Your go-to T-rex dinosaur on Chrome, whenever you don’t have an internet connection, can now be seen as a QR code dino!
This QR code enables you to share web pages easily across Chrome, one of the most, if not the most, popular web browsers in the world. It improves information-sharing on the platform by allowing users to access web pages in just one scan!
As long as you’re using Chrome, you can get your very own dinosaur QR code—be it a blog web page, a video on YouTube, or a thread on Reddit.
Free QR Code Generator provides a step-by-step guide for creating a custom QR code with a dino to share web pages.
Table of Contents
- What is a T-rex dinosaur game?
- What is the QR code T-rex?
- How to create a dinosaur-themed QR code using Chrome
- On desktop
- On Android
- On iOS/ iPadOS
- Advantages of creating QR codes on Chrome
- Very easy and straightforward to use
- Recognizable among internet users
- Redirect users directly to web pages
- Limitations of QR codes from Chrome
- Only available on Chrome
- Not customizable at all
- Limited to web pages only
- How to generate personalized QR codes using Free QR Code Generator
- Easy information sharing with a QR code dino
- Frequently asked questions
- Why is there a dinosaur in my QR code?
- What is the QR code dinosaur game called?
What is a T-rex dinosaur game?

Transforming a URL to QR code is now made easy!
The T-rex dinosaur game has been popularized by Google in Chrome’s offline mode.
Players need to guide the pixelated tyrannosaurus rex in a side-scrolling landscape and avoid obstacles like cacti and birds.
The longer you play without getting caught up in obstacles, the higher your score will be.
Since the Chrome UX team launched this game in 2014, the T-rex has become a symbol for all things Chrome. It’s sort of a mascot of the popular web browser, used in many of its developments like QR code in video games to share web pages!
What is the QR code T-rex?
Chrome has now enabled sharing web pages through QR codes; there is no need for a specialized QR code generator.
Once you create a QR code to share web pages on Chrome, you can see a T-rex in the middle of the code. This is an identifier that the QR code is generated from Chrome and will redirect to Chrome once scanned.
Unlike the T-rex game that doesn’t require an active internet connection to be played, you need an internet connection to create QR codes.
Not to be confused with a QR code dinosaur game, which is a completely different thing. The dinosaur game doesn’t come with a QR code; you can only play it, not generate a QR code–but you can definitely scan a QR code on laptop using your mobile phone.
A dino QR code is only present for sharing web pages, not for offline gaming on Chrome.
How to create a dinosaur-themed QR code using Chrome
Chrome is available on almost any device—be it a desktop, smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
In fact, it’s one of the reasons why Chrome is so popular, having a global market share of over 65%. It works on a wide variety of devices, even older devices, while still offering an interconnected experience among devices.
Aside from being the most popular search engine and the developer of Google Workspaces, you can also use it to even create and scan QR codes, including the dinosaur version.
Here’s how you can create one:
On desktop
Using Chrome on a desktop equips you with the full capacity of the web browser. Offering a streamlined experience, creating a dino QR code on the desktop version is quick and easy.
1. Launch Chrome.
2. Navigate to the web page that you want to share.
3. Right-click on an empty space (no texts, links, images, or similar elements) on the web page and then select Create QR Code for this page.
4. A pop-up will show at the top-right corner of your screen. It will show Copy and Download in the selection.
5. Simply select Download to save the QR code to your local storage. Then, depending on your needs, you can share or print it.
Straightforward, is it? You can also get a QR code Google dinosaur in two ways: sharing through the address or search bar or the three-dot icon.
Via address or search bar:
1. Click a share button at the address or search bar.
2. A pop-up will show with one of the options to Create QR Code with logo. Choose this option.
3. Another pop-up will let you choose between Copy and Download. Click Download.
Via the three-dot icon:
1. Click the three-dot icon menu at the top-right corner of the browser
2. Go to Save and Share.
3. A pop-up will show, with one of the options to Create QR Code.
4. Another pop-up will appear and let you choose between Copy and Download. Click Download.
Your experience can vary greatly depending on the version of your Chrome, but one of these three methods should work.
On Android

Most Android devices run on or are based on Google’s ecosystem. What this means is you can use Chrome as a dino QR code generator to share your web pages without hassle. Here’s how:
1. Launch Chrome for Android.
2. Visit the specific web page that you want to share.
3. Click the three-dot icon at the top-right corner of the screen. Navigate to Share.
4. A pop-up will show at the bottom of your screen. It will show you plenty of options to share, but be sure to select QR Code.
5. Another pop-up will appear showing your QR code. You can show this to other users or download it in your gallery app.
There’s also another way that you can share a QR code dino on Chrome for Android. Here’s how:
1. Click the link on your address/ search bar
2. It will show different options at the bottom of the search bar: share link, copy link, or edit link.
3. Click the search icon.
4. A pop-up will show at the bottom of your screen. It will show you plenty of options to share, but be sure to select QR Code.
On iOS/ iPadOS

Chrome is also available on iOS/ iPadOS! While Apple is in a completely different ecosystem, Google allows iOS/ iPadOS users to share a QR code on the web browser.
1. Launch Chrome for Android.
2. Go to the specific web page that you want to share.
3. Tap the share icon in the address bar at the top of the screen.
4. A pop-up will show at the bottom of your screen. It will show you plenty of options to copy, read later, and other prompts. Choose Create a QR Code.
5. Another pop-up will appear showing your QR code and a share button at the bottom of the screen.
Unlike Chrome on desktop or Android, iOS/ iPadOS doesn’t generate a QR code T-rex because the code is generated by the operating system instead of Chrome.
Nonetheless, scanning this code should redirect scanners to the default web browser of their device.
Advantages of creating QR codes on Chrome
Generating QR codes directly from Chrome comes with plenty of advantages for users. The most obvious one is not needing a separate QR code generator, meaning one less tool to learn how to operate.
Other advantages include:
Very easy and straightforward to use
As most people use Chrome, there’s very little to no learning curve in using the web browser. Not only is it very easy and straightforward to use, but it also offers a variety of ways that you can create a dino QR code.
Recognizable among internet users
The dinosaur in the QR code is very recognizable among internet users, increasing your QR code branding value. In just one glance, users can know that the code will lead to a web page and open Chrome.
This recognition means they’re more likely to scan the code than basic black-and-white patterns.
Redirect users directly to web pages
Another thing that builds trust among users to scan a QR code dino is because they know that it will simply lead to a web page on Chrome, which in itself is equipped with top-notch security.
It will not affect their devices with harmful viruses that may compromise their data.
Limitations of QR codes from Chrome

As great as QR codes generated from Chrome are, they come with a number of limitations that prevent the users from maximizing their potential, simply because there are differences between static versus dynamic QR code. These limitations include:
Only available on Chrome
The most obvious limitation is that the dinosaur-themed QR code is only available on Chrome.
If you use another web browser like Edge, Firefox, or Safari, you can’t generate a dino QR code or may not be able to share the web page using QR codes at all.
Not customizable at all
If you want to create branded QR codes that align with your branding guidelines, you simply can’t personalize them by using a basic QR code generator like the ones offered by Chrome. You need specialized software to enable this feature.
Limited to web pages only
Another limitation of Chrome’s QR code generator is that it can only embed web pages. You can’t share information that is not available online or not present on the web page, such as a PDF file, a video file, or an audio file.
How to generate personalized QR codes using Free QR Code Generator
Luckily, there are numerous QR code generators online where you don’t have to feel limited about what you can create or customize.
The best part is that they’re free—just like Chrome’s in-house QR code generator! No fee is required to create customized QR codes that include a variety of solutions, including URLs, photos, videos, maps, and more!
Unlock the full potential of QR codes in this five-step process to generate and personalize these two-dimensional barcodes. Here’s how:
1. Go to Free QR Code Generator online.
2. Choose a QR code solution and fill out the empty fields with information.
3. Choose between Static and Dynamic QR codes, then generate.
Pro Tip: Dynamic QR codes let you edit, monitor, and track your scan data through in-platform analytics Sign up for free to create three dynamic QR codes with a 500-scan limit each.
Bonus: When you generate a custom QR code, you can redirect existing QR codes to new information. One single QR code can now be used for multiple purposes.
4. Customize the QR code by choosing from different eye and pattern designs, frames, and templates. You can also add your logo or the T-rex icon, use your brand colors, and include a call to action (60 characters max).
5. Check if the customized QR code is recognizable by scanning it using your smartphone. Then, download in PNG for digital use and SVG for prints.
Easy information sharing with a QR code dino
Chrome’s T-rex dinosaur has been on the face of Chrome’s offline mode for many years. Now, it’s in the face of QR codes, too!
With the convenient feature of generating QR codes directly from Chrome, information-sharing becomes more quick, easy, and accurate. You guarantee no typographical errors that may lead users to a completely different web page.
Nevertheless, you can only fully take advantage of QR codes’ full powers with a specialized QR code software that redirects beyond web pages but also files, texts, and more.
Visit Free QR Code Generator for top-of-the-line and secure QR code customization and generation features.
Frequently asked questions
Why is there a dinosaur in my QR code?
The dinosaur in a QR code generated in Chrome is its own branding. Think of it as putting your own logo in QR code customization to make the code recognizable. Simply put, it means that the QR code is generated from Chrome.
What is the QR code dinosaur game called?
Using QR codes with the dinosaur game in one phrase can be misleading because the dinosaur-themed QR code and the offline game are completely different. They simply feature the same T-rex dinosaur.
Nonetheless, the offline game is called the Dinosaur Game.