Traduction salut mon amour coment vas tu en Italien | Dictionnaire Français-Italien (2024)





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Traduction salut mon amour coment vas tu en Italien | Dictionnaire Français-Italien (1)


nm (sauvegarde) salvezza, scampo, (rel) salvezza, (geste, parole d'accueil, mil) saluto
fam, pour dire bonjour ciao, salve, (pour dire au revoir) ciao, (style relevé) salve
salut public salute f pubblica

Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Français - Italien&nbsp

Dictionnaire Collaboratif Français-Italien


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Traduction salut mon amour coment vas tu en Italien | Dictionnaire Français-Italien (4)"salut mon amour coment vas tu" : exemples et traductions en contexte
Salut. Comment tu vas, Yvette ?Ciao, come stai, Yvette?
Salut Sarah, comment tu vas ?Ciao, Sarah, come stai?
Salut, Hayley ? Comment vas tu ?Ciao, Hayley, come stai?
Salut, Chrissy, comment tu vas?Ehi, Chrissy, come stai?
Salut, petite Becca, comment vas-tu ?Ehi, piccola Becca, come stai?
salut Mousse, comment tu vas ?Ehi, Mousse, come va?

Voir plus d'exemples de traduction Français-Italien en contexte pour “salut mon amour coment vas tu

Traduction salut mon amour coment vas tu en Italien | Dictionnaire Français-Italien (2024)


What does salut mon amour mean? ›

Translation of "Salut mon amour" in English

Hello my love! Salut mon amour, comment vas-tu ? What's up love, how you doing?

What does salut comment tu vas mean? ›

Hi, how are you?

What should I reply to mon amour? ›

Moi aussi, je t'aime, mon amour. I love you too. Je t'aime, mon amour. I love you a lot.

How do you respond to Salut in French? ›

“Salut” is an informal greeting in French, and is the equivalent of saying “hi” or “hey” in English. This is a greeting that you will want to use with your peers, those younger than you, and people that you know. When responding, you can use any other greeting in French, including repeating “salut” back.

Is salut impolite? ›

Salut is used in a more relaxed way, usually with friends, or possibly colleagues. If you go to a store and address a young person from whom you want advice (say for a phone), you might also say salut. You wouldn't in France.

How do you respond to comment vas tu in French? ›

How to reply to “how are you” in French
  1. Ça va bien – I'm good.
  2. Ça va très bien – I'm very well.
  3. Ça va – I'm good/I'm fine.
  4. Pas mal – Not bad.
  5. Bof – Meh.
Oct 4, 2021

What is the meaning of vas tu? ›

'how are you?'—'

Can a woman say mon amour? ›

It would be goodbye mon amour regardless of whether speaking to a man or a woman (or about a man or a woman). However the word amour has a very strange particularity. It is always masculine in the singular, and always feminine in the plural.

What does salut mon beau mean? ›

Salut, mon beau. Hello, boy, hello.

What does Salut Madame mean? ›

Translation of "Salut, madame" in English. Salut. salvation hello. madame.

What is Salut mon coeur? ›

Salut, mon cœur. Hello, my love.

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