How to check if a company is legitimate | Creditsafe (2024)

Did you know the cost of fraud is on the rise? Specifically, it has risen by19.8% since 2019, according to a survey from Lexis Nexis. Take a moment to think about that because every year fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated in how they target businesses.

PwC’s 2022 Global Economic Crime and Fraud surveyhighlighted platform fraud as the most damaging crime, accounting for three-quarters of all reported cases.If that wasn’t bad enough, PwC estimates that every $1 lost to fraud costs US and Canadian businesses an average of $3.75 and $3.19, respectively. These figures should be a wake-up call for businesses to be more proactive about doing due diligence on businesses, particularly when working with foreign companies.

Working with foreign companies may seem exciting and present growth opportunities for your business, but you shouldn’t just say ‘yes’ to working with them without vetting them. What if they are on a sanctions list? What if they don’t even exist and you’ve fallen prey to a scam? We’ll help you navigate this process with tips on what to look out for when working with foreign companies.

Chapter 1

Check the company's website

Your first point of call is the company website. You want to make sure the website exists and goes to the right place.

Look up the address and phone number

Start by looking at the company’s website to see if there’s a phone number and business address listed. Google Maps will quickly tell you if the company has an actual address. If an address doesn’t show up on Google, call the number to verify that there’s someone from the company available to speak. Either a company representative will answer or the number won’t be in service. Both scenarios are useful for making sure the company is legitimate.

Still not convinced the company is legitimate? An extra step is to search for the same business address across different cities or localities. If the same details show up, then that’s a red flag.

Make sure the URL is secure and goes to the right place

Pay attention to the website’s URL and make sure it’s secure with https:// at the beginning of the address. While this isn’t a 100% guarantee of detecting scammers, it does show that the site owner is using a protected process to transfer data.

A pro tip is to verify the URL using Google’s Safe Browsing Transparency Report. The tool is excellent for revealing fake websites and providing data on any suspicious content.Or you can check the domain name with WHOIS. This site is a must-have in your fraud-fighting toolkit because it shows the details of who owns a domain address, how long the website has been running, contact names and business addresses.

Read through every page on the site

Don’t just go to the home page and then leave. Go through every page to make sure it’s not just a shell of a site built to deceive people. Go to the home page to see if it describes the business mission and products/services it offers. Go to the About page to learn more about their executive team (cross-reference them on LinkedIn) and to see if they have any job postings listed. The absence of these could be a red flag that the company doesn’t exist. Don’t stop there. Go to their Product pages to see what specific products/services they offer.

It’s worth looking over as many pages on the website as you can to check things like:

  • Spelling:Are they using US or UK spelling or are words spelled incorrectly?
  • Grammar:Is there correct use of periods and commas or does the grammar seem all over the place?
  • Spacing:How are paragraphs presented on the pages?
  • Images:Are the pictures relevant to the pages? Is the quality of the images high-resolution or are they low-resolution and just stock photography?

Chapter 1

Check out their T&Cs and privacy policy

A legitimate company will have a Terms & Conditions policy along with other policies for protecting customer data and offering transparency. This includes a privacy policy that details data protection standards and processing. These should be displayed clearly on their website.

For example, when verifying if a European or UK business is legitimate, make sure their GDPR policy is clearly shown on their website. An organization selling products should also have a detailed return and shipping policy to give their customers peace of mind.

Chapter 1

Look at customer references and reviews

Let’s say you’re a business development manager at a big manufacturing company and you get a call from a foreign company owner that soundsreallyenthusiastic and is interested in working with you.

They say, “I’ve got this great product that’s doing well over here and we’re expanding overseas. We’d love to hire out your warehouse to store our goods.” You say ‘no problem’ and ask for references of local companies they’ve worked with. Suddenly, the caller gets skittish and can’t provide you with anything concrete.Would you work with that organization?

It's always a good idea to ask a foreign company for at least three industry references. If they’re legitimate and trustworthy, they should be able to provide contact names, email addresses and phone numbers for company verification.If they can’t, don’t just ignore that – it’s a major red flag.

Depending on how thorough you want to be, you could arrange a video call with the reference companies. There’s nothing more powerful than looking someone in the eye and asking them honestly what they think (and making sure that person is part of a real company too).

Customer reviews are another great way to test for red flags. The number of fake company reviews is on the rise, with the Federal Trade Commission cracking down on over700 businesses in 2021 for deceptive practices.

Here are some tips for spotting fraudulent reviews:

  • The testimonial is vague and doesn’t show any useful benefits of the product.
  • Poor English has been used.
  • The same review has been listed multiple times for the same product.
  • There are lots of positive reviews published in a short amount of time.

Real, trustworthy reviews will typically be:

  • Specific and detailed(with the names/job titles of the person who left the review)
  • Unique to the product or service delivered
  • Appear on accredited sites like TrustPilot, G2 Crowd, Capterra, among others

Chapter 1

Run a company credit check

If you are unsure as to the financial health of a business or want to know if they have the funds or credit to meet your fees then it may be worth running a credit check. Creditsafe is amongst the most popular of all systems and will allow you to check those big contracts and agreements to make sure you do not walk into any trouble.

A company credit report can show you:

Company Verification

Check the company name is registered, the company address, their trading addresses and ownership information. Where applicable, a company credit report will also show you the company website and the industry code that the company lies within.

Officer Details

Every company credit report will give you officer and shareholder details, you are then able to view individual officer reports that will display current and previous appointments, including appointment and resignation dates. You can also view those companies’ credit reports whether they are still trading or not. This deeper research helps you understand how these officers are operating their businesses.

A Company Credit Score

Going beyond verifying a business, a company credit report will also provide a company credit score. A company credit score is an algorithm equation (which in Creditsafe’s case) determines the likelihood of a company becoming insolvent in the next 12 months, with 0 being very likely and 100 being very unlikely. The higher the credit score, the more stable the company. As many factors influence a company’s credit score, a change to any of these factors can influence the overall credit score. For example, if adverse payment behaviour is filed (court judgments) then this will be taken into consideration and would change the score.

By checking the company credit scoreyou have a basic understanding of how well the company is performing on top of verifying the business. The algorithm does all the hard work for you and provides a baseline answer, but we always recommend looking deeper into a company credit report to make a truly informed decision about a business.

Group Structure

Being able to view a group structure on a company credit report is another benefit of running a credit check. You will then be able to verify not only the business you are thinking to deal with but also any companies within its group structure. For example, the company you are dealing with could be a sister or child company to a bigger operation.

The group structure aspect of a company credit report allows you to see all related companies including the parent/head office company and check their company credit reports for the bigger picture of how that group is performing and how stable they are.

If one company in a group structure runs into trouble, it could have a knock-on effect on the other companies within that group.

There are many ways to check if a company is legitimate, but if something still doesn’t feel right always trust your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable dealing with a business, don’t deal with them. Fraud is a common and damaging problem for SMEs and the more vigilant business owners are the more they can protect their company.

Always carry out your due diligence on potential customers and suppliers to ensure you are dealing with legitimate businesses.

How to check if a company is legitimate | Creditsafe (2024)


How to check if a company is legitimate | Creditsafe? ›

Look up the address and phone number

How to check the legitimacy of a company? ›

  1. Legal & Financial Documents: Look for public records or shared documents to verify their legitimacy.
  2. Licensing: Confirm necessary licenses or registrations.
  3. Incorporation Certificate: Validates the company's legal status.
  4. Employee Credentials: Genuine companies have staff with real credentials.
Oct 5, 2023

What to ask a company to see if they are legit? ›

Most legitimate businesses have a privacy policy listed on their site, usually located in the footer. The legal business name, alternative names, and address are usually mentioned in this privacy policy. Write down the names and addresses as these will be used to verify if the business is legitimate.

How do I make sure my online company is legitimate? ›

We've compiled a list of what you can look for to tell if a website is legitimate:
  1. Study the address bar and URL.
  2. Investigate the SSL certificate.
  3. Check the website for poor grammar or spelling.
  4. Verify the domain.
  5. Check the contact page.
  6. Look up and review the company's social media presence.

How to check legitimacy of a website? ›

Look for the secure padlock: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers display a padlock in the URL field to indicate "safe" websites. You can click on the padlock to confirm that the certificate belongs to the same company as the website you are trying to visit.

How do you check if a company is good? ›

Here are some green flags to look for in a prospective employer.
  1. Positive workplace culture. ...
  2. Transparent diversity & inclusion initiatives. ...
  3. Good communication and flexibility during the hiring process. ...
  4. Clear career progression opportunities. ...
  5. Respect for work-life balance.

How do you inspect a company? ›

Receiving an inspection request

Any person who wants to inspect a company's register of members or PSCs must state in the request their name and address, whether the information will be disclosed to any other person and, crucially, the purpose for which the information is to be used.

What do you need to verify a company? ›

How to check if a business is legit for compliance
  1. Legal name. An obvious piece of information to know is the name a company is legally registered to operate under. ...
  2. Registered address. ...
  3. Registration documentation. ...
  4. Industry-specific license documents. ...
  5. Tax information.
May 25, 2023

How do I check a company's reputation? ›

The BBB's Wise Giving Alliance ( is an affiliated organization whose database is continually updated with information on charitable groups and others who solicit your contributions. To check the reputation of a business, visit or contact the BBB by phone.

How can I check website credibility online? ›

How to tell if a website is credible
  1. Check the domain name. One of the fastest ways to tell if a website is credible is by checking its domain name. ...
  2. Look at the sources. ...
  3. Check out the contact page. ...
  4. Evaluate the website's design. ...
  5. Check your security connection.
Jul 18, 2023

How to check if a website is safe or not? ›

When a site may be unsafe, Chrome changes the icon next to the site address.
  1. In Chrome, open a web page.
  2. To check a site's security, to the left of the web address, check the security status symbol: Default (Secure) Info or Not secure. ...
  3. To find a summary of the site's privacy details and permissions, click the icon.

How do I verify a website is original? ›

How to check that a website is genuine
  1. Check the security label. Look out for a security label in the browser bar, on the left-hand side with a green padlock icon. ...
  2. Use a search engine. If you're not sure, open a new browser window and search for the organisation to check their genuine website address.
  3. Call to check.

How can you tell if a website is not reliable or credible? ›

As you skim the website, ask yourself the following questions to see if the source is credible:
  1. Who is the author of the source?
  2. Where was the source published?
  3. What information does the source include and what does the source look like?
  4. When was the source published or updated?
  5. Why did the author create the source?

How do you validate a website? ›

Validating web pages via your web-browser

The easiest way to validate a web page is to go to the address and type in the page's web address in the form provided.

How do I check if a company is valid? ›

How to Check if a Company is Legitimate
  1. Make Sure to Review the Company's Website. ...
  2. Study the Address Information. ...
  3. Check the Company Number. ...
  4. Look for Grammar Mistakes and Other Discrepancies. ...
  5. Check if the Company Has a Privacy Policy. ...
  6. Search for Feedback and References. ...
  7. Look into Accepted Payment Methods.
Aug 30, 2022

How can I check if a company is trustworthy? ›

If the company has no references or refuses to provide some, choose another company.
  1. Better Business Bureau: Search BBB Business Reviews.
  2. Glo-Bis: Information on Any Company, Anywhere in the World.
  3. Due Diligence Reports.
  4. Department of Commerce: Home Page.
  5. EIN Finder: Find an EIN.
  6. White Pages: Search.

How do I research a company? ›

10 Things You Should Check Out Before Your Interview
  1. Visit the Company Website. ...
  2. Check on the Company's Financial Health. ...
  3. Learn About the Skills the Company Requires. ...
  4. Browse Social Media. ...
  5. Explore LinkedIn. ...
  6. Search Google and Google News. ...
  7. Use Glassdoor and Other Employee Sites. ...
  8. Research the Field and Competitors.
Jan 4, 2024

How do you find out who really owns a company? ›

Here are eight ways to find out who owns a business.
  1. Check the company website. ...
  2. Check a WHOIS domain lookup. ...
  3. Submit a public information request. ...
  4. Consult alternative public records. ...
  5. Check with the Chamber of Commerce. ...
  6. Read Better Business Bureau (BBB) reports. ...
  7. Look up news mentions. ...
  8. Search state secretary of state databases.

How do you check if a name of a company exists? ›

How to find out if a business name is taken
  1. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  2. Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)
  3. ICANN Domain Name Registration Data Lookup.
  4. Office of the Secretary of State (check the state where your business is located)
May 24, 2023

How do you check a company's evaluation? ›

Methods of Valuation
  1. Market Capitalization. Market capitalization is the simplest method of business valuation. ...
  2. Times Revenue Method. ...
  3. Earnings Multiplier. ...
  4. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method. ...
  5. Book Value. ...
  6. Liquidation Value.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.