Waning Moon vs. Waxing Moon - What's the Difference? | This vs. That (2025)

The waning moon and waxing moon are two phases of the lunar cycle that occur as the moon transitions from a full moon to a new moon and vice versa. The waning moon refers to the period when the illuminated portion of the moon gradually decreases, appearing to shrink in size. This phase is often associated with a decrease in energy and a time for reflection and release. On the other hand, the waxing moon is the phase when the illuminated portion of the moon gradually increases, appearing to grow in size. This phase is often associated with new beginnings, growth, and increased energy. Both phases play an important role in the natural rhythm of the moon and offer unique energies and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.


The moon, our celestial neighbor, has fascinated humanity for centuries. Its ever-changing appearance throughout the lunar cycle has given rise to various phases, each with its own unique attributes. Two of these phases, the waning moon and the waxing moon, hold particular significance. In this article, we will explore and compare the attributes of these two phases, shedding light on their differences and similarities.

Waning Moon

The waning moon is the phase when the moon appears to be shrinking in size. It occurs after the full moon and before the new moon. During this phase, the illuminated portion of the moon visible from Earth gradually decreases. Here are some key attributes of the waning moon:

  • Decreasing Illumination: As the waning moon progresses, the illuminated portion of the moon becomes smaller each night. This gradual decrease in brightness is a distinguishing feature of this phase.
  • Symbolic Meaning: The waning moon is often associated with letting go, release, and surrender. It is a time for reflection, introspection, and shedding what no longer serves us.
  • Energy: The energy of the waning moon is considered more introspective and reflective. It is a time for inner work, self-analysis, and contemplation.
  • Completion and Closure: The waning moon is associated with the completion of projects, goals, or cycles. It is a time to wrap up loose ends and prepare for new beginnings.
  • Releasing Negativity: The waning moon is believed to be a powerful time for releasing negative energy, habits, or emotions. It is an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves our highest good.

Waxing Moon

The waxing moon is the phase when the moon appears to be growing in size. It occurs after the new moon and before the full moon. During this phase, the illuminated portion of the moon visible from Earth gradually increases. Let's explore the attributes of the waxing moon:

  • Increasing Illumination: The waxing moon progresses with a gradual increase in the illuminated portion of the moon each night. This growth in brightness is a defining characteristic of this phase.
  • Symbolic Meaning: The waxing moon is often associated with growth, manifestation, and new beginnings. It is a time for setting intentions, taking action, and nurturing our goals.
  • Energy: The energy of the waxing moon is considered more active and outward-focused. It is a time for taking steps towards our desires, making plans, and initiating new projects.
  • Building Momentum: The waxing moon is associated with building momentum and progress. It is a time to gather resources, acquire knowledge, and lay the foundation for future success.
  • Attracting Positivity: The waxing moon is believed to be a powerful time for attracting positive energy, abundance, and opportunities. It is an opportunity to align ourselves with our goals and aspirations.

Comparing Waning Moon and Waxing Moon

While the waning moon and waxing moon represent different phases of the lunar cycle, they also share some common attributes. Let's explore the similarities between these two phases:

  • Phases of Transition: Both the waning moon and waxing moon are transitional phases between the full moon and the new moon. They mark the shift from illumination to darkness (waning) and darkness to illumination (waxing).
  • Approximate Duration: The duration of both the waning moon and waxing moon is approximately two weeks. This period allows for the completion of cycles and the initiation of new ones.
  • Reflective Nature: While the waning moon is more introspective, and the waxing moon is more action-oriented, both phases encourage self-reflection and introspection. They provide opportunities for personal growth and transformation.
  • Connection to Nature: Both the waning moon and waxing moon are deeply connected to the natural rhythms of the Earth. They remind us of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of embracing change.
  • Affirmation and Ritual: Many individuals use both the waning moon and waxing moon as a time for affirmations, rituals, and setting intentions. These practices help align our energy with the specific attributes of each phase.


The waning moon and waxing moon, two distinct phases of the lunar cycle, offer unique attributes and energies. While the waning moon represents release, completion, and introspection, the waxing moon symbolizes growth, manifestation, and action. Both phases provide opportunities for personal growth, transformation, and connection to the natural rhythms of the Earth. By understanding and embracing the attributes of the waning moon and waxing moon, we can align ourselves with the cycles of nature and harness their energies to support our goals and aspirations.

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Waning Moon vs. Waxing Moon - What's the Difference? | This vs. That (2025)
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