Tattoo Healing Timeline (2024)

How Long Does a Tattoo Take to Heal?

It can take anywhere from two to four weeks for your tattoo to heal depending on the size and location of the tattoo. Some people also heal faster or slower depending on their skin. If this is your first tattoo, here’s a look at what you can expect during the healing process.

Day 1 (after bandage removal)

After the bandage comes off for the first time, you may notice fluid oozing from the tattoo. This is just plasma and some extra ink. It’s completely normal and nothing to worry about. Clean and dry as directed above. The tattoo may also feel sore and slightly warm to the touch.

Days 2 to 3

Over the next couple of days, you may notice that your tattoo looks dull and cloudy. No need to panic or start thinking about a touch-up. This happens as your skin heals and new skin starts to form. Excess ink and plasma may still ooze from your skin during this time.

Days 4 to 6

The redness should start to fade, and light new skin will be noticeable over the tattoo. If scabs form, Don’t pick at the scabs, as this can cause scarring and ruin your tattoo before you’ve even had a chance to see it fully healed.

Days 7 to 14

Between seven days and two weeks after your tattoo, any scabbing that has occurred will have hardened and will begin to flake off. DON’T PICK AT THEM OR TRY TO PULL THEM OFF. Your tattoo may feel very itchy during this time. Use a moisturizer to relieve the itch. If the tattoo is still red and swollen at this point, go back to your artist or see a doctor as you may have an irritation or infection.

Tattoo Care After 2 Weeks – Days 15 to 30

This is the last stage of the healing process after getting a tattoo. Most, if not all of the scabs, will have fallen off. If your tattoo looks dry and dull, continue to moisturize to rehydrate the skin. It may take another month or two for the lower layers of skin to completely heal, at which point the tattoo should look as bright and vivid as you expected, and as the artist intended.

Tattoo Healing Timeline (2024)


Tattoo Healing Timeline? ›

The First 24-48 Hours. The first 24-48 hours after a new tattoo are critical to the healing process. The area will be covered when you leave the studio – keep the bandage on for 4-6 hours. During this time, you'll feel a burning sensation accompanied by redness and oozing.

What is the most crucial time for tattoo healing? ›

The First 24-48 Hours. The first 24-48 hours after a new tattoo are critical to the healing process. The area will be covered when you leave the studio – keep the bandage on for 4-6 hours. During this time, you'll feel a burning sensation accompanied by redness and oozing.

Is 2 weeks enough for a tattoo to heal? ›

It can take anywhere from two to four weeks for your tattoo to heal depending on the size and location of the tattoo.

Is 4 days enough for a tattoo to heal? ›

How long does it take for a tattoo to heal? After getting a tattoo, the outer layer of skin (the part you can see) will typically heal within 2 to 3 weeks. While it may look and feel healed, and you may be tempted to slow down on the aftercare, it can take as long as 6 months for the skin below a tattoo to truly heal.

How do I know if my tattoo is healing properly? ›

After a month, any itching and redness should have completely gone. In fact, your new tattoo may look fully healed! However, the skin under your tattoo can continue to repair itself for up to six months until it's considered healed. During this stage it's important to keep up your aftercare routine.

How to tell if a tattoo is over moisturized? ›

Signs of over moisturized tattoo

Another key sign of over moisturizing is clogged skin. Applying too much moisturizer restricts the skin's ability to breath, thus causing the pores to clog and can lead to consequent break outs.

When to stop using Aquaphor on a tattoo? ›

Once the tattoo is dry apply AQUAPHOR healing ointment, made by Eucerin. Apply a thin layer and rub it in, then dab excess off with a clean paper towel. Use the Aquaphor for the first 2-3 days then switch to a regular FRAGRANCE-FREE lotion such as Lubriderm, or any other fragrance-free brand.

How long after a tattoo can you shower normally? ›

You can shower 3-4 hours after getting a tattoo, if you have a Saniderm bandage on, however, if you have a plastic wrap wait 24 hours to unwrap your tattoo and shower. In either case, shower in cold or lukewarm water and avoid prolonged soaking or submerging your tattoo in water for 3-4 weeks.

Can you sleep with a new tattoo uncovered? ›

A lot of tattoo artists recommend sleeping with the wrap that was put on. Others recommend re-wrapping, or just applying healing ointment and keeping the tattoo clean. The important thing is avoiding infection.

Why is there no ink under my tattoo scab? ›

Tattoos tend to peel without any ink underneath as they heal normally. In rare cases, they can have missing ink due to an artist's error. Peeling tattoos with missing ink aren't usually anything to worry about. It's normal for a tattoo to peel and lose a little bit of ink as your skin heals.

When to stop washing a tattoo twice a day? ›

Until the surface of the tattoo is healed (at a minimum of two to three weeks), wash the area gently 2-3 times per day. After cleaning the tattoo during this two to three week period, gently apply a thin coat of a lotion-based care product. We recommend After Inked tattoo moisturizer and aftercare lotion.

Can I take second skin off after 2 days? ›

It has a matte finish which allows clothing and sheets to slide over easily and is less noticeable on the skin. How long can I leave SecondSkin™ on? You can leave SecondSkin™ on for up to seven days. We do recommend changing the bandage around the 24-36 hour mark.

What is poor tattoo aftercare? ›

Poor aftercare

Not taking proper aftercare precautions could also contribute to patchiness; picking scabs off your new tattoo, swimming or submerging it in the bath, exposing it to UV rays while it's still in the early stages of healing could all lead to ink loss and patchiness.

Why is my tattoo fading after 3 days? ›

Your skin is a living organ, so when you're getting a tattoo, it's like you're letting your body soak up the ink. For this reason, tattoos may fade dramatically in the first few days.

Will an overworked tattoo heal? ›

Overworked skin will heal terribly. and it will cause ink to fall out of the tattoo. If you haven't gotten a tattoo to where you want it. in those two passes, it's important to let the skin heal.

What delays tattoo healing? ›

NEVER itch or pick your tattoo: Picking off scabs or itching your tattoo will delay healing and may damage your ink. Drying your tattoo with washcloths or towels can also remove scabs and delay healing. Friction from wearing tight pants or shirts over your tattoo can also irritate the skin.

Is it normal for a tattoo to be sore after 5 days? ›

It's normal for a brand new tattoo to have some redness around it, and appear swollen for a day or two, especially if it's very large or in a sensitive area. But if the redness and swelling persists for more than a couple of days, or if it gets worse and begins to feel more tender, this could be a cause for concern.

How often should you take a break during a tattoo? ›

So for a 1-hour appointment there is likely around 40-minutes of tattooing and thus no break will be needed. For longer appointments, say one that required 60-minutes of actual tattooing, then the Artists will likely take a 10-minute break around the 30 or 40-minute mark which obviously gives you a break also.

Do tattoos take longer to heal the older you get? ›

As you age, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic, making the healing process take longer. You can certainly still get a tattoo, but you'll need to consider the best spot for your tattoo. Typically, bony areas of the body where there's not a lot of fat are the most painful places to get a tattoo.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.