World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (2024)

World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (1)

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle was the official residence of the late Queen Elizabeth II. It is the world’s oldest continuously occupied castle. See the magnificent State Apartments; furnished with some of the finest Baroque art from the Royal Collection, St. George’s Chapel; the burial place of Henry VIII, Charles I and many other Kings and Queens – including Queen Elizabeth II. Also see Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House and marvel at the exquisite detail of the fully functioning light fittings and plumbed bathrooms – designed by the same man who re-designed parts of Buckingham Palace; Aston Webb.

You will need the following tickets for this tour:

Windsor, Stonehenge and Bath day trip by bus

World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (2)

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace is the famous, most favourite palace of Henry VIII. Built by Cardinal Wolsey in 1514 and situated along the beautiful River Thames. Five of Henry’s wives lived here. Apparently, the ghosts of Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard still haunt the palace. Highlights include, the Great Hall, with its exquisite hammer-beam roof and hung with some of Henry VIII’s most splendid tapestries, the Tudor kitchens built to feed 700 members of court, 60 acres of beautiful gardens featuring sparkling fountains and glorious displays of over 150,000 flowering bulbs, the world’s largest grape vine planted in the 1760’s, the maze and astronomical clock. After Henry VIII the palace was home to subsequent Stuart and Hanoverian monarchs.

You will need the following tickets for this tour:

Entrance ticket to Hampton Court Palace

World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (3)

Runneymede (Magna Carta)

Around 800 years ago, King John met with a group of barons on this small patch of countryside. It was at Runneymede that he sealed Magna Carta, seen by many as the symbolic first step on the road to modern democracy. Visit the memorial to this great event erected by the American Bar Association in 1957 and on the same hillside, set in a symbolic acre of land donated to the United States of America by Queen Elizabeth II in in 1965, is a seven-tonne block of Portland stone commemorating the life of President John F Kennedy. On the way to Runnymede, see Eton, the famous boys’ school that Princes William and Harry attended, where pupils still dress in traditional black tail coats.
Both Hampton Court and Runnymede are near the world’s oldest castle at Windsor.

World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (4)

  1. The history and architecture of the Castles amaze me. Close your eyes and imagine back in time, yes the good and the difficult living conditions. The beauty is awesome


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World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle (2024)


World's oldest castle that has been continuously occupied - Windsor Castle? ›

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. It is open to visitors throughout the year. Founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, it has since been the home of 40 monarchs.

Is Windsor Castle the oldest occupied castle? ›

Windsor Castle as it appears today is the result of almost a thousand years of development. It is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been the home of 39 monarchs, each of whom has left their mark.

What is the oldest castle to have been continuously lived in? ›

Windsor Castle was the official residence of the late Queen Elizabeth II. It is the world's oldest continuously occupied castle.

Is Windsor Castle the largest inhabited castle in the world? ›

As the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world, Windsor holds endless history within its walls. The 484,000-square-foot castle features over 1,000 rooms, more than 300 fireplaces, and a substantial royal collection of paintings, armor, and furniture to rival any museum.

What is the oldest castle in the world still standing? ›

Citadel of Aleppo

Located in Syria, the Citadel of Aleppo is often touted as the oldest castle in the world. The earliest structures date back to 3000 BC.

Who has lived in Windsor Castle over the years? ›

Who lived at Windsor Castle?
  • While it was William the Conqueror who first built the castle, he didn't live in the castle, it was used as a defensive base at the time. ...
  • Henry I, Henry II, Henry III & Edward III. ...
  • Henry V, Henry VII & Henry VIII. ...
  • Edward VI, Elizabeth I & James I. ...
  • Charles I & Charles II.

What is the oldest royal residence still in use? ›

Windsor Castle is the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world, and it has been a royal home and a fortress for over nine hundred years.

What is the oldest city still inhabited in the world? ›

1. Damascus, Levant: 10,000 BCE – 8000 BCE. Between 1963 and 1973, the site of Tell Ramad in modern-day Damascus was excavated. What they found was evidence of continuous Neolithic habitation and settlement that has been dated to be between 10,000 and 12,000 years old.

What is the longest occupied castle in the world? ›

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. It is open to visitors throughout the year.

Who lives at Windsor Castle now? ›

Who lives in Windsor Castle? Windsor Castle is home to around 150 people and was the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II before the monarch's sad death in 2022. After this, the ownership of fortress was passed on to King Charles, although he does not live there.

How much bigger is Windsor Castle than Buckingham Palace? ›

Windsor Castle has over 1,000 rooms, whereas Buckingham Palace only has around 775 rooms, including everything from fancy royal apartments to bathrooms and offices.

Who lived in Windsor Castle when it burned? ›

Was the Queen inside Windsor Castle when it caught fire? Queen Elizabeth II was not inside Windsor Castle when it caught fire, but her son, Prince Andrew was there when the blaze began.

Who owns Windsor Castle? ›

As sovereign, Charles has ownership not only of Windsor but all other lands and holding controlled by the monarchy under the reign of the late her majesty. Moreover, under British law, King Charles does not have to pay an inheritance tax or his inherited 45,000-acre Duchy of Lancaster property valued at $750 million.

Did castles have bathrooms? ›

In the medieval period luxury castles were built with indoor toilets known as 'garderobes', and the waste dropped into a pit below. It was the job of the 'Gongfarmer' to remove it – one of the smelliest jobs in history?

What castle has never been taken? ›

The fa*garas Fortress. The result of centuries of transformations, the fa*garas Fortress is nowadays one of the best conserved feudal monuments in Romania and also in Europe. The fa*garas Fortress is surrounded by two sets of walls and a moat, which is why it has never been conquered.

Which castle occupied by same family for 800 years? ›

The amazing history of Eltz Castle in Germany, belonging to the same family for 33 generations. For more than 850 years, Eltz Castle in the German Moselle has been inhabited by the same family.

Which is older Tower of London or Windsor Castle? ›

Both the Tower of London and Windsor Castle were built after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Construction commenced on the Tower of London in 1066 and Windsor Castle in 1070.

What is the oldest standing British castle? ›

Chepstow Castle (Welsh: Castell Cas-gwent) at Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales is the oldest surviving post-Roman stone fortification in Britain. Located above cliffs on the River Wye, construction began in 1067 under the instruction of the Norman Lord William FitzOsbern.

Who lives in Windsor Castle now? ›

Those who live and work within the Castle include the titular head of the Castle community, the Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle; the Dean of Windsor, Canons and other staff who run the College of St George; the Military Knights of Windsor; the Superintendent of Windsor Castle and his staff, who are responsible ...

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