How do you conduct international market research? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 12, 2024

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Define your objectives


Choose your methods


Select your sources


Analyze your data


Report your findings


Here’s what else to consider

International market research is the process of gathering and analyzing data about customers, competitors, and markets in different countries or regions. It can help you identify new opportunities, adapt your products or services, and avoid costly mistakes. But how do you conduct international market research effectively? Here are some tips to guide you.

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  • Ankesh Saxena 27X Top Voices | Conversationalist | Podcaster | Consumer Insights | Driving Global Growth | Market Research | Personal…

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  • Richa Bharti 🎓MBA, NMIMS'23 Mumbai | LinkedIn Top voice🗣️ | 70k+ Impression🌟 Business case Studies 🌟Marketing Enthusiast |…

    How do you conduct international market research? (7) 6

How do you conduct international market research? (8) How do you conduct international market research? (9) How do you conduct international market research? (10)

1 Define your objectives

Before you start collecting data, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your international market research. What are the main questions you want to answer? Who are your target customers and markets? What are your goals and criteria for success? Defining your objectives will help you focus your research and avoid wasting time and resources on irrelevant or redundant information.

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  • Ankesh Saxena 27X Top Voices | Conversationalist | Podcaster | Consumer Insights | Driving Global Growth | Market Research | Personal Branding | ESOMAR, MRSI | 6K+
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    Conduct international market research by identifying target markets and understanding cultural, economic, and regulatory differences. Utilize secondary research sources like industry reports and government data to gather insights. Customize survey instruments or interview protocols to suit cultural nuances and language preferences. Leverage local partners or market research firms for data collection and analysis. Validate findings through pilot studies or focus groups. Continuously monitor global trends and adapt strategies accordingly for informed decision-making.


    How do you conduct international market research? (19) 7

  • Richa Bharti 🎓MBA, NMIMS'23 Mumbai | LinkedIn Top voice🗣️ | 70k+ Impression🌟 Business case Studies 🌟Marketing Enthusiast | HCL | Marketing, Investments and Business insights🚀 Open for Brand Collaborations and Promotion
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    We can conduct international market research by:1) Define your objectives.2) Choose your methods.3) Select your sources.4) Analyze your data.5) Report your findings.


    How do you conduct international market research? (28) 6

  • Siamak Ekhtary Business Developer / Brand marketing strategist
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    🔴 Conducting international market research involves gathering and analyzing information about foreign markets to make informed business decisions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct international market research: Define Your Objectives Identify the Target Market Gather Secondary Data Cultural Analysis Economic Analysis Legal and Regulatory Assessment Competitive Analysis Conduct Primary Research Adapt Your Product/Service Market Entry Strategies Risk Assessment Budget Planning Pilot Programs Continuous Monitoring.By following these steps, you can conduct comprehensive international market research that provides valuable insights for successful market entry and expansion.


    How do you conduct international market research? (37) How do you conduct international market research? (38) 4

  • Defining your research objectives is critical for steering your efforts in the right direction. Whether it's discovering new markets, understanding customer preferences, or evaluating competition, having clear objectives ensures that your research is purposeful and effective. By pinpointing what you aim to achieve, you can focus your resources on gathering relevant data and insights that directly contribute to your business goals. Whether you're seeking growth opportunities, refining product offerings, or strategizing against competitors, defining your objectives guides the entire research process, ultimately leading to informed decision-making and business success.


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2 Choose your methods

Conducting international market research requires you to consider your objectives, budget, and time frame. Common methods include secondary research, which uses existing data from sources such as reports or databases; primary research, which involves collecting new data from customers or competitors; and mixed methods, which combines secondary and primary research to complement each other. Secondary research can help you gain a general overview of the market size and trends, while primary research can help you gain a deeper understanding of the market needs. Mixed methods can provide a more comprehensive picture of the market situation.

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    I often utilize online options for international research as it "speeds up the process" due to new and improved methods for distributing surveys to large amounts of international audiences. Putting localized language in surveys is now easy and can be done with 99.9% accuracy.


    How do you conduct international market research? (56) How do you conduct international market research? (57) 6

  • RAVI KUMAR Top 10 SEOs | Vice President | Entrepreneur | SEO Wizard | Digital Marketing Expert | Author | Speaker | Trainer | Consultant
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    Selecting methods for international market research involves considering factors like target audience, cultural differences, and data accuracy. Begin with desk research to gather existing information. Utilize surveys, interviews, and focus groups tailored to local preferences for primary data. Leverage online tools, social media, and local experts. Emphasize quantitative methods for numerical insights and qualitative approaches for cultural understanding. Ensure language appropriateness and consider using local agencies for fieldwork. The chosen mix should align with objectives, ensuring a comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach.


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3 Select your sources

When selecting sources for your research, credibility, accessibility, and compatibility are all important factors to consider. To assess credibility, you need to determine how reliable and trustworthy the source is, as well as how recent and relevant the data is. Accessibility involves considering the cost and ease of access to the source. Compatibility asks if the source can provide the data you need in the format and language you prefer, as well as if it covers the market or segment you want to study.

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    Selecting target markets is critical to get accurate results and frame budgets accurately. Do a national /cultural analysis - language, customs, social barriers, and behaviors ( for example, in some countries - women do NOT like to be interviewed by men). So, understanding legal and Regulatory compliances is crucial. Arriving at a correct and ideal sample size and avoiding confirmatory biases through wrong sample selection (test of hypothesis, etc) is also an important factor to consider.


    How do you conduct international market research? (76) 2

  • RAVI KUMAR Top 10 SEOs | Vice President | Entrepreneur | SEO Wizard | Digital Marketing Expert | Author | Speaker | Trainer | Consultant
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    Choose diverse and reputable sources for international market research. Begin with official government statistics, trade reports, and industry publications. Utilize international organizations like the World Bank and IMF. Leverage academic journals, market intelligence firms, and credible news outlets. Tap into local sources, such as chambers of commerce and industry associations. Conduct competitor analysis using financial reports and case studies. Utilize online databases, social media, and expert interviews. Verify data reliability and relevance to ensure a well-rounded and accurate understanding of the international market landscape.


    How do you conduct international market research? (85) How do you conduct international market research? (86) 6

  • Nainil Chheda Get 3 To 5 Qualified Leads Every Week Or You Don’t Pay. I Teach People How To Get Clients Without Online Ads. Created Over 10,000 Pieces Of Content. LinkedIn Coach. Text +1-267-241-3796
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    While credibility matters, don't dismiss unconventional sources. Sometimes, innovation emerges from unexpected places. Balance tradition with exploration. Embrace diverse perspectives beyond established norms. Accessibility shouldn't overshadow quality. Invest in sources that challenge assumptions and provoke fresh insights. This approach fosters creativity and resilience, propelling your research beyond conventional boundaries.


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4 Analyze your data

After collecting your data, you must analyze it to extract meaningful insights and conclusions. Depending on the data you have, you may need to use different tools and techniques to organize, summarize, and interpret it. When analyzing your data, you should clean it to ensure accuracy and quality, categorize it into meaningful categories, visualize it in graphical forms, and interpret it to answer research questions and draw conclusions. Cleaning your data involves checking and correcting any errors, inconsistencies, or missing values. Categorizing your data involves grouping it into themes based on common characteristics or patterns. Visualizing your data involves presenting it in charts, tables, maps, or diagrams. Interpreting your data involves explaining and evaluating the meaning and significance of your data based on objectives and criteria.

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  • RAVI KUMAR Top 10 SEOs | Vice President | Entrepreneur | SEO Wizard | Digital Marketing Expert | Author | Speaker | Trainer | Consultant
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    To analyze international market research data effectively, follow a systematic approach. Begin by cleaning and organizing data for consistency. Employ statistical tools for quantitative insights, assessing trends, and identifying patterns. Conduct cross-cultural analyses, considering cultural nuances. Compare data across regions and demographics for comprehensive insights. Utilize data visualization tools to simplify complex information. Perform a SWOT analysis, evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the international market context. Incorporate local context and expert input for a well-rounded interpretation, facilitating informed decision-making.


    How do you conduct international market research? (104) How do you conduct international market research? (105) 4

  • Aarón Rosette ¿Sabes qué tan satisfechos están tus alumnos, familias y profesores? | Mi trabajo es medir la satisfacción y la lealtad en los colegios | Ayudo a instituciones educativas a tomar decisiones basadas en datos.
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    La visualización de los datos, mediante gráficos, tablas, y otros medios gráficos, no solo ayuda a interpretar los datos de manera más intuitiva, sino que también permite presentar hallazgos complejos de una forma accesible y comprensible. Esta etapa es crucial para comunicar efectivamente los resultados del análisis a todas las partes interesadas, incluidos los equipos de marketing, directivos, y potenciales colaboradores.



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5 Report your findings

The final step of conducting international market research is to report your findings to your audience, such as clients, managers, or stakeholders. Your report should be clear, concise, and convincing. It should begin with an executive summary that captures the attention and interest of your audience, and highlights the main points and recommendations. The introduction should provide the rationale and justification for your research, as well as define any key terms or concepts. The methodology section should demonstrate the validity and reliability of your research, while the results section should present the data and analysis in a factual manner using visual aids such as graphs, tables, or charts. The discussion section should interpret and evaluate the results based on objectives and criteria, while the conclusion should summarize the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations of your research.

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  • RAVI KUMAR Top 10 SEOs | Vice President | Entrepreneur | SEO Wizard | Digital Marketing Expert | Author | Speaker | Trainer | Consultant
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    Presenting international market research findings requires a clear and concise report. Start with an executive summary highlighting key insights and recommendations. Structure the report logically, covering market overview, methodology, and objectives. Use visuals like charts and graphs for data clarity. Provide detailed analysis of market trends, competition, and consumer behavior. Include country-specific insights and cultural considerations. Conclude with actionable recommendations tailored to global market entry or expansion. Keep language simple, considering diverse stakeholders, and offer appendices for additional details. This ensures a comprehensive yet accessible report for informed decision-making.


    How do you conduct international market research? (123) How do you conduct international market research? (124) 4

  • Alexis Analyst Marketing | Research | Analytics | Sales
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    Recent emphasis has been placed on using the language understood by the target audience, ensuring broad coverage of the intended audience, and providing accurate answers supported by the techniques outlined in the report and backed by opinions and references from credible sources.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Dmytro Shvets YOUR GUIDE TO FOREIGN MARKETS:Professional advice for international expansion
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    Prior to a market research of a particular country you need to choose the focus markets by comparing data of different countries together. In this case you would need to consider that first set of data should be equal to all countries. E.g. it would be almost impossible to find reliable data on market size for close to 200 countries in the world. The unified data may be available at the macro scale. E.g. the number of population or import/export volumes. You can find this type of data in international organizations like World Bank or Trademap by UN.


    How do you conduct international market research? (142) 3

  • Aarón Rosette ¿Sabes qué tan satisfechos están tus alumnos, familias y profesores? | Mi trabajo es medir la satisfacción y la lealtad en los colegios | Ayudo a instituciones educativas a tomar decisiones basadas en datos.
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    Me gustaría destacar la importancia de la empatía y la conexión humana en el ámbito de la investigació. A menudo, nos centramos intensamente en los datos, las tendencias y las estrategias, olvidando que, en el corazón de cada decisión, hay individuos con aspiraciones, miedos y sueños.



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Market Research How do you conduct international market research? (152)

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How do you conduct international market research? (2024)


How do you conduct international market research? ›

Thankfully, there are many tools and resources that you can use when analyzing international markets. Online data sources, government reports, globalization indexes, and networking opportunities all offer valuable insights, helping you select the best possible market.

What are the 6 steps in international market research? ›

Six steps in the market research process
  • Identify the problem or objective.
  • Develop your research strategy.
  • Gather data and information.
  • Analyze data and information.
  • Present findings.
  • Act on your findings.

What are the three basic stages of international market research? ›

The three basic stages of international market research, while detailed, aren't particularly complex:
  • Stage 1. Screen potential markets. ...
  • Stage 2. Assess target markets. ...
  • Stage 3. Draw conclusions. ...
  • 4.2. 1 Secondary research. ...
  • 4.2. 2 Primary research. ...
  • 4.2. 3 Online resources. ...
  • 4.2. 4 Profiling potential markets.
Mar 22, 2024

What are the basic steps in planning international marketing research? ›

Steps & methods of international market study
  • Step – 1: Definition of a study problem. ...
  • Step – 2: Estimating Information Value. ...
  • Step – 3: Choosing an Approach for Data Collection. ...
  • Step – 4: Selection of a measurement technique. ...
  • Step – 5: Choosing a Sample. ...
  • Step – 6: Choice of Analytical Methods.

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For countries, look up data on population size and makeup, per capita income, and production levels by industry. These are important indicators of market potential for your company's products. Resources for this type of information include, among others: U.S. Commercial Service Country Commercial Guides (CCGs)

How to do international market research? ›

Thankfully, there are many tools and resources that you can use when analyzing international markets. Online data sources, government reports, globalization indexes, and networking opportunities all offer valuable insights, helping you select the best possible market.

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The authors present a powerful and tested approach that helps managers see a business's every action through the eyes of its customers. This approach is organized around the values that matter most to customers: Acceptability, Affordability, Accessibility and Awareness.

What are the three C's of international marketing? ›

This method has you focusing your analysis on the 3C's or strategic triangle: the customers, the competitors and the corporation. By analyzing these three elements, you will be able to find the key success factor (KSF) and create a viable marketing strategy.

What is the most critical step in the international marketing research process? ›

The most important part of the marketing research process is defining the problem. In order to do any research and collect data, you have to know what you are trying to learn from the research.

How to conduct a market research? ›

How to do a market research: the steps
  1. Define buyer personas. ...
  2. Identify a group of personas to engage. ...
  3. Prepare questions for participants. ...
  4. List your main competitors. ...
  5. Summarize your findings. ...
  6. Tell a story. ...
  7. Choose technologies that automate and simplify data acquisition, communication, and sharing processes.
May 12, 2022

What is the international research process? ›

International marketing research is the systematic design, collection, recording, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of information relating to a particular marketing decision facing a company operating internationally.

What is the task of international marketing research? ›

International market research studies markets and consumers across different countries and cultures. It provides insights into global trends, preferences, and behaviors, aiding businesses in tailoring strategies for diverse geographical audiences.

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The document discusses the planning process for international marketing operations. It outlines a 4-phase process: 1) Preliminary analysis and screening of potential markets, 2) Defining target markets and adapting the marketing mix, 3) Developing a marketing plan for target markets, and 4) Implementation and control.

How do you conduct international research? ›

Preparing New Researchers for International Settings
  1. Conduct background research on the area.
  2. Study previous research pertaining to the area.
  3. Communicate with local support for updated information on the area.
  4. Use cultural training methods and resources related to their research site.
  5. Work with a trusted translator.

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Cultural and language barriers

One of the most distinct challenges to global market studies is often translating research questions into the language of its subjects. After surveys and questionnaires have been answered, responses must then be translated back into the original language for interpretation and analysis.

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  1. Licensing: Transfer the rights to market and use your product to an established foreign company.
  2. Partnering: Find a local partner that can provide valuable insider knowledge and contacts.
  3. Joint venture: Choose a partner to create an independently managed company to market your product.
Sep 25, 2023

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The Research Process
  • Step 1: Exploring Your Research Idea and Constructing Your Search. ...
  • Step 2: Finding Background Information. ...
  • Step 3: Gathering More Information. ...
  • Step 4: Locating Current Research. ...
  • Step 5: Evaluating Your Sources. ...
  • Step 6: Cite What You Find in Discipline-Appropriate Format.
Apr 30, 2024

What are the 6 stages of internationalization? ›

The Stages of Internationalization
  • Stage 1: Domestic Stage. In the domestic stage, companies focus solely on their local market. ...
  • Stage 2: Pre-Export Stage. ...
  • Stage 3: Export Stage. ...
  • Stage 4: Establishment of Foreign Sales Subsidiary. ...
  • Stage 5: Establishment of Foreign Production. ...
  • Stage 6: Multinational Stage.

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How to do a market analysis in 6 steps
  • Research your industry. ...
  • Investigate the competitive landscape. ...
  • Identify market gaps. ...
  • Define your target market. ...
  • Identify barriers to entry. ...
  • Create a sales forecast.
Mar 26, 2024

What are the 6 steps of the marketing research process what are the problems of doing marketing research internationally? ›

The marketing research process consists of six steps. They are Define the problem and research objectives, develop the research plan, collect the information, analyze the information, present the findings, and make the decision. Each steps bears room for unethical behavior.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.