NaLu (2024)

NaLu (1)

NaLu (2)36NaLu (3)25NaLu (4)15
“I never want to run off alone! I don't care how bad things are, its always more fun when we're all together!”
— Lucy to Natsu.

NaLu is the het ship between Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia from the Fairy Tail fandom.


  • 1 Canon
  • 3 Fanon
  • 4 Fandom
  • 5 Lists
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 References
  • 9 Navigation


Natsu and Lucy are the primary duo of the series. They share an extraordinarily close bond that has remained strong since they first met. Although no direct romance has been made apparent, romance has been implied between the two and they have blushed over one another from time to time. They often get teased over how close they are by the other members of the guild, with some outright stating that they are a couple or are in love.

The pair are frequently seen together throughout their time at Fairy Tail, often going on missions together with just the two of them, along with Happy, or as a much larger team with Gray, Erza, and later, Wendy and Carla. Whenever manga chapters or episodes are focused on other characters, Natsu and Lucy are always seen together, be it eating, choosing a job or wandering around Magnolia. When it comes to missions, despite being separated, they tend to find themselves reuniting and working together, and as a result, have developed a great sense of team work. Their relationship has been noticed by a number of other guild members, such as Juvia, Cana, Levy, Mirajane and Evergreen. Even Erza, who is normally disinterested about such things, has noted that if you ever want to find Natsu you just have to go to Lucy’s place. Furthermore, Happy has regularly joked that both Natsu and Lucy love each other and one of Lucy’s Celestial Spirits, Virgo, has teased her over the same thing. Edolas Lucy has also suggested that she and Natsu should start a relationship, which caused Lucy to blush.

NaLu (5)

Lucy feels a strong connection to Natsu and believes him to be responsible for fulfilling her dream of joining the Fairy Tail guild. She met him whilst in Hargeon after Natsu unintentionally stopped the effect of Bora’s Charm Magic on her. Feeling grateful, she decided to treat Natsu and Happy to some dinner. Whilst at the diner, she tells Natsu about her dream to one day join Fairy Tail, having great admiration for the guild and its numerous members, including the notorious Salamander (completely unaware that Natsu is the infamous Salamander), after paying the bill she says her goodbye to him. She is then immediately courted by Bora who insists he is a member of Fairy Tail, is the one known as Salamander, and convinces her to join him on his yacht after he promises to help her join Fairy Tail. On the yacht, Bora reveals his true colours to her and that he is, in fact, a slave trader. Natsu then arrives and ends up saving Lucy but destroys the coastal town in the process. Happy informs Lucy that Natsu is actually the real Salamander and that he and Natsu are members of Fairy Tail. Following his victory, he grabs Lucy by her hand to escape the town before telling her to come with him so she can join Fairy Tail, prompting her to joyfully accept.

From then on, Lucy and Natsu have been inseparable. It took a while for Lucy to adjust to Natsu’s bombastic and outgoing personality, but she now sees it as one of his most endearing traits. Over time, she grows close to Natsu and develops a deep trust in him. She told him, before he went off to fight Sting and Rogue, that she will always have faith in him, and whilst sleeping she whispers Natsu’s name in hopes of his victory over the pair. She often reassures Happy over Natsu and tells him that he will return to them whenever he has gone off to fight someone or is recovering. Although she gets annoyed whenever Natsu breaks into her room, she grows accustomed to it and soon finds it lonely when he isn’t around. On occasion, she has allowed Natsu to sleep in her bed or in her room whenever he has fallen asleep. The night before the impending attack of the Alvarez Empire, she chose to spend her time with Natsu in her bedroom. When Lucy met a young boy, who asked her out on a date, she chose not to go and sent Cana in her stead so she could go on a mission with Natsu. Prior to this, Cana had used her fortune telling abilities to predict that Lucy would have a fateful encounter, and although initially believing that it was the boy she met, she now believes that her fateful encounter was meeting Natsu after hearing him say that it is her one year anniversary since joining Fairy Tail, causing her to almost cry.

NaLu (6)

She has saved Natsu’s life on numerous occasions, such as when she held onto him tightly as they fell off a waterfall after being swept away by rapid currents. After Natsu seemingly defeats Hades, she catches him before he can fall before smiling at him for his victory. When Natsu was put on the brink of death, following his transformation into E.N.D, she cuddled up to him, naked, as a means to warm up his freezing body in hopes that he will wake up from his coma. Such is her dedication to Natsu, she rewrote the Book of E.N.D, incurring great pain onto herself, in order to separate Natsu’s life force from Zeref. When she believed Natsu had died after he mysteriously disappeared, following his victory over Zeref, she cries out for Natsu and becomes inconsolable before Erza arrived to tell her that he is still alive. She then played a key role in helping Natsu defeat Acnologia, breaking him free from the time rift that he, and the other Dragon Slayers, were trapped inside of. Natsu, and the rest of the Dragon Slayers, then fell from the sky, with Natsu landing on top of Lucy, reuniting with her.

Lucy does her best to defend Natsu and take care of him whenever he has been hurt or has fallen sick. When Natsu collapsed after becoming half a dragon to defeat Animus, Lucy catches him and embraces him as the sun rises, and later rests his head on her lap. Earlier on, when he does not immediately wake up following his first fight with Animus, Lucy begins to break down in tears and leans over Natsu, begging him to wake up for her. Whilst Happy carried Natsu back from his first encounter with Zeref he had fallen unconscious, causing Lucy to become agitated and later distressed when she could not hear a heart beat. In tears, she begged Brandish to save his life by shrinking the ‘tumour’ inside him that was causing the problem. Subsequently, she stayed by his bedside whilst he recovered and even fell asleep next to him. She immediately goes out looking for Natsu after being told he has turned into E.N.D to try and bring him back to his senses. Due to his motion sickness, Lucy has rest Natsu’s head on her lap when they travelled on lengthy train journeys whilst in Guiltina. On one occasion, even though annoyed by his actions when he burnt her clothes, she still rests his head on her lap when he gets motion sickness after initially teasing him. After discovering that Natsu is E.N.D, she defends him to Dimaria, telling her that Natsu does not have a dark side to him. Later on, after retrieving the Book of E.N.D, she cries in front of Gray over the idea that Natsu is a demon despite him being just a normal boy.

NaLu (7)

She sees Natsu as a comforting presence and will always count on him to save her. When she was captured by Phantom Lord, she jumped out of a tower after believing she heard Natsu’s voice nearby, having complete faith that he will catch her, which he successfully does. Whilst being assaulted by Gajeel, she remained defiant towards him as she knew Natsu would come and save her and was overjoyed when he finally arrived. Whilst being assaulted by Kain, she refused to run away, despite Natsu begging her to do so, because she wants to stay with him. When Hades survived Natsu’s onslaught, and unleashed his magical power, she clings onto Natsu in fear before he inspires her, and the others, to face him head on. When Acnologia arrived on Tenrou Island, Lucy became distressed at the group’s impending doom only to regain her composure when Natsu grabs her hand and reassures her. Following her defeat at the Grand Magic Games, and facing the abuse of the crowd, she was able to find her resolve after Natsu comforts her before then quoting Natsu’s catchphrase, "I'm all fired up now." whilst still in tears and holding his hand. Lucy was particularly thankful to Natsu when Future Rogue was defeated and the disaster that Future Lucy had warned them about had been prevented. Later in the night she found Natsu looking up at the night sky before running up and cuddling him from behind, thanking him for everything he did for her future self, the two then shared a moment under the moon light. When Dimaria was about to torture her, she calls out for Natsu before falling unconscious, waking up later to find a deeply shaken, and injured, Dimaria. Lucy's attachment to Natsu was greatly highlighted when he decided to leave Fairy Tail to train for a year. Upon discovering this, Lucy became completely distraught and ran all over Magnolia, in tears, to find him. She cursed him for not being aware of how much this decision devastated her and would occasionally believe she had seen him in a crowd only to be disappointed she hadn’t. Once she was reunited with him she could not help but smile at him, but still held a grudge and eventually confronted him for leaving her, asking him if he had any idea how that made her feel whilst blushing. Aquarius managed to successfully return Lucy back to normal, after she was turned into a Nure-onna, by reminding her of Natsu and what he means to her.

Natsu is very protective of Lucy and is furious whenever someone tries to harm her. When he heard she had been kidnapped by Phantom Lord, he took one of their guild members and repeatedly burned him until he revealed where Lucy might be, eventually arriving to her location just in time to catch her, after she jumps from a tower, before carrying her back to the guild. After being imprisoned on Edolas, he threatened a guard that he would burn them all to ash if they laid a hand on Lucy. Whilst watching Lucy being stomped on by Kain, Natsu becomes distressed and begs Lucy to run away but is moved when she refuses, stating that she would rather stay with him. After watching Minerva brutalise Lucy during the Grand Magic Games, he and Gray dive in to catch her before preparing to attack the Sabertooth Guild member but was stopped by both Sting and Rogue, as well as Erza. When he witnesses Future Lucy get killed, he becomes distraught and violently attacked Future Rogue, in tears, for taking her life, telling him that he took something precious away from him and that he will protect present Lucy’s future from him. Natsu is able to wake up from his coma and save Lucy just before Jacob attacks her, allowing the knife he threw at her to pierce his hand. When August becomes hostile, and unleashes a magical attack, Natsu grabs and protects Lucy from him. After being captured by Dimaria, who prepares to torture Lucy, Natsu awakens his E.N.D form to attack her for trying to hurt her, leaving Dimaria traumatised.

He values Lucy as a close friend and guild member. After defeating Phantom Lord, Natsu became worried that Lucy was contemplating leaving Fairy Tail and rushed to her family home, along with Gray and Erza, to get her back and was reassured that his fears were not true. When Lucy proved to be too sick to attend a festival, Natsu, who recalled Lucy being excited about seeing the famous Rainbow Sakuras, decided to uproot the tree and send it down the river outside Lucy’s house so she could see it, causing her to smile and thank him the next day. Due to his attachment to her, he has projected his feelings for Lucy onto Future Lucy, which led to him trusting her implicitly, despite her outlandish claims and having only known her for a very short time. He also comforted Future Lucy when she began to cry at the tragedy she experienced in her own timeline. When he finally reunited with Lucy, following the time skip, he was amazed to find she had done her best to keep track of various Fairy Tail guild members in the hopes of restoring the guild, and decided to take the initiative with her to help find all the guild members. Whilst visiting the Kingdom of Stella, Natsu notices that she is feeling down about the kingdom possibly disappearing and, knowing she wants to see Stella's Stars, he shows her the famous starry sky in the middle of the night whilst comforting her. Natsu has also shown signs of jealousy, as whilst exploring a town in Guiltina he attacked numerous men who attempted to flirt with Lucy, inadvertently burning her clothes in the process.

NaLu (8)

Natsu, although unaware, has developed an emotional reliance on Lucy. Whenever he has become infuriated by surrounding events, or become lost in his magical power, Lucy is the one that can calm him. Whilst on Edolas, Natsu grew furious when their friends, who had been transformed into magic crystals, were being chipped away at a public gathering and only calmed down after Lucy embraced him. After being impaled and falling unconscious, Natsu begins to think of his guild mates and, at the very end, Lucy. Notably, he remembers everyone within the guild hall, but when he remembers Lucy he is exploring Magnolia with her where she appears to be holding his hand before turning around to smile at him. After he becomes half a dragon to defeat Animus, he becomes worried about his power and has to be reassured by Lucy that she still sees him as Natsu, despite his dark side. When he believed Lucy had died, he fully awakened his E.N.D form in a fit of rage and ended up fighting Gray, who also believed Juvia had died, and shouted at him that nobody can stop him now as he remembers finding Lucy’s unresponsive body. Soon after coming out of his E.N.D form, he fell to the ground before Lucy wrapped her arms around him to comfort him. When he stood next to Lucy’s ancestor, who had briefly raised him and the other Dragon Slayers when they were children, he notices that Lucy has a very similar scent to her and comments that it explains why he feels so comfortable around Lucy. After defeating the Water Dragon God, Natsu became lost in Igneel’s Flame and was prepared to destroy the dragon, and everything else with him, but was able to come to his senses after Lucy hugged him from behind and told him that she is here for him.

At one point, Lucy contemplates Natsu as a romantic partner when Mirajane teases her over the possibility. Although she tries to brush off the suggestion, the rumour that Natsu apparently wants to confess to a girl causes her to become flustered and nervous around him. She blushes in his presence and occasionally sees him as overly good looking. Although she tries to ignore her thoughts, she ends up fantasising being in a relationship with him and having children that all look like Happy. After Natsu asks her to meet him under a tree at a certain time, she becomes even more nervous and frantic. She ultimately intends to turn Natsu down when he confesses to her, however, when getting ready she tries to claim she can just wear her usual outfit but starts dressing herself up hoping that Natsu will like her appearance. In the end, she gives in and turns up under the tree all dressed up for Natsu. When it turns out he was not going to confess to her and instead just wanted her help to dig up a reported treasure chest under the tree, she became annoyed and slapped him before leaving. Whilst exploring Guiltina, Natsu, Lucy and the rest discovered Fairy Nail, a celebrity guild that were filled with members that are their own counterparts. Lucy was left blushing when she discovered that her counterpart, Lusha, was in a relationship with Natsu's counterpart, Nekka, and walked in on them having sex. When she returns to Edolas, and discovers Edolas Lucy has had a child with Edolas Natsu, and are now married, she is left blushing profusely.

NaLu (9)

One day, Natsu is tasked with looking after the young Asuka, with Lucy choosing to help him. Throughout the day, they are portrayed as being parents, with Lucy admiring Natsu for his fatherhood sensibilities and how caring he is with Asuka. At one point, Asuka reveals that she believes Natsu and Lucy are a couple, like her mother and father, and demand that they kiss. Although Natsu is fine with it, Lucy becomes flustered and nervous, and although she braces herself for him to kiss her, she ends up grabbing Happy for Natsu to kiss instead. Following Fairy Tail’s victory over the Alvarez Empire and Acnologia, she meets Natsu in her room and tearfully thanks him for everything he has done for her whilst hugging him. When Natsu says her name and grabs her arms, she starts to blush and braces herself for some kind of confession from him, only to be upset when he chooses not to say anything but was comforted when he tells her that they will always be together. When drunk, Lucy is notably flirtatious towards Natsu and tries to gain his attention by feeding him egg roll, clinging on to him and making him scratch her chin whilst she purrs like a cat. She also begs him to carry her to the toilet and finds comfort in how warm Natsu's back is. Notably, she showed great fondness at the thought of having two Natsus when she is seeing double of him.

A running gag between Natsu and Lucy is how often Natsu has seen her naked. Throughout their time together, Lucy has found herself naked in front of Natsu numerous times, and even in lewd positions with him, either with his face in her chest, him groping her or being trapped together whilst she is naked. For the most part, Lucy dislikes this, often becoming flustered and hitting him. However, she has seemingly adjusted to these moments as on one occasion she tolerated Natsu groping her chest for an extensive amount of time when he landed on top of her and did not strike him like she normally would. Furthermore, whilst he was suffering from motion sickness when she, Gray, Erza and Natsu were stuck on a rowboat, she tolerated Natsu's face being pushed into her chest. When Jacob revealed that he was uncomfortable that Lucy’s body was exposed and tried to look away, Lucy took advantage of this and proved to be comfortable enough to allow Natsu to talk lustfully about her body as a means to distract him. After she arrived home drunk from a party in her honour she felt comfortable enough to be naked in bed with Natsu and cuddle him. For Natsu, he is mostly nonchalant about it, as he stated to Jacob that he has seen Lucy naked so many times that turning her clothes invisible does not make him uncomfortable. He also chose to cover Lucy’s chest by grabbing them, not out of lustful desires, but to genuinely try and help keep her modesty. Nonetheless, he has been seen blushing whenever he catches her naked and, at one point, wished to check on Lucy after he realised she is in the shower, but was stopped by Erza. When the two fought each other, after Lucy had been changed into a Nure-onna, she clutched Natsu into her bear chest and Natsu notably stated how good it felt. All this occurred whilst Selene, and numerous other women spectating the battle, commented how much Natsu seems to enjoy Lucy's breasts. Natsu also wished to see Lucy when she was naked, whilst hiding behind a rock, when they returned to Edolas. Lucy has also seen Natsu naked, although very rarely, and blushed profusely when he has been fully exposed to her.


Lucy“And here I was getting all emotional… what do you mean who cares?! You’re the worst!”
Natsu“Who cares? Cause we’ll always be together, right?”
— Natsu reassuring Lucy that they will always have each other after she thanks him for everything
“It's... all over now... Natsu. It's alright I'm here.”
— Lucy calms down Natsu down after he starts to be consumed by his newfound powers
Natsu“Lucy... tell me... what do I look like?”
Lucy“Like the Natsu I have always known.”
— Lucy reassuring Natsu after he begins to worry over his dragon powers before falling into her arms
“Even so, you still suddenly left us behind! Think about how I felt! It made me feel, uhh...”
— Lucy scolding Natsu for leaving her before Juvia interrupts them
Lisanna“Lucy, wait a second! Be sure you're always by Natsu's side! When he’s got people he can trust close by... Natsu’s really strong.”
— Lisanna telling Lucy to stay by his side


NaLu is one of the most, if not the most, popular ship in the entire Fairy Tail fandom and regularly top popularity polls. Their main shipping rivals are NaLi and LuLo. Fans of NaLu tend to also ship LuNami from One Piece, due to the similarities between Natsu x Lucy and Luffy x Nami, as well as the overall similarity between Fairy Tail and One Piece. NaLu shippers are, generally, hostile to alternative ships and will often respond negatively on the exceptionally rare occasion that Fairy Tail author, Hiro Mashima, posts fan art of either Natsu or Lucy with a rival ship character on his twitter.

Some of Mashima's most popular tweets are artwork he has made depicting Natsu and Lucy, especially ones that have a romantic, or even sexual, nature to them. Its perhaps worth noting that Mashima has only created romantic/sexual fan art for Natsu and Lucy, and not, say, Natsu and Lisanna or Lucy and Loke.

Among NaLu shippers, they celebrate NaLu Day on July 26th with Mashima celebrating NaLu Day on his twitter account. Mashima also celebrates "Natsu Day", on July 2nd, by posting a fanart of him, usually with Lucy.

NaLu is of the original Natsu x Lucy, while NafLu is the name of the ship between Natsu and Future Lucy, just as Edo NaLu focuses on Edolas Natsu x Edolas Lucy.

In a few AUs, the two are commonly casted and compared with Flynn and Rapunzel. Along with there being fans who have drawn the two with their OC daughter that was first drawn by the author of Fairy Tail.



Natsu/Lucy tag on AO3


NaLu on Fairy Tail Couples Wiki


8thJUL 24th 2017
11thJUL 10th 2017
16thJUN 5th 2017
17thMAY 8th 2017MAY 15th 2017
20thJUL 17th 2017
26thJan-June 2017


NaLu (10)
NaLu (11)
  • On numerous chapter covers, there are hints of Natsu and Lucy as a couple or showing their feelings to each other.
    • On the cover of chapter 280, Lucy is doodling on Natsu whilst he sleeps and has drawn a love heart on his head.
    • On the cover of chapter 487, whilst Gajeel and Levy can be seen in the foreground, Natsu and Lucy can be seen in the background with Lucy trying to give Natsu some food.
    • Lucy can be seen wearing Natsu's scarf, which is of high sentimental value to him, on the cover of chapter 520.
    • On the cover of chapter 532, titled "I Can no Longer See Love", Natsu and Lucy are seen sleeping together in their own panel, with the other panels showing canon/semi-canon couples such as Gray and Juvia, Gajeel and Levy, Erza and Jellal, and Zeref and Mavis.
    • On the cover of the Omake, Natsu and Asuka, both Natsu and Lucy are in a house having a meal, as a family, with the young Asuka.
    • On the cover of Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest, chapter 49, released just before Valentine's Day, Lucy can be seen holding on to a box of chocolates in the shape of a love heart whilst looking at Natsu, blushing. (Hiro Mashima would later show Natsu returning a gift to Lucy on White's Day, a common practice for couples).
    • For the cover of Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest, chapter 58, Natsu and Lucy can be seen dancing with each other alongside Jellal and Erza, whilst Gray is holding his hand out, presumably for Juvia.
    • On the cover of Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest, chapter 63, Lucy is shown crying into Natsu's chest at his safety following their battle with the dragon god, Aldoron.
  • The english voice actors for Natsu and Lucy, Todd Haberkorn[1] and Cherami Leigh[2], have expressed support for Natsu and Lucy becoming a pair.
  • Natsu and Lucy's relationship is frequently paralleled to other relationship within the series, including canon and semi-canon. A major example is that of Gray and Juvia, with both members being best friends with their respective counterparts.
  • During the Alvarez Empire Arc, Natsu's dedication to Lucy is shown to be identical to Gray's dedication to Juvia. Both of them believed that their respective 'partners' had died, sending them into a rage which eventually led to the two clashing. After Erza's intervention, both Juvia and Lucy arrived on the scene to comfort Gray and Natsu respectively.
  • Whilst attending New York City's Comic Con in 2017, Fairy Tail author, Hiro Mashima, sketched Natsu and Lucy's daughter for a fan.[3]
  • Hiro Mashima, whilst attending an anime convention in France, 2018, said that, if he had to choose who to pair Natsu with, it would be with Lucy.[4]
  • In the afterword of Fairy Tail S Volume 1, Hiro Mashima stated that he originally intended to write Lucy and Natsu as just friends but that the fans took it in the opposite direction and now he writes them as "more than friends, but less than lovers." but that he likes their relationship.[5]
  • When Natsu and Lucy come across opposites of themselves, their relationship remains ever present, such as on Edolas when Natsu and Lucy met their counterparts, with Edolas Natsu being shy and timid whilst Edolas Lucy is headstrong, aggressive and fearless, but still being best friends and partners. In chapter 65 of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, it is revealed that both Edolas Natsu and Edolas Lucy have had a child together.
  • In chapter 25 of Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest, whilst visiting Tekka, both Natsu and Lucy found an alternative version of their guild, named Fairy Nail, that is a celebrity guild. Natsu's counterpart, Nakku, shares a romantic relationship with Lucy's counterpart, Lusha, where they go off and have sex regularly, with Lucy walking in on them, leaving her embarrassed.
  • Hiro Mashima has stated that he intended to create a love triangle between Natsu, Lucy and Lisanna, but this never manifested as Lucy eventually took precedence over Lisanna.[6]
  • When Natsu notices that Lucy smells like Anna, and that is why he is always calm around her, Gajeel reminds Natsu that he always had a crush on Anna and implies that he also has a crush on Lucy, however, Natsu does not pick up on what he is saying.
  • At the end of the anime's fifteenth opening, MASAYUME CHASING, Natsu can be seen caressing Lucy's head against his whilst they hold hands. The scene occurs in the anime but with Future Lucy and present Natsu.[7]
  • In the anime's fifteenth ending, Kimi to Kare to Boku to Kanojo to, Lucy is living in a normal world where she feels bored whilst sat at a cafe. Whilst walking through a park she meets Natsu for the first time and goes on a date with him to the same cafe where she shows great interest, whilst talking to him, as he shows her a pendant of Fairy Tail's emblem.[8]
  • On his twitter account, Fairy Tail author, Hiro Mashima, has posted mini stories for the ships, NaLu, Gruvia, Jerza and Gajevy. The NaLu series tells the story of Natsu and Lucy going for a spa day that ends with Lucy getting drunk, flirting with Natsu and passing out. Natsu then doodles all over her naked body, upsetting her.[9][10][11][12]
  • Following the cover from Chapter 49 of Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest on Valentine's Day, Mashima posted NaLu fan art on White Day, a Japanese holiday that celebrates giving a gift to someone who gave you a gift on Valentine's Day, showing Natsu gifting Lucy a teddy.[13]
  • Hiro Mashima provided a series of sketches showing a template of Natsu and Lucy kissing before switching them to Ichiya and Mosco from Fairy Tail and Edens Zero respectively.[14]
  • Zeref Dragneel, Natsu's brother, told Gray that he is well aware of who Lucy is and was grateful for the positive impact she has had on Natsu.
  • During the OVA, Fairies' Training Camp, Levy teases Lucy's relationship with Natsu after he gave her a piggyback to her room the night before when she was drunk.
  • At the Grand Magic Games, a round was played where contestants had to pair up as bride & groom. Initially, Loke took Lucy whilst Lisanna teased Natsu about pairing up together. However, Loke, whilst carrying Lucy, collided into Natsu and disappeared back to the Celestial World, leaving both Natsu and Lucy as the bride and groom for the round.
  • Prior to showing Lucy the famous Stella's Stars, Natsu was with Lucy when she mentioned that seeing the stars would be romantic, followed by Carla who agreed.
  • After being teased by Juvia and Cana about Touka's apparent interest in Natsu, Lucy responded that she feels sorry for her, as she thinks Natsu is not interested in that sort of stuff, whilst blushing.
  • When Future Lucy arrived in the current timeline, she began to cry when seeing present Natsu participate in the Grand Magic Games, as the Natsu from her timeline had died trying to defend her. Once she had died, and present Natsu had prevented the disaster threatening Fiore, she wakes up in a heavenly like golden field where she reunites with the Natsu from her timeline. She then takes his hand whilst crying tears of joy as they run towards their guild mates.
  • Following his first bout with Future Rogue, Natsu crawls to Future Lucy's lifeless body and sobs whilst holding onto her.
  • In the Omake, 413 Days, Juvia hallucinates that Natsu and Lucy are kissing each other in the guild hall.
  • In the special edition of volume 39, in a crossover between Fairy Tail and Rave Master, Elie, who is married to Haru, comments to Lucy that her hero is Haru whilst Lucy's hero is Natsu, with Lucy happily agreeing whilst blushing.
  • The Fairy Tail Game (2020) shows some minor NaLu original moments:
    • Erza compliments Lucy for her positive impact on Natsu and helping him become a little more mature since they became a team.
    • In a bond dialogue, Lucy tells Natsu that being around him is very “reassuring”. [15]
    • Erza inquires to Natsu if he formed a team with Lucy because it was “love at first sight” but Natsu nonchalantly dismisses this and simply explains he enjoys being around her a lot.[16]
    • For Lucy’s final character story, she and Natsu visit various locations to reminisces about their adventures. At the end, Natsu fondly tells her they are friends and she quietly thanks him for inviting her to join Fairy Tail, as he is the reason she is now so happy.[17]
    • During the final hidden cutscene in Lucy's room, Gildarts comments on Natsu visiting Lucy’s apartment and calls him a “sly dog”. Sherria then tacks on that Lucy’s room is where Natsu and Lucy “foster their love.”[18]
  • In the series, Edens Zero, created by Fairy Tail author Hiro Mashima, Natsu and Lucy can be seen on a date in episode 3 of the anime and chapter 3 of the manga inside the diner when Shiki and Rebecca are eating. Lucy has her arm wrapped around Natsu's as they are leaving.
  • Hiro Mashima live streamed himself reacting to fanart of Natsu and Lucy sent to him and created a piece of fan art of Natsu and Lucy for NaLu day.[19]


Main article: NaLu/Gallery



NaLu (12)

Fairy Tail ShipsFairy Tail Characters
NaLu (2024)


What is the nalu procedure? ›

A Nalu implant is a part of the FDA-approved Nalu Neurostimulation System, giving patients more options in the treatment of chronic intractable pain. The implant is minimally invasive and designed to relieve suffering from severe, intractable chronic pain of the peripheral nerves.

Is Nalu PNS FDA approved? ›

The Nalu neurostimulation system comprises a battery-free, compact implantable pulse generator (IPG) called the Nalu IPG. As well as PNS, the device can target spinal cord stimulation (SCS). The device holds US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for both PNS and SCS.

How much does a peripheral nerve stimulator cost? ›

Procedure Details

How Much Does an Insertion of Peripheral Nerve Stimulator with Percutaneous Lead Placement Cost? On MDsave, the cost of an Insertion of Peripheral Nerve Stimulator with Percutaneous Lead Placement ranges from $30,495 to $34,231.

How long does Nalu last? ›

Longest IPG service life

It is unlikely the IPG will need to be replaced for 18 years.

What are the indications for Nalu? ›

This system is indicated for pain management in adults who have severe intractable chronic pain of peripheral nerve origin, as the sole mitigating agent, or as an adjunct to other modes of therapy used in a multidisciplinary approach.

Can a nerve stimulator be removed? ›

Spinal Cord Stimulator Removal: Percutaneous Leads

When the two components have been disconnected and removed, the surgeon closes the incisions, and the procedure is complete. The surgery takes about an hour and is typically performed while you are under general anesthesia.

What are the disadvantages of peripheral nerve stimulator? ›

The disadvantages of PNS include the need for additional equipment (nerve stimulator and insulated needles), the greater cost of insulated needles, and exceptional cases for which it may be difficult to elicit a motor response.

What is the success rate of peripheral nerve stimulators? ›

How successful is peripheral nerve stimulation for pain? Peripheral nerve stimulation helps up to 70% of the patients selected for treatment. The rate of reduction in pain varies from patient to patient. On average, pain scores are reduced by around 50%.

How long does a peripheral nerve stimulator last? ›

If it works, then we place permanent electrodes at the nerve site and an internal battery-operated stimulator under the skin. These batteries last for several years and we can replace them easily. Once the stimulator is in place, we customize the electrical pulse settings to provide the highest level of pain relief.

What are the ingredients in NaLu? ›

Ingredients: Sparkling water, sugar, fruit juices from juice concentrates 4% (orange, apple, kiwi, mango), food acids (citric acid, sodium citrate), flavourings, caffeine (0.03%), preservative (potassium sorbate), sweeteners (sodium cyclamate, acesulfame).

Who is NaLu owned by? ›

Nalu is an energy drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company, sold in the Benelux. The drink is available in seven flavours, and contains carbonated water, sucrose and sweeteners, fruit juices, caffeine and B vitamins. The drink was launched in 2002.

How does a peripheral nerve stimulator work? ›

By stimulating nonpainful sensory pathway, the electrical current tricks the brain into turning off (or significantly attenuating) the painful signals. In this manner, pain relief occurs. In general, most patients are then able to reduce or discontinue altogether their pain medications.

Is nalu mri compatible? ›

If you have any questions, please contact Nalu Medical or visit Nalu's website <>. The only Nalu Medical components that are labeled and approved as MR Conditional are the Lead (Model 12001-040), the Nalu Anchor (Model 13001) and the Nalu Implantable Pulse Generators (Model 11003-002, 11004-002).

How long is the VNS procedure? ›

The procedure usually takes 1-2 hours and is carried out under general anaesthesia. To start the procedure, your surgeon will make two small incisions - one on the left side of your neck and one under the skin in your upper chest.

What is a medical device for nerve stimulator? ›

The electrodes are placed between the spinal cord and the vertebrae (the epidural space), and the generator is placed under the skin, usually near the buttocks or abdomen. Spinal cord stimulators allow patients to send the electrical impulses using a remote control when they feel pain.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.