Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (2024)

Our real snow is carefully maintained and groomed to perfection every day. Our expert and fully qualified Coaches are very welcoming and they understand if you’re nervous on your first visit! We offer the safest and most enjoyable way to learn and practice skiing.

We coach and support our members and guests at a pace that suits them. Don’t worry about equipment as the hire of your skis, helmet and boots are all included in the ticket price.You are welcome to bring your own skis and boots- children under 16 will receive a 10% discount off the ticket price if they do. Helmets must be worn

at all

times on the slope for any activity.

We teach junior ski lessons from 3 years of age and our market-leading Children’s SnoAcademy is a fantastic way for your child to learn skiing skills. Alternatively you can also book private ski lessons for children.

Please see below for further information!

If you're aSnozone Memberdon't forget to sign in now to activate your member discounts against your booking.

Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (1)

Private Ski Lessons

Our expert Coaches have a wealth of experience and will tailor the tuition exactly to your needs in your very own exclusive “personal training” session. You can also learn with a group of friends or with your family. These personalised lessons for either 1 or 2 hours are certain to develop your skills to the next level.

Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (2)

Beginners Day Course

A full day experience designed to introduce you to your new sport of skiing- which you’ll be able to do by the end of the day! The course lasts 7.5 hours for adults and 6 hours for 11 to 15 year olds, including refreshment breaks.

Our expert Coaches will guide you through all the basic skills including how to turn and change direction and you'll receive an introduction to steeper parts of the slopes.

Ski Plough to Parallel Day Course

A full day experience of 7.5 hours (including lunch) for skiers who find themselves stuck in a snow plough when turning or who simply wish to get their ski legs back after being out of practice. This lesson will improve your technique and you’ll be skiing in parallel by the end of the day.

Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (4)

Snozone Disability Snowsports Private Ski Lesson

Snozone Disability Snowsports is for anyone who has a sensory, cognitive or physical impairment. Our highly experienced and qualified Coaches provide bespoke adaptive (disabled) tuition, guidance and coaching for all abilities and experience levels. We have the latest equipment available, including sit skis which can be skied with assistance or independently and stand up riggers which are used to aid amputees.

Group Ski Lesson Level 1

A 90 minute ski lesson experience for complete beginners which includes a full hour of tuition on our real snow slope, with a 15 minute briefing before you start and a 15 minute debriefing afterwards. You will focus on the equipment, learn basic movements, stance and balance- and have good control of your speed. Lessons for children aged 11-15 years are for 60 minutes.

Group Ski Lesson Levels 1 & 2

This lesson is an excellent introduction to snow sports. The 3 hour session is designed to introduce you to basic movements and improving your balance. Children aged 11-15 attend their lessons in 2 hour slots.

Group Ski Lesson Levels 2 & 3

For this 3 hour lesson (2hrs for children 11-15yrs) you will practice what you have learnt on earlier levels and will learn how to ski on slightly steeper terrain.

Group Ski Lesson Levels 3 & 4

For this 3 hour lesson (2 hours for children 11-15yrs) , you will progress to the intermediate level. You will practice and refresh earlier lessons and refine your turning skills with greater balance.

Group Ski Lesson Levels 4 & 5

Having achieved beginner and intermediate skills covered in levels 1,2 and 3, this is where you will start to develop a greater technique, adjusting your turning shape with more confidence. The lesson lasts for 3 hours (2 hours for children 11-15yrs).

Group Ski Lesson Levels 5 & 6

This is where your skills become more consistent and sustainable. Upon completion of level 6 skills you will be able to confidently use the main slope unaided. The lesson lasts for 3 hours (2 hours for children 11-15yrs).

Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (5)

Women's Only Coaching Session

A coaching session out on the slopes, exclusively for women, with our expert Coaches. This session is ideal for skiers who have been awarded “slope ready” status by completing their level 6. For adults only, this is a 3 hour session.

Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (6)

Development Coaching Moguls

Experience moguls on Monday evenings at Yorkshire and Milton Keynes so you can train and practice to become a true all-terrain skier! The session lasts 2 hours.

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Intermediate - If you can confidently link your turns and would like to progress to skiing or snowboarding on slightly steeper terrain.

Advanced - If you can confidently link your turns on steeper terrain, adjust your turn shape and you can confidently control your speed and would like to develop your skills further.";break;case "LEVEL":if (data.popupwording[optKey] != null && data.popupwording[optKey] != ""){optionTitle = data.popupwording[optKey];}else{optionTitle = 'What level do you need?';}break;case "LESSONLENG2":if (data.popupwording[optKey] != null && data.popupwording[optKey] != ""){optionTitle = data.popupwording[optKey];}else{optionTitle = 'How long is the lesson for?';}break;case "LESSONDAY":if (data.popupwording[optKey] != null && data.popupwording[optKey] != ""){optionTitle = data.popupwording[optKey];}else{optionTitle = 'Which day?';}break;case "NUMBEROFPE":if (data.popupwording[optKey] != null && data.popupwording[optKey] != ""){optionTitle = data.popupwording[optKey];}else{optionTitle = 'How many people?';}break;case "LESSONISFO2":if (data.popupwording[optKey] != null && data.popupwording[optKey] != ""){optionTitle = data.popupwording[optKey];}else{optionTitle = 'Who is the '+ catName +' for?';}break;case "PRODUCTSASOPTIONS":optionTitle = "PRODUCTSASOPTIONS";break;default:optionTitle = 'Please Select An Option';}//console.log("test - "+optKey);// Loop through options valuespopupOptionsHTML += '

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Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (7)

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Learn to Ski - Beginners to Expert for All Ages at Snozone UK (2024)


Can you learn to snow ski at 60? ›

The simple answer is YES! Very often adults are scared to learn to ski. Don't be!

Can you learn to ski at 70? ›

It doesn't matter whether you are 20, 40 or 70 years old. Everyone can learn to ski as an adult, discovering how to parallel turn, glide comfortably through fresh snow, and feel safe on the slopes. You don't have to go to the snow park and hit the halfpipe or whizz down a black run at a hundred miles per hour.

Can I learn to ski after 50? ›

Sauvé estimates that the average age of the adult beginner at the Snow School is 45-ish. “The joy of seeing older skiers 'get it' when they accomplish a new ski move or a harder run is as good as watching a kid smile from their first time accomplishing something,” says Sauvé.

Is Snowzone real snow? ›

At our Madrid, Yorkshire and Milton Keynes locations you'll be on real snow so wrap up warm in waterproof jackets and trousers - gloves are a must! For hygiene reasons ski jackets, salopettes, gloves and socks are not available to hire at our UK locations.

How many years does it take to be a good skier? ›

On average, it takes around 10 weeks before you're confident on all types of runs, even the steepest blacks. But some people might get to this point quicker. Your parallel skiing should be flawless by now, with your skis side by side the whole way to make a smooth, linked turns.

How long does it take to learn how to ski? ›

If you're starting from scratch then it's going to take two or three days before you have the skills and confidence to start the first run on your own. Even then it should be the easiest slope and it's good to have supervision. It's said that skiing is fairly easy to learn but very difficult to master.

Can you go skiing without lessons? ›

Be confident in your ability

It can be as simple as mind over matter. Without any lessons, it's likely your first time on the scopes will be a scary one. However, if you believe you have natural ability, it's likely you will pick it up quicker. Ski with confidence!

Will we be able to ski in 50 years? ›

“Virtually all locations are projected to see reductions in winter recreation season lengths, exceeding 50% by 2050 and 80% in 2090 for some downhill skiing locations,” states the report.

What age is best for skiing? ›

A child aged 4 seems to cope much better with the physical demands of learning to ski far better than one who is younger. Those extra couple of months in age really do make a difference – for your child, the instructor and you! It's taxing on the brain too! By the age of 4-5, children have a far better attention span.

Who owns snozone? ›

It is a subsidiary of Capital & Regional PLC. Our registered address is Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand, London, WC2R 1HH.

How steep is the snozone at Milton Keynes? ›

15 degrees at the top section and 10 at bottom section.

Do ski places have fake snow? ›

Snowmaking is essential in order to ski Southern California's Resorts and your local areas have some of the largest snowmaking systems in the world. Using water and air, the same two elements as Mother Nature, we make snow all season long to provide you with the best possible conditions.

Is it safe to ski in your 60s? ›

Today, providing you are fit, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't ski in your 50s, 60s, 70s and even into your 80s. Modern ski equipment is far more advanced than years ago – skis are wider, so its easier to turn.

Is learning how to ski hard? ›

Skiing Has a Steep Learning Curve.

It's a really challenging sport, and adults have a tendency to think they're terrible at something if they don't get it the first time.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.