How to Verify Two Facebook Accounts with Same Mobile Number? (2024)

It is only normal for you to look for how to verify two Facebook accounts with same mobile number since Facebook’s mobile number verification feature does not allow it. But we have found a way around the same. It is a simple trick and does not need anybody to have any technical knowledge. This article will guide you on the way to do it in the easiest way possible.

How to Verify Two Facebook Accounts With Same Mobile Number?

Assuming that you already have a Facebook account verified with a mobile number, we are presenting here the way to verify another account with the same number. Here is the step-by-step guide:

  • Log in to your first Facebook account and deactivate it. To deactivate, go to Account Setting> Security> Deactivate Account
  • Log out from the account
  • Create a new Facebook account
  • Go to Account Setting
  • Click on mobile tap and enter the mobile number followed by country code
  • You will receive a verification code on your number
  • Enter the code and save the settings
  • Log out from the second account and activate the first account
How to Verify Two Facebook Accounts with Same Mobile Number? (1)

It is done now. You have successfully verified two Facebook accounts with a single mobile number.

There is another way to do the procedure. Here is how:

Make a new email account and Sign Up on Facebook with the details. Since you have already crossed the limitation of account registration with the same IP address, you need to verify the account via SMS verification.

You would now need to delete your number from your existing account. To delete the number, go to Settings> Mobile and remove the number.

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Then log in to your newly created account and enter the same phone number to receive a code via SMS to verify the account.

Answering a Few Frequently Asked Questions About the Mobile Number Verification Feature

How to Verify Two Facebook Accounts with Same Mobile Number? (2)

You may have a few questions regarding the feature. We have compiled a few frequently asked questions on the same topic to resolve any queries you may have.

Is confirming the email address and verifying the Facebook account with a mobile number the same?

It is not. Facebook needs email verification after you create an account to ensure that they are communicating the right email address. However, mobile number verification is to make your profile secured and to offer additional features.

What are the benefits of Facebook’s mobile number verification feature?

Mobile number verification lets you add a profile URL. This also keeps your profile in good standings, thus chances of your profile being hacked and getting blocked become minimal.

You may have your reasons to have multiple accounts and we hope to have been of help with your query. Now that you know how to verify two Facebook accounts with same mobile number, you can follow the same process to verify even more accounts with the same number. Still, if you have any more questions in mind or finding it difficult to accomplish the process, feel free to ask in the comments section. We would be glad to help.

Watch this video to see how it is really done.

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How to Verify Two Facebook Accounts with Same Mobile Number? (2024)
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