How many families are at risk of poverty? (2024)

In2019, 574thousand households had an income below the low-income threshold. This is 7.7percent of all households. In2014, in the aftermath of the economic crisis, the percentage of households below the low-income threshold was 8.5percent. Twoyears later, it had fallen to 7.9percent and remained so until2019.

Among the 574thousand households with an income below the low-income threshold, 361thousand were single persons (63percent of these households), 71thousand were single-parent families (12percent), 73thousand were couples with children (13percent) and 63thousand were couples without children (11percent).

Low-income threshold

The low-income threshold represents a fixed purchasing power amount and is adjusted annually for price developments. In2019, the threshold for a single person was 1,090euros net per month. Fora couple without children it was 1,530euros, and for a couple with two children under 18years old 2,080euros. Fora single-parent family with two children under 18years old, the threshold was 1,660euros.

The low-income threshold is not a strict poverty threshold but is a criterion that indicates whether or not a household has an increased risk of poverty. A household with an income below the low-income threshold is therefore referred to as a household ‘at risk of poverty’.

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Show datatableHouseholds below the low-income threshold, 2019 (x 1,000)Hide datatableHouseholds below the low-income threshold, 2019 (x 1,000)

Households below the low-income threshold, 2019 (x 1,000)
Type huishouden Households below the low-income threshold, 2019
Single people 361.2
Single-parent families 70.8
Couples without children 62.7
Couples with children 72.8
Other households 6.5

Increase in the number of households at long-term risk of poverty

Of the 574thousand households with a low income, 237thousand (3.4percent of all households) had been living on a low income for at least four consecutive years. Unlike the share of households below the low-income threshold, the percentage of households living on a low income for an extended period of time has increased (slightly) after2016.

Fewer children at risk of poverty

The 574thousand households at risk of poverty account for more than 1million people, of whom 251thousand are minors. Nearly 100thousand children had been living in a family on a low income for at least four years. Theshare of children at risk of poverty peaked at 321thousand in2013 (9.9percent of all Dutch children). After that, their share decreased each year, reaching 7.8percent in2019. Thegroup of children at risk of long-term poverty has also decreased annually since2015.

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Show datatablePopulation living below the low-income threshold (%)Hide datatablePopulation living below the low-income threshold (%)

Population living below the low-income threshold (%)
Jaar Total population Children
2011 5.8 8
2012 6.7 9.1
2013 7.4 9.9
2014 7.2 9.7
2015 6.9 9.2
2016 6.5 8.5
2017 6.3 8.1
2018 6.3 7.9
2019* 6.2 7.8
* provisional figure

Risk of poverty highest in largest cities

The number of people living below the low-income threshold is highest in the big cities. Bigcities are also where most people reside. Butthe relative number of people with an income under the low-income threshold is also highest in the big cities. Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague are in the lead, together with Groningen and Arnhem. Thepercentage of people at risk of poverty is higher than11% in these municipalities. Bycomparison: the national average is 6.2percent. Thenumber of children at risk of living in poverty is highest in Rotterdam (16.5percent), Heerlen (15percent), Delfzijl (14.6percent), Amsterdam (14.5percent) and The Hague (14percent). In25municipalities, this percentage is higher than10. Toprovide you with some perspective: the national percentage of children at risk of poverty is7.8.

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Show datatableChildren in families living below the low-income threshold, 2019*Hide datatableChildren in families living below the low-income threshold, 2019*

Children in families living below the low-income threshold, 2019*
GemNaam Share of children (%)
Aa en Hunze 5.6
Aalsmeer 4.3
Aalten 4.4
Achtkarspelen 8
Alblasserdam 5.3
Albrandswaard 4
Alkmaar 6.9
Almelo 9.8
Almere 8.7
Alphen aan den Rijn 5.5
Alphen-Chaam 6.4
Altena 4
Ameland 3.1
Amersfoort 6.7
Amstelveen 5.6
Amsterdam 14.5
Apeldoorn 7
Appingedam 12.4
Arnhem 11.4
Assen 7.5
Asten 4.9
Baarle-Nassau 4.6
Baarn 5.6
Barendrecht 4.6
Barneveld 3.8
Beek (L.) 7.7
Beekdaelen 5.8
Beemster 5
Beesel 6.1
Berg en Dal 6.3
Bergeijk 4.1
Bergen (L.) 5.7
Bergen (NH.) 5.7
Bergen op Zoom 9.8
Berkelland 4.8
Bernheze 3.7
Best 4
Beuningen 5.1
Beverwijk 8.7
Bladel 4.3
Blaricum 6.8
Bloemendaal 4.1
Bodegraven-Reeuwijk 4.5
Boekel 4.5
Borger-Odoorn 7.1
Borne 3.9
Borsele 4.4
Boxmeer 5.4
Boxtel 6.7
Breda 7.8
Brielle 4.3
Bronckhorst 4.4
Brummen 5.4
Brunssum 9.1
Bunnik 3
Bunschoten 3.7
Buren 5.6
Capelle aan den IJssel 10.8
Castricum 3.7
Coevorden 8
Cranendonck 5.7
Cuijk 6
Culemborg 6.2
Dalfsen 3.3
Dantumadiel 6
De Bilt 5.5
De Fryske Marren 5.9
De Ronde Venen 5
De Wolden 4.8
Delft 11.4
Delfzijl 14.6
Den Helder 10.2
Deurne 5.2
Deventer 7.2
Diemen 8.2
Dinkelland 4.3
Doesburg 8.5
Doetinchem 7.7
Dongen 4.6
Dordrecht 9.5
Drechterland 3.9
Drimmelen 4.4
Dronten 5.9
Druten 5.3
Duiven 5.2
Echt-Susteren 6.4
Edam-Volendam 4.2
Ede 5.1
Eemnes 3.9
Eersel 4
Eijsden-Margraten 3.8
Eindhoven 9.4
Elburg 4.9
Emmen 9.2
Enkhuizen 7.8
Enschede 11.8
Epe 6.4
Ermelo 5.3
Etten-Leur 6.4
Geertruidenberg 5
Geldrop-Mierlo 7
Gemert-Bakel 5.5
Gennep 6.3
Gilze en Rijen 7.4
Goeree-Overflakkee 4.4
Goes 6.3
Goirle 3.5
Gooise Meren 5.1
Gorinchem 8.3
Gouda 8.1
Grave 6.4
Groningen (gemeente) 11
Gulpen-Wittem 5.7
Haaksbergen 5
Haaren 2.7
Haarlem 7.9
Haarlemmermeer 5.1
Halderberge 7.4
Hardenberg 4.8
Harderwijk 6.2
Hardinxveld-Giessendam 3.3
Harlingen 7.3
Hattem 3
Heemskerk 7.6
Heemstede 3.5
Heerde 4.2
Heerenveen 5.9
Heerhugowaard 5.2
Heerlen 15.0
Heeze-Leende 3.3
Heiloo 4.2
Hellendoorn 4
Hellevoetsluis 7.7
Helmond 9.2
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 5
Hengelo (O.) 8.1
Het Hogeland 6.6
Heumen 4.4
Heusden 4.1
Hillegom 5.5
Hilvarenbeek 4
Hilversum 7
Hoeksche Waard 4.3
Hof van Twente 4.8
Hollands Kroon 5.4
Hoogeveen 7.4
Hoorn 7.5
Horst aan de Maas 3.9
Houten 3.4
Huizen 6.5
Hulst 6.3
IJsselstein 6.1
Kaag en Braassem 5.3
Kampen 5
Kapelle 4.8
Katwijk 4.6
Kerkrade 12.6
Koggenland 4.3
Krimpen aan den IJssel 6
Krimpenerwaard 5
Laarbeek 4.9
Landerd 5
Landgraaf 10.3
Landsmeer 4.6
Langedijk 5.5
Lansingerland 4.7
Laren (NH.) 6.4
Leeuwarden 10.3
Leiden 9.6
Leiderdorp 5.1
Leidschendam-Voorburg 7.4
Lelystad 9.6
Leudal 4.4
Leusden 4
Lingewaard 4.2
Lisse 4
Lochem 5.3
Loon op Zand 4.8
Lopik 6.3
Loppersum 6.6
Losser 6.4
Maasdriel 5.6
Maasgouw 4.2
Maassluis 10.4
Maastricht 11.2
Medemblik 5.1
Meerssen 3.8
Meierijstad 5.1
Meppel 5.8
Middelburg (Z.) 8.2
Midden-Delfland 4.2
Midden-Drenthe 4.9
Midden-Groningen 9.7
Mill en Sint Hubert 6.3
Moerdijk 6.2
Molenlanden 3.3
Montferland 5.6
Montfoort 4.4
Mook en Middelaar 3.6
Neder-Betuwe 4.6
Nederweert 4.3
Nieuwegein 7.4
Nieuwkoop 4.5
Nijkerk 4.1
Nijmegen 9.9
Nissewaard 9.8
Noardeast-Fryslân 6.7
Noord-Beveland 7.4
Noordenveld 5.9
Noordoostpolder 8.1
Noordwijk 5
Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten 5.4
Nunspeet 4.7
Oegstgeest 4.4
Oirschot 3.3
Oisterwijk 5.1
Oldambt 10.9
Oldebroek 4.3
Oldenzaal 6.1
Olst-Wijhe 5
Ommen 5.8
Oost Gelre 4.1
Oosterhout 7.6
Ooststellingwerf 6.4
Oostzaan 4.9
Opmeer 3.5
Opsterland 6.2
Oss 6.5
Oude IJsselstreek 7.1
Ouder-Amstel 4.6
Oudewater 4.3
Overbetuwe 4.5
Papendrecht 5.9
Peel en Maas 4.1
Pekela 12.8
Pijnacker-Nootdorp 3.9
Purmerend 7
Putten 4.2
Raalte 5
Reimerswaal 6.4
Renkum 6.3
Renswoude 3.1
Reusel-De Mierden 4.6
Rheden 8.6
Rhenen 4.7
Ridderkerk 8.8
Rijssen-Holten 3.5
Rijswijk (ZH.) 10.8
Roerdalen 5.5
Roermond 9.4
Roosendaal 9.7
Rotterdam 16.5
Rozendaal 3
Rucphen 6.2
Schagen 4.3
Scherpenzeel 3.7
Schiedam 13.3
Schiermonnikoog 3.9
Schouwen-Duiveland 7.1
's-Gravenhage (gemeente) 14.0
's-Hertogenbosch 7.6
Simpelveld 5.2
Sint Anthonis 4
Sint-Michielsgestel 3.9
Sittard-Geleen 9.5
Sliedrecht 6.7
Sluis 7
Smallingerland 8.1
Soest 6.8
Someren 4.7
Son en Breugel 4.3
Stadskanaal 8.5
Staphorst 3
Stede Broec 5.7
Steenbergen 7
Steenwijkerland 5.7
Stein (L.) 4.9
Stichtse Vecht 4.5
Súdwest-Fryslân 7.1
Terneuzen 8.4
Terschelling 2.3
Texel 7.4
Teylingen 3.6
Tholen 6
Tiel 8.4
Tilburg 10.1
Tubbergen 2.9
Twenterand 4.8
Tynaarlo 4.7
Tytsjerksteradiel 5
Uden 5.2
Uitgeest 4
Uithoorn 6.8
Urk 5.6
Utrecht (gemeente) 9.5
Utrechtse Heuvelrug 5.2
Vaals 9.6
Valkenburg aan de Geul 7.5
Valkenswaard 6.6
Veendam 9.4
Veenendaal 6.5
Veere 3.1
Veldhoven 5.2
Velsen 7.6
Venlo 9.5
Venray 6.6
Vijfheerenlanden 5.9
Vlaardingen 11.8
Vlieland 6.8
Vlissingen 10.9
Voerendaal 6.4
Voorschoten 5
Voorst 3.7
Vught 3.9
Waadhoeke 6.2
Waalre 4.8
Waalwijk 6
Waddinxveen 5.6
Wageningen 7.1
Wassenaar 6.8
Waterland 5.3
Weert 7.3
Weesp 7.2
West Betuwe 4.1
West Maas en Waal 5.5
Westerkwartier 5
Westerveld 4.2
Westervoort 7.9
Westerwolde 9.6
Westland 5.2
Weststellingwerf 6.3
Westvoorne 5.9
Wierden 3.6
Wijchen 5.4
Wijdemeren 4.9
Wijk bij Duurstede 4.7
Winterswijk 5.7
Woensdrecht 5.8
Woerden 4.4
Wormerland 6.9
Woudenberg 3.9
Zaanstad 9
Zaltbommel 5.1
Zandvoort 9.5
Zeewolde 6.3
Zeist 8.9
Zevenaar 6.5
Zoetermeer 9.1
Zoeterwoude 4.2
Zuidplas 5.2
Zundert 6.4
Zutphen 9.2
Zwartewaterland 4.2
Zwijndrecht 11.3
Zwolle 6.6
* provisional figures

The questions

  1. How are figures calculated by CBS?
  2. How many dwellings in the Netherlands?
  3. How fast is the Dutch population growing?
  4. How tall are Dutch people?
  5. How many farm animals are there in the Netherlands?
  6. Which jobs often cause a poor work-life balance?
  7. How many diamond wedding couples are there?
  8. How much energy is from renewable sources?
  9. How many people fall victim to domestic violence?
  10. How many people use the Internet of Things?
  11. What are the major religions?
  12. What are the most popular majors?
  13. What do people die of on an average day?
  14. How much water do we consume?
  15. What do we buy online?
  16. How are the various animal species doing?
  17. How many under-23s receive youth assistance?
  18. Which flower bulbs are most common?
  19. How many companies in the Netherlands?
  20. Where do Caribbean Dutch children live?
  21. How do we use our land?
  22. How many electric cars are driving around?
  23. Which jobs have the highest levels of mental fatigue?
  24. How much nitrogen is emitted at livestock farms?
  25. How many workers belong to a trade union?
  26. How much have food prices gone up?
  27. Where were people in the Caribbean Netherlands originally born?
  28. How many families are at risk of poverty?
  29. How sustainable is our behaviour?
  30. What do we import from China?
  31. How many girls become teenage mothers?
  32. Has our purchasing power gone up or down?
  33. How many adults smoke?
  34. How many millionaires in the Netherlands?
  35. How many tourists stay overnight in the Netherlands?
  36. How does CBS handle your privacy?
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How many families are at risk of poverty? (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 5887

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.