What to Do Before Starting a Business - businessnewsdaily.com (2024)

Starting a business can be stressful. It often feels like there are 1,000 things to work on all at the same time. There’s no avoiding this reality for new small business owners. Still, with a little planning, it’s possible to manage expectations and take actions with a sense of purpose toward building your business.

Launch your business: Starting a business is a lot of work, but we’re here to help! Check out our useful resources for everything you need to successfully build your business from the ground up.

  • How to Start a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • 26 Great Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs
  • Tax and Business Forms You’ll Need to Start a Business
  • Startup Costs: How Much Cash Will You Need?
  • 20 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

Beyond giving it your all, it’s important to direct your energy to the right tasks – especially at first. Some good first steps in starting a business are researching competitors, assessing the legal aspects of your industry, considering your personal and business finances, getting realistic about the risk involved, understanding timing, and hiring help.

11 tasks to complete before starting a business

To make sure you’re prepared before launching your business, make sure you’ve completed these 11 important tasks. Doing so will better position you and your new company for success.

1. Do your research.

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You want to make sure you understand the industry you’ll be involved in so you can dominate it. Even if you think your business idea is unique, you should be aware of competitors, said Ian Wright, founder of British Business Energy.

“Just because you have a brilliant idea does not mean other people haven’t also had the same idea,” said Wright. “If you can’t offer something better and/or cheaper than your competitors, you might want to rethink starting a business in that area.”

2. Determine your audience.

Spend time considering who your target demographic is. This audience will be the driving force in each decision you make. Understanding who needs your product or service can help fine-tune your offerings and ensure your marketing and sales strategies are reaching the right people. Part of this decision is understanding if you are a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) enterprise. Within those parameters are multiple categories, including, but certainly not limited to, age, gender, income and profession. You can’t earn a profit without your customers, so understand who they are and make them your priority.

“It is crucial to make sure you are delivering what your customer wants, not what you want,” said Sonia Lakhany, attorney at Lakhany Law. “This will give you insight into your customer’s buying decision and save you lots of experimenting down the road.”

Know whom you’re talking to. A defined target market will help you better acquire new and repeat customers.

3. Have a strong mission.

Standing out is no easy feat, and no one magic formula guarantees results. However, knowing your business’s purpose is central to guiding these decisions. By recognizing your business’s strengths, differences and purpose, you can make informed choices to expand your services and markets down the line in a way that is harmonious.

4. Choose a structure.

A key initial step to take when starting your business is choosing its legal structure, said business attorney Mason Cole of Cole Sadkin LLC. “It will dictate the taxes, paperwork, liability of the owner(s) [and] other legal aspects, as well as whether or not the company can have employees,” he said.

Additionally, you must acquire the proper local and state registration required to open your business.

“This means the entrepreneur will need to create the articles of incorporation, obtain an employer identification number and apply for necessary licenses, which will vary by state and industry,” Cole said.

5. Map your finances.

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Starting a business requires money that you likely won’t have right away. This is why you need to seek out ways to acquire capital.

“Most entrepreneurs start a business with a very limited amount of capital, which is a large hurdle to many,” said Cole. “However, plenty of options are available to a budding business owner. The first and most common place to seek capital is with friends and family. If that is not enough, expand the search to angel investors and venture capitalists. Should these options not provide the amount needed, then apply for business loans through banks and small business associations.”

Key Takeaway

Make a plan for how you will fund startup costs, whether that’s using your own funds, asking friends and family for money, or borrowing from a financial institution.

6. Understand your tax burden.

Travis Sickle, a certified financial planner at Sickle Hunter Financial Advisors, advises entrepreneurs to be organized with taxes and fees. There are multiple payments to make, and filing any of them late could result in severe consequences.

“You have to figure out how much your payroll will be to make your tax payments timely,” said Sickle. “The timing can vary depending on your payroll. You must also figure out other business taxes, such as city, county and state.”

7. Understand the risk.

Of course, launching a new business venture will always involve a level of risk. Calculating, understanding and planning for risk is an important step to take before you start working on your business. This means assessing your industry’s risks before developing a business plan.

Entrepreneurs should know their industry’s risks before purchasing business insurance,” said Jeff Somers, COO of HouseCanary. “For example, accountants will want to consider professional liability insurance if a client files a lawsuit, claiming a costly error on their tax return. Restaurant owners are more likely to need general liability for slip-and-fall accidents and liquor liability insurance, which can pay for lawsuits.”

8. Put together a business plan.

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A business plan outlines the steps you need to take for a successful launch and continued growth. This document is important for establishing a focus for your business, attracting C-level professionals to work for you and seeking and retaining capital. A business plan ensures you put your best foot forward with other professionals who are evaluating your company, so be sure to have this document on the back burner and ready when requested. [Looking for help putting together a business plan? Check out our tips on how to write a business plan.]

Take the time to put together the main components, including:

  • Your mission statement
  • A description of your business
  • A list of your products or services
  • An analysis of the current market and opportunity
  • A list of decision-makers in the company, along with their bios
  • Your financial plan so those who review can understand the opportunity

9. Time it right.

Timing is an important element of building a business. Sure, you want to start your business at a time when the economy is healthy and your prospective industry is expanding, but there’s also a flow to decision-making that’s important to be aware of. Kevin MacCauley, founder and CEO of Upper Hand, said it’s important to be decisive when building a business.

“I wish I understood how detrimental the role of time [can be] in building a business,” he said. “You only have so much time to find out if you’ve made the right business decisions. As I once read, if you’re 70 percent of the way to making a decision, make the decision. If you try to get to 90 percent, you’ve waited too long. If I could have had that mindset from day one, I would probably have had fewer sleepless nights when I was going through tough times.”

10. Look for a mentor or advisor.

Starting a business should not be an independent journey, no matter how tempting that sounds. Finding those who have made this journey before can help set you up for success. Network with other professionals in your industry, attend industry-specific workshops and events, and reach out to thought leaders in your industry to learn their approach. Alternatively, you may want to consider hiring a coach who can give you pointed advice.

11. Bring in the professionals.

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Entrepreneurs can’t know everything about running their new venture. Tapping into seasoned professionals’ experience can ensure you’re starting on the right foot.

It’s especially important to have legal assistance to ensure you are protected and going about the process correctly.

“We often assume that legal counsel is for when we get ourselves into trouble, but preventative and proactive legal preparation can be the best way to set your business on the path to long-term success,” said Katy Blevins, CEO of Season of Katy. “When you call on legal counsel after you’ve run into a problem, it’s often too late or could critically impact your business in both the short and long term. Investing in their insight at the start of your business can pay a huge return later on by keeping you out of trouble before you even get into it.”

Another smart hire is an accountant. It’s nearly impossible for one person to handle every aspect of a company, and above all, your finances should not be put at risk.

“I had a full-time job as I considered starting my own business in 2009, but I did a lot of groundwork before I started, and bringing on an accountant was an important step,” said Sarah Burningham, president and founder of Little Bird Publicity. “It helped me understand what I needed to do to make this work from a profit standpoint, [as well as] the ins and outs of state, federal and local taxes.”

Starting a business right can lead to success

Starting a business is a lot of work, but if you do it the right way, you can set yourself up for a successful entrepreneurial journey. By following the tips in this guide and taking advantage of the resources we’ve included, you can build a strong foundation upon which to grow your business. Remember, becoming a small business owner is a journey filled with ups and downs, but if you develop a flexible plan and adapt to changing conditions, you can meet any challenge that comes your way!

What to Do Before Starting a Business - businessnewsdaily.com (2024)


What to Do Before Starting a Business - businessnewsdaily.com? ›

It's important to research your industry, find competitors, understand risk and map out your finances before starting your business.

What is the first thing I need to do to start a business? ›

How to Start a Business in 7 Easy Steps
  1. Start with a Good Business Idea. If you're wondering how to start a business, it may be easier than you think. ...
  2. Conduct Research About Your Business Idea. ...
  3. Write a Business Plan. ...
  4. Make Your New Business Official. ...
  5. Know Your Finances. ...
  6. Protect Your Business. ...
  7. Build Your Business.

What are three common mistakes people make when trying to start a new business? ›

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a New Business.
  • Lack of market research. ...
  • Not having a solid business plan. ...
  • Underestimating the importance of cash flow. ...
  • Trying to do everything on your own. ...
  • Failing to build a strong team. ...
  • Neglecting marketing and branding. ...
  • Conclusion.
Mar 31, 2023

What are four mistakes startups typically make? ›

Here are some of the most common mistakes that startups make today:
  • Burning Through Money Too Quickly. ...
  • Lacking the Right Team. ...
  • Pricing Products Improperly. ...
  • Skipping Contracts. ...
  • Failing to Create a Business Plan. ...
  • Not Researching the Market. ...
  • Not Delegating the Work. ...
  • Rushing to Hire New Employees.

What is the easiest first business to start? ›

18 of the best business ideas to start with little money
  • Sell second-hand or vintage goods.
  • Start a candle business.
  • Sell arts and crafts.
  • Affilate marketing.
  • Monetize a blog.
  • Sell shoes online.
  • Sell books online.
  • Home staging.

When starting a business, the first step should be? ›

10 Steps to Starting a Business
  1. Choose your business idea. ...
  2. Conduct market research. ...
  3. Write a business plan. ...
  4. Secure funding for your business. ...
  5. Choose your business structure. ...
  6. Register your business. ...
  7. Apply for licenses and permits. ...
  8. Open a bank account.
Jun 15, 2023

What is the #1 reason small businesses fail? ›

Financial mismanagement and lack of budgeting are pivotal reasons small businesses, particularly in retail, face failure. Effective cash flow management is crucial. Without it, businesses may struggle to cover essential expenses like rent, inventory and salaries.

What is the number one mistake entrepreneurs make? ›

The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is making how much money they think they need to raise part of the equation for starting a business. They come up with an idea and their next thought is, "How much money can I raise?" When you incorporate a company... you own 100 percent of the shares in that company.

What is the biggest mistake small businesses make? ›

It's impossible to provide a comprehensive list of mistakes, but we've put together 10 common areas where pitfalls can happen.
  1. Not Taking the Time to Plan. ...
  2. Forgetting to Set Goals for Your Startup. ...
  3. Trying to Do It All by Yourself. ...
  4. Skipping the Contracts. ...
  5. Overspending or Underspending. ...
  6. Forgetting About Financing.

How to start a business from scratch? ›

Read on to learn about each step.
  1. Conduct market research. ...
  2. Write your business plan. ...
  3. Fund your business. ...
  4. Pick your business location. ...
  5. Choose a business structure. ...
  6. Choose your business name. ...
  7. Register your business. ...
  8. Get federal and state tax IDs.
May 3, 2023

What to look out for when starting a business? ›

Here are some factors to consider when thinking about becoming an entrepreneur and creating your business plan:
  • Need. Consider what need your business fills. ...
  • Uniqueness. Consider what your business can do that no other business does. ...
  • Identity. ...
  • Business structure. ...
  • Market. ...
  • Specific audience. ...
  • Startup costs. ...
  • Funding.
Mar 10, 2023

What does DBA mean? ›

DBA stands for “doing business as”. A DBA name is also referred to as a “trade name”, “assumed name”, or “fictitious business name”. The purpose of registering a DBA name is to notify the public that a particular person or business entity is conducting business under a name other than its legal name.

What is the #1 reason why startups fail? ›

1. Lack of product-market fit (PMF) 42% of startups fail because they lack product-market fit — their offering simply doesn't solve a real problem that enough people are willing to pay for.

What do startups struggle with the most? ›

Startup challenges: What they are and how to overcome them
  • Challenge #1: Money.
  • Challenge #2: Neglecting marketing and sales.
  • Challenge #3: Lack of planning.
  • Challenge #4: Finding the right people.
  • Challenge #5: Time management.
  • Challenge #6: Your founders.
  • Challenge #7: Scaling up.
  • Challenge #8: Your comfort zone.
Jun 9, 2023

Why do 80% of startups fail? ›

Some of the most common mistakes that startup business leaders make include not budgeting, going through cash too quickly, not doing their research, not defining a (specific) target market, failing to establish a business plan, and hiring employees too quickly.

What do I need to begin a business? ›

  1. Step 1: Research the market and your competition. ...
  2. Step 2: Write a business plan and choose your business name. ...
  3. Step 3: Register your business. ...
  4. Step 4: Finance your business. ...
  5. Step 5: Build your business brand. ...
  6. Step 6: Build a successful business behind the scenes. ...
  7. Step 7: Launch your business.

How can I start a business with no money? ›

If you don't have a pile of cash lying around, aim for a business that needs minimal upfront investment. Think service based businesses or an online business like freelance writing, graphic design, or social media marketing; something you can start with nothing more than an internet connection and some expertise.

How much does it cost to start a business? ›

The cost to start a business will vary based on a number of factors including the type of business you're in, the area you'll be operating this business, and what you need to get started. The SBA estimates (Opens in a new Window) that most home-based businesses only need to invest about $2,000-$5,000 to get started.

What are four 4 first steps they need to take to start their own business? ›

The four basics for starting a business are your business name, business structure, business registration certificate and all your other licenses. You must take the proper legal and regulatory steps in each of these four areas before you launch your business.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.