Global Enterprises: Meaning, Features and Concepts with Examples (2024)

Private, Public and Global Enterprises

Global business generally refers to international trade. A company which is doing business all over the world, that business are called global enterprises. Earlier also there was theexchange of goods over great distances. Such trade, of course, was not by definition global but had the same characteristics.

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Global Enterprises

Global enterprises are the companies that operate around the world. There are categories based on their huge size, a large number of products, advance in technology, marketing, strategy and network of operations all over the world.

Through a network of their branches in several countries, global enterprises extend their industrial and marketing operations. Their vision to work across many global frontiers to earn in international currencies of many countries. These organizations have books of accounts of various countries, which at the end of financial year of respective countries being consolidated together, according to its usage.

Browse more Topics under Private Public And Global Enterprises

Global Business Services

Instead of operating numerous shared service centres and managing outsourcing vendors independently, they are:

  • implementing global business services,
  • providing integration of governance, locations and business practices to all shared services and,
  • outsourcing activities across the enterprises.

A global enterprise is one which owns and manages the functions in two or more countries. for example- Unilever Ltd, Coca-Cola, Samsung etc.

Global Enterprises: Meaning, Features and Concepts with Examples (8)

Features of Global Enterprise

Huge Capital Resources

These enterprises have huge financial resources. They have the ability to raise funds from different sources. Funds are raised by the issue of issuing equity shares, debentures, etc to the public. The investors of the host countries are always willing to invest in them because of their high credibility in the market.

Foreign Collaborations

With companies of the host countries, these enterprises enter into agreements. These agreements are made in respect of the sale of technology, production of goods, patents, resources, etc.

Advanced Technologies

These enterprises use advanced technology for production, hence goods/services provided by the MNCs conform the international standard and quality specifications.

Product Innovations

These enterprises have efficient teams doing research and development at their own R &D centres. The main task is to develop new products and design existing products into new shapes in such a manner as to make them looks and new and attractive and also creates satisfies the demands of the customers.

Expansion of Market Territory

They expand their market territory when the network of operations of these enterprises extends beyond their existing physical boundaries. They occupy dominant positions in various markets by operating through their branches, subsidiaries in host countries.

Centralized Control

Despite the fact the branches of these branches of these enterprises are spread over in many countries, they are managed and controlled by their Head Office (HO) in their home country only. All these branches have to work within the broad policy framework of their parent company.

Solved Questions for You

Q. Explain the term “Multinationals”?

Ans- The term is used in a neutral sense simply to indicate the very large size and participation in global markets. A more negative connotation of the term is that:

  • such corporations are effectively beyond the full reach of national laws.
  • They have a presence in many locations and,
  • Can move money and resources around at will, which can sometimes escape taxation and thus represent a power beyond public control.

Q3. What motivates a company to go global?

Ans- The desire to expand its business motivates a company to go global. If a company wants to enjoy the fruits of large-scale production, it needs a bigger market spread over too many countries.

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Global Enterprises: Meaning, Features and Concepts with Examples (2024)


Global Enterprises: Meaning, Features and Concepts with Examples? ›

Global enterprises are large industrial organisations that expand their industrial and commercial operations across many nations through a network of subsidiaries. Their financial resources, cutting-edge technology, and goodwill put them in a position to exert significant control over the global economy.

What are global enterprises and its features? ›

Global enterprises are those enterprises which has its headquarters in one country but operate their business in many countries. Global enterprises are also called as multinational companies or transnational corporation. For example Coca-Cola, Hyundai, Nike and so on.

What is an example of a global enterprise? ›

A global enterprise is one which owns and manages the functions in two or more countries. for example- Unilever Ltd, Coca-Cola, Samsung etc.

What is global company and its features? ›

A global company is one that operates in at least one country other than its home country. Realistically, expanding to one additional country is a major success for Global Company. “Global” means “all around the world.” Because of this, a Global corporation would need to do business globally.

What are global business concepts? ›

A global business is a company that operates facilities (such as factories and distribution centres) in many countries around the world. This is different from an international business, which sells products worldwide but has facilities only in its home country.

What are the features of an enterprise? ›

Most often, however, a business described as an enterprise will have specific characteristics. Enterprises are typically large, complex organizations with various divisions and departments managed by a board of directors or an executive team. The term can also describe innovative entrepreneurial ventures.

What are the benefits of global enterprises? ›

Here are seven of the most common advantages involved with expanding your business on an international scale:
  • New Revenue Potential. ...
  • The Ability to Help More People. ...
  • Greater Access to Talent. ...
  • Learning a New Culture. ...
  • Exposure to Foreign Investment Opportunities. ...
  • Improving Your Company's Reputation. ...
  • Diversifying Company Markets.
Dec 19, 2014

What is another name for a global enterprise? ›

A multinational corporation (MNC; also called a multinational enterprise (MNE), transnational enterprise (TNE), transnational corporation (TNC), international corporation, or stateless corporation, – with subtle but contrasting senses) is a corporate organization that owns and controls the production of goods or ...

What is global business with example? ›

Global businesses are companies that serve the whole country or a large region. They are usually large, multi-national companies with a global reach. Some international business examples include Walmart, Starbucks, and Google.

Is Coca Cola a global enterprise? ›

From its humble beginnings in 1886 at a local pharmacy in Atlanta, Coca-Cola has grown into one of the world's most recognizable brands and successful global businesses.

What are examples of global services? ›

Global business services (GBS) is a term used to describe integrated, shared services that are used to support business units and organizations around the world. GBS can include a variety of services, such as finance, accounting, human resources, marketing, information technology, and customer service.

What is the concept of global corporation? ›

Global Corporations

A global company is generally referred to as a multinational corporation (MNC). An MNC is a company that operates in two or more countries, leveraging the global environment to approach varying markets in attaining revenue generation.

What makes a company a global company? ›

A global company truly operates in various countries providing goods/services both in the native country as well as moving goods/services between countries. A fully functioning global company has a culture and perspective that transcends the locale where it is registered or where its stock is listed.

What is the meaning of global concept? ›

1. covering, influencing, or relating to the whole world. 2. comprehensive.

What are the 5 concepts of global economy? ›

Elements of economic globalization

The growth in cross-border economic activities takes five principal forms: (1) international trade; (2) foreign direct investment; (3) capital market flows; (4) migration (movement of labor); and (5) diffusion of technology (Stiglitz, 2003).

What are the features of the global system? ›

The main determinants of the global system are nation states, multinational corporations, international institutions, and non-governmental organizations. Globalization refers to the integration of economic, social, political, cultural, and technological connections between countries.

What is the objective of global enterprises? ›

The central vision of a global enterprise company is to operate across many countries to earn international currencies. It has different books of accounts in several countries, which are merged at the end of the financial year according to their usage.

What are global features and local features? ›

Global features, also known as global descriptors, are high-level, holistic characteristics of an image or video frame that are used in computer vision and image processing. Unlike local features, which describe distinct, informative regions of an image, global features provide a summary of the entire image or video.

Why are global enterprises considered? ›

Global enterprises are considered superior to other business organisations because: Advanced Technology: MNCs use advanced and sophisticated technology in their production process. Huge wealth: MNCs have huge physical and financial assets. It keeps on increasing with increase in network of operations.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.