What Will My Tattoo Look Like When I’m 40? | How Do Tattoos Age? (2024)

“What will that look like when you’re older?” for many of us, this was our parents’ first argument to dissuade us from getting tattoos. It was right up there with, “how will you explain that tattoo to your grandchildren?”Of course with tattoos becoming a staple of mainstream society, there’s a whole generation of kids ‘mirin their grandparents’ ink.Still, while the concern for the acceptance of tattoos fading, there is still the question of how the tattoo looks as it ages. We’ve all heard the warnings that tattoos fade over time, or that changes in your body will ruin the design. But are they true?Today, our Downtown Toronto tattoo shop answers your questions about how tattoos age.

Does Aging Change How My Tattoo Looks?

Our bodies change a lot as we go through life. The signs of ageing are evident upon our skin. Wrinkles, sagging and loosening skin. Add in the wear and tear of the years, and you can expect some changes over time.A tattoo is part of your skin, any significant deterioration that happens to your skin affects the ink. Generally, the change is slow and the better care you take of your skin, the better the tattoo’s appearance remains.The location of your tattoo changes how much the tattoo wears over time. Somewhere like the upper leg, which is usually covered and has a lot of friction will receive more wear than somewhere that is usually unrestricted.The size of the tattoo is another factor here. Having lots of small lettering or tiny, intricate details leaves more chance of distortion. The small changes in your skin can, over the decades, change the appearance of these smaller details. A large tattoo with bold lines and design is less likely to experience as noticeable distortion.

Will Changing Body Shape Affect My Tattoo?

People often have concerns about how weight loss/gain or putting on muscle will affect their tattoo. We urge people not to worry before going on that diet or pumping some iron. Only a dramatic change in body shape might cause a noticeable difference.Rapid weight loss can cause sagging skin or change the shape of your body. In most cases, weight loss won’t affect the tattoo much - with the exception of smaller details. The other possible distortion is if sagging skin causes an overlap on a tattoo.Following a safe, healthy diet is the best approach. These diets have a slower, but sustainable pace. That means they avoid rapid weight loss as well as large fluctuations in weight gain and loss. In addition to being a healthier approach, this helps to preserve the appearance of your tattoo.For aspiring bodybuilders, it takes substantial muscle gain to distort a tattoo. You’re unlikely to see a significant change, even during bulking season. If this is a big concern, you may feel better choosing a forearm tattoo, or inking another area where muscle gain is slow.

Will My Tattoo Fade With Time?

The most notable change in a tattoos appearance comes from wear and tear over a lifetime. As your skin ages, your tattoo ages with it. Although the ink will never completely disappear, over time your tattoo will begin to fade. How quickly and how much, depends on care.What Will My Tattoo Look Like When I’m 40? | How Do Tattoos Age? (1)

Does Ink Colour Affect How Fast Tattoos Fade?

The colour and quality of tattoo ink change how soon a tattoo begins fading. Blackwork tattoos maintain their appearance longer than colour. As a rule, the brighter the colour the faster it fades. Still, even with bright reds and whites, this fading takes years to occur.Watercolour tattoos have a reputation as the tattoos that fade fastest. Realistically, the style has become popular so recently, that this belief is unproven. Although, the brighter colours suggest fading will be more noticeable than with a greyscale tattoo.Still the biggest determining factor in how a tattoo ages is how well it’s cared for.

How to Slow or Avoid Tattoo Fading?

A well-cared-for tattoo will take years to show noticeable fading. Some of the biggest factors in how long it takes revolves around what you do when you first get the tattoo. We take a look at what you can do to slow or prevent tattoo fading.


Following your tattoo aftercare plan is essential to preventing premature fading, and extending the life of your tattoo. How you care for your tattoo over the first week has the biggest impact on the ink’s appearance throughout its lifespan.


Tattoo ink is part of your skin. So, what’s good for your skin is good for your tattoo. Moisturizing helps to maintain your skin health and retain its appearance as you age.


Wear sunscreen. The sun’s rays are damaging to your skin. In the USA alone, there 4.3 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. Wearing sunscreen is one of the simplest steps to prevent this.But it’s not just your health that’s at risk. The sun speeds up the ageing process of your tattoo. Sunscreen can help reduce this effect. As well, it’s best to avoid exposing tattoos to direct sunlight for extended periods.

Is Tattoo Fading Reversible?

Even with the best care, all tattoos eventually fall victim to time. After years or decades, the ink starts to fade. Some people like how this adds character to the tattoo. But, that’s not for everyone. To bring back the vibrancy of the original, only a tattoo touch-up reverses fading.A touch-up tattoo artist tattoos over the existing design. They touch up areas that have faded or been distorted. Depending on the appearance, they may tattoo over the entire tattoo, or add small details and colour to restore or improve upon the initial design.

What Will My Tattoo Look Like When I’m 40? | How Do Tattoos Age? (2) Before & After of a Tattoo Touch-Up

So How Will My Tattoo Look When I’m 40?

It depends on the tattoo type, how you care for it, and when you get it. A fine line tattoo typically begins to lose its definition after about 15 years. Bigger, bolder lines maintain their look for longer with proper care. At 40, many people will still have their tattoo in great shape, but if not, a touch-up is a great solution.To and keep your tattoos looking great year after year.

What Will My Tattoo Look Like When I’m 40? | How Do Tattoos Age? (2024)


What Will My Tattoo Look Like When I’m 40? | How Do Tattoos Age? ›

A fine line tattoo typically begins to lose its definition after about 15 years. Bigger, bolder lines maintain their look for longer with proper care. At 40, many people will still have their tattoo in great shape, but if not, a touch-up is a great solution.

How will tattoos look when you're old? ›

The main signs of tattoo aging include the ink's pigment breaking down, causing your tattoo to appear blurry, stretched, wrinkled or less vibrant than it once was.

What tattoo designs age well? ›

Certain tattoo styles that use black and/or grey ink, such as Tribal tattoos, Greyscale tattoos, and American Traditional tattoos (as well as bold lettering or Zodiac tattoos) are known to age well. These different tattoo styles feature bold, detailed linework that is deeply injected into the skin.

What happens to tattoos when your skin gets old? ›

Natural aging of the skin may slightly alter the appearance of a tattoo. Aged skin is thinner, looser and less elastic. The surface is more dry and sensitive and needs more moisturization and care.

Do tattoos spread with age? ›

"Tattoos fade because we are human and we age," she says. "Skin will wrinkle and sag, which affects the appearance of tattoos. All tattoos will soften and spread on the skin over time. Lines will get a little thicker, a little softer, which can be bad for very small details."

What do tattoos look like after 40 years? ›

A fine line tattoo typically begins to lose its definition after about 15 years. Bigger, bolder lines maintain their look for longer with proper care. At 40, many people will still have their tattoo in great shape, but if not, a touch-up is a great solution.

What body parts do tattoos age best on? ›

Therefore, if you are a more mature adult getting a tattoo, choose an area of the body that is less susceptible to aging. Popular placement choices for tattoos on older skin include the shoulders, back, and ankles.

How realistic tattoos age? ›

Overall, while all tattoos will fade to some extent over time, with proper care and attention, realism tattoos can age well and continue to be a beautiful and meaningful piece of art for years to come.

Where do tattoos fade the most? ›

The location of the tattoo can affect fading

Areas of the body tattoos fade most include the hands, feet, elbows, armpit and inside of the arms. The reason is simple: friction. For example, tattoos on your feet fade quicker as socks and shoes are constantly rubbing these areas.

What tattoo ink ages well? ›

Black Tattoo Ink

While factors like excessive sun exposure and natural skin aging can impact the overall look of a black ink tattoo, this traditional styling is still the leading choice for tattoo longevity.

Can your skin reject a tattoo years later? ›

In line with the presumed pathophysiology, chronic allergic tattoo reactions occur months or years following body art completion. They typically present as, localized to the red tattoo area, swelling, granulomas, ulceration, pruritis or hyperkeratosis [4,5,13].

Does going over an old tattoo hurt more? ›

Cover up tattoos may feel slightly more painful than a regular tattoo, as the tattoo artist needs to go over the same area where your skin has already been inked. However, pain levels vary from person to person, and your experience will depend on factors such as your pain tolerance and the location of the tattoo.

What happens to tattoos when you lose weight? ›

Tattoos and Weight Loss

When you lose weight, your skin becomes thin and tight. Often, your skin can take years to shrink to its normal size after losing weight. This means that your tattoo will appear to be faded and distorted, as the ink can move to the surface of the skin from the contraction of the skin.

Do people regret tattoos as they age? ›

Keep in mind: Of the people we talked to (the majority being teenagers to twentysomethings), a whopping 78 percent regret at least one of their tattoos. And 19 percent of participants with two tattoos regret both. Planning ahead is the best way you can make sure you don't suffer from tattoo regret.

What does a tattoo look like after 60 years? ›

Another factor of tattoo aging is dependent on the location of your tattoo. This has a big effect on tattoos because the artwork can be compromised as your skin wrinkles and sags. Outlines may get muddled, colours will fade, and the original ink might not be discernable.

Why do older generations not like tattoos? ›

Tattoos often have a negative stigma in society, particularly from the older generations. From this demographic, tattoos are sometimes viewed as trashy, or as a reason not to take someone seriously. Even as a reason not to give someone a job they are qualified for.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.