These states and cities attract the most retirees (2024)

by: Jaclyn DeJohn, SmartAsset via Stacker



(Stacker) – As people retire, their goals shift, often causing them to reconsider where they’re living and how they spend their money. Places with a high cost of living, high taxes and cold winters, for example, could influence retirees to move to warmer locations where they can stretch their retirement savings further and enjoy their free time. Thus, many people opt to downsize or even relocate entirely to better facilitate their ideal retirement.

With this in mind, SmartAsset set out to determine which cities and states have proven themselves to be most attractive to retirees. All 50 states and 182 U.S. cities were evaluated based on the number of people aged 60 and over moving in and out.

Key findings

  • Mesa, AZ gained the most retirees. After accounting for retirees who moved both in and out of Mesa, the net influx for just one year was 4,453 people, which is over 50% more than any other city. Even when adjusting for Mesa’s size relative to other cities, this is still the second-fastest rate of inbound retirees. The year ended with 23% of the population aged 60 and older. At the state level, Arizona saw the second-highest influx of retirees at 23,515.
  • Florida saw a net influx of more than 77,000 new retirees. This is more than three times the influx to any other state. In total, 28.4% of the state is 60 and older. St. Petersburg was the city that saw the most retirees moving in at a net of 1,662 individuals. In tenth place overall, Clearwater has the highest rate of retirees moving in relative to the size of its total population.
  • More than 30% of Maine’s population is at retirement age. Maine has the most retirees with 30.6% of the population aged 60 and older. Vermont and Delaware are close behind with 29.8% and 28.5% of their populations, respectively. Across all states, the average rate of retirees among the population is 24.6%. Utah has the fewest retirees at only 16.7% of the population.
  • Relative to their total population, retirees are flocking out of these cities. Cambridge, MA has the fastest rate of retirees moving out, with a net loss of 1,674 people over 60 in 2022. Wilmington, NC is losing the second most retirees, relative to its size, with a net loss of 1,097. Longmont, CO ranks third in this metric with a net loss of 683 individuals.

Top 10 cities that gained the most retirees

Cities are ranked by the highest positive net movement of migrations of people aged 60 and up.

  1. Mesa, Arizona
    • Retirees moved in: 6,969
    • Retirees moved out: 2,516
    • Net movement: 4,453
    • Population aged 60+: 118,004
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.0%
  2. San Antonio, Texas
    • Retirees moved in: 4,102
    • Retirees moved out: 1,166
    • Net movement: 2,936
    • Population aged 60+: 272,432
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 18.5%
  3. Henderson, Nevada
    • Retirees moved in: 5,030
    • Retirees moved out: 2,638
    • Net movement: 2,392
    • Population aged 60+: 94,125
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 28.4%
  4. St. Petersburg, Florida
    • Retirees moved in: 2,698
    • Retirees moved out: 1,036
    • Net movement: 1,662
    • Population aged 60+: 74,564
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 28.5%
  5. Murfreesboro, Tennessee
    • Retirees moved in: 1,514
    • Retirees moved out: 319
    • Net movement: 1,195
    • Population aged 60+: 24,180
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 14.9%
  6. Chattanooga, Tennessee
    • Retirees moved in: 1,917
    • Retirees moved out: 743
    • Net movement: 1,174
    • Population aged 60+: 42,253
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.0%
  7. Houston, Texas
    • Retirees moved in: 4,675
    • Retirees moved out: 3,536
    • Net movement: 1,139
    • Population aged 60+: 411,277
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 17.8%
  8. Fort Worth, Texas
    • Retirees moved in: 2,119
    • Retirees moved out: 989
    • Net movement: 1,130
    • Population aged 60+: 158,332
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 16.5%
  9. Atlanta, Georgia
    • Retirees moved in: 2,321
    • Retirees moved out: 1,263
    • Net movement: 1,058
    • Population aged 60+: 82,271
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 16.5%
  10. Clearwater, Florida
    • Retirees moved in: 1,519
    • Retirees moved out: 468
    • Net movement: 1,051
    • Population aged 60+: 34,801
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 29.7%

Top 10 cities that lost the most retirees

Cities are ranked by the net emigration of retirees out of a state.

  1. New York, New York
    • Retirees moved in: 6,194
    • Retirees moved out: 28,696
    • Net movement: -22,502
    • Population aged 60+: 1,890,434
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 22.7%
  2. Los Angeles, California
    • Retirees moved in: 3,731
    • Retirees moved out: 9,280
    • Net movement: -5,549
    • Population aged 60+: 771,266
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 20.2%
  3. Chicago, Illinois
    • Retirees moved in: 2,460
    • Retirees moved out: 5,711
    • Net movement: -3,251
    • Population aged 60+: 523,988
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 19.7%
  4. Portland, Oregon
    • Retirees moved in: 2,292
    • Retirees moved out: 4,082
    • Net movement: -1,790
    • Population aged 60+: 125,499
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 19.8%
  5. Anchorage, Alaska
    • Retirees moved in: 379
    • Retirees moved out: 2,127
    • Net movement: -1,748
    • Population aged 60+: 51,664
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 18.0%
  6. Washington, District of Columbia
    • Retirees moved in: 3,624
    • Retirees moved out: 5,336
    • Net movement: -1,712
    • Population aged 60+: 120,337
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 17.9%
  7. Cambridge, Massachusetts
    • Retirees moved in: 65
    • Retirees moved out: 1,739
    • Net movement: -1,674
    • Population aged 60+: 19,481
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 16.4%
  8. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    • Retirees moved in: 1,982
    • Retirees moved out: 3,505
    • Net movement: -1,523
    • Population aged 60+: 319,164
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 20.4%
  9. Colorado Springs, Colorado
    • Retirees moved in: 2,157
    • Retirees moved out: 3,627
    • Net movement: -1,470
    • Population aged 60+: 101,614
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 20.9%
  10. San Diego, California
    • Retirees moved in: 2,952
    • Retirees moved out: 4,375
    • Net movement: -1,423
    • Population aged 60+: 275,358
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 19.9%

Top 10 states that gained the most retirees

States are ranked by the highest positive net movement of migrations of people aged 60 and up.

  1. Florida
    • Retirees moved in: 171,343
    • Retirees moved out: 94,053
    • Net movement: 77,290
    • Population aged 60+: 6,314,895
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 28.4%
  2. Arizona
    • Retirees moved in: 61,688
    • Retirees moved out: 38,173
    • Net movement: 23,515
    • Population aged 60+: 1,838,642
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 25.0%
  3. South Carolina
    • Retirees moved in: 40,663
    • Retirees moved out: 19,768
    • Net movement: 20,895
    • Population aged 60+: 1,376,023
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 26.0%
  4. Texas
    • Retirees moved in: 68,754
    • Retirees moved out: 50,012
    • Net movement: 18,742
    • Population aged 60+: 5,699,843
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 19.0%
  5. North Carolina
    • Retirees moved in: 43,619
    • Retirees moved out: 32,280
    • Net movement: 11,339
    • Population aged 60+: 2,565,100
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.0%
  6. Georgia
    • Retirees moved in: 38,583
    • Retirees moved out: 28,348
    • Net movement: 10,235
    • Population aged 60+: 2,299,476
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 21.1%
  7. Alabama
    • Retirees moved in: 18,719
    • Retirees moved out: 10,126
    • Net movement: 8,593
    • Population aged 60+: 1,254,589
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.7%
  8. Tennessee
    • Retirees moved in: 31,253
    • Retirees moved out: 22,924
    • Net movement: 8,329
    • Population aged 60+: 1,677,613
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.8%
  9. Nevada
    • Retirees moved in: 24,800
    • Retirees moved out: 18,709
    • Net movement: 6,091
    • Population aged 60+: 730,781
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.0%
  10. Kentucky
    • Retirees moved in: 14,531
    • Retirees moved out: 8,653
    • Net movement: 5,878
    • Population aged 60+: 1,097,872
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.3%

Top 10 states that lost the most retirees

States are ranked by the net emigration of retirees out of a state.

  1. California
    • Retirees moved in: 48,470
    • Retirees moved out: 117,511
    • Net movement: -69,041
    • Population aged 60+: 8,492,450
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 21.8%
  2. New York
    • Retirees moved in: 24,314
    • Retirees moved out: 75,614
    • Net movement: -51,300
    • Population aged 60+: 4,881,715
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.8%
  3. Illinois
    • Retirees moved in: 21,371
    • Retirees moved out: 44,174
    • Net movement: -22,803
    • Population aged 60+: 2,974,355
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.6%
  4. New Jersey
    • Retirees moved in: 22,800
    • Retirees moved out: 35,782
    • Net movement: -12,982
    • Population aged 60+: 2,244,217
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.2%
  5. Colorado
    • Retirees moved in: 21,386
    • Retirees moved out: 33,477
    • Net movement: -12,091
    • Population aged 60+: 1,275,099
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 21.8%
  6. Washington
    • Retirees moved in: 25,707
    • Retirees moved out: 35,202
    • Net movement: -9,495
    • Population aged 60+: 1,789,686
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.0%
  7. Maryland
    • Retirees moved in: 17,780
    • Retirees moved out: 27,200
    • Net movement: -9,420
    • Population aged 60+: 1,459,662
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 23.7%
  8. Massachusetts
    • Retirees moved in: 15,641
    • Retirees moved out: 23,791
    • Net movement: -8,150
    • Population aged 60+: 1,738,871
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.9%
  9. Michigan
    • Retirees moved in: 20,246
    • Retirees moved out: 25,021
    • Net movement: -4,775
    • Population aged 60+: 2,593,502
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 25.8%
  10. Minnesota
    • Retirees moved in: 13,600
    • Retirees moved out: 18,363
    • Net movement: -4,763
    • Population aged 60+: 1,389,080
    • Percent of population aged 60+: 24.3%

Data and methodology

To find both the states and cities where retirees are moving, SmartAsset analyzed data from the Census Bureau’s 2022 1-year American Community Survey.

This study considers the populations aged 60 and older (for these purposes, retirees) in 182 of the largest cities in the U.S. for which data was available. We similarly found net migration for each city by subtracting the number of retirees who moved out of the city to a different state in 2022 from the number of people aged 60 and older who moved into the city from a different state. Cities with the most inbound retirees ranked highest.


Some limitations of the data available for this study include:

  • The data does not reflect migration within the same state. It only reflects movement from a city in one state to a city in another state. For example, if a person moved to Phoenix from Scottsdale, they would not be factored into our data.
  • Some retirees might live in multiple places throughout the year; this is not reflected in our metrics.
  • Not all people 60 and older are retirees.

This story was produced by SmartAsset and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media.

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These states and cities attract the most retirees (2024)


What city has the most retirees? ›

Note that the city with the highest median age is also The Villages, Florida, at 66.4 years, and the city with the highest total population of seniors is of course the New York-Newark-Jersey City metropolitan statistical area, possibly because it also has the highest population in the country.

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1. Iowa. Iowa ranks as the number one state to retire to. It offers an affordable cost of living and home prices and a strong economy, making it an attractive place to make retirement savings last longer.

Where is the best place to retire in the US in 2024? ›

Among the top ten states to retire, Florida comes in at number one, followed by Colorado, Virginia, Delaware, Wyoming, Idaho, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Montana and Pennsylvania. The next 15 states also earn the distinction of being good states to retire in 2024.

How many retirees live in Florida? ›

Florida's estimated population of over 22.5 million includes some 4.8 million residents 65 and older. And by 2030, the number of seniors in the Sunshine State is expected to crack 6 million. That's a lot of tricked-out golf carts.

Where can I retire on $2000 a month in the United States? ›

5 US Cities Where You Can Retire on $2,000 a Month
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand. Advantages: Very inexpensive. ...
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico. Advantage: In the United States. ...
  • Claremont, New Hampshire. A couple who found a place to retire on $2,000 per month. ...
  • Decatur, Indiana. Advantages: Potentially low rent. ...
  • El Paso, Texas.
Mar 19, 2024

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More than 55 million Americans are age 65 or older, according to the Census Bureau's 2020 population estimates. One-fourth of these older Americans live in one of three states: California, Florida, and Texas.

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  • Denmark. 7.92.
  • Finland. 7.91.
  • Norway. 7.66.
  • Sweden. 7.59.
  • Iceland. 7.59.
  • New Zealand. 7.39.
  • Netherlands. 7.36.
  • Canada. 7.34.
Mar 19, 2024

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10 Most Affordable Places to Retire in 2024
  • Springfield, Missouri. ...
  • Brownsville, Texas. ...
  • Huntington, West Virginia & Ashland, Kentucky-Ohio. ...
  • Fort Wayne, Indiana. ...
  • Winston-Salem, North Carolina. ...
  • Mobile, Alabama. ...
  • Toledo, Ohio. ...
  • South Bend, Indiana.
Jan 24, 2024

Where is the best place to live in the US for seniors? ›

Florida has regained its status as the best state for retirees in 2024. That's according to WalletHub's latest “Best and Worst States to Retire” study. In 2023, Virginia took the top spot and knocked Florida down to No. 2.

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25 Safest and Most Affordable Places To Retire Across America
  • Exeter, New Hampshire.
  • Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. ...
  • Keene, New Hampshire. ...
  • Brandon, Mississippi. ...
  • Ankeny, Iowa. ...
  • Jonesborough, Tennessee. Violent Crime Rate Score: 0.973. ...
  • Anacortes, Washington. Violent Crime Rate Score: 0.971. ...
  • Oxford, Mississippi. Violent Crime Rate Score: 0.916. ...
May 10, 2024

Where is the safest and cheapest place to retire? ›

The cheapest places to retire abroad include Panama, the Philippines, Portugal, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand and Vietnam. Before making the move, consider expenses such as travel costs, taxes and visas, which can vary significantly from one country to another.

Which state doesn't tax pensions? ›

States that won't tax your pension income
  • Alabama.
  • Alaska. +
  • Florida. +
  • Hawaii.
  • Illinois.
  • Iowa. ++
  • Mississippi.
  • Nevada. +
May 26, 2024

Why are retirees leaving Florida? ›

Why are boomers moving from Florida to Appalachia? Most of the boomers moving to Appalachia are "drawn by lower housing costs and living expenses, lower taxes, lower insurance costs, low crime, warm weather (but with seasons) and less chance of hurricanes," the Journal said.

Why are people leaving Florida in 2024? ›

In 2024, apparently, it's all about the Carolinas — their coast, their mountains, their more temperate climate and — most importantly — their affordable cost of living, say the moving pros at PODS, who've analyzed heaps of customer data to identify the latest trends.

Why are people moving out of Florida? ›

They got soaring costs and a culture war. Florida has seen a population boom in recent years, but many longtime residents and recent transplants say rising costs and divisive politics have them fleeing the Sunshine State.

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In 2021, there were 5,964,526 adults aged 65 and older living in California, the most out of all U.S. states, followed by Florida with almost 4.6 million adults aged 65 and older.

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The District of Columbia has an average retirement age of 67, the oldest in the United States. The average retirement age in Hawaii, Massachusetts, and South Dakota is a close second, averaging 66 years old.

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Without any doubt, The Villages is the largest retirement community in the U.S. and the world. Located in central Florida, around 80,000 people call The Villages home. Spread over 33 square miles, The Villages is home to a massive amount of things to do.

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