Can I Have Two Facebook Accounts From One Email Address? (2024)

Although it isn't possible to create two separate Facebook accounts from one email address, it is possible to use Facebook as two or more separate entities from the same Facebook account. Namely, Facebook allows you to create "Pages" for business and creative endeavors on which you embark and manage them from your personal profile account.

Reasons for Creating Pages

  1. Several reasons exist for which to create a Facebook fan page. If you run a local business, for example, creating a page allows customers to receive updates from you in their news feeds by clicking the "Like" button on the page. Likewise, if you represent an organization or celebrity, you can create a fan page dedicated to the organization or celebrity to facilitate outreach. Facebook doesn't allow users to create fan pages for companies, organizations or celebrities with which they are not directly and officially affiliated.

Page vs. Profile

  1. One advantage of creating a page is that a user need not be your personal friend on Facebook in order to become a fan of the page -- he need only be a registered Facebook user. Another implication of this is that not everyone who is your friend on Facebook is a fan of your page. Only people who appear under the "Like This" heading on the left side of the fan page receive updates from the page.

How to Create a Page

  1. After logging into your personal Facebook account, creating a page takes only a few moments. Namely, you scroll down to the bottom of any Facebook screen and click the "Create a Page" button. Then, you select a category -- "Brands and Products," for instance -- then a sub-category that further qualifies the content of the page. After uploading a profile picture and inputting a description of the page, Facebook prompts you to invite existing friends to "Like" the page, then launches the page live on the site.

Managing a Facebook Page

  1. Once you've created a Facebook page, several options exist for managing it. The simplest of these is to click the "Arrow" icon next to your name in the upper, right corner of the Facebook screen, then select "Use Facebook is Page" and click the "Switch" button next to the name of the page. Alternatively, navigate to the page and post messages to its wall to send them to the Facebook news feed using the page's name.

Can I Have Two Facebook Accounts From One Email Address? (2024)


Can I Have Two Facebook Accounts From One Email Address? ›

How many Facebook accounts can you have with one email? Just one.

Can I use the same email for two Facebook accounts? ›

Can I create a joint Facebook account or share a Facebook account with someone else? We don't allow joint accounts. Additionally, you can only create an account for one Facebook account per email. Since each account belongs to one person, we require everyone to use their authentic name on their account.

What happens if you have two Facebook profiles? ›

Your notification and privacy settings from one profile don't carry over to your other Facebook profiles. You can manage some settings separately for each profile, such as choosing who can see that profile's posts or send friend requests to that profile.

How to make two separate Facebook accounts? ›

Create and switch additional Facebook profiles
  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Tap your name at the top.
  3. Tap Your profiles in the top right.
  4. Tap Create new profile.
  5. Tap Get started, then follow the instructions on the screen to create a profile.

Is it against Facebook rules to have two accounts? ›

Facebook is a community where people use their authentic identities. It's against the Facebook Community Standards to maintain more than one personal account. If you want to represent your business, organization, brand or product on Facebook, you can use your personal account to create and manage a Page.

Can you tell if someone has two Facebook accounts? ›

Navigate Facebook Friends: If you have mutual friends with the person you're searching for, you can look into their friend list. By searching for the person's username in the friend list of your mutual friends, you may be able to find their secret account [1].

Why would someone create multiple Facebook accounts? ›

You can create up to 4 additional Facebook profiles under your account. These profiles can represent different things about you like your interests or communities you belong to. Each profile will have its own friends list and Feed and each can follow different groups and Pages.

Can someone tell if you look them up on Facebook? ›

Your Facebook searches are private. If you look up someone's profile or they look up yours, none is the wiser. Facebook is very clear on the matter: “Facebook users cannot track who has viewed their personal homepage. Third-party applications also cannot provide this feature.”

How to tell if someone has two Messenger accounts? ›

Different names or usernames: If you come across two messenger accounts with the same phone number but different names or usernames, it suggests that the person may be using multiple accounts.

Can you have two Facebook accounts on one phone number? ›

No its not possible you can create two Facebook account with same phone number .

What is the difference between a profile and an account on Facebook? ›

Your main profile is the profile you create when you sign up for a Facebook account. Your main profile is required and can only be deleted if you delete your Facebook account. Your main profile must be active in order to create and use additional Facebook profiles.

How many Facebook pages can you have? ›

There is no specific limit on the number of pages you can create on a Facebook account.

Can you stay logged into 2 Facebook accounts? ›

Switching between Facebook accounts without logging anyone out is only available on on a computer. To switch accounts on an app or mobile device, log out of an account and then log in with a different account.

Can two devices be on the same Facebook account at the same time? ›

If you've logged into your Facebook account on multiple devices, you'll need to log out of each device separately. Learn how to manage where you're logged into Facebook or how to log out of your mobile account from a computer. If you want to take a break from Facebook, learn how to temporarily deactivate your account.

Can you reuse an email for Facebook? ›

No, you cannot create a new Facebook account with the same email after deleting your previous account. When you delete your Facebook account, Facebook retains your email address and associates it with your deleted account.

Can I open two Facebook accounts with the same phone number? ›

No, two Facebook accounts with the same phone number cannot be verified. Facebook requires each account to have a unique phone number to help keep accounts secure and prevent fraud. If you need to create a second Facebook account, you will need to use a different phone number for verification.

Can you transfer a Facebook account to another email? ›

To change your email address, you'll need to remove an email address associated with your account first and then add a new email address. Note: You can also change who sees the email address associated with your account, and which email address is the primary email associated with your account.

Can other Facebook users see my email? ›

You control who can see your mobile phone number or email address on your profile separately. If you choose to share your phone number or email address on your profile with an audience, everyone in that group can see it. Learn how to adjust who you share your email address or mobile phone number with.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.