Customers (2024)

Customers (1)

There are currently 428 customers in the game.

  • For more information about a Customer's requirements, go check their page!
  • For more information about attracting a customer, see: Tips for Customers


  • 1 Regulars
  • 2 Special
  • 3 Seasonal
  • 4 Doll Figures
  • 5 Terrace
  • 6 Booth Owners
  • 7 Performers
  • 8 Event-Limited
    • 8.1 Halloween Customers
    • 8.2 Lunar New Year Customers
    • 8.3 Christmas Customer
    • 8.4 Qixi Event Customer
    • 8.5 Blind Box Memento Event Customer
    • 8.6 Anniversary Customers
  • 9 Battle Pass Customers
    • 9.1 Battle Pass Doll Customer


Regular customers will visit when the player's restaurant meets the right requirements. If you got something they like (Facilities, Flowers, Food...) they will stop by!

Customers (2)White BunnyLittle white bunny, ever so white; with two pointy ears, that stand upright.
Customers (3)Brown BunnyCommon wild rabbits that are good at digging holes.
Customers (4)DeerThe most common deer in the area. I wonder when they'll get those spots on their brown fur?
Customers (5)MouseThey're dirty and like boasting about how many places they've been.
Customers (6)Striped Yellow JackalThey're always chanting 'Fresh guts!' and 'Yay, guts!'
Customers (7)BadgerDON'T let him eat too many beans. If he farts, the entire restaurant is done for.
Customers (8)Spotted DeerEveryone always thinks of this kind of spotted deer, but they're pretty rare around here.
Customers (9)Artist BadgerHe is overconfident about his talent, very fussy about food, and is always pulling all-nighters to make finishing touches... but nobody has ever seen any of his paintings.
Customers (10)Wounded BearThere's an unheard story behind the knife wound. The bear is a regular, and also our fish supplier!
Customers (11)HedgehogThey're covered in spines but still want to hug everyone.
Customers (12)Brown WolfThey're highly sociable and always go out in groups, so different from cats!
Customers (13)Striped JackalThey're very sensitive to expiration dates and like cold-tossed pancreas.
Customers (14)Blueberry HedgehogBlueberry fanatics.
Customers (15)SheepDuring grazing season, they're all over the mountains and plains. A type of sheep from the neighbor's pasture.
Customers (16)Yellow JackalThey've got bright eyes and look like they're ready to pounce at any moment.
Customers (17)SwanWhen he was little he thought he was a duck, but when he grew up he still thought he was a duck, so he's not too mean.
Customers (18)WolfNormal wolves. They eat meat with every meal.
Customers (19)Scarred BearThere's a faint scar on his belly. He always looks down.
Customers (20)Granny WolfEven though he's male, he's taken to wearing a silk scarf that he found somewhere and learned to tie from watching humans.
Customers (21)Border CollieIf you ever lose something, you can go find them. They can get it back with a single sniff and never ask for compensation.
Customers (22)French BulldogThey're quite pompous, and they all think they're of noble blood.
Customers (23)Bald SheepIsn't he cold? At the very least he could wear some clothes. Everyone feels kinda awkward looking at him.
Customers (24)Lop-Eared RabbitThey're always chewing on pieces of grass.
Customers (25)BeaverThey handle all the woodworking in this area. The houses and furniture they make are all sturdy and durable. They're saving the money they earn to build an even bigger dam.
Customers (26)One-Eyed PapillonHe's a dog of few words, and nobody dares talk to him. He seems to hate humans.
Customers (27)FoxEven though he's fully grown, he still tries to act cute to get what he wants. Just give him whatever he asks for. The chef'll pay for it.
Customers (28)RaccoonTheir tummies are always rumbling, but they never go hungry.
Customers (29)TerrierThey look like old men.
Customers (30)Field DogHas a bit of an underbite and may not be well-liked among humans. I hear they can't even live in the city.
Customers (31)ShibaThey're always waiting for something by the intersection. Don't be fooled by their serious faces; they often think of something and start laughing.
Customers (32)OstrichWe made the door higher just for them.
Customers (33)White ShibaWhite, chubby foodies that only like sweets.
Customers (34)Paper Bagged OstrichA shy guy.
Customers (35)Berry HedgehogThey tend to worry, so they like to hoard food. They'll curl up into a ball if they get frightened.
Customers (36)Chocolate LabThese city-slickers get all suave whenever they see a human.
Customers (37)Chocolate Border CollieThese city-slickers get all suave whenever they see a human.
Customers (38)BoarThey're related to pigs, but they've got an entirely different temper, so take care when you're serving them!
Customers (39)Black ShibaThey love to go for walks and play tug-of-war.
Customers (40)Black LabHas unlimited energy, a huge appetite, good teeth, and stinky breath, possibly from chewing too many shoes...
Customers (41)Boston TerrierThe chef doesn't like these kinds of customers.
Customers (42)Merle Border CollieThese dogs look super cool, but they'd rather play with people than dogs.
Customers (43)PugThey're so stinky that the chef stays far away whenever he sees them, but they're welcomed by the other animals because they're good at playing dumb and listening in on the humans' secrets. They're always gossiping.
Customers (44)CorgiA stingy pup who likes fighting with others. If he breaks the tableware, make sure he pays up!
Customers (45)Speckled PigThey used to be farm animals, but they were abandoned because they grew too fast. How could a pig NOT grow?
Customers (46)HuskyThese easy-going kings of destruction are always liked by female dogs, but nobody cares for their wisdom.
Customers (47)Tri-Colored CorgiAs pretty as any other corgi.
Customers (48)PigThey're always asking if they've lost weight...but they're still as chubby as ever.
Customers (49)Old CollieYou usually won't see them on rainy days.
Customers (50)Fennec FoxThey may look young, but they're actually menopausal! They always feel hot, so they like cold foods and drinks.
Customers (51)PenguinDon't ask me why there are penguins here. I have no idea! Everyone likes hearing their stories about faraway glaciers.
Customers (52)White-Collar FoxThey're always in a hurry to pay and seem to do business with some dangerous man. We like these kinds of customers!
Customers (53)LynxThey look a bit strange... Nobody's seen this kind of cat before.
Customers (54)DachshundLoves waxing herself.
Customers (55)Rescue DogA pup of high morals who can tell you all about disasters.
Customers (56)SlothThese sloths are probably more active than others, as they haven't got any mushrooms growing on them.
Customers (57)Polar BearA homeless and rare type of bear.
Customers (58)Slim White DogShe always likes to stay in shape.
Customers (59)Insta-PupHe always has the latest mobile camera on his neck.
Customers (60)FlamingoEnjoys sleep and has a slight inferiority complex.
Customers (61)GnomeHe's rarely seen, but those who do see him will be in luck.
Customers (62)Mushroom SlothHe's so lazy a mushroom's grown on his head.
Customers (63)Influencer FlamingoShe puts on sunglasses and thinks she's all that, but even influencers will go out in style!
Customers (64)TigerLooks like he could be Jiji's distant relative.
Customers (65)Little Black DogNobody knows what breed he is, but everyone likes him!
Customers (66)White RabbitHe's holding his watch like he's late for something.
Customers (67)Cheshire CatHe's always grinning. Don't believe anything he says! I do think I've seen him in some fairytale, though...
Customers (68)ReporterHe's carrying a backpack and a camera. He doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Customers (69)Glamourous LadyThis species has a penchant for leopard print.
Customers (70)Scotch CollieHas a very long face.
Customers (71)Programmer's DogThe colors have been washed from his clothes.
Customers (72)DalmatianA very loyal dog.
Customers (73)Party PuppyJust came back from a party without even removing her hat.
Customers (74)Green-Hat GnomeAn even rarer gnome. If you see him, you'll be super-duper lucky!
Customers (75)CiciA melancholy human girl.
Customers (76)Lucky PigHappy Year of the Pig! All is well in the world!
Customers (77)Shiba PuppyThe shiba couple's pup. Chubby just like dad!
Customers (78)AlpacaSuper soft with a gentle personality. Be careful not to get too close though—you might get spat on!
Customers (79)Little LionHas a head of golden fur that makes the bald animals jealous. Loves meat, but is very gentle.
Customers (80)AbiA bald programmer. He needs to be ready to fix bugs at any time, so he's always holding a computer.
Customers (81)Little FoxA little red fox with a big, bushy tail.
Customers (82)SquirrelEnjoys meddling in others' affairs.
Customers (83)Wild DuckLikes wetlands and ponds.
Customers (84)Wood-chuckin' BeaverHailing from Xinjiang, they have iconic paddle-shaped tails and are rarely seen nowadays.
Customers (85)Brown HorsePeople think he is lonely, but he enjoys his freedom. That is his nose, not his eyes.
Customers (86)Yorkie MomMom is a high class VIP member of the hair salon. She insists on eating walnuts and black sesame paste every day. She spends an average of 8 hours a day brushing her hair. While this might seem like a daily chore to others, she enjoys it very much.
Customers (87)Yorkie DadDad wants to go to the salon for a haircut, because his hair is so long that his eyes are covered. However, Mom says 'Hair gives us life! Cutting off your hair is like cutting away our life!'
Customers (88)Pink PiggyPink Piggy is always happy. His smile and chubby face can rid friends of all bad luck!
Customers (89)Yorkie PupPup is a boy but Mom insists that he not cut his hair, so he looks very cute. Everyone always compliments him, 'Such a cute little girl!'
Customers (90)BeanHas sharp little teeth that are especially good at gnawing through cables.
Customers (91)Dr. PuppyThe skin on his hand is peeling from repeated hand-washing. Has strange marks on his face.
Customers (92)Moon RabbitA rabbit with a story. He used to work in an office but quit to live in a small town in the country. He likes to fish.
Customers (93)CapybaraThe favorite kindergarten teacher of the children. She is peace-loving and takes good care of her health.
Customers (94)Pangolin BabyGot separated from his mother and is going around everywhere asking about her.
Customers (95)Pangolin MamaThe gentle animal was caught by the poachers before but managed to escape. She is now looking for her own baby when she hears on the radio that some ancient book seems to have changed some things.
Customers (96)GuruGumi's distant cousin. She's a gentle and cute little girl, but Gumi is always afraid of her.
Customers (97)Red SquirrelFur as red as fire. Looks a bit like Little Fox.
Customers (98)Beaver EngineerA student learning ecological engineering with excellent results. Can build dams, help to fight drought, improve water quality, and even combat climate change.
Customers (99)AlaskaA calm and composed big dog, but is often mistaken for Husky.
Customers (100)Asian ElephantTall and large. Likes playing with kids.
Customers (101)HippopotamusAn unemployed youth who loves playing games.
Customers (102)Snow Leopard PupAdorable but very playful, and a little rebellious too.
Customers (103)Snow LeopardA father who is trying hard to learn parenting techniques.
Customers (104)Adventurer StoatComes from a faraway planet. Rumor has it that she has been to countless places.
Customers (105)BeancurdMumbles a bit due to the recent tooth extraction.
Customers (106)Rice CakeHer loud voice contrasts sharply with her cute look.
Customers (107)MooseThe antlers on its head are too big and are always hitting into others.
Customers (108)AriesA dependable and gentle member of the Forest Firefighters.
Customers (109)CurlyDespite the young age, she's an absolute connoisseur of food.
Customers (110)DorkieA bookworm who carries an encyclopedia wherever he goes.
Customers (111)Little KoalaNew transfer student in Oak Bay Elementary School.
Customers (112)YannisA muscular hunk who works out a lot.
Customers (113)MooeyIt's still teething, so it constantly wants to chew on something.
Customers (114)Mr. BharalA teacher in charge of outdoor activities at summer camp. Extremely skilled at rock climbing.
Customers (115)ChihuahuaNobody knows why he becomes so aggressive when someone gets too close.
Customers (116)Brown ChihuahuaA connoisseur who is determined to find out the recipe when presented with a delectable dish.
Customers (117)Black & White ChihuahuaLover of corny jokes. He gets angry if no one laughs at them.
Customers (118)LilithElegant and full of artistic eloquence.
Customers (119)RoseAlways brimming with passion and bringing joy to everyone. Nobody has ever seen her downcast.
Customers (120)SnowyLoves everything related to snow! Travels to wherever there is snow to be found.
Customers (121)Sleepwalking Little Lion9 out of 10 dreams he has are related to food.
Customers (122)Arctic HareHe's always on the beet phone looking extremely busy. However, no one knows what he's busy with.
Customers (123)Mystifying CraneA mystifying and enigmatic swordsman who seems to be highly skilled in martial arts.
Customers (124)NozyEnjoys watching and listening in on others' affairs with poker face. You'll find him wherever there is gossip.
Customers (125)Black PapillonA math genius whose mental calculation skills outperform those of someone using a calculator.
Customers (126)Eugene the Tree-kangarooApplied for a yearly pass to a boxing class so that he would stand out among the programmers.
Customers (127)Bernese Mountain PupA scatterbrain that always listens to her owner.
Customers (128)Miss RhinoLikes cute clothes.
Customers (129)Manager BearThe manager of a certain influencer. It's rumored that the two of them argue all the time.
Customers (130)Golden RetrieverSo amiable that he'll still come up and talk to you even if you responded coldly the last time.
Customers (131)Little ColtSports natural curls in his mane, but because they're difficult to maintain, he spends a lot of time styling them every day.
Customers (132)White MouseLooks much cleaner than other types of rodents.
Customers (133)Fancy RatA pet rat that slips out of the master's house in search of a nice meal.
Customers (134)Grandpa Spirit BearYou can smell the scent of butter when you're near the super friendly bear.
Customers (135)AmberAn aloof and secretive customer with a personality that doesn't match her appearance.
Customers (136)DraculaWhat?! Could it be one in the legends?!
Customers (137)AhauAnyone who locks eyes with him can't help but surreptitiously take a step back and keep their distance from him.
Customers (138)Lil' DucklingA restless little duckling.
Customers (139)Longevity FoxDespite its small stature, it can run rapidly even when there's someone riding on its back.
Customers (140)Deer of Nine ColorsLingers near kind people and brings good luck to them.
Customers (141)DragonyWears a dragon-shaped headgear, seemingly to conceal his identity. How mysterious...
Customers (142)Weeping CrocA romance novelist who weeps in distress whenever he suffers from a lack of inspiration.
Customers (143)AxolotlCould someone as cute as her truly harbor any bad intentions?
Customers (144)GoofyA seemingly goofy and good-natured customer.


Special customers will not stay to eat, but when they visit, the player is able to interact with them. Each one of them has their own unique ability and will either help you, or annoy you.

There are currently 25 special customers in the game – 16 of which are Event Limited Customers.

Customers (145)Rich KidDoesn't care too much about money and just wants to travel around. Dreams of opening a restaurant.
Customers (146)Ad SalesmanVery shy and afraid of bring chased out, but still perseveres at work!
Customers (147)Cod-Stealing RabbitAlways borrows without returning. When will it end?
Customers (148)SkunkHe's extremely troubled by his own habitual nature and can only try his best to avoid crowded spaces.
Customers (149)Card-Playing MouseA famous magician in Las Vegas who excels at reading minds.
Customers (150)Wandering SingerWhen the parrot begins to sing, the area becomes his own stage.
Customers (151)New Year MouseA costume borrowed from who knows where.
Customers (152)RascalA mischievous rascal that everyone dislikes.
Customers (153)Rascal's DadBehind every rascal, lurks a pair of rapscallion parents.
Customers (154)Rascal's MomBehind every rascal, lurks a pair of rapscallion parents.
Customers (155)Christmas ElfQuietly leaves presents while you're sleeping.
Customers (156)New Year CalfLikes traditional things and is always methodical.
Customers (157)CowherdWe are like a pair of mandarin ducks.
Customers (158)Weaver GirlFlying side by side through the world.
Customers (159)DaniWill stop immediately when seeing something adorable.
Customers (160)Halloween RagdollMade by an old tailor, this ragdoll set his heart on finding his little brother.
Customers (161)Snowball 2Roly-poly Snowball. If you don't keep an eye on them, they'll sneak away to slack off.
Customers (162)Tiger of BlessingsLooks fierce but is actually very friendly.
Customers (163)Auspicious BunnyThis soft and furry little friend must be especially cuddly!
Customers (164)Sugar Glider MimiEven though it sleeps very early every night, this sleepyhead is always looking for a place to nap.
Customers (165)Blessed DragonHis elegance contributes to his solemn demeanor that belies an affable personality when you talk to him.
Customers (166)Halloween PumpkinAlthough he is a clown from the circus who amuses people, he doesn't like his job. He enjoys scaring little kids to tears.
Customers (167)FortunetellerThe legendary Fortuneteller who can use the forest's mysterious forces, but whether or not you believe is up to you.
Customers (168)Mysterious MerchantCovered head-to-toe in black, with eyes that peer all around. Likes shiny things, such as money.
Customers (169)Mister RoachThis cutthroat competitor will stop at nothing to ruin our restaurant's business.


New Seasonal Customers will be added for each season, don't miss out! They can be attracted any time as long as all the requirements are fulfilled and their required flowers are placed in the vase(s). The current season doesn't have an effect on attracting them. You can obtain the required flower to attract them from the Gachapon Machine, the Mysterious Merchant, or the Wishing Well.

There are currently 25 seasonal customers in the game.

Customers (170)Praying SamoyedA dog who loves going to shrines in the springtime to pray for himself and his friends.Spring
Customers (171)TomHis droopy eyes make him look a bit down, but he's actually a very gentle cat. He's Gumi's friend.Spring
Customers (172)Duke SwallowA foreign swallow here on holiday. Loves Chinese culture and food.Spring
Customers (173)Mister GeckoA professional mosquito killer who often finds it hard to forget when he's not working.Spring
Customers (174)SheepieFirst time going outside alone. Curious about almost anything.Spring
Customers (175)Little BeagleIt's always 110% chock-full of energy. One can't help but wonder where it gets all that vigor from.Spring
Customers (176)PlatypusAn agriculture major up to their neck in their final year project.Spring
Customers (177)Penniless ToadA poor and defeated toad who's always saying his savings are only in the double digits. He's unwilling to spend anything on himself, but he's always generous toward others. He only comes out on the hottest days.Summer
Customers (178)Little TurtleIt's summer vacation! This little turtle is learning to find food at restaurants alone and wants to make more friends.Summer
Customers (179)Fashionable ZebraA very fashionable zebra who is especially nit-picky and talkative. He thinks he's the top influencer.Summer
Customers (180)TapirSummer is the season of many dreams. Maybe you'll meet him in your dreams.Summer
Customers (181)Old GeneWith a wave of his straw fan, everything will be fine.Summer
Customers (182)Greedy HedgehogAlways eats until its belly is round and full.Summer
Customers (183)HamsterIts puffy cheeks are like a bottomless pit.Autumn
Customers (184)Devil SquirrelHas quite a bad temper and is skittish, always running away at the slightest noise or movement.Autumn
Customers (185)Wandering BardA little panda who enjoys traveling and adventure. He collects various stories and sings of them.Autumn
Customers (186)PrawnyHer friends think that she's a sophisticated and elegant teddy, but her personality is the opposite in private.Autumn
Customers (187)LeopardHas a melancholic look in his eyes. Nobody knows what is on his mind.Autumn
Customers (188)BinturongA cartoonist new to the business, working hard on scripts and storyboards every day.Autumn
Customers (189)CherA novice skier who injured her arm while skiing.Winter
Customers (190)Lady Snow FoxHas a youthful appearance, and is always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.Winter
Customers (191)Mister Tibetan FoxLady Snow Fox's husband. He loves and respects her very much—if Lady Snow Fox says she's going east, he won't dare go west.Winter
Customers (192)Seal PupDazed as if he just woke up, confused about his whereabouts.Winter
Customers (193)Upturned-Brows PenguinHis flashy brows and the scar at the corner of his eye make him look like there's more to him than meets the eye.Winter
Customers (194)Arctic WolfA wolf native to the Arctic. Why does it look a little weird?Winter

Doll Figures[]

Doll Figure Customers can appear after collecting their figures from the Gachapon. The doll customers will not appear in the catalog until unlocked.

There are currently 64 doll figure customers in the game - 62 regular and 2 from Battle Pass events.

Customers (195)Customers (196)Painter Penguin DollClumsy and pessimistic, often blames himself for being good for nothing. Wishes to paint a new wall.
Customers (197)Customers (198)Kimono GooseJust returned from a tour in Japan, still wearing a kimono. Complains about how her feet hurt but refuses to take off the clogs.
Customers (199)Customers (200)Unyoung LadyAge is just a number, you are never too old to do something.
Customers (201)Customers (202)Hip-hop ToadGot hooked onto hip-hop recently. Settles differences with rap battles.
Customers (203)Customers (204)Picnic Lop-Eared RabbitFears loneliness. Often tries to blend into other's social circles.
Customers (205)Customers (206)Sporty DogHas a workout plan to complete. Bought some new clothes of subpar quality, but they will suffice.
Customers (207)Customers (208)Indoor ToadLoves staying at home. Snacks and dramas are enough.
Customers (209)Customers (210)Uniformed Shiba PuppyLoves going to school in the new uniform. Hides candies in its pocket.
Customers (211)Customers (212)Uniformed Yorkie PupReceived the wrong uniform from the teacher. Hates being jeered by his peers.
Customers (213)Customers (214)Student SamoyedLooks happy and carefree, but his faint smile hides dark secrets.
Customers (215)Customers (216)Bully HuskyHusky in his high school days, very particular about being manly.
Customers (217)Customers (218)Student President Merle Border CollieA student who is self-disciplined, the role model for everyone.
Customers (219)Customers (220)Hanfu White BunnyA refined, elegant, classical rabbit.
Customers (221)Customers (222)Starstruck CorgiAaaaahh, my idol is the best in the world!
Customers (223)Customers (224)Ballet PiggyA piggy can be graceful and charming too!
Customers (225)Customers (226)LuckyWishing you a fortunate new year!
Customers (227)Customers (228)ProsperoWishing you a year of progress!
Customers (229)Customers (230)HaleWishing you a healthy new year!
Customers (231)Customers (232)Wild Duck NavigatorOne small step for me, one big step for the ducks!
Customers (233)Customers (234)Little RacerBeep! I lose if I see the tail lights of the toy car.
Customers (235)Customers (236)Tropical IslandMove your body to the rhythm of the waves.
Customers (237)Customers (238)White Shiba BrideWearing a white wedding dress on this special day.
Customers (239)Customers (240)Shiba GroomI do!
Customers (241)Customers (242)Little Turtle SailorHe has a small body but a big dream to conquer the seas.
Customers (243)Customers (244)Kungfu KidThe kungfu of the family can never be shared with others!
Customers (245)Customers (246)Part-timer CiciWent to work in the store because seeing the store uniform was too cute.
Customers (247)Customers (248)Little LadyIt's hard to resist spinning around after putting on a dress.
Customers (249)Customers (250)Magic ChihuahuaA reluctant champion of world peace who attentively performs his duty.
Customers (251)Customers (252)Gentleman DobermannThe umbrella is his soul.
Customers (253)Customers (254)Sweet NurseSuch a cute nurse. I'm sure her injections won't hurt!
Customers (255)Customers (256)Sleeping Baby ElephantWear this one-piece pajamas and be a baby elephant in your dreams.
Customers (257)Customers (258)Demure MaidenBring along a beach umbrella and enjoy a leisurely vacation before autumn ends!
Customers (259)Customers (260)Little Fox in RaincoatWho can resist the temptation of stepping in a puddle?
Customers (261)Customers (262)Frog PrinceThey say that a kiss can turn him back to his original state.
Customers (263)Customers (264)Volleyball Second SpikerVolleyball is not a one-man battle!
Customers (265)Customers (266)Frosting ElfRing the bell and he will appear with candy!
Customers (267)Customers (268)Clockwork PenguinTurn the key counterclockwise three times and clockwise five times, and it'll start moving!
Customers (269)Customers (270)Snow QueenShe brings the first snow of winter.
Customers (271)Customers (272)Lucky CurlyNew clothes are a must for the new year!
Customers (273)Customers (274)Mister FoxFox's new part-time job: background actor in a TV drama.
Customers (275)Customers (276)UnicornEvery single strand of hair has been impeccably conditioned, giving off an alluring scent.
Customers (277)Customers (278)Hot Dog PromoterHot dogs are no doubt tasty, but you should also finish all the lettuce!
Customers (279)Customers (280)Cowboy Fennec FoxIt's never the silver bullets that defeat you. Instead, it's the relentless march of time.
Customers (281)Customers (282)Cha-cha Scotch CollieDance passionately to the beat!
Customers (283)Customers (284)Fragrant FairyWith a dress made of fresh flowers and clothes made from morning dew, it's another fragrant day!
Customers (285)Customers (286)Rising Star CurlyBorn among beauty and hope in a faraway galaxy! Let me introduce you to-Rising Star Curly!
Customers (287)Customers (288)Moon GoddessA goddess from an ancient and mysterious civilization that commands a profound deference.
Customers (289)Customers (290)Ditzy CrocheterAlways having to undo their stitches to start all over because they can't remember where they left off.
Customers (291)Customers (292)Mime ActorHas an occupational habit so ingrained that they never speak, only gesturing to express themselves.
Customers (293)Customers (294)Trainee PostmanHe may be new, but he takes extremely good care of letter assigned to him.
Customers (295)Customers (296)Phantom of the RaccoonHe must have a full stomach each time he performs. Otherwise, he'll feel fatigued during the performance.
Customers (297)Customers (298)Miss HydrangeaThe invariably shy customer has a fan with her at all times so that nobody can recognize her.
Customers (299)Customers (300)Tuxedo ThiefHe seems to think very highly of his appearance.
Customers (301)Customers (302)Forest ElfFinds joy in collecting different-colored maple leaves.
Customers (303)Customers (304)Reindeer CurlyShe's Santa's little helper!
Customers (305)Customers (306)Apple GirlWould you like to buy some apples? They're crisp and sweet!
Customers (307)Customers (308)Rotund Little SnowmanRound and bouncy.
Customers (309)Customers (310)Peach Garden Eldest BrotherThe eldest of the Peach Garden sworn brothers, he is forthright and sincere.
Customers (311)Customers (312)Peach Garden Middle BrotherThe second of the Peach Garden sworn brothers, he is brave and loyal.
Customers (313)Customers (314)Peach Garden Youngest BrotherThe youngest of the Peach Garden sworn brothers, he is carefree and upright.
Customers (315)Customers (316)Fisherman Old GinHe fishes up anything but fish.
Customers (317)Customers (318)Green SnorkelerAll the little fishes seem to appear green in the water!


Terrace customers can only be attracted via gathering parties in the Terrace.

There are currently 5 Terrace customers in the game.

Customers (319)Hoppy the PikaA cool and reticent pika. He seems aloof and distant, but he actually cares for his older brother very much.
Customers (320)Bouncy the PikaA loud-mouthed and flighty pika. However, he cares for his younger brother very much.
Customers (321)DobermannHe will stare at you with a stern face no matter how many hilarious jokes you tell him.
Customers (322)SunnyA popular food blogger.
Customers (323)Mad HatterSeems a bit mad, but a great hat maker.

Booth Owners[]

Booth Owner Customers will appear at the Fishing Pond when attracted with the right type of Fish.

There are currently 102 booth owners in the game.

Customers (324)Traditional PopcornVery traditional popcorn. It creates an explosive bang while cooking.
Customers (325)Old JoeOld Joe's wife sets up a stall outside the school gate everyday, while Old Joe pulls customers in the streets. The Chicky's Ends they grill are liked by all students.
Customers (326)Portrait Drawing BoothInelegantly collects ten dollars for each portrait. Though every person drawn looks about the same, the queue is rather long.
Customers (327)Sketch ArtistElegantly drawing something.
Customers (328)Picnicking RabbitThe rabbit picnicking alone is enjoying a pile of food with just a tinge of loneliness.
Customers (329)Hillside's StinkiestNobody knows how this Fried Tofu is made, nor do we dare ask.
Customers (330)Picnicking DuckCamping isn't an easy thing for a family of eight.
Customers (331)Beancurd DessertShiba's specialty beancurd.
Customers (332)Prosperity PineappleToad's Pineapple Shop. Free if it ain't sweet!
Customers (333)Wholegrain PancakeAdd sausage. Add chicken fillet. Add crisp fritter.
Customers (334)Bowl PuddingSmooth and delicious, rich and aromatic.
Customers (335)Convenience BunsConvenient, hygienic and tasty microwave buns.
Customers (336)Love-filled BunsBuns just as advertised.
Customers (337)Ice Cream StallSweet and yummy!
Customers (338)Reverie Cotton CandyPerhaps only those with hearts filled with love can make delicious cotton candy.
Customers (339)Slum Cotton CandyFull of childhood memories.
Customers (340)Stray Wild PandaLooks familiar. Is it the panda? But he's very dirty and skinny.
Customers (341)Scavenging Skinny DogGive him your unwanted clothes and plastic bottles. He'll be very grateful.
Customers (342)Golden Fried PotatoesCrispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. Looks really delicious!
Customers (343)American Hot DogA very big serving. You'll feel full after just half of it.
Customers (344)Candied HawthornVery sweet! Strawberries and hawthorns available!
Customers (345)Honeydew Shaved IceMade from natural ice straight from Antarctica.
Customers (346)Traditional Bowl PuddingTraditional Bowl Pudding has an even richer taste!
Customers (347)Mouse MarketThe worst mouse in the world left the circus and opened a market with his own savings. Rumors say that there's even an online store now. Try looking up 'Mouse Market'.
Customers (348)Fresh Glutinous Rice CakeA common childhood snack, but hardly seen any more.
Customers (349)Flower ShopShiba Liang is very gentle, even to flowers.
Customers (350)Bunny's Back GardenThe shop owner thinks that flowers can bring happiness. That's why he opened a flower shop, in hopes that everyone will find their happiness.
Customers (351)Garden PlotHe only does three things everyday: reading, eating and watering flowers.
Customers (352)Cut CakeThe boss's eyes hide dollar signs.
Customers (353)Egg WaffleThe egg waffle of childhood smells really appetizing.
Customers (354)Tailor LiuAfter years of sewing and mending clothes, his technique is top-notch.
Customers (355)Love SalonProfessional hairdresser. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Customers (356)Fried Quail EggsFried to a golden brown. It tastes even better with condiments.
Customers (357)Flora's Ring TossChance to earn a wood carving of the Chef, personally carved by Flora.
Customers (358)Bamboo Hot and Sour NoodlesBoss Wiggins, the creator of the Bamboo Hot and Sour Noodles, is well-loved by those who prefer mild-tasting food.
Customers (359)Terrible PancakeOnly when others say your food taste awful, then is it really awful. What are you doing criticizing your own food?
Customers (360)Japanese CuisineThe boss usually speaks little but, occasionally, late at night, he chats with lonely customers about the things they want to do in future.
Customers (361)Bear's TakoyakiTakoyaki is especially popular with youngsters.
Customers (362)Rabbit's BreakfastThe best of the peddlers in the village, Top3, has extraordinary peddling skills and is planning to publish a book called 'Peddling'.
Customers (363)Hedgehog's BreakfastHas just graduated from high school and is temporarily manning the stall for his family during the holidays, though he thinks this is harder than confessing to a girl.
Customers (364)Sweet Malt CandyA traditional delight with a long history. Two dollars to spin the left wheel and five to spin the right, which is said to be easier to get the dragon, but ends up giving the quail every time...
Customers (365)Scavenging Puppies and KittiesA cool doggo turned gentle thanks to a kitty's company.
Customers (366)Ice Cream TruckMany flavors to choose from. Bring your own stool!
Customers (367)Street Stall HiringAlthough he is wearing a paper bag over his head, he looks really familiar!
Customers (368)Summer Iced JellyA bowl of handmade iced jelly full of ingredients on a hot summer day is one of the best indulgences in life!
Customers (369)Piggy's CrawdadsThe customers are all frequent patrons, and the stall often stays open till 2 or 3 in the morning.
Customers (370)Skillful MassageThe therapist has top-tier techniques and strength but is also quite talkative.
Customers (371)Rainbow Shop StationeryOften gets lost in storybooks and forgets that customers are here.
Customers (372)Bicycle RepairsAlways has dirty face and palms.
Customers (373)Encounters Photo StudioStarts to feel uncomfortable if they don't take a few photos every day.
Customers (374)Love TribeHas a gaze filled with countless stories.
Customers (375)FortunetellingHas a mysterious look.
Customers (376)Professional ProtectorsI hear they were an office worker back in the day.
Customers (377)Gold Tooth AntiquesEqually honest with all customers!
Customers (378)Another RoujiamoAnother, and another! There's no stopping!
Customers (379)Swift Roti PrataI recommend the pineapple flavor. It's sweet, crunchy, and delicious!
Customers (380)Trendy BraidJust by looking at it, you know it was braided by a master!
Customers (381)Uncle's Roasted Sweet PotatoWant a sweet potato? It'll make your winter days warmer!
Customers (382)Inconspicuous Roasted ChestnutsOtto's been roasting chestnuts here for years, just waiting for that girl with the braces...
Customers (383)Romantic Hot Air BalloonI want to bring you to the romantic Oak Bay!
Customers (384)Budget Witch’s SoupHuh? Why does this bowl of soup taste kinda... gooey and salty?
Customers (385)Sticky Rice BallsBang bang bang. It's the melody of the glutinous rice bouncing on drums.
Customers (386)Ink CalligraphyYou can smell the fragrance of the ink and paper from a distance.
Customers (387)Aaron HerbsHe always appears on time and disappears once he finishes selling his herbs.
Customers (388)Mr. Horse's VegetablesVegetables sold without the use of middlemen.
Customers (389)Mysterious MagicJust standard magic tricks. The magician doesn't seem to mind that no one is watching.
Customers (390)Sweet Coconut WaterThe shopkeeper is always smiling. He prepares the coconuts with speed and precision.
Customers (391)Fox's OdenThe stall only opens late at night, specifically for those who go home late.
Customers (392)Wholesale Wild MushroomsDelicious and healthy.
Customers (393)Outdoor YogaI like to do yoga outdoors when the weather is nice outside.
Customers (394)Laughter ClubAre you feeling down? Come and watch my performance!
Customers (395)Colorful BalloonsHe finished twisting these balloons before I could even blink.
Customers (396)Freewheeling DoodlesPaint it just the way you like it!
Customers (397)Phantom CarAppears out of the blue at night and vanishes abruptly before dawn.
Customers (398)Soul-Carving BoothAll the pumpkins carved by the boss look incredibly lifelike.
Customers (399)Magic Candy StoreIt's clearly unmanned, yet the pumpkin automatically dispenses candy whenever customers step up.
Customers (400)Graveyard Dressing RoomAlthough the boss has a nasty temper, his skills are first-rate.
Customers (401)Beaver's Flying DaggersDon't worry, everyone. Rest assured that all our performers have undergone professional training.
Customers (402)Gingerbread Man's Bar CartWould you like a warm glass of fresh red wine to keep the cold at bay this Christmas Eve?
Customers (403)Magic BakeryStrange singing can be heard each time someone picks up a bun.
Customers (404)A Melody on the BridgeHave a listen when you pass by. Who knows when you'll get to enjoy it again?
Customers (405)Super Value PawnshopAs long as you're brave enough to pawn it, we'll take it.
Customers (406)Crispy Wafer Rolls BoothFresh from the oven! They're crispy and delicious.
Customers (407)Artisan ChihuahuaThis booth owner can craft anything upon request.
Customers (408)Professional Welding MachineDon't stare at the welding sparks for too long. It'll hurt your eyes!
Customers (409)Outdoor LivestreamYour support will motivate him to do even better!
Customers (410)Handmade Lemon WaterI'm not upset, I'm just trying to squeeze as much juice from the lemons as I can!.
Customers (411)Grilled ToastTake a bite and let the toast's aroma linger in your mouth!
Customers (412)Yaya's SucculentsDon't water the succulent plants too frequently!
Customers (413)Strange Chocolate BoothAlthough it tastes strange, it possesses mysterious effects.
Customers (414)Magic BroomsThe fastest broom in the world!
Customers (415)All-knowing Magic MirrorIt will give you the correct answers to all your questions.
Customers (416)Mad Hatter's Afternoon TeaThe tea on the table is always hot, regardless of the time of day.
Customers (417)Wondrous Christmas TreeFancy making a wish? It's likely to come true!
Customers (418)Magic Tiny TrainWhat wondrous place will this tiny train take me this time?
Customers (419)Sweet Ding Ding CandyDing-a-ling! Tastes like the sweet memories of my childhood.
Customers (420)Grilled TofuDon't let the rundown exterior fool you–the boss' tofu-grilling skills are top-notch!
Customers (421)Warm Lotus Seed DessertA spoonful warms you right up.
Customers (422)Fragrant Sticky RiceSticky rice by itself is 100% delicious, but if you add a sausage, the tastiness shoots up to 10,000%!
Customers (423)Crackling Grilled SausagesThree bucks for one, five bucks for two!
Customers (424)Shadow Play TheaterThis lone booth owner controls legions on the stage!
Customers (425)Cutie ManicureAvailable in all sorts of designs under the sun.


Performers will appear at the Courtyard Concert when attracted with Invite.

There are currently 48 Performers in the game.

Customers (426)Cutie White BunnyA member of the Cutie Girlies. Behind her cute appearance is a skillful rapper.
Customers (427)Cutie HamsterA member of the Cutie Girlies. She may be short, but her dancing dominates the stage!
Customers (428)Cutie GooseA member of the Cutie Girlies. She has a very special voice and is a very special lead singer.
Customers (429)Cutie GuruA member of the Cutie Girlies. The secret powerhouse of the group.
Customers (430)Little Piggy AngelA member of the Little Angels Chorus. Likes singing and dancing and is working hard to improve her singing.
Customers (431)Little Turtle AngelA member of the Little Angels Chorus. The leader of the group and a born singer.
Customers (432)Little Yorkie AngelA member of the Little Angels Chorus. Loves singing but is completely tone deaf.
Customers (433)Little Shiba AngelA member of the Little Angels Chorus. Is happiest when singing along with everyone!
Customers (434)Bassist ToadA member of The Croaks. A perfect gentleman.
Customers (435)Guitarist ToadA member of The Croaks. Is extremely passionate about music and often indulges in it.
Customers (436)Vocalist ToadA member of The Croaks. Loves the band and has a steadfast heart.
Customers (437)Drummer ToadA member of The Croaks. Doesn't talk much.
Customers (438)Vocalist SamoyedFounder of Sakura Soda. Killer move: A smile that cures all sadness.
Customers (439)Guitarist HuskyMember of Sakura Soda. His aloofness draws a lot of attention from the girls.
Customers (440)Bassist Border CollieMember of Sakura Soda. For straight-A students, everything is a breeze, including bass.
Customers (441)Accompanist PenguinMember of Sakura Soda. He only shakes the maracas when you think he's slacking off.
Customers (442)Lead Dancer Slim White DogMember of Nebulae. Has 8 years of dancing experience. Loves life, but loves dancing even more.
Customers (443)Lead Singer DalmatianMember of Nebulae. Has a sweet voice that can heal your heart.
Customers (444)Rapper BeanMember of Nebulae. An energetic rapper.
Customers (445)Leader Scotch CollieMember of Nebulae. An all-rounded leader that everyone counts on.
Customers (446)Leader PugMember of Ball Lightning. With his knack for music, he provides an emotional anchor for all members.
Customers (447)Guitarist JackalMember of Ball Lightning. Wild on stage, quiet off stage.
Appears rather aloof.
Customers (448)Bassist Brown WolfMember of Ball Lightning. Always with a smile on his face,
he seems to have a hidden glorious past.
Customers (449)DJ WolfMember of Ball Lightning. Great at livening up the atmosphere.
Customers (450)Piano ContenderA member of Laughing Out Loud. Proficient in performing rhythmic rap storytelling to the beat of bamboo clappers. It is said that he may even outshine a piano in a group act.
Customers (451)Bamboo Hand FanA member of Laughing Out Loud. His vocal skills and a bamboo hand fan are all he needs to delight the audience.
Customers (452)Natural ComedianA member of Laughing Out Loud. Owing to his comical appearance, the audience frequently roar in laughter even before he begins his performance.
Customers (453)ChopperA member of Laughing Out Loud. Boasts a strong foundation. Rattles off fluent and perfectly sound sentences with ease.
Customers (454)Probiotic PantherA member of Sweet Yogurt. He's a bit of a scatterbrain, but the team really relies on him.
Customers (455)Frisky PangolinA member of Sweet Yogurt. He's a ball of energy and always goes all out during performances.
Customers (456)Zippy KoalaA member of Sweet Yogurt. Very responsible despite his young age. Always eagerly helping his leader wrap up loose ends.
Customers (457)Sweetie CurlyA member of Sweet Yogurt. As the youngest, everyone treats her very well.
Customers (458)DuBondThe refined and gentlemanly principal cellist of the Sunshine Symphony.
Customers (459)LouiseA reticent member of the Sunshine Symphony who is often found immersed in the world of music.
Customers (460)DanielleA member of the Sunshine Symphony. For some reason, people easily nod off when they listen to her perform.
Customers (461)MarcusThe leader and conductor of the Sunshine Symphony. Though he has an odd way of speaking, he is highly accomplished as an artist.
Customers (462)Pretty FaceA member of Eight Tones Band. She is the eldest among the four members and is calm and reliable. Her specialty is the Rebound Pipa.
Customers (463)Drunken RougeA member of Eight Tones Band. She doesn't talk much, preferring to communicate by playing the guzheng in a way that imitates human speech instead.
Customers (464)Exquisite JadeA member of Eight Tones Band. She is the youngest among the members and is very popular among all age groups. All the customers love her.
Customers (465)Princess FeatherA member of Eight Tones Band. She wanted to learn how to play the drums, but due to lack of strength, she turned to playing the sheng instead. Surprisingly enough, she turned out to be rather talented at it.
Customers (466)Rat-a-tatHe's the one who started Cheesy Notes. He plays the cheese drums because he's the strongest band member!
Customers (467)Dingle-dangleShe's the youngest member of Cheesy Notes. Although she seems somewhat lazy, she never misses a beat!
Customers (468)Ta-da-daA member of the Cheesy Notes, she personally bakes the bread that she uses in every performance. She also stores her bread carefully and strives to put on the best performance possible.
Customers (469)Thump-thumpA member of Cheesy Notes, he is quite rotund in appearance. Extremely lovable, he is well-liked by all.
Customers (470)Busy Bee-triceA member of the Pomegranate Dance Troupe’s management team. She is always hustling and bustling.
Customers (471)Steady SallyDespite being the oldest member of the Pomegranate Dance Troupe, her form remains impeccable. Her fundamentals are rock solid!
Customers (472)Gentle GraceA member of the Pomegranate Dance Troupe, she has such a kind disposition that even the naughtiest children will listen to her words.
Customers (473)Elegant EmilyA stylish lady and the youngest member of the Pomegranate Dance Troupe.
Customers (474)Backing Vocalist BeaverA member of the Aloha Band. While those who hear her singing praise its ethereal qualities, she prefers more rhythmical expressions than actual singing.
Customers (475)Soloist BeaverA member of the Aloha Band. Even though he's typically absent-minded, once he starts to perform, he'll always give it his all.
Customers (476)Accompanist BeaverA member of the Aloha Band, and also a foodie. His motto is, 'I can only play the drums on a full belly.'
Customers (477)Backup Dancer BeaverA member of the Aloha Band. A passionate dancer that's able to groove to all kinds of music, she is capable of hyping up any crowd.


Event-limited Customers are limited to the event they belong to. The event customers will not appear in the catalog until unlocked.

There are currently 39 event customers in the Customers Catalog.

Halloween Customers[]

There are currently 25 Halloween customers in the game.

Customers (478)Halloween PumpkinAlthough he is a clown from the circus who amuses people, he doesn't like his job. He enjoys scaring little kids to tears.
Customers (479)ClownLittle children hide in fright when they see the clown (not exactly). Can you guess who this is?
Customers (480)VampireThe clothes don't really fit. Can you guess who this is?
Customers (481)WerewolfWill grow muscles and fangs when the moon is full. The werewolf even wear underwear. Can you guess who this is?
Customers (482)GhoulBed sheets cannot hide the big tail. Can you guess who this is?
Customers (483)MummyTightly-wrapped bandages, freshly resurrected from inside the pyramid. Can you guess who this is?
Customers (484)WitchGraduated from Hogwarts, but unable to find a job. Can you guess who this is?
Customers (485)Infernal EmissaryThis robed figure comes and goes like a shadow, with a hat covering most of their face.
Customers (486)Old CaptainA mean-looking old captain. Shh, don't talk about his height to his face!
Customers (487)Hopping ZombieIts legs may be short, but it sure can jump!
Customers (488)Little DinoA dinosaur that loves every second of work.
Customers (489)Halloween RagdollMade by an old tailor, this ragdoll set his heart on finding his little brother.
Customers (490)Gnome BeanLoves to wield its wand and make things disappear.
Customers (491)FrankenpoochHis brows are locked in a huge frown, and there are unidentified stains on his clothes.
Customers (492)Party SkeletonWears fluorescent party wristbands that glow in the dark.
Customers (493)Invisible BunnyUnless you look closely, you'll mistake her for a pile of moving clothes.
Customers (494)Little Red Riding HoodAdorable but taciturn, she rarely shows anyone what is in her basket.
Customers (495)Little YetiRoars cutely as he ambles along.
Customers (496)Ghost SoldierHis head looks like it weighs a ton.
Customers (497)Chainsaw PuppyIt looks very scary holding a chainsaw, but it's actually just a plastic toy.
Customers (498)Nine-tailed FoxShe walks with light steps and has a graceful posture.
Customers (499)Old FanHolding cuffs in its hands, it specializes in capturing disobedient spirits. Looking closely at its hat, you can see the words 'World Peace'.
Customers (500)Old XieHe has a long tongue that hands outside his mouth and is always smiling. Looking closely at his hat, you can see the words 'Fortune at a glace'.
Customers (501)Supernatural EnthusiastBelieves that there are spirits in this world. During Halloween every year, he goes around looking for places with strong magnetic field fluctuations.
Customers (502)Exorcism DescendantA lonely traveler. His faith is reflected on his icy crossbow bolt.

Lunar New Year Customers[]

There are currently 8 Lunar New Year customers in the game.

Customers (503)New Year MouseA costume borrowed from who knows where.
Customers (504)RascalA mischievous rascal that everyone dislikes.
Customers (505)Rascal's DadBehind every rascal, lurks a pair of rapscallion parents.
Customers (506)Rascal's MomBehind every rascal, lurks a pair of rapscallion parents.
Customers (507)New Year CalfLikes traditional things and is always methodical.
Customers (508)Tiger of BlessingsLooks fierce but is actually very friendly.
Customers (509)Auspicious BunnyThis soft and furry little friend must be especially cuddly!
Customers (510)Blessed DragonHis elegance contributes to his solemn demeanor that belies an affable personality when you talk to him.

Christmas Customer[]

There are currently 2 Christmas customers in the game.

Customers (511)Christmas ElfQuietly leaves presents while you're sleeping.
Customers (512)Snowball 2Roly-poly Snowball. If you don't keep an eye on them, they'll sneak away to slack off.

Qixi Event Customer[]

There are currently 2 Qixi Event customers in the game.

Customers (513)CowherdWe are like a pair of mandarin ducks.
Customers (514)Weaver GirlFlying side by side through the world.

Blind Box Memento Event Customer[]

There are currently 1 Blind Box Memento Event customers in the game.

Customers (515)DaniWill stop immediately when seeing something adorable.

Anniversary Customers[]

There are currently 2 Anniversary customers in the game. Prince Michael only visited the Restaurant from September 18th 2020 to December 15th 2020. He does will not appear in the catalog.

Customers (516)Prince MichaelMe name is Michael. Prince Michael. Me lyke fish. And me lyke naps. But me LOVE my best friend Aaron. Follow our adventures on YouTube.
Customers (517)Sugar Glider MimiEven though it sleeps very early every night, this sleepyhead is always looking for a place to nap.

Stamp & Puzzle Event Customer[]

Aten only visited the restaurant during Stamp & Puzzle Event. He does not appear in the catalog.

Customers (518)AtenOwner of a small shop named Momicafe. Adventurer, bookworm, and coffee lover.

Battle Pass Customers[]

Battle Pass Doll Customer[]

There are currently 2 Battle Pass customers in the game that can only be obtained via IAP during Event.

Customers (519)Customers (520)Miss FawnElegant and full of artistic eloquence.
Customers (521)Customers (522)RyanA small adventurer with a big calling. The timid boy is never seen without the lamp he got from his mother.
V · T · E
Regular Customers
NearbyWhite Bunny · Brown Bunny · Deer · Mouse · Striped Yellow Jackal · Spotted Deer · Hedgehog · Brown Wolf · Guinea Pig
VillageBadger · Striped Jackal · Blueberry Hedgehog · Yellow Jackal · Swan · Wolf · Scarred Bear · Border Collie · French Bulldog · Bald Sheep · Lop-Eared Rabbit · Raccoon · White Shiba · Paper Bagged Ostrich · Chihuahua · Brown Chihuahua · Black & White Chihuahua
TownArtist Badger · Granny Wolf · Beaver · One-Eyed Papillon · Fox · Field Dog · Shiba · Chocolate Border Collie · Boar · Black Shiba · Black Lab · Boston Terrier · Husky · Tri-Colored Corgi · Pig · Penguin · Dachshund · Polar Bear · Capybara · Pangolin Baby · Pangolin Mama · Guru · Red Squirrel · Beaver Engineer · Alaska · Asian Elephant · Black Papillon · Fancy Rat
CityWounded Bear · Terrier · Ostrich · Berry Hedgehog · Chocolate Lab · Merle Border Collie · Pug · Speckled Pig · Old Collie · Fennec Fox · White-Collar Fox · Lynx · Rescue Dog · Sloth · Slim White Dog · Insta-Pup · Flamingo · Gnome · Mushroom Sloth · Influencer Flamingo · Tiger · Little Black Dog · White Rabbit · Cheshire Cat · Reporter · Glamourous Lady · Scotch Collie · Programmer's Dog · Dalmatian · Party Puppy · Green-Hat Gnome · Cici · Lucky Pig · Shiba Puppy · Alpaca · Little Lion · Abi · Little Fox · Squirrel · Wild Duck · Wood-chuckin' Beaver · Brown Horse · Yorkie Mom · Yorkie Dad · Pink Piggy · Yorkie Pup · Bean · Dr. Puppy · Moon Rabbit · Hippopotamus · Snow Leopard Pup · Snow Leopard · Adventurer Stoat · Beancurd · Rice Cake · Moose · White Sheep · Curly · Dorkie · Little Koala · Yannis · Mooey · Mr. Bharal · Lilith · Rose (Customer) · Snowy · Sleepwalking Little Lion · Arctic Hare · Mystifying Crane · Nozy · Eugene the Tree-kangaroo · Bernese Mountain Pup
Other Categories
SpecialRich Kid · Ad Salesman · Cod-Stealing Rabbit · Skunk · Card-Playing Mouse · Wandering Singer · Fortuneteller · Mysterious Merchant · Mister Roach
SeasonalSpring · Summer · Autumn · Winter · Praying Samoyed · Tom · Duke Swallow · Mister Gecko · Sheepie · Little Beagle · Penniless Toad · Little Turtle · Fashionable Zebra · Tapir · Old Gene · Hamster · Devil Squirrel · Wandering Bard · Prawny · Leopard · Cher · Lady Snow Fox · Mister Tibetan Fox · Seal Pup · Upturned-Brows Penguin · Little Beagle · Greedy Hedgehog · Binturong
Doll FiguresPainter Penguin Doll · Kimono Goose · Unyoung Lady · Hip-hop Toad · Picnic Lop-Eared Rabbit · Sporty Dog · Indoor Toad · Uniformed Shiba Puppy · Uniformed Yorkie Pup · Student Samoyed · Bully Husky · Student President Merle Border Collie · Hanfu White Bunny · Starstruck Corgi · Ballet Piggy · Lucky (Customer) · Prospero · Hale · Wild Duck Navigator · Little Racer · Tropical Island · White Shiba Bride · Shiba Groom · Little Turtle Sailor · Kungfu Kid · Part-timer Cici · Little Lady · Magic Chihuahua · Gentleman Dobermann · Sweet Nurse · Sleeping Baby Elephant · Demure Maiden · Little Fox in Raincoat · Frog Prince · Volleyball Second Spiker · Frosting Elf · Clockwork Penguin · Snow Queen · Lucky Curly · Mister Fox · Unicorn · Hot Dog Promoter
Terrace CustomersHoppy the Pika · Bouncy the Pika · Dobermann · Sunny · Mad Hatter
PerformersCutie White Bunny · Cutie Hamster · Cutie Goose · Cutie Guru · Little Piggy Angel · Little Turtle Angel · Little Yorkie Angel · Little Shiba Angel · Bassist Toad · Guitarist Toad · Vocalist Toad · Drummer Toad · Vocalist Samoyed · Guitarist Husky · Bassist Border Collie · Accompanist Penguin · Lead Dancer Slim White Dog · Lead Singer Dalmatian · Rapper Bean · Leader Scotch Collie · Leader Pug · Guitarist Jackal · Bassist Brown Wolf · DJ Wolf · Piano Contender · Bamboo Hand Fan · Natural Comedian · Chopper · Probiotic Panther · Frisky Pangolin · Zippy Koala · Sweetie Curly · DuBond · Louise · Danielle · Marcus · Pretty Face · Drunken Rouge · Exquisite Jade · Princess Feather
HalloweenHalloween Pumpkin · Clown · Vampire · Werewolf · Ghoul · Mummy · Witch · Infernal Emissary · Old Captain · Hopping Zombie · Little Dino · Halloween Ragdoll · Gnome Bean · Frankenpooch · Party Skeleton · Invisible Bunny · Little Red Riding Hood · Little Yeti · Ghost Soldier
Lunar New YearNew Year Mouse · Rascal · Rascal's Dad · Rascal's Mom · New Year Calf · Tiger of Blessings · Auspicious Bunny
ChristmasChristmas Elf · Snowball 2
AnniversaryPrince Michael · Adventurer Stoat · Lilith · Grandpa Spirit Bear
Battle Pass Doll CustomersMiss Fawn· Ryan
Other EventsCowherd · Weaver Girl · Dani · Aten
OthersVery Common · Common · Infrequent · Rare
Picky · Big Spender · Competitive Eater · Rave Reviewer
Flower Customer · Customer Story · Memento · Orders · Mail Orders
Booth Owners
MorningConvenience Buns · Hedgehog's Breakfast · Love-filled Buns · Rabbit's Breakfast · Terrible Pancake
AfternoonBunny's Back Garden · Fresh Glutinous Rice Cake · Slum Cotton Candy
NightStray Wild Panda · Candied Hawthorn · Flora's Ring Toss
Any TimeTraditional Popcorn · Old Joe · Portrait Drawing Booth · Sketch Artist · Picnicking Rabbit · Hillside's Stinkiest · Picnicking Duck · Beancurd Dessert · Prosperity Pineapple · Wholegrain Pancake · Bowl Pudding · Ice Cream Stall · Reverie Cotton Candy · Scavenging Skinny Dog · Golden Fried Potatoes · American Hot Dog · Honeydew Shaved Ice · Traditional Bowl Pudding · Mouse Market · Flower Shop · Garden Plot · Cut Cake · Egg Waffle · Tailor Liu · Love Salon · Fried Quail Eggs · Bamboo Hot and Sour Noodles · Japanese Cuisine · Raccoon's Takoyaki · Sweet Malt Candy · Scavenging Puppies and Kitties · Ice Cream Truck · Street Stall Hiring · Summer Iced Jelly · Piggy's Crawdads · Skillful Massage · Rainbow Shop Stationary · Bicycle Repairs · Encounters Photo Studio · Love Tribe · Fortunetelling · Professional Protectors · Gold Tooth Antiques · Another Roujiamo · Swift Roti Prata · Trendy Braid · Uncle's Roasted Sweet Potato · Inconspicuous Roasted Chestnuts · Romantic Hot Air Balloon · Budget Witch’s Soup · Sticky Rice Balls · Ink Calligraphy · Aaron Herbs · Mr. Horse's Vegetables · Mysterious Magic · Sweet Coconut Water · Fox's Oden · Wholesale Wild Mushrooms · Outdoor Yoga · Laughter Club · Colorful Balloons · Freewheeling Doodles · Phantom Car · Soul-Carving Booth · Magic Candy Store · Graveyard Dressing Room · Beaver's Flying Daggers · Gingerbread Man's Bar Cart · Magic Bakery · A Melody on the Bridge · Super Value Pawnshop
RestaurantJiji the Waiter · Lucky the Cashier · Dori the Promoter
KitchenApricat the Sweeper · Chef Gumi · Eggy the Handyman · Timmy the Server
GardenMessenger Hedwig · Prince the Gardener
BuffetTemp Worker Yolky
Fishing PondFisherman Rabbit Ding
TakeoutDelivery Boy Tate · Delivery Girl Kate · Support Chef Meow
TerraceSeedy the Waiter
All Areas
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Views: 6207

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.