Plushie Therapy: The Oxytocin Effect in Stuffed Animals (2024)


Stuffed animals have a magical way of making us feel safe, comforted, and loved. But have you ever wondered why hugging a plush toy can make you feel so good? The secret lies in a fascinating neurochemical called oxytocin. In this article, we'll delve into the oxytocin-stuffed animal connection and explore the psychological aspects that make these cuddly companions so irresistible. Read on to find the most asked questions likeWhy does hugging stuffed animals feel good? orWhy do adults sleep with stuffed animals?

What is Stuffed Animal Therapy or Plush Therapy?

Stuffed animal therapy, also known as plush therapy, is a therapeutic practice that involves using soft and huggable plush toys to promote emotional well-being and reduce stress. This form of therapy capitalizes on the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and social connection. By hugging or cuddling a stuffed animal, individuals can trigger the release of oxytocin in the brain, leading to feelings of comfort, security, and emotional warmth. Stuffed animal therapy is a tangible way to create a safe space and evoke positive emotions, offering a respite from the challenges of daily life.

The Oxytocin Connection: Hugging for Happiness

Oxytocin, often dubbed the "cuddle hormone" or "love hormone," is a neurotransmitter that plays a pivotal role in social bonding, trust, and emotional connection. The simple act of hugging a stuffed animal triggers the release of oxytocin in our brains, evoking feelings of warmth, comfort, and happiness. This neurochemical response fosters a sense of security and emotional intimacy, making us feel truly cherished.

Can you get oxytocin from a stuffed animal?

While you can't directly get oxytocin from a stuffed animal, the act of hugging one can trigger the release of oxytocin in your brain. Oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone" or "cuddle chemical," is a neurotransmitter that's associated with bonding, trust, and social connection. When you hug or cuddle a plushie, your brain releases oxytocin, which leads to feelings of warmth and comfort.

Why does hugging stuffed animals feel good?

Hugging stuffed animals feels good because it triggers a release of oxytocin in your brain. This hormone promotes feelings of relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and enhances your emotional well-being. The sensation of holding a soft, comforting plushie against your body can evoke a sense of security and soothe your nervous system, making you feel better almost instantly.

What is the Psychology of stuffed animals?

The psychology of stuffed animals is rooted in our innate need for comfort and attachment. Plush toys often act as transitional objects that bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood. They represent a sense of security, innocence, and nostalgia, reminding us of simpler times. Psychologically, stuffed animals provide emotional support, reduce feelings of loneliness, and serve as non-judgmental companions in both challenging and joyful moments.

Why do adults sleep with stuffed animals?

Many adults sleep with stuffed animals for various psychological reasons. These cuddly companions can offer comfort during times of stress or loneliness, making the sleeping environment feel cozier and more secure. Stuffed animals can also serve as a link to fond childhood memories and act as a source of emotional support, especially for those who find solace in their presence.


Q What are the benefits of stuffed animal therapy?

A. Stuffed animaltherapy offers various benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing mood, and providing emotional support. It can also help create a sense of security and alleviate feelings of loneliness.

Q. Is Stuffed animaltherapy effective for adults as well as children?

A. Absolutely! Stuffed animaltherapy transcends age barriers. Adults can benefit just as much from the emotional comfort provided by hugging a stuffed animal. Many adults find solace, relaxation, and a sense of nostalgia in this practice.

5. Can Stuffed animaltherapy be a substitute for professional therapy?

Stuffed animaltherapy can be a valuable complement to professional therapy, but it's not a substitute for it. While hugging a stuffed animal can provide comfort, it's important to seek professional help when dealing with more complex emotional challenges.

6. How can I incorporate Stuffed animaltherapy into my routine?

Incorporating Stuffed animaltherapy is simple. Keep a favorite stuffed animal nearby and take a few moments each day to hug or cuddle it. Creating a cozy, safe space with your plushie can make the experience even more soothing.


Plushie therapy goes beyond mere nostalgia or childhood habits; it's a scientifically backed practice that nurtures our emotional well-being. The oxytocin effect, triggered by the simple act of hugging a stuffed animal, can provide a gentle respite from the demands of everyday life. So, the next time you find yourself in need of comfort or a moment of tranquility, consider reaching for your favorite plushie and embracing the therapeutic warmth it offers.

Plushie Therapy: The Oxytocin Effect in Stuffed Animals (2024)


Plushie Therapy: The Oxytocin Effect in Stuffed Animals? ›

Hugging a stuffed animal can release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. These comforting objects act as transitional items, connecting adults to positive emotions and memories from their childhood, aiding in stress reduction and emotional well-being.

Do stuffed animals release oxytocin? ›

Stress Relief: Hugging or holding a stuffed animal can also help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. This is because physical touch releases oxytocin, a hormone that can improve mood and reduce stress.

Can stuffed animals be therapeutic? ›

Stuffed animals create a presence and company that help reduce isolation and anxiety, especially in the case of social anxiety. As with stress, fluff can also serve as a cognitive distraction for those suffering from anxiety .

Are stuffed animals a coping mechanism? ›

Additionally, children can project their emotions onto their furry friends, helping them express and cope with their feelings in a healthy manner. Studies have shown that stuffed animals can act as emotional anchors for children with anxiety, offering a sense of stability and reassurance.

Why does cuddling with a stuffed animal feel good? ›

When cuddling something soft and comforting and humanoid, levels of cortisol — a stress hormone — are greatly lowered from physical contact. Alongside that, comfort releases oxytocin, a hormone that relaxes and soothes the mind. But research shows that stuffed animals do the same things for us.

Do stuffed animals release dopamine? ›

They can help ease anxiety symptoms

Weighted stuffed animals and weighted blankets work the same way a hug does -- it settles and calms the nervous system with deep pressure stimulation. When you use them, your brain releases serotonin and dopamine.

Is it OK for an adult to sleep with a stuffed animal? ›

Though there is no robust scientific literature on the effect of stuffed animals on adult sleep, several studies have shown that plush companions can help adults self-soothe. A 2016 study observed that holding a stuffed animal during group therapy allowed college students to better comfort themselves.

Why do people with anxiety love stuffed animals? ›

Plush toys can reduce anxiety naturally by offering a sense of security. Especially during times of change, stuffed animals can bring a constant sense of companionship because you know the toy will be there at the end of the day. They help ease loneliness, which means you can never have too many.

Why do people with ADHD like stuffed animals? ›

Helps Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - ADHD causes the mind and body to feel hyperactive and stressed. Daily use of weighted stuffed animals can help regulate the body and focus the mind, relieving negative symptoms of ADHD.

Why do I get emotionally attached to stuffed animals? ›

To Find Comfort

Because our stuffed friends had provided comfort when we were a child, our brains and psyche are hard-wired to recognize them as sources of comfort, even well into adulthood. Grief stuffed animals can be comforting, especially when times seem difficult.

What is the kink for stuffed animals? ›

Plushophilia, also known as plushie fetishism, generally refers to a sexual interest in stuffed animals or anthropomorphic creatures, often depicted as animals with human-like features.

Can stuffed animals help with trauma? ›

Stuffed Animals Help Us Heal From Trauma

Stuffed animals are used in some kinds of therapy! Stuffed animals can be useful in some kinds of “re-parenting,” in which a trauma survivor learns to care for and love the stuffed animal (and eventually themselves) to recover from traumatic experiences in childhood.

Is sleeping with a stuffed animal immature? ›

It's totally normal to sleep with a stuffed animal from your childhood. Experts say it can provide a sense of comfort and security and help soothe stress. However, if your attachment starts to interfere with your work or relationships, it could be indicative of a deeper problem that needs to be addressed.

Can stuffed animals help with depression? ›

“Animals, live or stuffed, can aid therapy for both children and adults by providing a way to experience and express emotions, a feeling of unconditional support, and grounding,” Barlow said.

How many adults still sleep with stuffed animals? ›

The growing trend of bespoke baby names: Would you buy a name? They found that across generations 40% of Americans sleep with a stuffed animal even when they have a bed companion.

Why does my girlfriend sleep with stuffed animals? ›

Some people sleep with a stuffed animal to cope with feelings of loneliness or sadness. Some can't bear to part with their childhood comfort object. And some, like me, simply need to hold something in order to reach dreamland. Even if I didn't, I would still be sleeping with one these days.

Can animals give you oxytocin? ›

Research has shown that simply petting a dog lowers the stress hormone cortisol , while the social interaction between people and their dogs actually increases levels of the feel-good hormone oxytocin (the same hormone that bonds mothers to babies).

Does snuggling release oxytocin? ›

When you cuddle with someone you care about, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that calms you and makes you more likely to deal better with stress. For example, you might laugh, distract yourself, or try to solve a problem.

What animals have the most oxytocin? ›

Dogs are chock full of the 'love hormone'

In fact, dog levels of oxytocin are on average five times higher than those of cats.

What does hugging a stuffed animal do? ›

Studies have shown that a comfort object like a teddy bear increases emotional wellbeing, coping skills, resilience, self-esteem, and sleep because the object triggers self-soothing behaviour. The stress-reducing effects of hugging may also work to keep you healthier.

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