Les avantages et services Optical Center (2024)


1 - Des opticiens de métier

Crée par un réseau d'opticiens de métier, notre site est étudié pour être un réel magasin d'optique en ligne où tous les besoins de nos clients et de leurs yeux sont pris en compte. Toute notre équipe d'opticiens diplômés est sélectionnée parmi les meilleurs opticiens qui ont l'amour de leur métier et l'envie d'aider leurs clients à avoir une bonne vue sur le monde.

2 - Des produits de marque

De nombreux produits d'optique se présentent à vous en quelques clics à des prix préférentiels. Les plus grandes marques et leurs plus beaux produits sont sur www.optical-center.com

3 - Optical Center existe depuis 1991

Optical Center est un réseau d'opticiens ultra fiable. Créé en 1991, les 30 années d'existence et d'expérience d'Optical Center sont la plus belle preuve de son sérieux et de sa force. Des forces qui nous permettent de vous proposer un très large choix de produits d'optique de marque à des prix uniques et avec des garanties uniques.

4 - Optical Center est implanté partout en France

Optical center est un réseau de magasins d'optique qui compte aujourd'hui plus de 750 magasins implantés partout en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Ces magasins outre le sérieux de la firme vous permettent d'avoir une idée de la force d'achat de votre opticien et donc de sa force à vous offrir des prix sans précédents. Quelque soit votre lieu de résidence vous trouverez toujours un magasin Optical Center près de chez vous.

5 - Payez moins cher

Les prix Optical Center sont particulièrement bas et se veulent les moins chers. Cela est possible grâce à l'étendue de notre réseau, et donc de la quantité de lunettes et de lentilles achetées et vendues par jour sur l'ensemble de nos magasins.

Nous achetons moins cher, nous vous vendons moins cher.

6 - En cas de casse, un magasin Optical Center est là pour vous aider

Notre enseigne Optical Center est proche de vous. Les magasins Optical Center présents sur l'ensemble du territoire français vous permettent d'avoir une adresse près de chez vous où vous trouverez un opticien professionnel qui se fera un plaisir de vous aider en cas de casse de vos lunettes. Conservez votre bordereau d'achat et allez le voir en cas de besoin, il vous aidera au mieux.

Des arguments simples, vrais et déterminants pour être certain d'être satisfait de son opticien en ligne.

Bon achat sur www.optical-center.com

Les avantages et services Optical Center (2024)


What happens if the optical center is off? ›

- Prismatic Effects: Lenses with significant optical center offset induce prismatic effects, leading to image displacement. This can cause discomfort, visual fatigue, and even double vision. - Astigmatism: Off-center lenses exacerbate astigmatism, distorting the perceived shape of objects.

How many times can you return glasses at Visionworks? ›

Our 100-Day Guarantee backs your glasses for 100 days, making it one of the longest guarantees in the industry! So if you don't love your new glasses for any reason, whether it's nose-pinching frames or glary lenses or you just don't like how they look on you, you have 100 days to come in for a replacement.

What is the difference between an optical center and an optometrist? ›

Opticians are technicians who fit eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision-correcting devices. Optometrists examine, diagnose, and treat patients' eyes.

What if PD is off by 4mm? ›

Because if the measurement is off, even by a little bit, it can cause blurry vision, eyestrain, and headaches. Chances are your PD exists on file already at your optometrists office.

How important is optical center? ›

In prescription eyeglass lenses, the optical center is the point on the lens where the highest quality image is obtained, allowing the light rays to pass through without refraction. Identifying this point with high image quality and aligning it with the patient's pupil center indicates the correct application.

How much can I claim back for glasses? ›

For glasses and contact lenses, the maximum refund anyone can have is the voucher value that matches their prescription. You may also have to fill in an HC1 claim form for the NHS Low Income Scheme (see part 4).

Can I return my new glasses if I don't like them? ›

Some optical stores and online sellers guarantee your satisfaction with your eyeglasses — even if you simply don't like them — by offering a refund or a store credit for the amount you paid for them. If so, you usually must return the glasses within a specified period of time (for example, within 30 days of purchase).

Can I take my glasses back if I don't like them? ›

Many optical stores offer satisfaction guarantees and will replace the glasses, offer a full refund or a store credit if you have a complaint about the way your glasses look on you. This would be an option within a certain time frame – typically one to four weeks from the date of purchase.

What does PD mean for glasses? ›

Your Pupillary Distance, or PD, is the distance in millimeters (mm) between the center of one pupil to the center of the other. A personalized fit starts with measuring your pupillary distance: it indicates which part of the lens you look through, ensuring optimal comfort and clarity.

How do you check if your glasses are correct? ›

If you experience any of these symptoms for an extended period of time, after the adjustment period, your prescription may be incorrect:
  1. Extreme blurring of vision.
  2. Lack of focus.
  3. Poor vision when one eye is closed.
  4. Excessive eye strain.
  5. Headaches or dizziness.
  6. Vertigo or nausea, unrelated to a medical condition.

How do I choose the right optical glasses? ›

Top 5 Things to Consider When Selecting Your Optical Frames
  1. Your style. Think of eyeglasses as a way to show the world what drives your style. ...
  2. Your personality. Optical frames are a fun way to express your personality. ...
  3. The shape and size of your face. ...
  4. The color of your hair and skin. ...
  5. Type of lenses.

Is it better to go to an ophthalmologist or optometrist? ›

Visit your medical optometrist for primary medical eye care, including eye medication prescriptions, monitoring and managing eye diseases, or emergency eye care services. Visit an ophthalmologist for interventions like surgical treatments for serious eye diseases, advanced ocular problems, or refractive eye surgery.

Is it better to get glasses from optometrist? ›

The slightest error in lens manufacturing or frame alignment can impact your vision. Purchasing from your optometrist minimizes the risk of such errors, providing peace of mind that your eyewear is perfectly suited to your needs.

Should your eyes be in the center of your glasses? ›

How Should Glasses Fit Your Eyes? The lenses of your glasses should be centered in front of your eyes so that your pupils are looking out of the middle of each lens. This rule applies both horizontally and vertically. Your eyes should not be too far up or down, left or right in relation to the lenses.

What happens if glasses are not centered? ›

This centering is crucial: Look straight through the middle (or optical center) of your glasses lenses. If you end up looking out of the sides instead, you won't be getting optimal clarity of vision—especially if you wear progressives and other frames with multifocal lenses.

How do you fix off centered glasses? ›

Regardless of the reason though, you can adjust this by bending the temple arm right by the hinge or just behind the curve at your ear. Gently heat the part you're planning to adjust. Then hold your glasses in the middle of the frame with one hand and use the other to bend the section you've chosen.

What if PD is off by 2mm? ›

Pupillary Distance (PD) And The Importance Of Having An Accurate Measurement. Did you know that an error of only 2mm can lead to a loss of more than 40% of your clear vision field? PD, or pupillary distance, refers to the distance in millimeters between the center of one pupil to the center of the other.

What can occur if the optical centers of spectacles are not aligned? ›

If the lens elements are not precisely aligned, the optical center offset could result in soft focus or aberrations.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.