German Degrees [Complete Guide] (2024)

Germany is one of the finest places in the world to study. With its huge network of universities, laboratories, and research institutes, skill-based economy, and cultural respect for learning, the country is perfectly suited to students who want to develop their skills and careers.

This article looks at German degrees, giving a quick introduction to the options available, and where they could lead.

Degrees in Germany

Germans take university studies extremely seriously

Having the right higher education qualification is a necessary step to almost all high-level careers. At any one time, around2.7 million studentsare enrolled at higher education institutions across the country, most of them at the 380 officially accredited universities. And the number is growing quite rapidly, withyear-on-year increases of 3% in student numbers.

Universities in Germany offer a range of subjects, fromlaw to agriculture. The country is probably most famous for teaching research-based degrees in the natural sciences and industry, andGerman science or engineering degreesare respected across the world.

What are the 4 types of degrees in Germany?

Students can apply for

  • Bachelor's degrees

  • Master's degrees

  • PhDs

  • Work-study qualifications which include a stronger vocational component

No Tuition Fees

Many courses are free of charge, thanks to laws passed in 2014 which removed tuition fees at most public universities.

Common German Degrees

Before German students enter the university system, they must obtain a certificate called the"Hochschulzugangsberechtigung"(HZB)

The HZB certifies that individuals have completed high school studiesto a level required to graduate to higher education. It records both general graduation, along with a detailed breakdown of the student's achievements. So universities find it very useful when admitting applicants.

For most Germans, theHZB translates to anAbitur. This is the qualification that pupils receive when they graduate from theGymnasium, which is Germany's equivalent of high school.

Not all students will take that route. Others may enterRealschuleorHauptschule, which providevocation-based education. It's a relatively complex system, but if you want to learn more, our pages on theGerman school systemexplain how everything works.

How can I get admission in Germany as an undergraduate?

International students will need to obtain an HZBwhich is equivalent to theAbitur, and this may mean taking additional German courses before applying.

To find out what is required, contact a university you are interested in attending, and ask for theireligibility requirements. All courses will require you to fill out anapplication form, and most will require students to provide copies of their certificates, a letter of motivation, and recommendation letters.

Importantly,international students cannot study in Germany without avalid visa. They also need to obtainhealth insuranceand will probably require ablocked accountto prove they can support themselves financially.

Common German University Degrees

When the Abitur has been attained, most qualified Germans will move onto degrees

Germany offers a variety of options, including:

Bachelor's degrees:Provide a foundation in academic or practical subjects, which is an essential launchpad for successful careers. Examples include Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degrees. Courses can be studies at purely academic universities, technical universities, or vocational schools, and take 3 years in most cases.

Master's degrees:Build upon the foundation provided by Bachelor's degrees. Masters tend to be more closely linked to career progression, and follow the same division into Arts, Sciences, and Engineering. Like Bachelor's, they are mainly free at public universities, and they tend to take 2 years to complete.

Doctorates:Research based qualifications for advanced students, doctorates entail writing extended dissertations over 2-5 year periods.

Work-Study degrees:A popular German compromise, work-study courses offer placements at companies alongside academic modules, allowing students to earn money, gain experience, and hone their skills.

TheDAADoffers anexcellent overviewof the available courses in Germany, with plenty of English language information for overseas students.

Careers with German degrees

Studying in Germany can open up numerous career opportunities, both in Germany and the wider world

Masters degrees from universities like Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Berlin Technical University, Chemnitz, and Jacobs University are allinternationally respected. AndGerman engineering degreeswillimpress employers across the globe, no matter where you study for them.

German universities also work closely with German employersto ensure that the country has a steady stream of highly-skilled graduates. For international students, this means that there is agreat chance of working for global corporationslike BMW, Deutsche Bank, or Siemens.

Big German Companies

Most of those bis German companies will actively seek talented students from around the world to staff German and international operations. They may well offer scholarships in your country, so check company websites and don't be afraid to make contact.

What jobs can you get with a German degree?

The possibilities are vast, but a few options could include:

  • Automobile engineering for Volkswagen or Porsche Systems

  • Engineering for Bosch

  • Financial analytics for Allianz or Deutsche Bank

  • Coding for Germany's thriving Fintech sector

Germany's economy is advanced, and dependent upon skills. So if you work hard, get a relevant degree, and show enthusiasm, all kinds of career opportunities are on the horizon.

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Dual Studies in Germany

Studying & Working - do both!

Most of us aren't fortunate enough to have the financial resources to fund a Bachelor's or Master's degree, andfinancial constraints can be a major factorin dissuading international students from studying in Germany.

However, that doesn't have to be the case. In fact, German universities tend to offer a range of "dual studies" options which let students mix work and education.

What is dual study in Germany?

By dual study, Germans meancourses that specifically include work and learning. Because of the way they are structured, students have plenty of time to carry out research, attend classes, and pass examinations.

But they will also have the chance to take work placements to earn money and - in theory - to gain valuable work experience. So a work study program in Germany delivers two things:experience and financial assistance.

They tend to deliver aBachelor'squalification, with the option of upgrading toMaster'svia summer study.

For whom are dual study programs suitable?

Dual studies programs aren't designed to allow students to work mini-jobs for a couple of weeks before returning to college. Instead,these courses are suitable for students on courses that are funded by or connected to major companies.

For example, Computer Science courses could be included, with semesters in bank IT departments, followed by a semester on campus.

Financial Assistance

The funds earned from work placements also help out international students with fewer financial resources. So if you can't afford full-time study prior to entering work, a dual study course could be ideal.

Advantages and Challenges

Dual study programs have plenty of advantages, but they aren't for everyone

If you have adesire to work in a specific area of industry(such as car design, or network management), having the chance to work in relevant settings, and the opportunity to build contacts is absolutely invaluable.

Some people will thrive on the vocational nature of these courses. If individuals aren't academically minded, and struggle with research, they may do very well in work-based environments, and discover talents that wouldn't normally emerge in conventional universities.

On the other hand, admission is competitive, andinternational students will need to work on their German both before and during their studies.They also need to be sure about their career direction, which not all young people are. And even though students can earn money, the income received isn't always enough to live on. For some people saving for standard degrees, and working mini-jobs between semesters can be more convenient.

Dual study courses also lead to focused qualifications that aren't always applicable across the whole of society or abroad.General degrees may open more doors, or lead to further study. But there's no doubt that vocational dual study courses can deliver huge benefits. Just think carefully before applying.

If you are unsure about whether to opt for dual study or conventional degrees,feel free to ask academics or industry professionals. And think about asking wider communities on sites likeQuora. The feedback from members can often be very helpful.

Dual Studies for International Students

Most dual studies courses weren't created for international students, but they have become a very popular option for a variety of reasons

Most of all,these courses provide both academic qualifications and routes into work. Those coming from outside Germany can build their resumes, get to know German culture, and forge relationships with major employers. It's a goodstepping stone to successin later life.

What challenges do international students face?

International students will need to provide plenty of supporting documentsto make their dual studies applications, and they may also need to work hard to persuade German companies to take them on.

It's a good idea toundertake work experience with a partner company before applying. Failing that, writing to companies to introduce yourself and describe your skills could work well.

Overseas students will need to brush up theirGerman language skillsas well (depending on which workplace they are placed in). And managing finances when students aren't working can be challenging.

Different types of Programs

There are various forms of dual study programs:

Training integrated

These coursesinclude two main parts - an academic component and a vocational qualification. The vocational component will be tightly focused on a specific occupation, providing an excellent chance of finding employment.

Practice integrated

These courses areless academic, and feature more time withincommercial or industrial environments. They will tend to lead to employment with particular employers, and are more likely to be funded by private scholarships.

During Work (Career Integrated)

Some courses can be undertaken after students have started work. In these cases, they will take time off to study, while remaining in position. When the course is finished, they can expect a promotion due to their expanded skill set.

Where can I find more information about dual study programs?

It's not always easy to know about every option, butstudents should always research all of the dual study courses in their fields. Thankfully, some excellent tools have emerged that put the information at your fingertips.

TheHochschulkompassEnglish websiteis a great source of information about dual study in Germany. Use the search engine to zero in on institutions and courses, and to find out admissions information as well.

German Degrees [Complete Guide] (2024)


Is a German degree valid in the USA? ›

Germany is effectively competing with other nations like the US and the UK. The degree is accepted internationally by many countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc. German master is sometimes referred to as the mother of ideas.

How do I get my degree recognized in Germany? ›

In the recognition process, your degree is compared with a similar German degree. When your qualification is verified as an equivalent to the corresponding German degree, your diploma is "recognised", and you will have better chances in the job market.

Are German degrees valuable? ›

Germany has several top-ranked institutions, according to academic and student rankings. This means that you will both have fun and get the best of your academic studies. Even better: the majority of German degrees are recognised internationally.

How long does it take to complete a bachelor's degree in Germany? ›

A Bachelor's Degree in Germany generally takes three to four years to complete and is the first level of tertiary education. After completing a German Bachelor's degree, students can either enter the workforce or pursue their higher education.

Which degree is best for Germany? ›

The Highest-paying Degrees in Germany
  • Medicine and Dentistry.
  • Computer science.
  • Law.
  • Business & Economics.
  • Marketing.
  • Industrial Engineering.
  • Human resources.
  • Final Thoughts.
Feb 15, 2024

What is a German diploma equivalent to in the US? ›

According to World Education Services, a German Diplom is equivalent to having earned both U.S. bachelor's and master's degrees.

Is the USA better or Germany for masters? ›

As per QS World University Rankings 2024, US universities rank higher than German universities. Another important factor is the admission rate. Public universities in Germany for undergraduate courses have a lower admission rate (about 30%), while universities in the US have a higher admission rate (around 95%).

What is the German equivalent of a bachelor's degree? ›

Bachelor´s degree

A bachelor's degree – also known as Bakkalaureus at some German higher education institutions – is the first level of qualification that qualifies its holder for a profession. The standard period of study for a bachelor's programme is a minimum of three years and a maximum of four years.

What is the degree equivalency tool in Germany? ›

anabin is a database you can use to find out how your certificate will be evaluated in Germany.

Are degrees in Germany free? ›

If you want to study in Germany, you'll be happy to know that public universities do not charge tuition fees for Bachelor's and Master's programmes (except if you plan to pursue a Master's degree that focuses on a different subject than the one you studied as a Bachelor's student).

Can I study in Germany at 45 years old? ›

Being 45 years old does not change your chances of being admitted to a bachelor program at a German university. Much more important is how well you speak the German language. If you don't, your choice of programs you might be eligible for will be very small (and everyday life in Germany quite hard).

What are the disadvantages of studying in Germany? ›

In Germany, many public universities lack adequate facilities. For instance, you might not have access to high-tech computer labs or a particularly well-run student centre. Even when they are available, these amenities could be expensive for students. In actuality, a student's monthly gym membership could be €20.

Which profession is highest paid in Germany? ›

Medical & Healthcare: Doctors, surgeons, medical practitioners, and pharmacists are few in this category, and they earn the badge of the highest-paying medical jobs in Germany. Other high-demand fields: Pilots, Lawyers, Judges, and Tax advisors are also the highest-paying jobs in Germany.

What GPA is required for Bachelors degree in Germany? ›

If you want to study in Germany, you should have a base GPA of 3.0 out of 4 for Bachelor's Degree and 3.0 out of 4 for a Master's Degree. However, this is just the base requirement.

What is the salary of Bachelors degree in Germany? ›

What is the average starting salary in Germany? Germany is a country that values highly-qualified workers. If you have a unique skill set combined with a university degree, your chances of earning a high-paying job are high. The average graduate starting salary in Germany is €44,000 per year.

Can I study in Germany without a Studienkolleg? ›

Studienkolleg is compulsory only in the Bachelor's degree to bridge the gap of 1 year that arises due to the difference in schooling, i.e. 12 years in India and 13 years in Germany. However, one can skip the course of Studienkolleg by studying at Indian University for a year.

What jobs are in high demand in Germany? ›

High Demand Jobs in Germany 2023
  • Engineers. Engineers are highly in demand in Germany, especially electrical, mechanical and civil engineers. ...
  • IT and Software Development Jobs. ...
  • Sales and Marketing. ...
  • Finance and Accounting. ...
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture. ...
  • Language and Related Jobs. ...
  • Nursing and Healthcare.
Nov 20, 2023

What is the most demanding subject in Germany? ›

Engineering is considered as one of the most demanding courses in Germany for international students. Engineering attracts almost 25% of international students to the country which signifies the popularity of the course for international students.

What is the most common major in Germany? ›

5 Most Popular Subjects to Study in Germany
  • 5 Most Popular Subjects to Study in Germany.
  • With a reputation of excellence and (almost) free tuition, Germany is one of the most popular study abroad destinations. ...
  • #5 Strategic Management. ...
  • #4 Project Management. ...
  • #3 International Business. ...
  • #2 Management Studies. ...
  • #1 Business.
Mar 14, 2023

Are European degrees recognized in the USA? ›

In summary, while European degrees are generally recognized in the USA, it's essential to ensure your degree is from an accredited institution and to use credential evaluation services for verification. For professional practice, additional steps may be required depending on the field.

How do I know if my degree is valid in USA? ›

Applicants can request an evaluation from a member organization of one of the two national associations of credential evaluation services: National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) is an association of 19 credential evaluation services with admission standards and an enforced code of good practice.

Does the US accept foreign degrees? ›

International degrees recognized in the U.S.

Recognizing foreign degrees and qualifications is done at the state level, and each state has different requirements and processes. So if you want to work in the field you have a degree in, it's important to research the requirements for states you're considering moving to.

Can a German specialist work in USA? ›

How can foreign doctors practice in the US? You must pass the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK to participate in residency programs for foreign medical graduates. Passing all three is also required to take part in a fellowship for foreign doctors in the USA.

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