Makoto Misumi/Relationships (2024)

Makoto, has a large number of servants of all kinds of races; Hyumans, demi-humans, mamonos, even demons, but among all of them, there are currently 4 servants who are particularly close to him because they made an 80-20 Ruling Pact.

She likes to see interesting parts of his past and Japanese tradition especially about samurais as she wants to be regarded as one which Makoto declines. Even though Makoto doesn't want her to see more of his memories, because of her hard work to help the Kuzunoha Company and Asora, she is given a last name and is treated like family and is the first person he relies on. She is an easy going and harsh person at the same time is his impression. Currently lover

Even though at first, Makoto was kind of creeped out about her before. Mio finds Makoto crucial and never stops to help and protect him. Eventually, he's grown to like and care about her like family even though she wishes for more than that and wants true love from him. He has shown some level of attraction towards her. Mio thinks of herself as very intelligent and instinctual, but there are times when Makoto wonders about that. Same as the other followers, she is given a name and treated like family by him. In Chapter 305 of the web novel, Makoto lost his virginity to Mio. Currently lover

He is taken in as Makoto's follower after discovering Shiki has intelligence despite the fact that he’s conducted so many underground experiments in his past.Because of his participation on research and help in development, the Kuzunoha Company's growth rises into further profit. He eventually becomes a member of Makoto's family and receives the given last name: Misumi Shiki.


The fourth follower of Misumi Makoto: Given a job in Asora and gives an impression that she is strong even though her mana is not much yet her combat ability and speed is great enough to surprise everyone. Makoto orders her to stay in Asora, taking care of Sakura blossom, and the Shinto shrine in Asora. She does her job with great effectiveness keeping up-to-date on all matters even if it's not included in Asora. However, it was mentioned by Makoto that he does not trust her, as he can feel her "hostility" through her eyes. His intuition tells him that she's fishy.

Asora Residents[]

Asora’s first residents are Wasteland Orcs. It is included that many living beings migrated to Asora from Mirage Town in the Wasteland. It became unique that all races are gathered in Asora. Even so, there are few hyumans and demons that are living there peacefully.


Makoto refers to her as a cute child. He sometimes thinks that Komoe's manner is the same as Tomoe’s. But, Tomoe feels jealous just seeing her master who keeps on looking at her, and teases Raidou. According to Makoto, he refers to her as his little sister or his own daughter.

Tomoe's offshoot

She and Matoko have a master-servant relationship. He refers to her as Tomoe’s little sister and he cared about her. When she died due to a hyuman adventurer causing an incident and escaping from Asora, his grief drove him to mercilessly kill said adventurer.

Highland orcs:[]


She is the first person he meets in the world, depends on and trusts to handle various things and is the first person who taught him how magic works. He has difficulty with talking to her without formality and because of his habit Emma herself feels it’s her purpose and responsibility in helping support him and the residents in Asora as a secretary-like position and underling to Misumi Makoto's protection.





Mist Lizards:[]

He uses some of them in the training of his students.

Elder Dwarves:[]


Beren is the first elder dwarf that Makoto meets, not the only one making the equipment. The one Tomoe saves while being chased by the Black Calamity Spider.


He is most dedicated and motivated to making equipment that could almost kill Makoto. He has a very stern personality and can get very annoyed at others at times. He is especially motivated to make equipment to contain Makoto’s power. So much so that it could be quite dangerous even for Makoto. What causes Makoto to worry is that he might actually pull it off.






He was really helpful when they were in the labyrinth.


Forest Ogres:[]


He considers her reasonable and sensible when she's not with Eris who would drag her into mischief.


He thought of her as a genius or just plain crazy, but she can be useful.



Fairy Race:[]


Aquatic Race:[]




If he wasn't the protector of the sea, Makoto would have wanted him as a servant like Tomoe, Mio, Shiki and Tamaki.




She is an eccentric Scylla because she wouldn't attack hyumans on sight unlike the other Scylla. She wants to fight stronger opponents. When she comes to Asora, she was happy because there are a lot of strong species as well as the Asora Ranking System. When Makoto asks her if she wants to fight him, she says " …I just can’t imagine it at all, fighting Makoto-sama. Even so, I don’t feel like it will be boring. At those times, it is mostly because it is an opponent I am unable to do anything about. I am speaking from experience. And so, not yet. By the way, Tomoe-sama, Mio-sama, and Shiki-sama give me the same feeling." WN 203




She was gifted to Raidou after she had made herself a slave without Raidou knowing or being involved in the contract ritual directly. It would have being alright for Sari to commit suicide had Raidou chose not to accept this gift, thus he made the humane choice of accepting her so that she could live on. However, he locked her in Asora so that she could not leak or interact with the demons anymore. She is currently doing her job in Asora’s recruitment department.

Mythology and animal residents that do not leave Asora:[]

The Blue Moon, Fua


Tsilge residents[]

Patrick Rembrandt

Makoto has great respect for him as a merchant and as a father. Makoto saved his family from a curse/sickness. His children study under Makoto.


She is the sister of Toa whom Raidou saved. He admires her for making money at her age, and he appreciates the fact that she plays with Komoe.


He notices that she resembles someone he knows from his previous world and is also amazed at how reckless she is at gaining debt. She becomes a high adventurer and agrees to give some supplies which Raidou needed. She resembles his junior club mate (girl) who confessed to him.


Had a rocky start when they first met, eventually earns his trust and sense of regret after getting into the hero faction for a long time. Lime works for the company. When Makoto found out Lime was no longer hyuman, but was changed into the kin of Tomoe, Makoto was furious on Lime's behalf, as he assumed Lime was forced or tricked by Tomoe into giving up his hyumanity, but was eventually convinced otherwise by Lime, who was touched that Makoto got angry for his sake.


Cat demi-humans who lives in the slums

Lorel Union[]



Immortals Apple:[]

His impression of the group is that they are strong and highly skilled yet difficult to deal with.



Haku Mokuren



Picnic Rose Garden:[]

Because of certain events involving individuals he believed were sent by Iwahashi Tomoki, he’s found himself in a dangerous situation with one of its members, Pione. Her anger and hatred towards him for killing her friend whom she was trying to help but because they didn’t try to escape and attempted to kill Makoto they died a horrible death. The way they see it, even though from Matoko’s perspective he was killing them quickly and without pain as he felt some sort of pity for them. In reality if he wanted to look as it differently he may have actually been able to help them instead of killing them but his misunderstanding of the situation lead to that unfortunate situation leading to a conflict with the mercenary group and the adventurers.


Vivi (Bibi)

Who is the leader of the mercenary group.

Nomad (also known as Noma)

The one in charge of the foreign affairs in the mercenary group.


The one in charge of leading the priest team.


The one in charge of leading the martial artist and frontline team.


Thefinance manager for thegroup.


Eva Ansland

In their first meeting at the academy's library, Makoto becomes cautious because she knows his first name as Raidou. But after the organization led by Braide-sensei was wiped out by him, they become close.She often collects, manages and also bookmark all his favorite books to be read. For the three to four chapters of WLN, she formed a romantic interest towards him.She does not care about his unusual appearance and want to do everything to seduce him. Her plan is to make sure that she will become his wife in the end.

Luria Ansland

Just like her sister, she deeply respect him. She has a romantic feelings for him.


Old world family[]

He is very close to his family and unaware of his parents connection to another world until he was sent there.

Kasumi Misumi[]

His mother.

Hayato Misumi[]

His father.

Mari Misumi[]

Younger sister.

Yukiko Misumi[]

Older sister.

Old world friends[]

Old world Teachers[]

He’s had various masters in martial arts that he could not master until he found archery.

Munakata Natsu[]

Greater Dragons[]


He considered this person to be a huge danger to himself (not in Combat) because of his outrageous way of talking and flirting. He is somewhat used to it as time goes by considering his mischief making can cause Root to get punished by hisservant (Tomoe). Root stated that he wants to bear his child which Makoto always refuses to do so. For Root sees him as a new playmate, a love interest, and a new source of fun. Root enjoys flirting with him in a way that makes him uncomfortable and seeing how things turn out for him. If he ever gets a chance to be alone with him or sleep with him, he/she would take advantage and ravish him to get a child out of him. As he discovered that Makoto is from the same world as the members of Apple, the Immortal Adventures, he disregarded his own gender and chose to be a girl in front of him. The main reason: she finally met someone who is amusing and will live forever with her.


Makoto didn't have a good opinion of him and he has no knowledge that Shen was now called Tomoe who had left the wasteland and was now within the service of Makoto.


His first meeting with her went badly, thanks to Root’s mischief, and he learns to be more careful with how he should talk to her.


He believed she was the serious and polite type and helpful but questions her reason for giving him the transfer information book that held dangerous methods.




Tomoki Iwahashi

He does not have a very good impression of him. First, he insulted Makoto. Second, he viewed Makoto's companions as mere objects and that lead to Makoto effortlessly (less than 1% strength) beating him up. Tomoki is currently traumatized both physically and mentally. After that, Misumi Makoto doesn't want to visit Gritonia anymore. He even thinks that Tomoki's attitude towards him did not change after the assassins had gathered to assassinate him. So, Misumi Makoto did not think twice to hurt him again.

Hibiki Otonashi

They have a Senpai-Kohai relationship (Senior-Junior) since she is the student council president of the same school. Makoto also knows of her as a successful person who did not face any hardships on earth. But after talking to Tomoe and listening to her opinion, he has become aware and wary of her way of thinking and outlook. He heard from Tomoe that she is just a politician in her fantasy world that favors the Goddess’ way of doing things to a certain degree. Makoto slightly understands her thinking that she loves Limia kingdom and wants to protect it but doesn't understand why there should be bloodshed until one side becomes extinct. In the end, he states that sacrificing thousands to millions of lives is not the best solution and wants to destroy the root of the problem - The Goddess.
From the Hibiki's point of view: Based on the manga, it was mentioned that Hibiki was envious of Makoto because he is living a fulfilling life by putting effort into it, while she lived a boring life as she was blessed with looks, brain, wealth and an athletic body. After reuniting with him when she visited Rostgard to have maintenance done for her equipment, she finds him naive as she can guide the conversation to extract the information she wants to know and exploit him using her "senpai" title. She also finds him beneath her, to the point where she couldn't understand why Mio, someone who is way stronger than her, would be so obsessed with a plain guy like him. During his visit to Limia, she found out that the one who shot the ranged magic upon the mist-like creature was him. She became wary of him, especially when he still had the appearance of a normal Japanese boy despite being in the alternate world for over a year. The wariness escalated exponentially after finding out that he is the "Devil", her conversation with Lyca, the warning from Chiyo, her loss in the bout with him and the fact that he intends to stay neutral. This led to a breakdown in the conversation after the bout, where Hibiki refused to accept that Makoto's POV that the Demons are retaliating from the brink of extinction. Now, she is scheming to continue exploiting Makoto, foolishly disregarding Mio's warning.

Demon generals[]


She became acquainted with him and they have a relationship no lower than superior-inferior category. She is still afraid to have a fight with him and she will do everything she can to prevent Makoto from destroying the community of the Demon Kingdom.



Mokuren Kazusa



He is one of the few that find out about Sakai (but he doesn't know what it is completely, he just knows that it is one of Makoto’s powers). He tries to mimic the style of fighting of Makoto and Shiki.

Sif Rembrandt

Because he saved her and her little sister's lives from a deadly curse, she sees Makoto as her savior. From then, she revises her way of evaluating a person's worth, appreciating more of their underlying qualities rather than outward appearance like she did before. She also changes her behaviors. In Academy Town, she calls him Sensei when he became their mentor. She harbors romantic interests in Makoto, and will do everything she can to get his attention and become his wife. Along with her younger sister, they would prevent other girls from getting too close to him

Yuno Rembrandt

Just like her older sister, Yuno is in love with Makoto due to him saving their lives from a deadly curse. She would wear a beautiful dress in hopes that he will compliment her. However, she doesn't get many chances to get closer to Makoto as he has been getting busier. So, she then works at the Kuzunoha Company as a part-time employee in addition to being his student. Her aim is to get as many opportunity for Yuno and her sister to be near Makoto as possible. Along with her older sister, they would prevent other girls from getting too close to him


She admire his overwhelming and unique magic. As her teacher, she often calls him "Sensei" showing respect just like her six classmates.





Goddess (bug)

After being thrown to the edge of the world due to his appearance, Makoto keeps calling her that damn/stupid goddess whenever she is mentioned in any conversations. However, it is unknown that whether he wants to revenge on her or not.

Mils Ace

Former enemies[]

Sofia Bulga
Past self: Their first meeting was not on very good terms while there second meeting ended not so well for her.
New self: She is younger and a very different person than her past self so he’s not sure how to feel about it.

Gods and goddesses[]


A god that Makoto deeply admires and esteems the most so far. For what Tsukuyomi granted to him, Makoto has been using them effectively in order to survive several battles and disasters.




Royal acquaintance or aristocrats[]


He had a very good impression of her even though he doesn’t really get why she has to pretend to be a prince instead of a princess as she does not even try to hide the fact that she’s actually a woman to him.

Lily Front Gritonia

They unofficially met at the Rostgard Banquet and there she judged Raido's appearance and bearing. In her POV, she theorized and thought what if Raido was their hero because of his display of (minuscule) power in the mutant incident in Rostgard, but perished the thought as it is too late now. When Raido visited Gritonia, she was shocked when she (Tomoki) discovered he's an otherworlder and his real name is Makoto, (no) thanks to Tomoki's arrogant display.
In a dream of a different timeline, Makoto has dreamed where she apparently died as well as had a romantic relationship with him.

Sairitsu Kahara

Osakabe Iroha



Milliono Company

Eleor Company

Rembrandt Company

Has a very close relationship with them.

Makoto Misumi/Relationships (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.