Why Studying International Business Is Important for Your Career (2024)

Global business — and the study of it — has been around for decades, but with the advances in technology in the last 20 years or so, both have skyrocketed. Having skills in international business (and intercultural fluency in general) is vital to moving forward in this increasingly globalized world.

A survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) lists knowledge of global cultures as one of its eight key career competencies. Also, in a survey by the Association of American Colleges & Universities, 53% of employers said the ability to communicate and work with people from different cultural backgrounds is a “very important” skill. That said, many employers think college graduates are not well prepared in this area. This is why studying business on a global scale is vital.

We talked with Pam DeLotell, PhD, associate dean in the Purdue Global School of Business and Information Technology about the importance of global business and the skills you need for a global business career.

“Economic and technological globalization has already happened,” says DeLotell. “What everyone is moving toward now is that cultural connection that allows us all to respect and engage with cultures different than our own.”

Why Is Studying Global Business Important?

Although some of the biggest companies in the world are headquartered in the United States—think Apple, eBay, Google—their operations span the globe. To interact with the places these companies do business, a knowledge of different cultures and how they operate is key to survival in the marketplace.

Under its Equity & Inclusion section, the NACE competency statement lists these activities as some of those indicative of career readiness:

  • Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to diverse environments.
  • Keep an open mind to diverse ideas and new ways of thinking.
  • Seek cross-cultural experiences and interactions globally that enhance one’s understanding of people from different demographic groups and lead to personal growth.
  • Solicit and use feedback from multiple cultural perspectives to make inclusive and equity-minded decisions.

“Employers want to know that you are sharpening your global community skills,” says DeLotell. “[And they want to see] that you can interact with others who may have different cultural, social, and economic backgrounds, experiences, or preferences.”

What Skills Are Needed to Be Successful in Global Business?

The skills learned in pursuing a global business degree or certification can be used in many different fields. These top skills are often sought by international companies:

  • Adaptive thinking. This skill helps you thrive in an always-changing environment, making you well placed for success.
  • Collaboration. Among other qualities, collaboration requires humility, allowing others to take the lead and share credit for success.
  • Cross-cultural communication skills. This would require diplomacy, respect, and sensitivity to cultural differences.
  • Emotional intelligence. People strong in this skill are self-aware and in control of their emotions, making them better able to react and adapt.
  • Excellent networking abilities. This includes developing strong relationships outside of your home country.
  • Interpersonal influence. This is the skill of encouraging others to get on board with your ideas because they understand their value.
  • Resilience. Working across time zones and cultures involves long hours and unique challenges, which requires mental toughness.

These soft skills can be a true advantage in the global business world.

What Job Titles Can You Have in Global Business?

Knowledge of global business isn’t limited to any one field. With fluency in global issues, you can open up job opportunities in a number of countries to your expertise, and you can do business around the world.

“Although many global positions are skill specific (think accounting or project management), many jobs today rely on emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, and social skills that global citizens build,” says DeLotell. “In today’s business environment, you will interact with other individuals who come from different communities or cultural backgrounds, so all of these skills are going to help you even if you never work in an international or overseas operation.”

What Do You Study in an International Business Degree Plan?

Global business degrees typically focus on competencies, both practical and research-based, to understand the impact of differences in cultural, economic, legal, and political systems.

Purdue Global’s degree programs focus on the following three key areas:

  • How to recognize, respect, and strategize with major areas of difference. These differences can be cultural, political, or legal.
  • How to understand the strategy of multinational organizations. How organizational design supports the firm's strategic decisions related to primary business functions operating across national borders.
  • How to develop entry strategies to successfully move into a foreign market. Consider how an organization can leverage resources, capabilities, and preferential entry modes to create competitive advantages when entering a foreign market.

“Anyone who is working in a diverse environment would benefit from exposure to global business skills,” says DeLotell.

How Does Studying Abroad Help You in Your Global Business Degree?

International internships, training programs, or studying abroad can also provide a helpful way to immerse yourself in global business.

At Purdue Global, both the online MBA with a specialization in global business and the online MS in Management and Leadership with a specialization in global business offer an option to learn abroad, in person or virtually, by working with organizations and scholars outside of the U.S.

“There’s a difference between looking at the theories surrounding global business and discussing those theories versus actually immersing yourself in a culture and visiting a business where those differences are in place,” says DeLotell. “Many of our students never had the chance to study abroad with such a concentrated focus, and Purdue Global makes that possible. There is also an option for a virtual education abroad experience at Purdue Global for students who cannot leave the United States for this type of immersive environment.”

How Purdue Global Can Give You a Global Business Edge

Purdue Global's graduate-level programs in global business are available as concentrations within our online MBA and master’s in management and leadership degree programs and as a graduate micro-credential. A global business elective course, Building Global Competence, is available to all Purdue Global graduate students.

All of these degree concentrations and courses offer you a chance to position yourself for a global future. Purdue Global’s first-ever educational travel abroad experience is also being offered with the master’s programs, both virtually and in person.

Reach out today to learn more about programs at Purdue Global.

About the Author

Purdue Global

Earn a degree you're proud of and employers respect at Purdue Global, Purdue's online university for working adults. Accredited and online, Purdue Global gives you the flexibility and support you need to come back and move your career forward. Choose from 175+ programs, all backed by the power of Purdue.

Why Studying International Business Is Important for Your Career (2024)


Why the study of international business is important to you? ›

Studying international business management will help you develop a broad global business perspective, allowing you to broaden your horizons to run a business across multiple cultures and countries. It can empower you to navigate the complexities of the international business landscape with greater proficiency.

Why should I pursue a career in international business? ›

You'll be an asset to any company in any industry, providing much-needed knowledge and skills to take a business to another level. The higher salary isn't the only great return on investment, but so is the ability to travel and interact with people from different parts of the world.

What is the advantage of studying international business? ›

International business programmes therefore give students an understanding of business management practices all over the world, and prepare them for graduate careers working abroad or in organisations engaged in conducting business on a global scale.

What is the most important thing in international business? ›

Cross-cultural communication skills

Whether they're a colleague, a client, or a customer, understanding how to communicate across cultures is an absolutely indispensable skill. It requires no small amount of sensitivity, respect, and diplomacy. It also requires an open mind and, often, a little bit of research.

Why does international business matter? ›

International business facilitates the country's specialization in producing and exporting the products or services that are most efficiently produced in that country.

Is a degree in international business worth it? ›

Yes, earning an international business degree can be useful in careers across multiple sectors and industries. This credential may lead to diverse career opportunities in your home country and abroad. Graduates learn foundational business concepts and skills that employers seek worldwide.

How do I know if international business is for me? ›

International business majors should be drawn to other cultures and have an affinity for numbers. "Money makes the world go round" is more than an idiom; it's a relevant observation for an increasingly interconnected world.

What does international business do? ›

International business comprises any commercial activity conducted globally, including trade, investment, finance and marketing.

Why do I want to work for an international company? ›

Exposure to diverse, multicultural working environments

Working at a global organization provides the opportunity to experience diversity that crosses borders, languages, and cultures. This can broaden world views while facilitating the generation of unique ideas and approaches to problem solving.

Is international business a hard major? ›

Compared to other majors, international business can be considered moderately difficult. It's not as intense as some STEM or pre-med majors, but it does require a broader skillset and knowledge base than some other humanities majors.

Why did you choose to study international business? ›

In short, students need to develop a global mindset in order to be successful in business. Studying international business will allow them to see how globalization has brought about an increasing “connectedness” of business, markets, people and information across countries.

What is and to what purpose do we study international business? ›

IB scholars examine how and why national business contexts matter and how individuals and corporations manage such contextual varia- tions. With an acute awareness of local context, IB scholars integrate context and general theories to generate new theoretical and practical insights.

What best defines international business? ›

The Definition of International Business

International business relates to any situation where the production or distribution of goods or services crosses country borders. Globalization—the shift toward a more interdependent and integrated global economy—creates greater opportunities for international business.

What is international business in simple words? ›

The term international business refers to any business that operates across international borders. At its most basic, it includes the sale of goods and services between countries.

What are international business advantages and disadvantages? ›

On the one hand, international trade can provide access to new markets, increased profits, and access to new technologies. On the other hand, it can present risks such as language barriers, cultural differences, and complex regulations.

Why do companies want to engage in international business? ›

Firms engage in international business to access new markets, natural resources, lower costs, and achieve profits. Entry modes vary from exports to investments based on strategic considerations.

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