Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (2024)

Table of Contents

Essay on Globalization: Globalization is a process of integrating trade and commerce throughout the globe. Governments, private companies and even people merge their differences and intermingle, interact, devise new trade policies, bringing different cultures and countries closer to each other. Unprecedented advancements in transport and communication technologies have added to the growth of globalization.

    Primarily, globalization is a commercial activity which also integrates different cultures and societies through trade and commerce. The origin of globalization is however a matter of dispute between historians and modern economist. Former believe it to be existing since ancient times while latter assert that it started only in 21st century.

    Long and Short Essay on Globalization in English

    Below we have provided Long and short Essay on Globalization in English for your information and knowledge.

    These Globalization Essay will let you know the meaning of globalization and its significance in today’s context.

    You will also understand how globalization is shrinking boundaries and bringing people together.

    These essays on Globalization will help you in your school assignments and several other competitions where you need to speak/write about globalization.

    Globalization Essay 100 words

    Globalization is the process of growing, developing and expanding the business, services or technologies all through the world. It is the expansion of various businesses to the global markets throughout the world. It requires huge international investment to develop large multinational corporations for the worldwide economic integration. It is to increase the connectivity and interdependence of the businesses in the worldwide markets.

    In the last few decades, globalization has taken the form of technological advancement which resulted in easier travel, communication, and other businesses on international level for the people. On one hand, where globalization has made easy access of technologies to the people, it has also decreased the opportunity of success by increasing competition.

    Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (2) Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (3)

    Globalization Essay 150 words

    Globalization means connecting people, businesses, and governments all around the world. It’s like businesses growing and becoming known worldwide. During globalization, lots of companies expand globally and present themselves as international players.

    Globalization is making the availability of businesses or technologies all across the world through the speed of markets. Globalization is making various huge changes in the world where people are moving away from their self-contained countries to the more integrated world. In order to globalize a business, a company need to bring change in a business strategy made for a single country to the special one having ability to operate in multiple countries.

    Impact of Globalization

    Globalization impacts a business and a company in various ways. Globalization impact on businesses in the worldwide market can be described under two broad categories of market globalization and production globalization. Market globalization is the reduction in selling barriers of products or services to other countries other than its home country. It is very necessary for a company to make success easier by effectively globalizing selling products to the international market. Production globalization is the set up of plant in many countries to produce products locally on low labour cost and earn more profit than its home country.

    Globalization Essay 200 words

    Globalization is the spreading of anything worldwide. However, generally it is the process of globalizing products, businesses, technologies, philosophies, etc all through the world. It is the creation of a successful interconnected marketplace without any limitation of time zone and national boundaries.

    The most common and clear example of globalization is the spread of McDonalds restaurants all around the world. It became so successful in the worldwide markets because of its effective strategy adapting the culture of different countries in their menus to suit local tastes of people. We can say it as internationalization which is a great combination of both, the globalization and the localization.

    It is very hard to decide whether the revolution of global marketplace is beneficial or harmful to the humanity. It is still a big confusion. However, it is also tough to ignore that globalization has created greater opportunities to people worldwide. It has changed status and way of living of people in the society to a great extent. It is hugely benefiting the developing nations by providing various developmental opportunities.

    If we take it positively, it may eradicate the regional diversity and establish a hom*ogenized world culture. It is supported by the information technology and show huge interaction and integration among businesses, companies, government and people of various countries. Globalization has positively and negatively affected the tradition, culture, political system, economic development, lifestyle, prosperity, etc.

    Globalization Essay 250 words

    In the last few decades globalization has been very fast which has resulted in the worldwide economical, social, political and cultural integration through the advancement in the technologies, telecommunication, transportation, etc. It has affected human lives in both positive and negative manner; its negative effects are needed to be addressed accordingly. Globalization has contributed a lot to the worldwide economies in various positive ways. Unbelievable advancement in the science and technologies has given amazing opportunity to the businesses to easily spread across the territorial boundaries.

    Just because of the globalization, there has been huge economical growth of the companies. They have been more productive and thus given rise a more competitive world. There is a competition in the quality of products, services, etc. Successful companies of the developed countries are establishing their foreign branches to take advantage locally through the low cost man labor than their home countries. Such type of business activities are giving employment to the people of developing or poor countries thus giving way to go ahead.

    Together with the positive aspects of the globalization, negative aspects are not forgettable. There has been risk of epidemic diseases by means of transportation from one country to another. There has been proper control of the government of all countries on the globalization in order to reduce its negative impacts on the human lives.

    Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (4) Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (5)

    Globalization Essay 300 words

    Globalization is a process of worldwide spread of science, technologies, businesses, etc through the means of transportation, communication, and trade. Globalization has affected almost all the countries worldwide in various ways such as socially, economically, politically, and psychologically too. Globalization is a term indicating fast and continues integration and interdependence of countries in the field of business and technologies. The effects of globalization have been seen on the tradition, environment, culture, security, lifestyle, and ideas. There are many factors affecting and accelerating globalization trends worldwide.

    The reason of acceleration in the globalization is because of the people demands, free-trade activities, worldwide acceptance of markets, emerging new technologies, new researches in the science, etc. Globalization has huge negative impacts on the environment and given rise to various environmental issues like water pollution, deforestation, air pollution, soil pollution, contamination of water resources, climate change, biodiversity loss, etc. All the ever growing environmental issues need to be solved on urgent basis by international efforts otherwise they may finish the existence of life on the earth a day in future.

    In order to prevent the loss of environment, there is need of globalization of eco-friendly technologies and huge level environmental awareness among people. In order to deal with the negative effects of globalization, companies need to develop greener technologies which may replace the current status of the environment. However, globalization has helped a lot positively to save the environment by improving various resources (reducing adverse effects on the environment like hybrid cars using less fuel) and promoting education.

    Apple brand has also aimed to manufacture Eco-friendly products to reduce negative impacts of globalization and exceed positive effects. Increasing demands of the ever increasing population lead towards extensive deforestation causing great level environmental issue. Till now, almost half of the useful forests have been cut in the past years. So, there is a need to make globalization under control to reduce its negative effects.

    Globalization Essay 400 words

    Globalization is the way to open businesses, improve technological growth, economy, etc on international level for the international players. It is the way to manufacturers and producers of the products or goods to sell their products globally without any restriction. It provides huge profit to the businessmen as they get low cost labor in poor countries easily through the globalization. It provides a big opportunity to the companies to deal with the worldwide market. It facilitates any country to participate, set up or merge industries, invest in equity or shares, selling of products or services in any country.

    How Globalization Work

    Globalization helps global market to consider whole world as a single market. Traders are extending their areas of business by focusing world as a global village. Earlier to the 1990s, there was restriction of importing certain products which were already manufactured in India like agricultural products, engineering goods, food items, toiletries, etc. However, during 1990s there was a pressure from rich countries over World Trade Organization, World Bank (engaged in development financing activities), and International Monetary Fund to allow other countries to spread their businesses by opening trade and market in the poor and developing countries. In India the globalization and liberalization process was started in 1991 under the Union Finance Minister (Manmohan Singh).

    After many years, globalization has brought major revolution in the Indian market when multinational brands came to India like PepsiCo, KFC, Mc. Donald, Boomer Chewing gums, IBM, Nokia, Ericsson, Aiwa etc and started delivering wide range of quality products at cheap prices. All the dominating brands shown real revolution of globalization here as a tremendous boost to the industrial sector economy. Prices of the quality products are getting down because of the cut throat competition running in the market.

    Globalization and liberalization of the businesses in the Indian market is flooding the quality foreign products however affecting the local Indian industries adversely to a great extent resulting in the job loss of poor and uneducated workers. Globalization has been bonanza for the consumers however grave for the small-scale Indian producers.

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    Positive Effects of Globalization

    • Globalization has affected the Indian students and education sectors to a great extent by making available study books and huge information over internet. Collaboration of foreign universities with the Indian universities has brought a huge change in the education industry.
    • Health sectors are also affected a lot by the globalization of common medicines, health monitoring electronic machines, etc.
    • Globalization of trade in the agricultural sector has brought variety of quality seeds having disease resistance property. However it is not good for the poor Indian farmers because of costly seeds and agricultural technologies.
    • It has brought a huge revolution to the employment sector by the spread of businesses like cottage, handloom, carpet, artisans and carving, ceramic, jewellery, and glassware etc.


    Globalization has brought variety of affordable priced quality products and overall economic benefits to the developing countries as well as employment to the large population. However, it has given rise to the competition, crime, anti-national activities, terrorism etc. So, together with the happiness it has brought some sadness also.

    Globalization is positively needed by the society and country to go ahead and become a developed society and nation. A range of globalization essay is given above to help students getting education in various classes. Essay on globalization given above are easily worded and written by the professional content writer by keeping in mind the need and requirement of students. You can also get other related essays and related information such as:

    Essay on Globalization FAQs

    What is globalization in own words?

    Globalization means the world becoming more connected, where people, businesses, and countries work together on a global scale.

    What is globalisation 10 points?

    Globalization, in 10 points, is about worldwide connections: trade between countries, cultural exchange, faster communication, multinational companies, sharing ideas, easier travel, increased interdependence, access to global products, and a broader perspective on the world.

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    Essay on Globalization for Students and Children (2024)


    What is globalization as a student essay? ›

    Globalization refers to integration between people, companies, and governments. Most noteworthy, this integration occurs on a global scale. Furthermore, it is the process of expanding the business all over the world. In Globalization, many businesses expand globally and assume an international image.

    How does globalization affect you as a student and child? ›

    Some big benefits of globalisation in education include greater awareness of other cultures, better transnational collaboration, reduced discrimination and racism, the spread of technology and innovation, and higher standards of living across the globe.

    How do I start an essay about globalization? ›

    Explain to your reader what globalisation is in detail, and if possible, add citations from experts on the topic. You can find a lot of reliable books and well-written content in scholar google or online libraries. After doing this, make a list of the aspects that you can go through based on your paper's perspective.

    What is a short paragraph about globalization? ›

    Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

    What is an example of globalization for students? ›

    Thus, globalization can be defined as the stretching of economic, political, and social relationships in space and time. A manufacturer assembling a product for a distant market, a country submitting to international law, and a language adopting a foreign loanword are all examples of globalization.

    What is the positive effect of globalization as a student? ›

    One of the positive effects of globalization on education is the increased access to educational opportunities through international mobility and global online platforms. Studying abroad provides numerous benefits, including exposure to different cultures, academic diversity, and personal growth (Leask & Bridge, 2013).

    What are the positive and negative effects of globalization? ›

    Positive effects of globalization include increased international trade and investment flow. Negative effects include economic inequality and loss of local cultural identity.

    What are the advantages and negative effects of globalization in education? ›

    Globalization facilitates communications, interactions, and multi-cultural contributions at different levels among countries. A disadvantage of globalization in education can be the increased technological gaps and digital divides between advanced countries and less developed countries.

    What is globalization 150 words? ›

    Globalisation means the combination of economies and societies with the help of information, ideas, technology, finance, goods, services, and people. It is a process where multinational companies work on their international standing and conduct operations internationally or overseas.

    What is a good introduction about globalization? ›

    Globalization is the process by which the world, previously isolated through physical and technological distance, becomes increasingly interconnected. It is manifested by the increase in interaction between peoples around the world that involves the sharing of ideas, cultures, goods, services and investment.

    What is globalization in your own words? ›

    What is a simple definition of globalization? The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the many peoples of the world who all live and work on one large planet. In short, it is the way in which people all over the Earth interact with one another in terms of economics, politics, and culture.

    What is the short summary of globalization? ›

    Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet.

    How does globalization affect me as a student essay? ›

    Globalization enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adapt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment, and to collaborate with others to make sense of new situations.

    What is globalization 5 points? ›

    Globalisation refers to the integration of global economics, industries, markets, culture and policies making around the world free from socio-political control and reduces distances between regions/countries through a global network of trade, communication, immigration, and transportation.

    Why is studying globalization important to you as a student? ›

    Studying globalization help in understanding differences and similarities among various nations of the world. Further, studying globalization improves overall human interaction in the global market. Additionally, studying globalization minimizes barriers among people from different cultures and religions.

    How do you teach students about globalization? ›

    How do students see and experience globalization in their lives? Ask them to brainstorm a list of the ways in which our world is interconnected. In addition to economics, ask students to consider politics, military issues, the environment, medicine, and culture.

    How does globalization affect your life? ›

    Globalization has a significant impact on our daily lives. It affects various aspects such as trade, communication, finance, technology, healthcare, labor, and the environment . The increased global flows of goods, services, and information have both positive and negative effects on people's everyday lives .

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    Name: Jeremiah Abshire

    Birthday: 1993-09-14

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    Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.