What causes tattoos to fade? (2024)

Fight the fade: Why your tattoos lose vibrancy and what you can do about it

It’s a fact of life: as you get older your skin changes, losing elasticity and naturally becoming thinner and drier. Unsurprisingly, changes to your tattoos can occur too, including tattoo fading.

But why does this happen and is there anything you can do to slow, or maybe even prevent, your fresh tattoos from losing their vibrancy?

The good news is ‘yes!’… you can prevent your tattoos from fading to some degree. Just as adopting healthy habits can improve the look and feel of your skin and body, the same goes for your tats.

But first things first; why do tattoos fade? To answer this question, it helps to know a little about how the tattooing process works.

Why do tattoos fade?

When you get a tattoo, the needle deposits ink in a layer of skin known as the dermis.

Over time,cells from your immune system – called macrophages - gradually absorb the tattoo ink and disperse it, which can lead to some tattoo fading.

On top of this, factors such as sunlight, friction and improper care of your tattoos can all accelerate the process of aging your skin and/or fading your tattoos.

In this article we’ll take a deep dive into the factors behind tattoo fading. And, armed with this new knowledge, you’ll be able to take steps to ensure your skin and ink looks its best for many years to come!

Fightthe fade! Give your ink a new lease of life with our award-winning tattoo vibrancy serum, overnight restoration for tired-looking tattoos.

Poor initial care of your ink

Did you know the first hours and days of your tattoo’s life are arguably it’s most important?

It may sound obvious, but this is the time when your skin is dealing with the fresh wound made by a needle poking you up to 3,000 times per minute. How it heals from this trauma can shape the look of your tattoo for the rest of its life.

This means a good tattoo skincare regime is really important. In fact, improper care of your ink during this stage of your tattoo’s life can lead to misshapen and faded tattoos down the line.

Your tattoo artist will be able to advise best on how to take care of your new tattoo. But the main thing to remember is to keep it clean. This can mean keeping your wrap on for 24 hours, then gently washing the tattoo with antibacterial soap and water. Afterwards you should pat the skin dry, not rub it, to avoid irritation.

Over the next few days, you’ll want to continue to keep it clean and moisturised. And, while it’s important to regularly apply a suitable moisturiser, be careful not to overdo it. This can lead to soggy scabs, urgh.

We favour natural, unscented, tattoo-friendly products which tend to be kinder on your skin. Some scented products have even been shown to cause scarring and premature fading of tattoos, so probably best not to risk it.

At Stories & Ink, our Aftercare Cream has been specifically designed to soothe, calm and repair damaged skin immediately after tattooing.

The Stories & Ink tattoo Aftercare Cream is fragrance free, 100% natural and gluten free, hypoallergenic, no parabens, and appropriate for all skin types.

Why do tattoos fade when healing?

Sometime between two to four weeks after getting a new tattoo – when your tattoo scabs and/or peels - your new ink may appear more faded and duller than expected. Don’t worry, this is completely natural.

It happens because the old skin, damaged during the tattooing process, forms a thin layer over your tattoo and masks its true appearance. In time this old skin will naturally exfoliate itself, revealing your tattoo underneath in all its vibrant glory.

A bad overall skincare routine

Is it bad to not have a skincare routine? It’s a commonly asked question in our line of work. When it comes to tattoo care in particular, the answer is a big, fat, ‘yes’.

Having a tattoo should naturally involve some kind of skincare routine. And we’re talking about more than a little moisturising now and again (although moisturising is important! – see below).

Some of the most common crimes against your skin include:

Not drinking enough water

Drinking water regularly has a number of health benefits, helping prevent dehydration, stopping headaches and improving concentration and even your mood.

When it comes to your skin, not getting enough H20 can impact it in a number of ways, making it appear flakier, more wrinkly and drier to name a few.

How much water you should drink depends on a few factors. But generally speaking, it’s advisable that healthy people drink between four and six cups a day.

One way to remember to get enough water is to have a drink with each meal. And you’ll be pleased to hear that cups of coffee and tea count towards your daily water intake, so go ahead and put the kettle on.

What’s this got to do with tattoos? It’s quite simple: if your skin looks good, so should your tats!

Not using suncream or other SPF products

    All tattoos exposed to the sun are at risk of fading. This is particularly true during the healing period when your skin is more sensitive to UV rays.

    Both UVA and UVB rays can pose problems for tattooed skin. UVA rays, or ‘aging’ rays as they’re ominously known, penetrate deep into the layers of your skin and can break down tattoo ink. Meanwhile, UVB rays are responsible for sunburn.

    A sunburn on a new tattoo can lengthen the time it takes to heal. And, in some cases, it can even distort the lines and colouring of the tattoo. For these reasons, covering up newly tattooed skin is definitely recommended until it heals.

    After your tattoo has healed, dermatologists recommend you protect your tattoo with a water-resistant sunscreen (SPF 30+). Avoiding sunbeds is also highly recommended as UV rays can be more intense.

    Not keeping your skin moisturised

      Keeping your skin properly moisturised should rank pretty highly when it comes to keeping your tattoos fresh. For best results we recommend a specialist tattoo moisturiser, such as the .

      Offering daily damage control for healed tattoos, our moisturiser firms and smooths skin while intensifying your ink. Meanwhile, UVA/UVB filters prevent discolouration and help shield your skin from sun damage.

      The location of the tattoo can affect fading

      What causes tattoos to fade? (3)

      There are certain areas of your body where a tattoo will fade faster. Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms.

      The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas. Meanwhile, we use our hands a lot, especially our palms which hold and grip things throughout the day.And although the skin is thick here, there is little fat or muscle underneath which means tattoos tend to fade much faster.

      There are also some less obvious areas that tattoos can fade, such as parts of the legs, or even the shoulders. Again, it’s to do with friction. In this case, you might want to think about how to stop your new tattoo rubbing on clothes.

      People who wear tight trousers might experience greater friction on any leg tattoos. While bags carried on shoulders regularly will lead to some shoulder friction. And collars can rub neck tattoos.

      In any event, it probably won’t be your primary concern when choosing the location of your tattoo. But whether it’s going to rub or not is definitely something to consider if you want to guard against future fading. And during the healing phase it’s best to wear looser garments to stop excessive friction.

      Having tattoos in high sweat areas

      Firstly, sweating is an absolutely necessary function of the human body, helping cool us down and cleaning our pores of dirt and bacteria. Studies have even shown that fit people both perspire more and start sweating sooner during exercise. So it’s certainly no bad thing.

      When it comes to new tattoos though, there are a few issues with sweating.

      Will sweating ruin a new tattoo?

      After getting a new tattoo, your artist will often advise you to skip intense exercise for at least 48 hours.

      This is becasue during the healing time, immune cells called macrophages phagocytes help trap the ink inside your skin’s cytoplasm - the liquid inside of your cells. But when your body starts sweating excessively, the ability to trap the ink is hampered, potentially leading to blurry or discoloured tattoos.

      This means it’s best to avoid excessive workouts after getting a fresh tat. And you may want to steer clear of gyms until your tattoo has healed as equipment can harbour bacteria - not something you want getting near a fresh tattoo.

      Which parts of the body sweat the most?

      Experts at The Perth Sweat Clinic says the sweatiest areas of the human body are:

      • Inner thighs
      • Small of the back
      • Upper lip
      • Feet
      • Armpits
      • Forehead
      • Back of the knee
      • Back of the neck
      • Hands

      So tattoos in these areas may be more prone to fading or discolouration during the healing phase.

      How long after a tattoo can you sweat?

      It’s best to wait at least 48 hours before doing any kind of activity that’s going to make you sweat heavily - potentially longer if advised by your artist. Longer term, it can takebetween two and four weeks for the tattoo healing process to take shape, according to dermatologist Dr Nicolas Kruger. And as healing times can vary between people, you should see how your tattoo is doing rather than relying on any set guidelines.

      Low quality ink can fade tattoos

      The quality of your tattoo ink will have a big impact on the look of your tattoos, particularly when it comes to fading.

      Good-quality tattoo ink should look bright and stay vibrant for many years. On the other hand, poor-quality tattoo ink will fade quickly, maybe even with the year.

      Why? Cheaper brands tend to use cheaper pigments in their inks and less of them. Whereas high-quality brands will use purer and more concentrated pigments, resulting in brighter and more vivid tattoos that last longer. And because there can be a big difference in quality between brands, it’s best to leave it up to the pros when it comes to choosing and buying ink.

      We also recommend staying clear of home tattoo kits. Not only can they use poorer quality ink, but some have even been found to contain infection causing bacteria.

      Fight the fade! Try . Leave on overnight and wake up to brighter, fresher-looking tattoos.

      What causes tattoos to fade? (2024)


      What causes tattoos to fade? ›

      Over time, cells from your immune system – called macrophages - gradually absorb the tattoo ink and disperse it, which can lead to some tattoo fading. On top of this, factors such as sunlight, friction and improper care of your tattoos can all accelerate the process of aging your skin and/or fading your tattoos.

      What makes tattoos fade the most? ›

      For example, spending a lot of time in the sun or wearing tight clothing that rubs regularly against the tattoo can fade it more quickly, Shurman says. Other changes in your skin, like stretching from weight gain or pregnancy, will also fade a tattoo, says New York-based dermatologist David Kim.

      Why is my tattoo fading after 3 days? ›

      Days 2 to 3

      Over the next couple of days, you may notice that your tattoo looks dull and cloudy. No need to panic or start thinking about a touch-up. This happens as your skin heals and new skin starts to form.

      How long do tattoos last before fading? ›

      When done properly, a tattoo should show only a slight amount of settling within the first 6 months, which is totally normal. Depending on the style, location and lifestyle, a tattoo could show some early signs of fading in as early as 2-5 years although most tattoos won't show significant fading for 10-20 years.

      How to make tattoos last longer? ›

      Look for sun-protective clothing with a UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) of 30 or more and you'll be protecting both your skin and your tattoo from harmful UV rays. Finally, avoid scratchy fabrics, like wool, which can actually cause damage to the tattoo's design.

      What color tattoo fades fastest? ›

      Firstly, Which Tattoo Colours Fade the Fastest? All of the lighter and brighter colours such as pink, yellow, light green/blue etc Will always fade faster than the darker colours, as well as the black and grey ink. The darker and more bold the tattoo ink, typically means they will last longer.

      What color tattoo ink to avoid? ›

      Red ink is still the most likely color to cause skin problems. Why? Red tattoo inks are the most likely to cause health complications, including rashes and pseudolymphomas, both symptoms of an allergic reaction.

      Can a faded tattoo be fixed? ›

      Touch-Ups and Cover-Ups. In extreme cases of damage and dullness, you can always get your tattoo retouched or even covered with a new design. Having fresh ink put over your tattoo can bring it back from the dead! Or you can see it as an opportunity to switch it up and add a completely new piece over the damaged area.

      Does Vaseline fade tattoo ink? ›

      Why Vaseline and petroleum-based jelly aren't great for a new tattoo. Petroleum-based products can cause ink to fade and may trap moisture and bacteria on top of the tattoo, increasing your risk of developing an infection. Use water-based moisturizers on new tattoos instead.

      Does moisturizing a tattoo make it fade? ›

      The AAD also advises that using the wrong type of moisturizer can actually harm your tattoo. Avoid using petroleum jelly and other petroleum-based products to hydrate your tattoo, as these can cause ink fading. Instead, opt for a water-based moisturizing cream or lotion to keep your tattoo hydrated.

      What is a tattoo blowout? ›

      Tattoo blowouts occur when a tattoo artist presses too hard when applying ink to the skin. The ink is sent below the top layers of skin where tattoos belong. Below the skin's surface, the ink spreads out in a layer of fat. This creates the blurring associated with a tattoo blowout.

      Where do tattoos fade the most? ›

      The location of the tattoo can affect fading

      Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms. The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas.

      What is the lifespan of a tattoo? ›

      The longevity of a tattoo depends on various factors, including the quality of the ink, the skill of the tattoo artist, and how well you care for your skin art. On average, tattoos can last a lifetime, but it's not uncommon for them to fade over the years.

      Why is my tattoo disappearing? ›

      For fine line tattoos, sometimes the white blood cells win and soften the ink too much, causing the tattoo to fade and look like it's disappearing.

      How to make tattoos fade faster? ›

      To accelerate fading, you can do things like exfoliate your skin regularly and apply skin lightening creams to the tattooed skin. If you want to use lightening creams, look for products that have TCA or hydroquinone in them for the best results. The fastest solution is getting laser removal.

      Where do tattoos fade the fastest? ›

      The location of the tattoo can affect fading

      Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms. The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas.

      How to prevent tattoo blowout? ›

      Once you're sure you've found a professional tattoo artist, the next best way to prevent blowout is to follow aftercare directions closely and pay attention to your ink during the healing process. Make sure you're cleaning your tattoo twice a day and keeping it moist until it's fully healed, at least two weeks.

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      Name: Golda Nolan II

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      Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.