How much have bread prices increased in the past year? (2024)

Shoppers are paying 30p more for a loaf of white sliced bread than they were a year ago, according to Office of National Statistics (ONS) data.

The average price of an 800g loaf of sliced white bread has risen 28% in the past 12 months, from £1.06 in November 2021 to £1.36 last month.

A tighter lid has been kept on wholemeal bread prices, with an 800g loaf of sliced wholemeal increasing by 21p, or 19.5%, to £1.29 on average.

Of the three loaves monitored by the ONS, unwrapped bread has recorded the smallest price hike, with an 800g white unwrapped loaf up 20p, or 16.5%, to £1.41.

How much have bread prices increased in the past year? (2)

Source: ONS data

The increases come as bakers pass on soaring costs including ingredients, energy and staffing, with the consumer price inflation rate hitting a 41-year high of 11.1% in October.

Rising ingredients and energy costs, as well as cost of living pressures on consumers, are the top three threats to small bakery businesses, according to a recent study conducted by the Open University with support from the Craft Bakers Association and Real Bread Campaign.

It is a trading environment that has left many bakers concerned about the future, with Scottish Bakers chief executive Alasdair Smith declaring in August that businesses faced an “existential threat to their survival” due to soaring costs and widespread recruitment challenges.

Against this backdrop of rising prices, Hovis has just launched a lower-priced Hovis Simple White loaf targeted at consumers hit by the cost-of-living crisis. Hovis has said pricing for the 800g loaf is at the discretion of retailers and it is understood to be selling for £1.19 in Tesco and Booker.

“As the outlook is hard for many at the moment, we have worked tirelessly to be able to offer a new opening price point loaf, delivering great taste at great value, so our consumers don’t have to compromise on either,” Hovis told British Baker.

How much have bread prices increased in the past year? (2024)


How much have bread prices increased in the past year? ›

Unlike other grocery items, bread prices haven't come down but they are increasing slower than before. From January 2022 to 2023 the average price jumped more than 20% but over the past year that's decelerated to about 7%. Bread prices are mostly unchanged since April 2023 when a pound of white bread cost $1.99.

How much did the price of bread increase? ›

White bread per pound is 30% more expensive, up to $2.01 per pound in February vs. $1.55 per pound in January 2021. And white sugar has increased cost per pound from $0.68 to $0.98 in the last three years, a 44% increase.

How much was a loaf of bread in 2024? ›

Bread now costs over $2 per pound — $2.03, to be exact, as of January. Last January, the same pound cost just $1.89 for a year-over-year increase of 7.7%. A standard loaf of sliced white bread weighs 20oz, which means a loaf costs about $2.54, so $20 can buy you just shy of eight loaves.

How much is a loaf of bread now? ›

In August 2021, you could snag a loaf for an average of $2.10. Fast forward to August 2022, and that same loaf was now priced at $2.50. That's a 19% increase in the cost of your daily bread in over just 12 months.

Why has bread gotten so expensive? ›

Why is food so expensive? Food prices remain high because of the combined impact of inflation, rising labor costs and the war in Ukraine, among other events affecting the supply and transportation of food.

How much does a dozen eggs cost in 2024? ›

The average cost of a dozen eggs in the U.S. is $3, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

How much has the price of groceries increased? ›

During the last federal election on Nov. 3, 2020, food inflation was running at just 3.9% annually. Fast forward to March 2024, and the latest data shows food prices have risen a whopping 25.8% since then. To put that in perspective, a basket of groceries that cost $100 in November 2020 would now set you back $125.80.

How much was a dozen eggs in 1965? ›

Spaghetti-O's, the Pillsbury Doughboy, Cool Whip and Subway all made their debuts in 1965, when a dozen eggs cost 53 cents.

How much did a loaf of bread cost in the 1930s? ›

Average Price of Loaf of Bread

In 1931, the average cost for a loaf of bread was 8 cents. When a loaf of bread became stale and hard, people made “cooked bread” by pouring olive oil, salt, and boiling water over the bread to soak it, then mashing it up.

How much was a loaf of bread in 1965? ›

In 1965, a loaf of bread cost 20¢; now it's $2.25. $3.75. year. a gallon.

Which country has the most expensive bread? ›

Spain seems to be on a winning streak when it comes to expensive food products. Not only is Spain the home of the world's most expensive ham, the jamón ibérico, the Iberian nation now boasts the title of home of the world's most expensive bread.

Are grocery stores price gouging? ›

Notably, consumers are still facing the negative impact of the pandemic's price hikes, as the Commission's report finds that some in the grocery retail industry seem to have used rising costs as an opportunity to further raise prices to increase their profits, which remain elevated today.

Will grocery prices ever go back down? ›

So while it's unlikely prices will drop, Caloura said economists are predicting the costs of goods will stabilize. She said there's also a chance that manufacturers could undo the "shrinkflation" they put into place a few years ago.

Is it cheaper to make or buy bread? ›

In a nutshell, if you're buying basic, cheap sandwich bread, it's probably cheaper than you can make it at home. But if you compare two loaves similar to what you could make at home — one made with high-quality ingredients as opposed to one made with lesser quality ingredients — home baking becomes much cheaper.

How much did a loaf of bread cost in 2000? ›

The Price of Bread
YEARCost of 1 lb. of Bread
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How much did bread cost in 1923 why did the price increase so much? ›

Final answer: In September 1923, a loaf of bread cost about 200 billion Reichsmarks in Germany due to hyperinflation caused by war reparations from the Treaty of Versailles. The rapid increase in prices led to severe economic instability and major political changes.

Why is everything so expensive in 2024? ›

It happened because Bidenomics spent and printed record amounts of money over the last four years. Like any other good or service, the value of money depends on supply and demand. If there is more money in the economy than the market can absorb, its value will come crashing down, and prices will increase.

How much did the price of bread increase from 2008 to 2012? ›

YearCost of Bread ($)
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