronouns.

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Some folks, especially trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals choose to use gender neutral pronouns, such as "they/them/theirs", "ze/zir/zirs", or "per/per/pers". A person's pronouns don't always "match up" with their gender identity and/or expression!

What is the best gender-neutral pronoun? ›

The most commonly used gender-neutral pronouns are they/them. While many people grew up using they/them as a set of plural pronouns, it is now acceptable to use they/them as a singular pronoun as well.

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How to Use nonbinary in a Sentence
  1. The number includes more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth in the state. ...
  2. Rafaelov dreamed of creating a space where young trans and nonbinary people could get these items with ease.
May 3, 2024

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Greetings that include gender neutral language such as “friends, folks, y'all, you all, and everyone” ensure that you include all employees when saying hello or opening a meeting.

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Pronouns can be in the first person singular (I, me) or plural (we, us); second person singular or plural (you); and the third person singular (e.g., she/her, he/him, they/them, ze/hir) or plural (they/them). Gendered pronouns specifically reference someone's gender: he/him/his or she/her/hers.

What are the new gender pronouns? ›

Neopronouns are a category of new (neo) pronouns that are increasingly used in place of “she,” “he,” or “they” when referring to a person. Some examples include: xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir.

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Gender-Neutral Pronouns

Proposed alternatives to the generic “he” include “he or she” (or “she or he”), “s/he”, or the use of “they” in the singular. However, each of these alternatives has potential problems. Some argue that phrases such as “he or she” and “s/he” are awkward and unnecessary.

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humanity, humankind, humans, human beings, people.

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Check through your work and replace 'he/she' with 'them' and if addressing letters or emails, use a gender-neutral address such as “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Student/Colleague”.

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As a last resort, you may use anonymous phrases such as 'To Whom It May Concern' or 'Dear Sir/Madam'. Of these two options, we recommend 'To Whom It May Concern,' as best of the bad bunch of anonymous greetings, since it is gender-neutral..

What can I use instead of he or she in writing? ›

The alternative pronoun most commonly used is they, often referred to as singular they. Here's an example: Someone left his or her backpack behind. → Someone left their backpack behind.

How do you make a text gender-neutral? ›

Gender-neutral expressions

Instead, try to use neutral alternatives: Instead of “men” or “mankind” prefer “people”, “humanity”, “human beings”, or “we” Instead of “chairman” prefer “chair”, “chairperson”, or “head” Instead of “freshman student” prefer “first-year student”

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