Best Realism Tattoo Artist | Black and Grey Ink | Jose Torres Tattoo (2024)

How Much Does a Realism Tattoo Cost?

Jose charges $200 an hour and a minimum of 6 hours is required for your realism tattoo, which can take up to 16 hours depending on the size, design, and area of your body you want the tattoo. To book Joseand schedule your realism tattoo session, you'll also need to make a $200 deposit (it goes towards your tattoo and locks in your scheduled date). The deposit is non-refundable but if a client needs to reschedule for whatever reason, Jose will do his best to reschedule and pass the deposit over so the deposit is not lost.

How Long Does a Realism Tattoo Take?

The average realism tattoo takes 6-8 hours, with some lasting an entire day or more. Every custom realism tattoo varies in time length depending on the size, design, and location of your tattoo.

Does a Custom Realism Tattoo Hurt More?

Yes, realism tattoos require exquisite detail and shading, which takes longer and is why some say they hurt more. That said, everyone experiences pain differently, and your pain personality profile determines how you'll respond to your realism tattoo more than the style of tattoo. To learn more, explore this general tattoo pain chart, and consider this gender specific tattoo pain chart.

Best Realism Tattoo Artist | Black and Grey Ink | Jose Torres Tattoo (2024)


Who is the best black and grey realism tattoo artist? ›

Jose Torres is known as one of the best realism tattoo artists nationally and he is also tattoo shop owner near Fort Bragg in Fayetteville NC. He's traveled the states as a black and grey ink artist with tattoo clients from Cali to NYC.

How much do black and grey realism tattoos cost? ›

The price of a realistic tattoo varies based on multiple factors like your location, the experience level of your tattooist, the design size, and the amount of detail going into your piece, but you can expect to pay at least $250 or more for most realistic tattoos.

Do black and grey realism tattoos age well? ›

However, when done well and cared for properly, realism tattoos can age quite well and maintain their detail and clarity for many years. One advantage of black and grey realism tattoos is that they are less prone to fading than colour tattoos.

Why are realism tattoos so expensive? ›

As we mentioned before, micro realism tattoos are usually much smaller than other tattoo styles. Also, micro realism tattoos tend to be more expensive than other tattoo styles because they require a great deal of time and precision to execute properly.

How much does Dr Woo charge for tattoos? ›

Woo's working area is a modest 4ft x 2ft. He does between five and 11 tattoos a day, each one taking upwards of an hour. They cost anything from $200 to thousands (mine is $250). Woo's USP is his ability to replicate in fine detail from books or digital images.

How big is a $600 tattoo? ›

A palm-sized tattoo usually runs between $200-500, and medium to large tattoos (about 8”) usually range from $300-600.

Is 350 an hour a lot for a tattoo? ›

Another artist may charge a lot less with a minimum of $100 an hour. I also know artists who charge between $350-$500 an hour. If they are asking and receiving that fee then their value as an artist can determine that. Here is a bit of etiquette to consider when talking to an tattoo artist whose work you love.

What color tattoo ink ages best? ›

Black ink lasts the longest and is least likely to blur, making it the best choice of ink color for long-lasting tattoos. Black ink is so reliable it is usually used to help hold in color molecules. Artists will create a border around color details with black linework to prevent ink migration and color blurring.

Do realism tattoos fade quicker? ›

Realism tattoos are particularly vulnerable to fading, so it's important to take extra care with them. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent this. First, make sure that your tattoo artist is using fresh inks. Second, ask them to use a thicker needle.

How much does a full sleeve realism tattoo cost? ›

A full sleeve tattoo can cost anywhere from $1000 to $6000, depending on the hourly rate of the artist and how much time the art takes to complete. For a design in full color, expect to spend at least two full days sitting for the piece, or be prepared to sit for multiple sessions.

What makes a good realism tattoo? ›

3. Texture and Depth: To create a truly lifelike image, realism tattoos must incorporate texture and depth. This might include the smooth lines of a portrait or the rugged, rocky surface of a landscape. The artist must blend colors and shading to create a seamless, realistic finish.

Who is the famous blackout tattoo artist? ›

Jeanmarco Cicolini is a Geometric Tattoo Artist in Texas and Spain, who is known for creating beautiful modern geometric blackout tattoos.

Who started black and grey tattoos? ›

It started when a tattoo parlor opened up in East Los Angeles in the mid-1970s called Good Time Charlie's Tattooland. Their primarily Mexican-American clientele, male and female, wanted tattoos that were done in "la pinta" (prison) with fine lines and black and gray shading.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.