GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (2024)

The Cayo Perico Heist isn't the most exciting piece of new content added to GTA Online, but it's certainly the most lucrative. It's possible to rake in upwards of a million dollars in GTA fun bucks by completing it and it can be done multiple times, which means there's a lot of money to be made.

While many of the heists require you to bring along a gang of friends, this one can be done all by yourself. That means you don't have to share the spoils with anyone except the weird Russian guy on your submarine. Doing this heistsolo isn't an easy task, but it's not quite as difficult as it looks if you know what you're doing. And if you follow this guide, you'll be able to finish this heist without anyone even knowing you were there.


Getting Started

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (1)

There are a few different steps togain access tothis heist, which is helpfully covered in this guide here. Once you've bought a Kosatkasubmarine, you gotta go to Cayo Perico to gather intel. Each time you initiatethe heist you have to gather intel, which is sort of a drag since it involves sneaking around the island without being caught. These missions make you steal a plane from some drug smugglers who work for drug kingpin El Rubio and then fly south towards Cayo Perico.

You can scope out points of interest like guard uniforms or extra loot, but all you need to do is reach the communications tower while avoiding the vision cones of the patrolling guards. Once there, you'll need to find a signal box, do a quick hacking minigame, and then use an app on your phone to find the big item in El Rubio's basem*nt vault that you're going to steal.

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While you're gathering intel for this heist you can look for infiltration points. These are the locations where you enter the island to start the heist. You can use any of these spots, but there's one point in particular that I recommend finding if you're doing this heist alone. It's this one right here:

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (2)

This is the Drainage Tunnel. This is how you're going to get into El Rubio's compound without making a peep. You need to jump into the water and swim to this spot on the map to discover it. You don't need to take a picture of it, as a notification will pop up when you've found it. After that, it should always be available to be chosen as the infiltration point. Trust me, you're going to want to use this tunnel.

Also, since I don't care for the intel mission, I found a quick shortcut to get back to the plane so you can leave Cayo Perico. Simply climb to the top of the communications tower and jump off of it to your death. For whatever reason, that instantly brings you back to the plane. It's a real time saver.

What You'll Need

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (3)

Now you have to do the prep missions. Much like the intel mission, these have to be done each time you restart this heist. There's not that much variation to them so they're kind of repetitive, but if you want all that sweet loot, you got to do them. Sorry.

Thankfully, you don't need to do all of them, just the important ones.For the approach vehicle, my advice is to use theKosatka as it's the fastest way to get to the Drainage Tunnel.For equipment, ignore the detonation charges mission. Just make sure you have the cutting torch, the fingerprint cloner, and either the plasma cutter or the safe code depending upon what item you're stealing.

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As for weapons, you can't bring all the weapons you've bought over the course of your timein GTA Online for arbitrary story reasons. You need to choose one of the provided weapon loadouts and go steal those guns. My suggestion would be to select the Conspirator loadout as you get a scoped military rifle, which is veryeffectivein silently taking out El Rubio's guards. However, I also like the Crackshot loadout as it gives you a sniper rifle and the Aggressor loadout has the assault shotgun, so it's really a matter of preference. Either way, you must equip suppressors for whichever loadout you choose unless you want to wake up the whole island. You can disregard every other prep mission as these items are all you're going to need.

Getting In And Out Of Cayo Perico Without Making A Sound

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (4)

Alright, we're ready for the heist. Choose the Kosatka as the approach vehicle and the Drainage Tunnel as the infiltration point and entrance. The exfiltration point doesn't matter as you'll soon see. When the heist starts, you'll be swimming underwater out of the sub. Keep going to the Drainage Tunnel grate and you'llget a prompt to begincutting it with the torch. Once that's done, swim forward and you'll be inside the compound.

You can't get into the areas containing additional loot, since you need another person to insert one of two keycards to open them. However, you can still fill up your lootbag. The Airstrip infiltration point has an assortment of drugs and money locked behind gates that can be burned open with the cutting torch. If you're feeling really greedy, you can make a detour here before you enter through the Drainage Tunnel and grab everything you can to maximize your profits. It just means more swimming and more stealth.

Now that you're in the compound, here's some bad news: the best way to do this heist is by being completely stealthy. If you get caught you might as well die and start over from the checkpoint because escaping will be borderline impossible. Kill any guards in your way without setting off an alarm or alerting anyone. One of them will be holding a key that can open up locked gates. This will make getting around the compound much easier, so take out guards until one of them drops it.There's also an armored guard wielding a minigun who patrols the area. Avoid him at all costs.

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Now there are two ways to get to the basem*nt and steal whatever item is the focal point of this heist. You can either make it to El Rubio's office and hack into his secret elevator or use that key I just mentioned to unlock a gate that leads right to the basem*nt. Each way requires you to use the fingerprint cloner to do a hacking minigame. However, the one behind the locked gateonly has you clone one fingerprint while using the office elevator has you do three or four. So using the key makes this heist a breeze, but the office does have a secret safe that holds around $70,000, and occasionally there will be an expensive painting in there that you can steal. So it's your choice.

Once you're in the basem*nt, you'll cut the chain on the locked door with the cutting torch. Then you'll either unlock the safe with the code or cut through a glass case with the plasma cutter. When the item's in your bag, you need to sneakily escape from the compound. The front entranceis probably the simplest way out, so reach that and head outside.

Escaping the island is the easiest yet most tedious part of this heist. As long as you haven't set off any alarms, all you should have to do is head around the compound walls and towards a cliff overlooking the water. Dive in and swim underwater towards the north of the island. I've had success swimming east as well, but north seems to be the safest direction. Keep swimming for as long as it takes. Eventually, the game hud will disappear, the screen will fade to black, and you'll be in a cutscene. That's it, you just finished The Cayo Perico Heist.

And Now You're Rich

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (5)

One more tip about this heist. If you want to make a bit more money, you can play the heist on hard mode. To do that, restart the heist within 48 minutes of completing it. It will increase the take and shouldn't be too much harder, as long as you play it stealthily.

I wouldn't say that The Cayo Perico Heist is all that fun as having to do the intel and prep missions over and over is pretty dull, but you can makearound$900,000to potentially even $1.9 million per heist. So while it's a bit of a slog, if you're dying to buy an Oppressor Mk. 2 or maybe a fancy yacht, this might be the best way to earn some serious cash in GTA Online.

NEXT:Things That Rockstar Needs To Improve In GTA Online (But Probably Won't)

GTA Online: How To Complete The Cayo Perico Heist Solo (2024)


How many times can you do the Cayo Perico heist solo? ›

"Solo playthroughs of the Cayo Perico Heist Finale can only be completed once every three in-game days. If you have completed the Heist and Pavel has not called you to start another, wait for the cooldown period to pass, and try again."

Is it better to do the Cayo Perico heist solo? ›

So if players are looking to take the maximum amount of money they can from the heist, going in with a crew is essential. However, just to experience the heist as a solo player, one playthrough should be enough.

What's worth the most in Cayo Perico solo? ›

Rockstar Games Rack up the money with Cayo Perico's black panther statue. The statue is Cayo Perico's biggest haul by far. You can expect to clear around two million dollars from this item alone.

How long does it take to finish Cayo Perico setups? ›

Heist owner will have to wait 3 game days (144 real minutes) if playing solo or 1 game day (48 real minutes) if playing as a group after completion of the previous heist to trigger a new heist to replay. Note that exiting the game does not freeze the timer.

Is it possible to get full take in Cayo Perico? ›

The maximum payout you can achieve from the Cayo Perico heist is $4,188,152. This needs four players and requires the Panther Statue and gold as primary and secondary targets. You'll also need to grab the $100,000 hidden in the safe.

Is there a Cayo Perico glitch? ›

GTA Online is constantly being patched, tweaked, and updated. This has led to it becoming the highest grossing media property in history, but each new rejig of the game's code can cause unexpected bugs and glitches to pop up, like the guards in the Cayo Perico heist being able to see dead bodies through walls.

Which heists can be done solo? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist is the only heist you can do solo in GTA Online as of November 2022. Rockstar Games could always introduce more solo heists in the future. Until then, you're stuck with The Cayo Perico Heist. It's a pretty easy activity that's profitable and even has a wide variety of ways to complete it.

Is Cayo Perico heist solo difficult? ›

Doing this heist solo isn't an easy task, but it's not quite as difficult as it looks if you know what you're doing. And if you follow this guide, you'll be able to finish this heist without anyone even knowing you were there.

Is it worth doing Cayo Perico on hard mode? ›

Hard mode makes The Cayo Perico Heist one of the best moneymakers. This heist is still among the best moneymakers, even after its nerf in The Criminal Enterprises. The main limitation is that solo players have to wait significantly longer than those who do this heist in a team.

What is the rarest thing in Cayo Perico? ›

The Panther Statue is the rarest, and here's how you can obtain it in the Cayo Perico Heist.

Which Cayo Perico loot is best? ›

Gold and cocaine are the clear winners for the best loot to pick up on the island of Cayo Perico. However, regardless of what players pick for their haul, the Cayo Perico Heist still gives players the highest reward.

How much gold can 1 person carry in Cayo Perico? ›

When I play with 1 other player, we carry 1.9 million. When I play with 2 other players we can only carry 2.4 million.

Can you open the doors in Cayo Perico solo? ›

With each new update, GTA Online constantly evolves with different strategies. Solo players can still open double keycard doors in Cayo Perico.

How many times can you do Cayo Perico in one day? ›

How do I play the Heist again? Answer: Solo playthroughs of the Cayo Perico Heist Finale can only be completed once every three in-game days.

What preps do I need for Cayo Perico? ›

How to complete the Cayo Perico Heist prep quickly in GTA Online
  • Park your submarine by the NOOSE HQ.
  • Visit the Casino for the security code prep mission.
  • Take down the guards.
  • Kill the head of security and secure the codes.
  • Blow yourself up with explosives.
Jan 11, 2021

How do I start preparing for Cayo Perico heist? ›

In order to start the Cayo Perico Heist, you'll need to purchase the Kosatka Submarine from Warstock Cache and Carry. Pull up your smartphone by pushing up on the d-pad and then load the web browser.

Is the Cayo Perico Heist worth it for solo Reddit? ›

Yes. Its up to you if you wanna grind preps or just glitch it with someone.

Is it worth doing the Cayo Perico Heist with friends? ›

For the first time in GTA Online history, the Cayo Perico Heist can be played entirely in single player. Of course, you'll probably have more fun in multiplayer — and there are additional money-making opportunities if you buddy up — but if you'd prefer to experience this new content on your own, then you can.

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