How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (2024)

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (1)

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How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes


Sketchbook Skool

< 1 min read

Don’t you love all the #WednesdayWisdom quotes on social media? They’re so inspiring. They’re even better when you make them yourself! And you can, easily, as Sketchbook Skool co-founder Koosje Koene will show you here in this video from her Draw Tip Tuesday series. Then, draw your favorite quote and post it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the best place of all–your own fridge, where your own creativity will motivate you every day.

Create Your Own Wisdom Quote

Tune in to the blog every Tuesday for more Draw Tip Tuesdays! Want more creative inspiration? Click here and we’ll deliver it right to your inbox.

< 1 min

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How to Start

I could start with a humorous anecdote, maybe something self-deprecating —I’ve been doing a fair amount of that sort of self-flagellation lately. Maybe about the time I fell asleep in the library in college and was so embarrassed when I was awoken by another student that….

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"Sketchbook Skool opened my eyes to a daily habit. The community of artists that it has brought together is a wellspring of creative energy that I can’t help but want to be a part of."

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (5)

"It has been a fun ride and I discovered that there is so much to explore and take part in…having the recordings and being able to start with the first one in a class and work my way through at my pace has been great. It is a very welcoming community and there is so much inspiration being passed around and encouragement!"

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (6)

"I love art, I love people, I love art supplies and challenges and classes.... so I love Spark, for the learning, the opportunities to be a part of something even for an hour, and to have people who understand how exciting fountain pens are!"

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (7)

"It’s been a window into a richer life for me and I’m hooked …I can also see my art improving, and so can my husband. Even though I can’t make the live events, I’ve been so impressed that the teachers still give me their time with personal feedback on work that I post."

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (8)

"I've just spent time a few writing pages about why I love making art - and about what I would like to do more of. I think it's the first time I've ever articulated those thoughts and feelings on paper. Really helpful.”

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (9)

“I am absolutely loving this course so far! I did get through the section quickly, and the last video was like a cliff hanger- I wanted to jump in to more. But, then I stepped back and realized I needed to put everything into action!”

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (10)

“Working through this course I found the concepts to be applicable in areas of my life that extend beyond art.”

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (11)

“I have too many projects I want to start, and consequently, I have not started any because I don't know how to start or which one to choose. Images of the finished projects fly around in my brain, but I can't seem to choose one and bring it to life. This course has given me a step-by-step process to choose a project and make specific plans on how to start, how to fit it into my daily life and my calendar, how to keep myself on track, and how to hold myself accountable."

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (12)

"I know I've heard this before and I can't explain what happened but I was so overjoyed to make this breakthrough that I was almost tearing up!"

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (13)

"I’ve been struggling with taking my art to the next level, with so many interests I’d get overwhelmed and ultimately lose my way. I’ve now homed in with a clear intention."

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (14)

"The concept of "being" really came to life that day. When i let go the notion of results, I finally could just enjoy being lost just watching ink flow -- one line, one inch, one curve, thick to thin, thin to thick. It's an experience you can never forget."

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (15)

"The community of SPARK in Sketchbook Skool has been so energizing! I have done more art since I joined than in the previous 10 years, for sure. And of course, my abilities have improved (my opinion)"

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (16)

"Being in a community of folks with similar interests in paper, paints, and color has been amazing. I make more art than I ever did on my own, especially in Spark. So many ideas and so much fun!"

How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (17)



How to Create Your Own Drawing Quotes | Sketchbook Skool (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.