Duolingo · Vocabulary @ duome.eu (2024)

Chinese Vocabulary by Skills

  • Body-Parts

  • Bi Zi鼻子 鼻子
    [Bi Zi] nose
  • Er Duo耳朵 耳朵
    [Er Duo] ear, ears
  • Hei
    [Hei] black
  • Jiao
    [Jiao] foot, feet
  • Lian
    [Lian] face
  • Lu绿 绿
    [Lu] green
  • Shou
    [Shou] hand, hands
  • Tou Fa头发 头发
    [Tou Fa] hair
  • Yan Jing眼睛 眼睛
    [Yan Jing] eyes
  • You
    [You] and, again, both
  • Zui Ba嘴巴 嘴巴
    [Zui Ba] mouth
  • Business-1

  • Bao Gao报告 报告
    [Bao Gao] report, presentation, reports
  • Bao Xiao报销 报销
    [Bao Xiao] reimburse, reimbursed
  • Di
    [Di] down, low
  • Fei Yong费用 费用
    [Fei Yong] cost, costs
  • He Tong合同 合同
    [He Tong] contracts, contract
  • Hui Bao汇报 汇报
    [Hui Bao] report
  • Hui Fu回复 回复
    [Hui Fu] replied, reply, respond, answering
  • Jin Kuai尽快 尽快
    [Jin Kuai] as soon as possible, soon
  • Qian Ming签名 签名
    [Qian Ming] signs, signature, sign
  • Shou Ju收据 收据
    [Shou Ju] receipt
  • Xiang Mu项目 项目
    [Xiang Mu] project, projects
  • Xie Yi协议 协议
    [Xie Yi] agreement, contract
  • Yan Gao广告 广告
    [Yan Gao] advertisem*nts, ads, advertisem*nt, ad
  • Yu Suan预算 预算
    [Yu Suan] budget
  • Zi Ben资本 资本
    [Zi Ben] capital
  • Business-2

  • Ban Quan版权 版权
    [Ban Quan] copyright
  • Bao Chi保持 保持
    [Bao Chi] kept, keep
  • Bao Xian保险 保险
    [Bao Xian] insurance, insurances
  • Feng Xian风险 风险
    [Feng Xian] risk, risks
  • Gan Xie感谢 感谢
    [Gan Xie] please, thanks, thank
  • Gui
    [Gui] honorable, honorable's, expensive, your
  • He Zuo合作 合作
    [He Zuo] collaborate, cooperation
  • Lian Xi联系 联系
    [Lian Xi] keep in touch, reached, contact
  • Lu Shi律师 律师
    [Lu Shi] lawyers, lawyer
  • Mian
    [Mian] no need for
  • Tou Zi投资 投资
    [Tou Zi] invest, invest in, investment, investments
  • Xin Ku辛苦 辛苦
    [Xin Ku] suffering, hard
  • Yu Kuai愉快 愉快
    [Yu Kuai] pleasant, good, nice, happy
  • Zi Xun咨询 咨询
    [Zi Xun] consultation
  • Celebration

  • Bai Jiu白酒 白酒
    [Bai Jiu] white wine, Baijiu
  • Chun Jie春节 春节
    [Chun Jie] the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year
  • Fa Guo法国 法国
    [Fa Guo] French, France
  • Gan Bei干杯 干杯
    [Gan Bei] cheers, toast, drink to
  • Hong Jiu红酒 红酒
    [Hong Jiu] red wine
  • Jie Ri节日 节日
    [Jie Ri] festival, holiday, Holidays
  • Kuai Le快乐 快乐
    [Kuai Le] Happy
  • Li Wu礼物 礼物
    [Li Wu] gifts, presents, present, gift, a gift
  • Ping
    [Ping] bottles of, bottles, bottle
  • Song
    [Song] delivers, deliver, give
  • Xin Nian新年 新年
    [Xin Nian] New Year's
  • Zhu
    [Zhu] may, wish
  • Communication-2

  • Deng Lu登录 登录
    [Deng Lu] log in
  • Dian Zi You Jian电子邮件 电子邮件
    [Dian Zi You Jian] the email, email, emails
  • Duan
    [Duan] period
  • Duan Xin短信 短信
    [Duan Xin] text message, text, text messages, texts
  • Fa
    [Fa] hair, pay, send
  • Gang Cai刚才 刚才
    [Gang Cai] just now, just
  • Guan Yu关于 关于
    [Guan Yu] of, about, regarding, in
  • Guo Qu过去 过去
    [Guo Qu] past, pass
  • Mi Ma密码 密码
    [Mi Ma] password
  • Qi Shi其实 其实
    [Qi Shi] actually
  • Tan
    [Tan] talk about, chat, talking about, discussing, discuss, talk
  • Xin Hao信号 信号
    [Xin Hao] signal
  • Zhu Yao主要 主要
    [Zhu Yao] mainly
  • Contact

  • De
    [De] on, about, who, 's, for, whose, did, of, that, to, from, at, which, in, where, with
  • Dian Hua电话 电话
    [Dian Hua] phones, number, call, telephone, phone
  • Duo Shao多少 多少
    [Duo Shao] how much, what, what's, how many
  • Hao Ma号码 号码
    [Hao Ma] number
  • Culture

  • A
  • Chang Cheng长城 长城
    [Chang Cheng] the Great Wall of China, the Great Wall
  • Chang Jiang长江 长江
    [Chang Jiang] yangtze, Yangtze River
  • Dong Wu动物 动物
    [Dong Wu] animals, animal
  • Duo Yao多么 多么
    [Duo Yao] so
  • Gu Gong故宫 故宫
    [Gu Gong] The Forbidden City
  • Huang He黄河 黄河
    [Huang He]
  • Shi Jie世界 世界
    [Shi Jie] world
  • Xi An西安 西安
    [Xi An] Xi'an
  • Xiong Mao熊猫 熊猫
    [Xiong Mao] pandas, panda
  • You Ming有名 有名
    [You Ming] famous
  • Daily-Routine-1

  • Cong
    [Cong] with, from, ever, at
  • Fang Xue放学 放学
    [Fang Xue] finish school
  • Hui
    [Hui] replied, return, going, come, back
  • Qi Chuang起床 起床
    [Qi Chuang] gets up, get up
  • Shang Ban上班 上班
    [Shang Ban] go to work, work
  • Shang Xue上学 上学
    [Shang Xue] go to school
  • Shui Jue睡觉 睡觉
    [Shui Jue] slept, sleep, go to bed, sleeps, sleeping
  • Wan Fan晚饭 晚饭
    [Wan Fan] dinner, supper
  • Wu Fan午饭 午饭
    [Wu Fan] lunch
  • Xia Ban下班 下班
    [Xia Ban] finish work, got off work, get off work
  • Zao Fan早饭 早饭
    [Zao Fan] breakfast
  • Daily-Routine-2

  • Gu Shi故事 故事
    [Gu Shi] story, stories
  • Jiang
    [Jiang] spoken, talk about, talking, speaking, tell, talk, speak
  • Ma Shang马上 马上
    [Ma Shang] immediately, right now, at once
  • Shua Ya刷牙 刷牙
    [Shua Ya] brush teeth, teeth brushing
  • Xi Guan习惯 习惯
    [Xi Guan] get used to, have a habit of, habit, custom
  • Xi Zao洗澡 洗澡
    [Xi Zao] shower, showered, take shower, taking a shower, bath
  • Yi Hou以后 以后
    [Yi Hou] after, in the future, later
  • Yi Qian以前 以前
    [Yi Qian] previously, ago, before
  • Zong Shi总是 总是
    [Zong Shi] always
  • Zuo Meng做梦 做梦
    [Zuo Meng] have a dream, dream, dreaming
  • [?] Bian一边 一边
    [[?] Bian] while, at the same time
  • Daily-Routine-3

  • Jian Mian见面 见面
    [Jian Mian] meet, met, meeting, meet up
  • Liao Tian聊天 聊天
    [Liao Tian] chat, have a chat, chatting, talk
  • Zi Ji自己 自己
    [Zi Ji] myself, himself, by myself, itself, themselves, herself, ourselves
  • [?] Ban一般 一般
    [[?] Ban] usually, normally, general
  • [?] Ge Ren一个人 一个人
    [[?] Ge Ren] alone, by herself, by himself
  • Dining-1

  • Cai
    [Cai] cuisine, dishes, food, cuisines, vegetables, foods, dish
  • Huan Shi还是 还是
    [Huan Shi] still, or
  • Ji Rou鸡肉 鸡肉
    [Ji Rou] chicken
  • Mi Fan米饭 米饭
    [Mi Fan] rice
  • Mian Tiao面条 面条
    [Mian Tiao] noodles
  • Niu Rou牛肉 牛肉
    [Niu Rou] beef
  • Ri Ben日本 日本
    [Ri Ben] Japan, Japanese
  • Rou
    [Rou] meat
  • Shang Hai上海 上海
    [Shang Hai] Shanghainese, Shanghai
  • Yang Rou羊肉 羊肉
    [Yang Rou] lamb
  • Yin Liao饮料 饮料
    [Yin Liao] drink, drinks
  • Zhu Rou猪肉 猪肉
    [Zhu Rou] pork
  • Dining-2

  • Bei
    [Bei] cups of, glasses, glass, cup
  • Bei Zi杯子 杯子
    [Bei Zi] glass, cups, cup
  • Cha
    [Cha] fork, forks
  • Dan Gao蛋糕 蛋糕
    [Dan Gao] cake, cakes
  • Dao
    [Dao] the knife, knives, knife
  • De Guo德国 德国
    [De Guo] German, Germany
  • Guo Zhi果汁 果汁
    [Guo Zhi] juice
  • Kuai Zi筷子 筷子
    [Kuai Zi] chopsticks
  • Pan Zi盘子 盘子
    [Pan Zi] dish, plate, dishes, plates
  • Pi Jiu啤酒 啤酒
    [Pi Jiu] beer, beers
  • Shao Zi勺子 勺子
    [Shao Zi] spoons, spoon
  • Wan
    [Wan] bowl, bowl of, a bowl, bowls
  • Xiang Jiao香蕉 香蕉
    [Xiang Jiao] bananas, banana
  • Dining-3

  • Bao
    [Bao] full
  • E饿 饿
    [E] hungry
  • Hao Chi好吃 好吃
    [Hao Chi] good, tasty, delicious
  • Hao He好喝 好喝
    [Hao He] good, tasty, tastiest
  • Jiu
    [Jiu] alcohol, alcohols
  • Ke
    [Ke] thirsty
  • Qiao Ke Li巧克力 巧克力
    [Qiao Ke Li] chocolate
  • Shao
    [Shao] few, little, less
  • Tian Dian甜点 甜点
    [Tian Dian] dessert, desserts
  • Wan
    [Wan] have finished, finished, finish, finishes, finishing
  • Wei Dao味道 味道
    [Wei Dao] taste, flavor
  • Xiao Fei小费 小费
    [Xiao Fei] tip
  • Yi Jing已经 已经
    [Yi Jing] already
  • Zhen
    [Zhen] real, very, so, really
  • Drink

  • Bing
    [Bing] ice, iced
  • Ka Pei咖啡 咖啡
    [Ka Pei] coffee
  • Niu Nai牛奶 牛奶
    [Niu Nai] milk
  • Re
    [Re] heat, hotter, hot
  • Yao
    [Yao] wants, would like, asks, ask for, takes, get, have to, ask, needs, should, will, to, take, want, need, is going to, wanted, must
  • Duo

  • Cheng
    [Cheng] orange
  • Duo Er多儿 多儿
    [Duo Er] Duo
  • Fang Qi放弃 放弃
    [Fang Qi] give up
  • Gu Li鼓励 鼓励
    [Gu Li] encourages, encourage
  • Lan
    [Lan] lazy
  • Mao Tou Ying猫头鹰 猫头鹰
    [Mao Tou Ying] owl, owls
  • Ti Xing提醒 提醒
    [Ti Xing] remind, reminders, figure
  • Yu Mao羽毛 羽毛
    [Yu Mao] feathers
  • Emergency

  • Bao Jing报警 报警
    [Bao Jing] call the police
  • Fa Sheng发生 发生
    [Fa Sheng] happen, happened
  • Jing Cha警察 警察
    [Jing Cha] policemen, police, police officer, policeman
  • Jiu Hu Che救护车 救护车
    [Jiu Hu Che] ambulance
  • Jiu Ming救命 救命
    [Jiu Ming] help
  • Shi
    [Shi] thing, matter, things
  • Shou Shang受伤 受伤
    [Shou Shang] injured, injure, hurt
  • Tou
    [Tou] steal
  • Yan Zhong严重 严重
    [Yan Zhong] serious
  • Yi Wai意外 意外
    [Yi Wai] accident
  • Entertainment

  • Bao Zhi报纸 报纸
    [Bao Zhi] newspaper, newspapers, papers
  • Dian Shi电视 电视
    [Dian Shi] TV, the television, television, TV shows, TV show
  • Dian Ying电影 电影
    [Dian Ying] movie, a film, movies, a movie, films, film
  • Gan
    [Gan] cheers, do, doing, dry
  • Han Guo韩国 韩国
    [Han Guo] South Korea, Korea, Korean
  • Jie Mu节目 节目
    [Jie Mu] show, program, shows, programs
  • Ming Xing明星 明星
    [Ming Xing] celebrity, star
  • Shang Wang上网 上网
    [Shang Wang] go online, on the Internet, online
  • Shou Ji手机 手机
    [Shou Ji] cellphones, cellphone, cell phones, phones, phone, cell phone
  • Ti Yu体育 体育
    [Ti Yu] sports
  • Xiang
    [Xiang] wants, would like, think about, would, want to, thinks, thought, miss, think
  • Xin Wen新闻 新闻
    [Xin Wen] news, the news
  • Yong
    [Yong] use, used, took, uses, take, in, using, with, spend
  • Environment

  • An Jing安静 安静
    [An Jing] quieter, be quiet, quiet
  • Cao
    [Cao] straw, grass
  • Ceng
    [Ceng] floors, floor
  • Diu
    [Diu] throw away, lost
  • Fang Bian方便 方便
    [Fang Bian] convenient
  • Hua
    [Hua] flower, takes, spent, spends, take, flowers, spend
  • Huan Jing环境 环境
    [Huan Jing] surrounding
  • La Ji垃圾 垃圾
    [La Ji] trash
  • Lin Ju邻居 邻居
    [Lin Ju] neighbors, neighborhood, neighbor
  • Lou
    [Lou] building, floor
  • Qu
    [Qu] gone, for, visit, to, going, through, goes, go, get to, went
  • Sheng Yin声音 声音
    [Sheng Yin] sound, voice, noise
  • Tai Yang太阳 太阳
    [Tai Yang] sun
  • Tong
    [Tong] bin
  • Xing Xing星星 星星
    [Xing Xing] star, stars
  • Ying Xiang影响 影响
    [Ying Xiang] affect, bother, effect, disturb
  • Zang
    [Zang] dirty
  • Exam

  • Cheng Ji成绩 成绩
    [Cheng Ji] grade, grades
  • Da Xue大学 大学
    [Da Xue] universities, university, college
  • Dan Xin担心 担心
    [Dan Xin] worries, worry about, worrying, worry, worried
  • Fang Jia放假 放假
    [Fang Jia] break, vacation
  • Fang Song放松 放松
    [Fang Song] relax
  • Fu Xi复习 复习
    [Fu Xi] review, revise
  • Han Jia寒假 寒假
    [Han Jia] winter holiday, winter holidays
  • Ji De记得 记得
    [Ji De] remembered, remembering, remember
  • Jie Shu结束 结束
    [Jie Shu] ends, finish, end, over, ended, finished
  • Shu Jia暑假 暑假
    [Shu Jia] summer holiday, summer holidays
  • Shu Xue数学 数学
    [Shu Xue] mathematics, math
  • Wei
    [Wei] is, about, for
  • Zhong Yu终于 终于
    [Zhong Yu] finally
  • Zhuan Ye专业 专业
    [Zhuan Ye] professional, major
  • Existence

  • Ban Gong Shi办公室 办公室
    [Ban Gong Shi] offices, the office, office
  • Ben
    [Ben] Ben
  • Liang
    [Liang] a
  • Niao
    [Niao] bird, birds
  • Ping Zi瓶子 瓶子
    [Ping Zi] bottles, bottle
  • Shu
    [Shu] the tree, tree, trees
  • Zhang
    [Zhang] sheet of, sheets, Zhang
  • Zhao Pian照片 照片
    [Zhao Pian] photographs, picture, photograph, pictures, photos, photo
  • Zhi
    [Zhi] only, an order of, just
  • Family-1

  • Ai
    [Ai] loved, love, in love with, loves
  • Ba Ba爸爸 爸爸
    [Ba Ba] dad, father
  • Di Di弟弟 弟弟
    [Di Di] little brother, younger brother, brothers, brother
  • Ge
    [Ge] serving, a, servings, one, an
  • Ge Ge哥哥 哥哥
    [Ge Ge] brothers, brother
  • He
    [He] and, to, with
  • Jia Ren家人 家人
    [Jia Ren] families, family
  • Jie Jie姐姐 姐姐
    [Jie Jie] sisters, sister
  • Ma Ma妈妈 妈妈
    [Ma Ma] mum, Mom, mother
  • Mei
    [Mei] doesn't, don't, didn't, without, not, aren't, fine, isn't
  • Mei Mei妹妹 妹妹
    [Mei Mei] sisters, sister, little sister, younger sister
  • Na
    [Na] and, the, there, those, that
  • Shui
    [Shui] whom, who
  • You
    [You] be, there are, for, get, comes in, of, is, there, had, does, there was, there's, have, it's, got, come in, has, with, having, there is
  • Zhe
    [Zhe] this, these, the, it, here
  • Family-2

  • Er Zi儿子 儿子
    [Er Zi] sons, son
  • Gou
    [Gou] the dog, dogs, dog
  • Hai Zi孩子 孩子
    [Hai Zi] kids, children, kid, child
  • Liang
    [Liang] 2, two
  • Mao
    [Mao] cats, cat
  • Nu Er女儿 女儿
    [Nu Er] girl, daughter, daughters
  • Qi Zi妻子 妻子
    [Qi Zi] wives, wife
  • Sui
    [Sui] years old, ages
  • Ta
    [Ta] it, it's, that, its, it'll
  • Zhang Fu丈夫 丈夫
    [Zhang Fu] husbands, husband
  • Family-3

  • A Yi阿姨 阿姨
    [A Yi] aunt
  • Fu Mu父母 父母
    [Fu Mu] parents
  • Guan Xi关系 关系
    [Guan Xi] relationships, relation, relations, relationship
  • Nai Nai奶奶 奶奶
    [Nai Nai] grandmother, grandmothers, grandma
  • Qin Qi亲戚 亲戚
    [Qin Qi] relatives
  • Shu Shu叔叔 叔叔
    [Shu Shu] uncle
  • Xiang
    [Xiang] as, like, look, resemble
  • Xiong Di Jie Mei兄弟姐妹 兄弟姐妹
    [Xiong Di Jie Mei] siblings
  • Ye Ye爷爷 爷爷
    [Ye Ye] grandfathers, grandpa, grandfather
  • [?] Yang一样 一样
    [[?] Yang] like, same, the same
  • Festivals

  • Duan Wu Jie端午节 端午节
    [Duan Wu Jie] the Dragon Boat Festival
  • Fa Cai发财 发财
    [Fa Cai] become rich, Make a fortune, get rich
  • Gong Xi恭喜 恭喜
    [Gong Xi] Congratulations
  • Hong Bao红包 红包
    [Hong Bao] red envelope, red envelopes
  • Hua
    [Hua] rowing, paddle, row
  • Ju Hui聚会 聚会
    [Ju Hui] party, gathering, reunion, parties
  • Long Zhou龙舟 龙舟
    [Long Zhou] dragon boat
  • Tang Yuan汤圆 汤圆
    [Tang Yuan] glutinous rice balls, sweet dumplings, rice balls, rice ball, glutinous rice ball
  • Yuan
    [Yuan] round
  • Yue Bing月饼 月饼
    [Yue Bing] mooncakes, mooncake
  • Yue Liang月亮 月亮
    [Yue Liang] moon
  • Zhong Qiu Jie中秋节 中秋节
    [Zhong Qiu Jie] Mid-Autumn Festival
  • Zong Zi粽子 粽子
    [Zong Zi] sticky rice dumplings, zongzi, sticky rice dumpling
  • Food-1

  • Bu
    [Bu] doesn't, do not, is not, no, wasn't, wouldn't, don't, didn't, n't, not, cannot, won't, weren't, are not, does not, neither, aren't, isn't, can't
  • Cha
    [Cha] tea
  • Chi
    [Chi] ate, eating, eaten, had, eats, eat, foodies, take, have, having
  • Fan
    [Fan] food, rice, meals, meal
  • He
    [He] drunk, drink, had, eat, drank, drinking, gets, having, drinks
  • Mian
    [Mian] noodle, noodles, sides
  • Shui
    [Shui] water
  • Yu
    [Yu] fish
  • Food-3

  • Bei Fang北方 北方
    [Bei Fang] north, Northern
  • Chu Liao除了 除了
    [Chu Liao] apart from, in addition to, except, Besides, except for, apart
  • Ji
  • Jiao Zi饺子 饺子
    [Jiao Zi] dumplings
  • Ku
    [Ku] hard, bitter
  • La
    [La] hot, spicy
  • Nan Chi难吃 难吃
    [Nan Chi] bad, terrible, terrible tasting
  • Nan Fang南方 南方
    [Nan Fang] southern, south
  • Qi Ta其他 其他
    [Qi Ta] other, else
  • Tian
    [Tian] sweet, sweeter
  • Xian
    [Xian] salty
  • Yan
    [Yan] salt
  • Future

  • Ban
    [Ban] move, moving
  • Bian Hua变化 变化
    [Bian Hua] turned, changed, changes, change
  • Da Suan打算 打算
    [Da Suan] going to, planning, planning to
  • Dang Ran当然 当然
    [Dang Ran] of course, sure, definitely
  • Fang Xin放心 放心
    [Fang Xin] relax
  • Fen Shou分手 分手
    [Fen Shou] break up, broke up
  • Guo Jia国家 国家
    [Guo Jia] country, national, countries
  • Hai Pa害怕 害怕
    [Hai Pa] has a fear of, fear, afraid, be afraid of
  • Ji Hui机会 机会
    [Ji Hui] chance, opportunity, opportunities, offer
  • Jie Hun结婚 结婚
    [Jie Hun] marry, get married, married
  • Liu Xue留学 留学
    [Liu Xue] studying abroad, study abroad
  • Ren Zhen认真 认真
    [Ren Zhen] serious, seriously!
  • Xuan Ze选择 选择
    [Xuan Ze] option, chosen, choices, choose, pick, choice, chose
  • Yuan Yi愿意 愿意
    [Yuan Yi] will
  • Gourmet-2

  • Bei Jing Kao Ya北京烤鸭 北京烤鸭
    [Bei Jing Kao Ya] Peking duck
  • Chun Juan春卷 春卷
    [Chun Juan] spring roll, spring rolls
  • Dou Hua豆花 豆花
    [Dou Hua] tofu pudding, tofu puddings
  • Gong Bao Ji Ding宫保鸡丁 宫保鸡丁
    [Gong Bao Ji Ding] Kung Pao Chicken
  • Lu Rou Fan卤肉饭 卤肉饭
    [Lu Rou Fan] braised pork rice
  • Man Tou馒头 馒头
    [Man Tou] steamed buns
  • Suan La Tang酸辣汤 酸辣汤
    [Suan La Tang] hot and sour soup
  • Zhen Zhu Nai Cha珍珠奶茶 珍珠奶茶
    [Zhen Zhu Nai Cha]
  • Greeting

  • Hao
    [Hao] and, great, good, OK, well, better, yes, nice, fine, cool
  • Ni
    [Ni] you're, you, you'll, your, you've
  • Zai Jian再见 再见
    [Zai Jian] bye, goodbye
  • Greeting-2

  • Gao Xing高兴 高兴
    [Gao Xing] happily, pleasure, pleased, glad, happy
  • Hen
    [Hen] dancing, very, is, am, a lot, so, are, pretty, was, really
  • Ren Shi认识 认识
    [Ren Shi] meet, knew, know, recognize
  • Ye
    [Ye] and, either, also, as well as, too, as well
  • Greeting-3

  • Jin Tian今天 今天
    [Jin Tian] this, today
  • Mang
    [Mang] busy
  • Zao Shang早上 早上
    [Zao Shang] mornings, a.m., morning
  • Zen Yao Yang怎么样 怎么样
    [Zen Yao Yang] how about, what, how's, how's it going, how, how are things?, what about
  • Greeting-4

  • Bu Cuo不错 不错
    [Bu Cuo] fine, well, not bad, alright, pretty good, nice
  • Hao Jiu Bu Jian好久不见 好久不见
    [Hao Jiu Bu Jian] Long time no see
  • Wan An晚安 晚安
    [Wan An] good night
  • Zao An早安 早安
    [Zao An] Good morning
  • Zui Jin最近 最近
    [Zui Jin] these days, recently
  • [?] Hui Er一会儿 一会儿
    [[?] Hui Er] in a few moments, later, in a bit
  • Groumet-1

  • Bao Zi包子 包子
    [Bao Zi] steamed bun with fillings, buns, bun
  • Chao Fan炒饭 炒饭
    [Chao Fan] fried rice
  • Dian Xin点心 点心
    [Dian Xin] dim sum
  • Dou Jiang豆浆 豆浆
    [Dou Jiang] soy milk
  • Huo Guo火锅 火锅
    [Huo Guo] hot pot
  • La Mian拉面 拉面
    [La Mian] ramen noodle, ramen
  • Xiao Long Bao小笼包 小笼包
    [Xiao Long Bao] steamed pork dumplings, Xiaolongbao, soup dumpling
  • You Tiao油条 油条
    [You Tiao] deep-friend dough sticks, deep-fried dough stick
  • Zhou
    [Zhou] porridge, congee
  • Health-1

  • Bu Yao不要 不要
    [Bu Yao] not, don't, no
  • Duan Lian锻炼 锻炼
    [Duan Lian] exercises, working out, work out, exercise
  • Gong Zuo工作 工作
    [Gong Zuo] task, jobs, working, work, job, works
  • Jian Kang健康 健康
    [Jian Kang] healthy, health
  • Jue De觉得 觉得
    [Jue De] think about, feel, thinks, feels, feeling, think
  • Kai Shi开始 开始
    [Kai Shi] begins, begin, started, starts, start, starting
  • Lei
    [Lei] tired
  • Pang
    [Pang] fat
  • Shen Ti身体 身体
    [Shen Ti] body, health, bodies
  • You Dian Er有点儿 有点儿
    [You Dian Er] a little
  • Zhu Yi注意 注意
    [Zhu Yi] careful, attention, pay attention to
  • Health-2

  • Bie
    [Bie] do not, stop, don't
  • Du Zi肚子 肚子
    [Du Zi] stomach
  • Fa Shao发烧 发烧
    [Fa Shao] fever
  • Gan Mou感冒 感冒
    [Gan Mou] cold, colds
  • Liu
    [Liu] staying, leaves, stayed, leaving, leave, stay, left
  • Qing Jia请假 请假
    [Qing Jia] take leave, take a day off
  • Sheng Bing生病 生病
    [Sheng Bing] sick
  • Shu Fu舒服 舒服
    [Shu Fu] well, cozy, cosy, comfortable
  • Teng
    [Teng] hurt, painful, hurts
  • Tou
    [Tou] head
  • Xiu Xi休息 休息
    [Xiu Xi] break, resting, off, rest, relax
  • Yao
    [Yao] medicine, medicines
  • Ying Gai应该 应该
    [Ying Gai] should
  • [?] Ding一定 一定
    [[?] Ding] necessarily, definitely, must
  • Health-3

  • Chou Yan抽烟 抽烟
    [Chou Yan] smoke
  • Gong Jin公斤 公斤
    [Gong Jin] kilograms, kilogram, kilos
  • Ke Sou咳嗽 咳嗽
    [Ke Sou] cough
  • Men
    [Men] boring, bored
  • Shou
    [Shou] thin
  • Si
    [Si] die, died, dying
  • Tui
    [Tui] legs, leg
  • Zhao Gu照顾 照顾
    [Zhao Gu] care, look after, take care of
  • Zhao Ji着急 着急
    [Zhao Ji] anxious, worried
  • Hobbies-1

  • Chang
    [Chang] sing, sang
  • Dian Nao电脑 电脑
    [Dian Nao] computers, computer
  • Ge
    [Ge] song, songs
  • Kan
    [Kan] seeing, reading, look, watching, read, look at, watch, see, watches, looked, reads, looks, watched, looking
  • Shu
    [Shu] book, books
  • Tiao Wu跳舞 跳舞
    [Tiao Wu] dance, dances, danced, dancing
  • Ting
    [Ting] hears, listened, hear, listening, listen to, listens, listen
  • Wan
    [Wan] play, played, plays, playing, play with
  • Xi Huan喜欢 喜欢
    [Xi Huan] enjoy, love, like, likes, loves, enjoys
  • Yin Le音乐 音乐
    [Yin Le] music
  • You Xi游戏 游戏
    [You Xi] game, games
  • Zai
    [Zai] on, for, is, to, is located, are, in, during, was, at
  • Zui
    [Zui] most, the most
  • Hobbies-2

  • Ai Hao爱好 爱好
    [Ai Hao] interests, hobby, hobbies
  • Lu You旅游 旅游
    [Lu You] travels, travel, travelling, traveling, traveled
  • Pai Zhao拍照 拍照
    [Pai Zhao] taking pictures, photography
  • Qing Song轻松 轻松
    [Qing Song] easily, relaxed, relax
  • Suo Yi所以 所以
    [Suo Yi] so
  • Wei Shi Yao为什么 为什么
    [Wei Shi Yao] why
  • Xi Ban Ya西班牙 西班牙
    [Xi Ban Ya] Spain, Spanish
  • Xi Ban Ya Yu西班牙语 西班牙语
    [Xi Ban Ya Yu] spanish language, spanish
  • Xin
    [Xin] new
  • Xue Xi学习 学习
    [Xue Xi] studying, study, studied, learning, learn, learned, studies
  • Yin Du印度 印度
    [Yin Du] Indian, india
  • Yin Wei因为 因为
    [Yin Wei] because, so, because of, for
  • Zhao Xiang Ji照相机 照相机
    [Zhao Xiang Ji] camera
  • Zhong Wen中文 中文
    [Zhong Wen] Chinese
  • Hobbies-3

  • Dui
    [Dui] about, right, for, couple, regarding, to, pair of, yes, with, correct
  • Gan Xing Qu感兴趣 感兴趣
    [Gan Xing Qu] be interested in, interested
  • Gong Fu功夫 功夫
    [Gong Fu] kung fu
  • Huo Zhe或者 或者
    [Huo Zhe] or
  • Li Shi历史 历史
    [Li Shi] history
  • Liao Jie了解 了解
    [Liao Jie] learn more, knew, understand, know
  • Ma Jiang麻将 麻将
    [Ma Jiang] mahjong
  • Pa Shan爬山 爬山
    [Pa Shan] go hiking, hiking
  • Te Bie特别 特别
    [Te Bie] especially, special
  • Wei Liao为了 为了
    [Wei Liao] for, in order to
  • Wen Hua文化 文化
    [Wen Hua] culture, cultural, cultures
  • Xing Qu兴趣 兴趣
    [Xing Qu] interests, interest
  • Zi Xing Che自行车 自行车
    [Zi Xing Che] bikes, bicycles, bike, bicycle
  • House

  • Ba
    [Ba] pair of, have
  • Bei
    [Bei] is, was, by, were
  • Ce Suo厕所 厕所
    [Ce Suo] toilet, bathrooms, toilets
  • Chu Fang厨房 厨房
    [Chu Fang] kitchen
  • Da Sao打扫 打扫
    [Da Sao] cleaning up, clean-up, cleans, clean, cleaned
  • Deng
    [Deng] the light, light, lamp, lights
  • Dian Ti电梯 电梯
    [Dian Ti] elevators, elevator
  • Fang
    [Fang] set off, puts, keep, place, sets, put, putting, leaving
  • Gan Jing干净 干净
    [Gan Jing] cleaner, clean
  • Hua
    [Hua] picture, draw, draws, paintings, paints, paint, pictures, painting
  • Ke Ren客人 客人
    [Ke Ren] guest, guests
  • Ke Ting客厅 客厅
    [Ke Ting] living room
  • Kong Diao空调 空调
    [Kong Diao] air conditioner, air-conditioning
  • Pi
    [Pi] bad
  • Internet-Slang

  • Cai Niao菜鸟 菜鸟
    [Cai Niao] beginner
  • Chi Huo吃货 吃货
    [Chi Huo] foodies, foodie
  • Fen Si粉丝 粉丝
    [Fen Si] follower, fan, fans
  • Fen Xiang分享 分享
    [Fen Xiang] shared, sharing, share
  • Gao Fu Shuai高富帅 高富帅
    [Gao Fu Shuai]
  • Guan Zhu关注 关注
    [Guan Zhu] follow, followed
  • Hao You好友 好友
    [Hao You] friend
  • Jia
    [Jia] adds, add, with
  • Jiong
    [Jiong] Jiong
  • Mei Mei美眉 美眉
    [Mei Mei] beautiful girl, pretty girl, pretty girls
  • Mei Tu美图 美图
    [Mei Tu] Meitu
  • Meng
    [Meng] cute
  • Peng You Quan朋友圈 朋友圈
    [Peng You Quan] Moments
  • Ping Lun评论 评论
    [Ping Lun] comment, reviews, review, comments
  • Shua
    [Shua] checking, brushes, scroll through, paint, brush, scrolling through, brushed, check
  • Tu Hao土豪 土豪
    [Tu Hao] local tycoon, provincial tycoon
  • Wei Bo微博 微博
    [Wei Bo] Weibo
  • Wei Xin微信 微信
    [Wei Xin] WeChat
  • Zan
    [Zan] like
  • Zhai Nan宅男 宅男
    [Zhai Nan] otaku
  • Zhuan Fa转发 转发
    [Zhuan Fa] forward
  • Zi Pai自拍 自拍
    [Zi Pai] take a selfie, selfie, taking selfies
  • Invitation-2

  • Cai
    [Cai] only, only able to
  • Da Ban打扮 打扮
    [Da Ban] dressed, dress up
  • Da Jia大家 大家
    [Da Jia] everyone
  • Duo
    [Duo] often, how, how many, a lot, much, more than, more
  • Gen
    [Gen] and, to, with, against
  • Gong Si公司 公司
    [Gong Si] firm, company
  • Neng
    [Neng] will, could, able to, can
  • Pai Dui派对 派对
    [Pai Dui] party
  • Sheng Ri生日 生日
    [Sheng Ri] birthdays, birthday, date of birth
  • Shi Qing事情 事情
    [Shi Qing] thing, task, things, matters, matter
  • Xi Wang希望 希望
    [Xi Wang] wish, wishes, hope
  • Zheng Zai正在 正在
    [Zheng Zai] right now
  • Invitiation-1

  • Ba
    [Ba] let's
  • Bu Hao Yi Si不好意思 不好意思
    [Bu Hao Yi Si] excuse me, sorry
  • Chu Qu出去 出去
    [Chu Qu] go out, go outside, out
  • Gao Su告诉 告诉
    [Gao Su] tells, tell, told
  • Gei
    [Gei] give, for, offer, pay, get, show, to, can, put, gave, bring, gives
  • Guo
    [Guo] over, cross, yet, pass, ever, spend, celebrate
  • Jia
    [Jia] house, homes, place, family, home
  • Kong
    [Kong] sky, free, time
  • Lai
    [Lai] from, been, to, here, coming, come, came
  • Lang Man浪漫 浪漫
    [Lang Man] romantic
  • Qing
    [Qing] invited, please, treat, invite
  • Shi Hou时候 时候
    [Shi Hou] while, times, time
  • Shi Jian时间 时间
    [Shi Jian] hours, days, hour, time
  • Yue Hui约会 约会
    [Yue Hui] date, dates, dating, appointment
  • [?] Qi一起 一起
    [[?] Qi] along, together
  • Languages

  • Cuo
    [Cuo] fault, wrong, incorrectly
  • Du
    [Du] read, reads, reading
  • Nan
    [Nan] hard, difficult
  • Xie
    [Xie] writes, writing, write, written, take, wrote
  • Yi Si意思 意思
    [Yi Si] meaning, mean
  • Zi
    [Zi] word, character, words
  • [?] Dian Er一点儿 一点儿
    [[?] Dian Er] a little bit of, harder, bit, a little
  • Languages-2

  • Chong
    [Chong] sort of, kind, kinds, grow, growing, type, grows, minute
  • Geng
    [Geng] even, is even, are even, more
  • Hou Lai后来 后来
    [Hou Lai] later, afterwards
  • Jiu
    [Jiu] long time, long
  • Kao
    [Kao] take exam
  • Nu Li努力 努力
    [Nu Li] make an effort, hard, work, work hard, efforts, effort
  • Rong Yi容易 容易
    [Rong Yi] easily, easy
  • Shui Ping水平 水平
    [Shui Ping] proficiency, skills, skill, level
  • Ti Gao提高 提高
    [Ti Gao] increase, improve
  • Xue
    [Xue] study, done, learning, learn, have been learning, has been learning
  • Yi Zi汉字 汉字
    [Yi Zi] character, Chinese character, Chinese characters
  • Yu Yan语言 语言
    [Yu Yan] languages, language
  • Languages-3

  • Ci Dian词典 词典
    [Ci Dian] dictionaries, dictionary
  • Duo Lin Guo多邻国 多邻国
    [Duo Lin Guo] Duolingo
  • Fan Yi翻译 翻译
    [Fan Yi] translation, translate
  • Hui Da回答 回答
    [Hui Da] respond, answering, answers, answered, answer, response
  • Jian Dan简单 简单
    [Jian Dan] simple, easy
  • Ju Zi句子 句子
    [Ju Zi] sentence, sentences
  • Liu Li流利 流利
    [Liu Li] fluent
  • Xia Zai下载 下载
    [Xia Zai] download
  • Ying Yong应用 应用
    [Ying Yong] apply, app, apps
  • Yu Fa语法 语法
    [Yu Fa] grammar
  • Location-1

  • Bei Jing北京 北京
    [Bei Jing] Beijing
  • Lun Dun伦敦 伦敦
    [Lun Dun] London
  • Na Er哪儿 哪儿
    [Na Er] where
  • Niu Yue纽约 纽约
    [Niu Yue] New York
  • Tai Wan台湾 台湾
    [Tai Wan] Taiwan
  • Xiang Gang香港 香港
    [Xiang Gang] Hong Kong
  • Zhu
    [Zhu] living, live, lived, lives, live in
  • Location-2

  • Fan Guan饭馆 饭馆
    [Fan Guan] restaurant, restaurants
  • Na Er那儿 那儿
    [Na Er] over there, there
  • Xi Shou Jian洗手间 洗手间
    [Xi Shou Jian] toilet, bathroom, bathrooms, toilets, restrooms, restroom
  • Yi Yuan医院 医院
    [Yi Yuan] the hospital, hospital, hospitals
  • Zhe Er这儿 这儿
    [Zhe Er] here
  • Location-3

  • Dao
    [Dao] get, reach, been, to, arrived, at, arrive, until
  • Hou Mian后面 后面
    [Hou Mian] behind, after, back
  • Lu
    [Lu] roads, streets, road, the way
  • Na Li哪里 哪里
    [Na Li] where
  • Na Li那里 那里
    [Na Li] there
  • Pang Bian旁边 旁边
    [Pang Bian] next to, by
  • Qian Mian前面 前面
    [Qian Mian] front, straight ahead, the front side, up ahead, the front
  • Wang
    [Wang] turn, towards, towards/toward/to
  • Xue Xiao学校 学校
    [Xue Xiao] schools, school
  • You Bian右边 右边
    [You Bian] the right, right
  • Zen Yao怎么 怎么
    [Zen Yao] how
  • Zhe Li这里 这里
    [Zhe Li] right here, here
  • Zou
    [Zou] walking, leaves, walked, walk, leave, going, walks, go, left
  • Zuo Bian左边 左边
    [Zuo Bian] left side
  • Location-4

  • Bing Xiang冰箱 冰箱
    [Bing Xiang] fridge, refrigerator
  • Fang Jian房间 房间
    [Fang Jian] bedrooms, rooms, room
  • Jian
    [Jian] meet, see
  • Li
    [Li] among, inside, within, at, in
  • Wai
    [Wai] outside, out, foreign
  • Yi Zi椅子 椅子
    [Yi Zi] chairs, chair
  • Zhao
    [Zhao] look, looked, ask, look for, find, looking for
  • Zhuo Zi桌子 桌子
    [Zhuo Zi] the table, tables, table, desk
  • Location-5

  • Cheng Shi城市 城市
    [Cheng Shi] city, cities
  • Di Fang地方 地方
    [Di Fang] local, place, site, places
  • Fu Jin附近 附近
    [Fu Jin] near, vicinity, around, nearby
  • Gong Yuan公园 公园
    [Gong Yuan] park, parks, the park
  • Ka Pei Guan咖啡馆 咖啡馆
    [Ka Pei Guan] coffee shop, cafe, the coffee shop, cafu00e9
  • Shang Mian上面 上面
    [Shang Mian] on, above, top, on top of, top side, upside
  • Tu Shu Guan图书馆 图书馆
    [Tu Shu Guan] libraries, a library, library
  • Xia Mian下面 下面
    [Xia Mian] below, bottom side, under
  • Zhong Jian中间 中间
    [Zhong Jian] middle, among, in between, between
  • Location-6

  • Bei Bian北边 北边
    [Bei Bian]
  • Di Zhi地址 地址
    [Di Zhi] address
  • Dong Bian东边 东边
    [Dong Bian]
  • Mi Lu迷路 迷路
    [Mi Lu] lost
  • Nan Bian南边 南边
    [Nan Bian] the south, south
  • Qian
    [Qian] ago, front, ex, ahead, before
  • Ran Hou然后 然后
    [Ran Hou] and, then
  • Xi Bian西边 西边
    [Xi Bian] west
  • Xian
    [Xian] first
  • You
    [You] right
  • Zhou Wei周围 周围
    [Zhou Wei] around
  • Zui Hou最后 最后
    [Zui Hou] end, lastly, last, final, eventually
  • Zuo
    [Zuo] left
  • [?] Zhi一直 一直
    [[?] Zhi] always, keep, keeps getting, keeps, all the time
  • Name

  • Hua
    [Hua] Hua
  • Jiao
    [Jiao] is, am, calling, call, are, called
  • Li
    [Li] Li
  • Ming
    [Ming] next, Ming
  • Ming Zi名字 名字
    [Ming Zi] first name, names, name
  • Ni
    [Ni] how about, what about
  • Shi Yao什么 什么
    [Shi Yao] what, anything, what's, what kind of, everything, which, any
  • Wang
    [Wang] king, Wang
  • Wo
    [Wo] I, I am, my, me
  • Xing
    [Xing] last name, last name is
  • Nationality

  • Du
    [Du] both, all
  • Guo
    [Guo] country
  • Jia Na Da加拿大 加拿大
    [Jia Na Da] Canada
  • Mei Guo美国 美国
    [Mei Guo] the United States, the U.S., the USA, American, the US, America
  • Na
    [Na] every, what, where, which
  • Ren
    [Ren] individual, people, person, individuals, human, man
  • Ying Guo英国 英国
    [Ying Guo] the UK, England, British, the United Kingdom
  • Zhong Guo中国 中国
    [Zhong Guo] China, Chinese
  • Numbers-1

  • Ba
    [Ba] 8, eight, eighth
  • Bai
    [Bai] hundred
  • Er
    [Er] the second, 2, two
  • Jiu
    [Jiu] 9, nine
  • Ling
    [Ling] zero
  • Liu
    [Liu] six, 6
  • Qi
    [Qi] seven, 7
  • San
    [San] 3, three, the third
  • Shi
    [Shi] 10, ten
  • Si
    [Si] four, 4
  • Wu
    [Wu] five, 5
  • Yuan
    [Yuan] RMB, dollars, Yuan
  • [?]
    [[?]] 1, a, an, one
  • Occupation

  • Lao Shi老师 老师
    [Lao Shi] teachers, teacher
  • Ma
    [Ma] do, is, does, are, were, was
  • Ni Men你们 你们
    [Ni Men] you'll, you all, you both, you've, you, your, you guys
  • Shi
    [Shi] be, is, am, are, were, yes, was
  • Ta
    [Ta] his, he, him, he's
  • Ta
    [Ta] she's, she, her
  • Ta Men他们 他们
    [Ta Men] their, them, they
  • Ta Men她们 她们
    [Ta Men] them, they
  • Wo Men我们 我们
    [Wo Men] our, we, us
  • Xue Sheng学生 学生
    [Xue Sheng] students, student
  • Yi Sheng医生 医生
    [Yi Sheng] doctors, doctor, dr.
  • Payment

  • Bian Yi便宜 便宜
    [Bian Yi] cheap, cheaper
  • Kuai
    [Kuai] piece, Yuan, piece of, pieces of, pieces
  • Mai
    [Mai] getting, buy, buys, buying, get
  • Mao
    [Mao] ten cents
  • Mo
    [Mo] ten thousand
  • Qian
    [Qian] thousand, thousands
  • Qian
    [Qian] money
  • Shou
    [Shou] accepted, take
  • Tai
    [Tai] very, so, too
  • Xian Jin现金 现金
    [Xian Jin] cash
  • Xin Yong Qia信用卡 信用卡
    [Xin Yong Qia]
  • Xing
    [Xing] okay, ok, fine
  • [?] Gong一共 一共
    [[?] Gong] altogether, in total
  • People-1

  • Ai
    [Ai] short
  • Fei Chang非常 非常
    [Fei Chang] huge, very, quite, a lot, much, so, pretty, extremely, really
  • Gao
    [Gao] high, tall, taller, pointy
  • Ke Ai可爱 可爱
    [Ke Ai] cute
  • Nan
    [Nan] boy, male
  • Nu
    [Nu] women
  • Peng You朋友 朋友
    [Peng You] a friend, friends, friend
  • Piao Liang漂亮 漂亮
    [Piao Liang] beautiful, nice, prettier, pretty, beautifully
  • People-2

  • Bie Ren别人 别人
    [Bie Ren] anyone else, other people, someone else, others
  • Bu Dan不但 不但
    [Bu Dan] not only
  • Cong Ming聪明 聪明
    [Cong Ming] intelligent, smart
  • Er Qie而且 而且
    [Er Qie] and, also, but also
  • Jie Shao介绍 介绍
    [Jie Shao] presented, introduction, introduce, presents, announce, introduced, present
  • Shuai
    [Shuai] good-looking, handsome
  • Shuo Hua说话 说话
    [Shuo Hua] talked, spoke, spoken, talking, talk, talks, speaking, speak
  • Xiao
    [Xiao] smiles, laugh, laughs, laughing, smiled, smile
  • People-3

  • Bi Jiao比较 比较
    [Bi Jiao] rather, relatively, more
  • Chang
    [Chang] long
  • Chu Zhong初中 初中
    [Chu Zhong] junior high school, middle school
  • Dai
    [Dai] wearing, wear, is wearing, wore, wears
  • Ge Zi个子 个子
    [Ge Zi] height
  • Lao
    [Lao] old, elderly, older
  • Nian Ji年级 年级
    [Nian Ji] grade
  • Nian Qing年轻 年轻
    [Nian Qing] youth, younger, young
  • Xiao Xue小学 小学
    [Xiao Xue] elementary school, primary school, primary
  • Yan Jing眼镜 眼镜
    [Yan Jing] glasses
  • Personality-and-Feelings

  • Di
    [Di] land, floor
  • Guan Xin关心 关心
    [Guan Xin] caring, cares for, cares, care for, cares about, care about, care
  • Hao Xiao好笑 好笑
    [Hao Xiao] funny, funniest
  • Jin Zhang紧张 紧张
    [Jin Zhang] nervous
  • Jing Chang经常 经常
    [Jing Chang] often
  • Kan Qi Lai看起来 看起来
    [Kan Qi Lai] look, look like, seems, looked, looks, appears
  • Ke Pa可怕 可怕
    [Ke Pa] scary, horrible
  • Ku
    [Ku] cry, cried, crying
  • Nan Guo难过 难过
    [Nan Guo] upset, sad
  • Qi Guai奇怪 奇怪
    [Qi Guai] strange
  • Re Qing热情 热情
    [Re Qing] affectionate, warm-hearted, warmly
  • Sheng Qi生气 生气
    [Sheng Qi] angry, mad, rage
  • Yu Dao遇到 遇到
    [Yu Dao]
  • Phrases-1

  • Bu Ke Qi不客气 不客气
    [Bu Ke Qi] you are welcome
  • Dui Bu Qi对不起 对不起
    [Dui Bu Qi] sorry, I'm sorry, I am sorry
  • Mei Guan Xi没关系 没关系
    [Mei Guan Xi] never mind, it's OK, ok, no problem
  • Xie Xie谢谢 谢谢
    [Xie Xie] thank you, please, thanks, thank
  • Phrases-2

  • Bang Zhu帮助 帮助
    [Bang Zhu] helping, helps, help
  • Ci
    [Ci] time, times
  • Qing Wen请问 请问
    [Qing Wen] Excuse me, may I ask
  • Shuo
    [Shuo] saying, talked, says, spoke, spoken, talking, say, said, speaking, speaks, tell, talk, speak
  • Wen
    [Wen] ask, asked, asks
  • Yi Yu汉语 汉语
    [Yi Yu] Chinese
  • Ying Yu英语 英语
    [Ying Yu] English
  • Zai
    [Zai] again
  • Zhi Dao知道 知道
    [Zhi Dao] known, knew, knows, know
  • Restaurant

  • Cai Dan菜单 菜单
    [Cai Dan] menu
  • Deng
    [Deng] waiting, have been waiting, wait for, wait
  • Dian Cai点菜 点菜
    [Dian Cai] order
  • Ding Wei订位 订位
    [Ding Wei] book a table, booked, make a reservation
  • Fu Wu Yuan服务员 服务员
    [Fu Wu Yuan] waiter, waitress, waiters
  • Jin
    [Jin] go in, into, through, enter, go, come in
  • Mai Dan买单 买单
    [Mai Dan] get the check, check
  • Wei
    [Wei] place, people
  • Ying Wen英文 英文
    [Ying Wen] English
  • [?] Xia一下 一下
    [[?] Xia] a bit, a moment, some
  • School

  • Bi
    [Bi] pen, pens
  • Di Li地理 地理
    [Di Li] geography
  • Dong
    [Dong] understood, understands, understand
  • Jiao Shi教室 教室
    [Jiao Shi] classroom, classrooms, class
  • Kao Shi考试 考试
    [Kao Shi] test, tests, exams, exam
  • Ke
    [Ke] lessons, course, classes, lesson, class, the course
  • Ke Xue科学 科学
    [Ke Xue] science
  • Mei Zhu美术 美术
    [Mei Zhu] art
  • Ti
    [Ti] question, questions
  • Tong Xue同学 同学
    [Tong Xue] classmates, classmate
  • Wen Ti问题 问题
    [Wen Ti] question, problems, issue, problem, questions
  • Xia Ke下课 下课
    [Xia Ke] finish class, end class, finishes class, finished the lesson
  • Zhun Bei准备 准备
    [Zhun Bei] preparation, be ready, preparing, prepare, prepared
  • School-2

  • Ban
    [Ban] ben, class
  • Bi Ji笔记 笔记
    [Bi Ji] notes, the notes
  • Bi Ji Ben笔记本 笔记本
    [Bi Ji Ben] notebook
  • Bi Xu必须 必须
    [Bi Xu] need, have to, needs, has to, must
  • Gao Zhong高中 高中
    [Gao Zhong] high school
  • Hei Ban黑板 黑板
    [Hei Ban] blackboard, the blackboard
  • Jiao
    [Jiao] teach, taught, teaches
  • Jie
    [Jie] borrowed, borrow, borrow from, lend
  • Qian Bi铅笔 铅笔
    [Qian Bi] a pencil, pencils, pencil
  • Qing Chu清楚 清楚
    [Qing Chu] clear, sure, clearly
  • Shi Tang食堂 食堂
    [Shi Tang] canteen, cafeteria
  • Ti Yu Guan体育馆 体育馆
    [Ti Yu Guan] gym, gymnasium
  • Wan Cheng完成 完成
    [Wan Cheng] finished, finish, complete
  • Xiang
    [Xiang] to, towards, from
  • Xiao Chang校长 校长
    [Xiao Chang] principal
  • Yao Qiu要求 要求
    [Yao Qiu] demands, standard, requests, standards
  • Zhi
    [Zhi] paper, papers
  • Zuo Ye作业 作业
    [Zuo Ye] assignments, production, homework, assignment
  • Shopping-1

  • Bang Mang帮忙 帮忙
    [Bang Mang] favor, help, help out
  • Guan
    [Guan] close, off, turn off, closed
  • Huan Ying欢迎 欢迎
    [Huan Ying] welcome, greets, welcomes
  • Jian
    [Jian] pieces of clothing, piece of clothing
  • Kai
    [Kai] drive, open, drives, turn on, opening
  • Men
    [Men] door, the door
  • Nin
    [Nin] you, your
  • Shang Dian商店 商店
    [Shang Dian] shop, shops, stores, store
  • Sui Bian随便 随便
    [Sui Bian] up to you, anywhere, as you like, just
  • Xu Yao需要 需要
    [Xu Yao] need, needed, needs
  • Yi Fu衣服 衣服
    [Yi Fu] clothing, clothes
  • Shopping-2

  • Bi
    [Bi] than
  • Chen Shan衬衫 衬衫
    [Chen Shan] shirt, shirts
  • Da
    [Da] heavy, great, older, big, large, loudly, loud, bigger, more
  • Hao Kan好看 好看
    [Hao Kan] beautiful, prettiest, good-looking, pretty
  • Huan
    [Huan] and, returned, else, also, give back, still, yet
  • Ku Zi裤子 裤子
    [Ku Zi] trousers, pants
  • Lan
    [Lan] blue
  • Qun Zi裙子 裙子
    [Qun Zi] dress, skirt, skirts, dresses
  • Se
    [Se] color
  • Shi
    [Shi] try, tries, tried
  • Shuang
    [Shuang] both, pairs, double, couple, two, pair, pair of
  • Tiao
    [Tiao] pair of, pair
  • Xiao
    [Xiao] small, down, little, smaller, less
  • Xie Zi鞋子 鞋子
    [Xie Zi] shoes, shoe
  • Yi Da Li意大利 意大利
    [Yi Da Li] Italy, Italian
  • Zhi Liang质量 质量
    [Zhi Liang] quality, mass
  • Shopping-3

  • Bai
    [Bai] white
  • Chuan穿 穿
    [Chuan] wearing, wears, wear, puts, wore
  • Dan Shi但是 但是
    [Dan Shi] however, but
  • Duan
    [Duan] short
  • Hong
    [Hong] red
  • Huang
    [Huang] yellow
  • Mai
    [Mai] sell, sells, selling
  • Mao Zi帽子 帽子
    [Mao Zi] hats, caps, hat, cap, a hat
  • Shou Biao手表 手表
    [Shou Biao] watch, watches
  • Sui Ran虽然 虽然
    [Sui Ran] although, though
  • Xi
    [Xi] wash, washes
  • Yan Se颜色 颜色
    [Yan Se] color, colors
  • Zi
  • Shopping-4

  • Da Zhe打折 打折
    [Da Zhe] discount, discounted, on sale
  • Dai Zi袋子 袋子
    [Dai Zi] bag
  • Huan
    [Huan] get changed, changes, swap, change, exchange
  • Jiao
    [Jiao] corner, Jiao
  • Jing Guo经过 经过
    [Jing Guo] past, go past, walk by, passed
  • Jiu
    [Jiu] old, older
  • Pi Xie皮鞋 皮鞋
    [Pi Xie]
  • Tui Huo退货 退货
    [Tui Huo] return
  • Tui Kuan退款 退款
    [Tui Kuan] refund, get a refund
  • Sports-1

  • Bu
    [Bu] step
  • Da
    [Da] play, plays, played, beat, hitting, hit, playing
  • Lan Qiu篮球 篮球
    [Lan Qiu] basketball
  • Ma
    [Ma] horses, horse
  • Pao
    [Pao] ran, runs, run, running
  • Pao Bu跑步 跑步
    [Pao Bu] runs, run, running
  • Qi
    [Qi] to ride, ride, rode, ridden, riding, rides
  • Ti
    [Ti] kicking, play, plays, kick
  • Yong
    [Yong] swim
  • You
    [You] swim
  • You Yong游泳 游泳
    [You Yong] swim, swims, swimming
  • Yun Dong运动 运动
    [Yun Dong] exercises, sport, exercise, sports
  • Zu Qiu足球 足球
    [Zu Qiu] soccer, football
  • Sports-2

  • Bi Sai比赛 比赛
    [Bi Sai] play, contest, competition, competitions, game, race, match
  • Can Jia参加 参加
    [Can Jia] to, take part in, enter, attend, participate in
  • Di
  • Hao Zai好在 好在
    [Hao Zai] luckily
  • Jia You加油 加油
    [Jia You] Press on, Come on
  • Lian Xi练习 练习
    [Lian Xi] practice, play, practices, practicing, practiced
  • Pai Qiu排球 排球
    [Pai Qiu] volleyball
  • Ping Pang Qiu乒乓球 乒乓球
    [Ping Pang Qiu] table tennis, ping pong
  • Shi Wang失望 失望
    [Shi Wang] disappointed
  • Shu
    [Shu] lost, lose
  • Wang Qiu网球 网球
    [Wang Qiu] tennis
  • Xin Xin信心 信心
    [Xin Xin] confident, confidence
  • Ying
    [Ying] win, won, wins
  • Supermarket

  • Bang
    [Bang] helping, helped, help
  • Bao
    [Bao] bags, bag, bag of
  • Chao Shi超市 超市
    [Chao Shi] supermarkets, supermarket
  • Dai
    [Dai] bag, bag of
  • Dong Xi东西 东西
    [Dong Xi] stuff, food, things, thing, objects, something
  • Ji Dan鸡蛋 鸡蛋
    [Ji Dan] eggs, egg
  • Mi
    [Mi] rice, meters, meter
  • Mian Bao面包 面包
    [Mian Bao] bread
  • Ping Guo苹果 苹果
    [Ping Guo] apples, apple
  • Shu Cai蔬菜 蔬菜
    [Shu Cai] vegetable, vegetables
  • Shui Guo水果 水果
    [Shui Guo] fruit, fruits
  • Tang
    [Tang] candy, sugar
  • Xi Gua西瓜 西瓜
    [Xi Gua] watermelons, watermelon
  • Xie
    [Xie] some
  • Xin Xian新鲜 新鲜
    [Xin Xian] fresh
  • Telephone

  • De
    [De] need to, need, get
  • Kuai
    [Kuai] almost, soon, fast, quickly, quick, coming up
  • Man
    [Man] slow, slowly
  • Ming Bai明白 明白
    [Ming Bai] understand, see, sees
  • Wei
    [Wei] Hello
  • Time-1

  • ling
    [ling] zero
  • Ban
    [Ban] half an, half a, half
  • Dian
    [Dian] little, ordered, o'clock, ordering, point, order, points, something, click
  • Hao
    [Hao] date, day of the month
  • Ji
    [Ji] what, several, some, a few, how many
  • Ming Tian明天 明天
    [Ming Tian] tomorrow
  • Nian
    [Nian] year, years
  • Ri
    [Ri] date, days
  • Tian
    [Tian] sky, days, day, it
  • Xian Zai现在 现在
    [Xian Zai] sharp, now, currently, right now, it
  • Xing Qi星期 星期
    [Xing Qi] week, weeks
  • Yue
    [Yue] months, month
  • Time-2

  • Fen
    [Fen] cents, points, minutes, cent
  • Hui
    [Hui] will be, knows how to, we will, would, know how to, will, going, can, is going to, might
  • Jin Nian今年 今年
    [Jin Nian]
  • Liao
    [Liao] did, got, anymore
  • Mei
    [Mei] every single, every, per, each
  • Ming Nian明年 明年
    [Ming Nian] next year
  • Qu Nian去年 去年
    [Qu Nian] last year, last
  • Shang
    [Shang] on, last, attend, get on, top, up, get in, go to, board, in, over
  • Shang Wu上午 上午
    [Shang Wu] mornings, a.m., morning
  • Wan Shang晚上 晚上
    [Wan Shang] night, evening, evenings, p.m.
  • Xia
    [Xia] go down, play, end, ends class, next, down, get off, under, gave
  • Xia Wu下午 下午
    [Xia Wu] in the afternoon, pm, afternoon, p.m.
  • Zhong Wu中午 中午
    [Zhong Wu] noon
  • Zhou Mo周末 周末
    [Zhou Mo] weekends, weekend, on the weekend
  • Zuo
    [Zuo] be, play, made, cooked, work as, do, being, make, cooking, did, creates, doing, as, done, cook, making, to be, makes, create
  • Zuo Tian昨天 昨天
    [Zuo Tian] yesterday
  • Time-3

  • Chai
    [Chai] worse
  • Fen Zhong分钟 分钟
    [Fen Zhong] minutes, minute
  • Ke
    [Ke] moment, quarter
  • Miao
    [Miao] seconds, second
  • Wan
    [Wan] late, evening, night
  • Xiao Shi小时 小时
    [Xiao Shi] hours, hour
  • Zao
    [Zao] early, soon, morning
  • Zheng
    [Zheng] sharp, all, whole
  • Zhong
    [Zhong] the clock, clock
  • Time-4

  • Ao Da Li Ya澳大利亚 澳大利亚
    [Ao Da Li Ya] Australia
  • Chun
  • Da Gai大概 大概
    [Da Gai] almost, probably, about, approximately
  • Dong
  • Du Che堵车 堵车
    [Du Che] traffic, the traffic, traffic jams
  • Gang
    [Gang] just
  • Hou
    [Hou] after, back, in
  • Hou Tian后天 后天
    [Hou Tian] the day after tomorrow
  • Ji Jie季节 季节
    [Ji Jie] seasons, season
  • Qian Tian前天 前天
    [Qian Tian] the day before yesterday
  • Qiu
  • Xia
  • Yue Lai Yue越来越 越来越
    [Yue Lai Yue] more and more, getting
  • Zhun Shi准时 准时
    [Zhun Shi] on time, punctual
  • Transportation

  • Bu Zhun不准 不准
    [Bu Zhun] not allowed
  • Che
    [Che] cars, transportation, car, vehicle
  • Chu Zu Che出租车 出租车
    [Chu Zu Che] taxi, cab, taxis
  • Chuan
    [Chuan] boats, ferry, ship, ships, boat
  • Di Tie地铁 地铁
    [Di Tie] subway
  • Gong Gong公共 公共
    [Gong Gong] public
  • Jiu Dian酒店 酒店
    [Jiu Dian] The hotel, hotel, hotels
  • Ke Yi可以 可以
    [Ke Yi] will, may, could, okay, can
  • Qi Che汽车 汽车
    [Qi Che] cars, car
  • Zhan
    [Zhan] standing, station, stop, stand, stops
  • Zuo
    [Zuo] use, sitting, taking, sit, by, take, am sitting, sits, ride, sat
  • Travel

  • Chi
    [Chi] to, away, from
  • Chi Dao迟到 迟到
    [Chi Dao] late
  • Fei Ji飞机 飞机
    [Fei Ji] airplane, plane, flight
  • Huo Che火车 火车
    [Huo Che] train, trains
  • Ji Chang机场 机场
    [Ji Chang] airport, the airport
  • Ji Piao机票 机票
    [Ji Piao] plane ticket
  • Jin
    [Jin] close, near, close to
  • Kai Che开车 开车
    [Kai Che] drove, drive, driving
  • Kao
    [Kao] count on, on, is, lean
  • Piao
    [Piao] tickets, vote, ticket, votes
  • Rang
    [Rang] makes, lets, made, let, allow
  • Ting
    [Ting] stop
  • Yuan
    [Yuan] far, away, far away
  • Zen Yao Ban怎么办 怎么办
    [Zen Yao Ban] What to do?
  • Zou Lu走路 走路
    [Zou Lu] walked, walk
  • Travel-2

  • An Quan安全 安全
    [An Quan] security, safe, safety
  • Chi Kai离开 离开
    [Chi Kai] from, leaves, leaving, leave, away, left
  • Fa Xian发现 发现
    [Fa Xian] find out, realized, discover, find, discovered, found, finds, realize, discovery
  • Hai Guan海关 海关
    [Hai Guan] customs
  • Hu Zhao护照 护照
    [Hu Zhao] passports, passport
  • Ji Hu几乎 几乎
    [Ji Hu] almost, nearly
  • Jian Cha检查 检查
    [Jian Cha] checked, check
  • Qi Fei起飞 起飞
    [Qi Fei] taking off, take off
  • Qian Zheng签证 签证
    [Qian Zheng] visas, visa
  • Wang Ji忘记 忘记
    [Wang Ji] forget, forgot
  • Xing Li行李 行李
    [Xing Li] luggage
  • Travel-3

  • Chong Dian充电 充电
    [Chong Dian] charge
  • Chong Zhi充值 充值
    [Chong Zhi] top up, recharge
  • Dao You导游 导游
    [Dao You] tour guide, guide
  • Dian Hua Qia电话卡 电话卡
    [Dian Hua Qia]
  • Ding Fang订房 订房
    [Ding Fang] room booking, book a room
  • Guo Ji国际 国际
    [Guo Ji] international
  • Guo Nei国内 国内
    [Guo Nei] domestic
  • Huan Qian换钱 换钱
    [Huan Qian]
  • Ju Tai柜台 柜台
    [Ju Tai] counter
  • Man You漫游 漫游
    [Man You] roaming
  • Qu Xiao取消 取消
    [Qu Xiao] cancel
  • Tui Fang退房 退房
    [Tui Fang] check out
  • Yin Xing银行 银行
    [Yin Xing] banks, the bank, bank
  • Zhuan Ji转机 转机
    [Zhuan Ji] transfer, change planes
  • Travel-4

  • An Pai安排 安排
    [An Pai] plan, planned, arrange
  • Biao Yan表演 表演
    [Biao Yan] performance, performed, show
  • Bo Wu Guan博物馆 博物馆
    [Bo Wu Guan] museums, museum
  • Can Guan参观 参观
    [Can Guan] visit
  • Chu
    [Chu] go, are sold, out
  • Da Che打车 打车
    [Da Che] get a taxi, get a cab
  • Di Tu地图 地图
    [Di Tu] maps, map
  • Feng Jing风景 风景
    [Feng Jing] scenery, scene, landscape, view
  • Guan Guang观光 观光
    [Guan Guang] sightseeing
  • Hai Bian海边 海边
    [Hai Bian] seaside, sea
  • Hong Lu Deng红绿灯 红绿灯
    [Hong Lu Deng] traffic light
  • Huo Dong活动 活动
    [Huo Dong] activities, activity
  • Jie
    [Jie] catch, catching, pick up, accept, pick
  • Jie Dao街道 街道
    [Jie Dao] street, streets, way around
  • Ma Lu马路 马路
    [Ma Lu] roads, road
  • Mian Fei免费 免费
    [Mian Fei] free
  • Na
    [Na] hold, takes, get, taking, took, pick up, take, holding, pick, carry, gets
  • Shi Chai时差 时差
    [Shi Chai] jet lag
  • Si Ji司机 司机
    [Si Ji] driver
  • Xiao Xin小心 小心
    [Xiao Xin] Watch out, be careful with, careful, be careful
  • Weather

  • Cong Lai从来 从来
    [Cong Lai] ever
  • Dai
    [Dai] takes, taking, carry, bring, carries, take, taken, bringing
  • Feng
    [Feng] wind
  • Gua
    [Gua] blow
  • Jiu
    [Jiu] then, just
  • Ke Neng可能 可能
    [Ke Neng] may, maybe, could, possible, possibility, possibilities, possibly, might
  • Leng
    [Leng] colder, cold
  • Li Mian里面 里面
    [Li Mian] inside, in
  • Qing
    [Qing] clear, sunny
  • Ru Guo如果 如果
    [Ru Guo] if
  • San
    [San] an umbrella, umbrella
  • Tian Qi天气 天气
    [Tian Qi] it's, weather, it, the weather
  • Wai Mian外面 外面
    [Wai Mian] outside, out
  • Xue
    [Xue] snow
  • Yin
    [Yin] cloudy
  • Yu
    [Yu] the rain, rain
  • Zhao
  • Weather-2

  • Da Yue大约 大约
    [Da Yue] about, approximately
  • Du
    [Du] degrees, temperature
  • Gan Zao干燥 干燥
    [Gan Zao] dry
  • Liang Kuai凉快 凉快
    [Liang Kuai] mild, cool
  • Nuan He暖和 暖和
    [Nuan He] warm
  • Wen Du温度 温度
    [Wen Du] temperature
  • Work

  • Ban Fa办法 办法
    [Ban Fa] ways, solutions, solution
  • Hui Yi会议 会议
    [Hui Yi] conference, meetings, meeting
  • Jie Jue解决 解决
    [Jie Jue] resolved, solved, resolve, solve
  • Jing Li经理 经理
    [Jing Li] manager
  • Tong Shi同事 同事
    [Tong Shi] colleague, colleagues
  • Tu Ran突然 突然
    [Tu Ran] suddenly, unexpectedly
  • Wang
    [Wang] forget
  • Xian Sheng先生 先生
    [Xian Sheng] sir, mr., teacher, husband
  • Xiang Xin相信 相信
    [Xiang Xin] believed, trust, believe, believe in, believes
  • Xiao Jie小姐 小姐
    [Xiao Jie] Miss
  • Zhong Yao重要 重要
    [Zhong Yao] matter, important
  • Work-2

  • Biao Xian表现 表现
    [Biao Xian] performance
  • Chu Chai出差 出差
    [Chu Chai] business trip, go on business trip
  • Gen Ju根据 根据
    [Gen Ju] based on, evidence
  • Jue Ding决定 决定
    [Jue Ding] chosen, decision, decided, decisions, decide
  • Kai Hui开会 开会
    [Kai Hui] have meetings, have a meeting, meeting
  • Lao Ban老板 老板
    [Lao Ban] bosses, boss
  • Ma Fan麻烦 麻烦
    [Ma Fan] tricky, problem, annoying, please, bothered
  • Man Yi满意 满意
    [Man Yi] pleasure, be happy with, satisfied
  • Mian Shi面试 面试
    [Mian Shi] interview
  • Ren Wei认为 认为
    [Ren Wei] thought, thinks, think, assumes, consider
  • Sheng Zhi升职 升职
    [Sheng Zhi] promoted, promotion
  • Tong Yi同意 同意
    [Tong Yi] agree with, say yes, agree, agreed
  • Work-3

  • Bao Qian抱歉 抱歉
    [Bao Qian] apologies, sorry, I'm sorry
  • Gong Zi工资 工资
    [Gong Zi] salary, pay, salaries
  • Jia Ban加班 加班
    [Jia Ban] overtime, worked overtime, work overtime
  • Jiang Jin奖金 奖金
    [Jiang Jin] bonus, bonuses
  • Shang Liang商量 商量
    [Shang Liang] discuss
  • Sheng Yi生意 生意
    [Sheng Yi] business
  • Wu Hui误会 误会
    [Wu Hui] misunderstanding, misunderstand, misunderstood
  • Ya Li压力 压力
    [Ya Li] pressure, stress
  • Yi Jian意见 意见
    [Yi Jian] opinion, mind
  • Yuan Liang原谅 原谅
    [Yuan Liang] forgive
  • Ze Ren责任 责任
    [Ze Ren] responsibilities, responsibility

983 words · this list may still be incomplete / work in progress

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.