Black History Month Journal Prompts • Crafting a Green World (2024)

Celebrating Black History Month can be an enlightening and empowering journey. One of the engaging ways to participate, reflect, and learn more during this period is through journaling.

In this article, we’re excited to share a range of Black History Month journal prompts to stimulate your writing adventures. Whether you aim to deepen your understanding, express solidarity, or simply experience the healing process of writing, our thoughtfully curated prompts are here to assist you.

So, grab your journal, find a serene space, and let’s embark on this path of historical exploration and personal growth together. 🤗

Influential Figures In Black History

Focusing on Influential Figures in Black History when creating journal prompts for Black History Month allows us to reflect on their immense contributions and inspire us to continue their legacy. Here are 20 focal prompts that are centred around these significant individuals:

  1. Describe the impact Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech had on the civil rights movement.
  2. Write about the strategies Harriet Tubman used to lead slaves to freedom and how they showed bravery.
  3. Discuss the literary contributions of Maya Angelou and how they influenced you.
  4. Reflect on the role Rosa Parks played in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. What compelled her act of defiance?
  5. Imagine a conversation with Barack Obama about his experiences as the first Black President of the United States.
  6. Write about the importance of Malcolm X to black empowerment and pan-Africanism.
  7. Discuss how the music of Louis Armstrong contributed to the Harlem Renaissance.
  8. Write a letter to Jackie Robinson expressing your thoughts about his struggle for racial equality in sports.
  9. Describe how the work of Thurgood Marshall as a Supreme Court Justice influenced the legal system.
  10. Write about the contributions of Madam C.J. Walker to the beauty industry and how she used her wealth for philanthropy.
  11. Reflect on the leadership qualities of Nelson Mandela and how they inspire you.
  12. Discuss the influence of Frederick Douglass' abolitionist work during the 19th century.
  13. Reflect on a poem by Langston Hughes and how it speaks to the condition of Black life in America.
  14. Write on the significance of Muhammad Ali's resistance to participating in the Vietnam War.
  15. Write about how Mary McLeod Bethune used education as a tool for advancing civil rights.
  16. Discuss the all-around global cultural impact of explores and boxers like Jack Johnson.
  17. Describe the change brought about by W.E.B. Du Bois through his civil rights activism.
  18. Correlate the potent influence of Ella Fitzgerald's music on society and you.
  19. Reflect on Sojourner Truth’s feminist and abolitionist work, and its importance in current day.
  20. Write about the life and work of James Baldwin, discussing the impact of his literature on understanding race and sexuality.

The Civil Rights Movement

Journaling about the Civil Rights Movement can deepen understanding of this critical period in black history and encourage reflection on its relevance today. Here are 20 journal prompts about the Civil Rights Movement:

  1. Reflect on Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. How does it resonate with you?
  2. Write about the significance of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the fight for civil rights.
  3. Describe the events and impact of the March on Washington. Why was it a critical moment in the Civil Rights Movement?
  4. List three key figures in the Civil Rights Movement and what you admire about them.
  5. Consider Rosa Parks' act of defiance. What personal strengths do you think she drew upon in that moment?
  6. Write a diary entry imagining you are a participant in one of the sit-ins or Freedom Rides.
  7. Explore how the Civil Rights Movement affected or changed the race relations in your community.
  8. If you could ask any civil rights leader a question, who would you choose and what would you ask?
  9. Contemplate the use of nonviolent protest. Do you believe it was effective in the Civil Rights Movement?
  10. Write down your thoughts about the role music and art played in the Civil Rights Movement.
  11. Discuss the part children and teenagers played in the movement during the Children's Crusade in Birmingham, 1963.
  12. Reflect on the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Why was it a crucial piece of legislation for civil rights?
  13. Describe your thoughts about the sacrifices made by those involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
  14. Imagine being a civil rights activist during that era. How would you feel about the risks involved?
  15. Write about the concept of "freedom summer" and its influence on the movement.
  16. Delve into the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. How do you think America changed after it was passed?
  17. Reflect on how the Civil Rights Movement has contributed to your personal life and understanding of justice.
  18. Write about how you feel the Civil Rights Movement has shaped racial equality today.
  19. Reflect on Malcolm X's role in the Civil Rights movement, and the contrast between his approach and Martin Luther King Jr.'s.
  20. Write down three lessons from the Civil Rights Movement that can be applied to challenges faced today.

Modern Black Pioneers

Exploring the theme of Modern Black Pioneers within Black History Month journaling can inspire a deep appreciation of their impactful contributions and encourage introspection on their influential roles in shaping today's society. Here are 20 prompts to delve into the narrative of these noteworthy individuals:

  1. Write about a modern Black pioneer whose story inspires you personally. Why does their journey resonate with you?
  2. Reflect on the impact of Michelle Obama's leadership and her influence in the role of First Lady.
  3. Describe your thoughts on the cultural significance of Beyoncé’s music and her influence in the entertainment industry.
  4. How did the Black Lives Matter movement shape your understanding of racial justice? Write about it.
  5. Journal about the influence of Ava DuVernay's filmmaking on our perception of Black history.
  6. Imagine a conversation with Barack Obama in the early days of his presidency. What would you discuss?
  7. Reflect on the scientific contributions of Neil deGrasse Tyson and his influence in popularizing science.
  8. Write a letter of gratitude to Stacey Abrams for her work in promoting voter rights.
  9. Study the literature of Toni Morrison. How does her writing influence your perception of Black culture?
  10. What impact has the athletic success and activism of Serena Williams had on you?
  11. Map out a timeline of Oprah Winfrey's career. How does her journey inspire you?
  12. Explore the legacy of Chadwick Boseman. How has his contribution to cinematography influenced perceptions of Black heroes?
  13. Describe how the work of modern Black pioneers in the fields of your interest has shaped your career or life choices.
  14. Imagine being an adviser to Kamala Harris, the first Black female Vice President. What advice would you give?
  15. Think about the initiatives taken by LeBron James off the basketball court, like opening a school. Write about the significance of such actions.
  16. Write a tribute to Black healthcare workers and researchers fighting COVID-19 and their contribution to society.
  17. Reflect on your feelings about the historic appointment of Lloyd Austin as the first Black Secretary of Defense.
  18. Examine the roles played by Black pioneers in the tech industry, like Tristan Walker or Kimberly Bryant. How have they influenced the industry?
  19. Write about a local Black pioneer in your community and their impact on you or your community.
  20. Journal about the significance of having Black pioneers in children's literature such as Jacqueline Woodson.

Historical Events Of Black History

Delving into historical events of Black History through journal prompts can deepen your comprehension and appreciation of the contributions, struggles, and triumphs of people of African descent. Here are 20 prompts to explore these moments from a personal perspective:

  1. Reflect on the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation. How might it have felt to hear this news for the first time?
  2. Write about the Civil Rights Movement. What would you have done if you had been in that scenario?
  3. Describe a scenario where you impacted the world as if you were Rosa Parks refusing to give up her bus seat.
  4. Imagine that you were Martin Luther King Jr delivering the 'I have a dream' speech. What additional dreams would you express?
  5. Write about the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 from the perspective of an African American living in the South.
  6. Put yourself in the shoes of the first African American student to attend a previously segregated school. Write about your first day.
  7. Compare the significance of the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement to the cultural recognition of African Americans.
  8. Imagine experiencing the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963. How would you create a positive change?
  9. Write a diary entry as if you were Barack Obama on the day he was elected president.
  10. What would you ask Malcolm X if you had a chance to talk to him?
  11. Write a letter thanking Harriet Tubman for her bravery in the Underground Railroad.
  12. Reflect on the Brown v. Board of Education ruling and its impact on modern day education.
  13. Describe what it would have been like to stand with Jesse Owens as he won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics.
  14. Write about how the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr affected the momentum of the Civil Rights Movement.
  15. Imagine being part of the riot during the 1793 Yellow Fever Epidemic in Philadelphia, what would you have seen and felt?
  16. Write as if you were a solider in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment during the Civil War.
  17. Reflect on the Democratic National Convention of 1972 when Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman to run for president.
  18. Write about participating in the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march. What emotions would you experience?
  19. Write about the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on your community, from your perspective.
  20. If you could sit in the audience while Maya Angelou recited her poem for the inauguration of Bill Clinton, how would you describe her performance?

Unsung Heroes Of Black History

In relation to journal prompts for Black History Month, Unsung Heroes of Black History provides an opportunity to delve into the lesser-known figures who have made an impact. Here are 20 writing prompts to explore these overlooked historical figures:

  1. Research an unsung hero from Black history and write a biographical sketch about their life.
  2. How did this unsung hero impact the society during their time?
  3. Write a letter of appreciation to your chosen unsung hero, outlining their contributions.
  4. Create a dialogue you would have with this unsung hero if you had the chance to meet them.
  5. List and reflect on five key lessons you've learned from this unsung hero's life.
  6. Imagining their life, describe a day in their shoes.
  7. Write a poem honoring their life and contributions.
  8. Analyze the societal challenges your chosen hero had to overcome. How did they navigate through them?
  9. Write about the legacy of this unsung hero. How is their work impacting today’s society?
  10. Imagine this unsung hero was your mentor. What advice or guidance might they give you?
  11. What characteristics and qualities do you admire in this unsung hero?
  12. Write a news article as if you were reporting on their achievements during their time.
  13. If you could ask them one question, what would it be and why?
  14. Reflect on how this unsung hero’s experience has changed your perspective on Black history.
  15. Visualize a landmark or monument dedicated to your unsung hero. Describe what it looks like and its significance.
  16. Write an obituary for this unsung hero highlighting their pursuits and accomplishments.
  17. How did the societal limitations or political climate of their time affect their work or mission?
  18. Write a personal reflection on how this unsung hero has influenced your understanding of resilience, courage, and determination.
  19. Draft an argument for why this unsung hero should be more widely recognized.
  20. Write a script for a short documentary film about the life and achievements of this unsung hero.

Intersectionality In Black History

Exploring intersectionality in black history through journal prompts allows us to study and understand the complex experiences of individuals who identify with multiple social, racial, and economic groups. To delve into this examination, here are 20 writing suggestions:

  1. Ponder on a historical example of intersectionality within black history. How have multiple identities intersected in this instance?
  2. Write about the experience of black women in the civil rights movement.
  3. Chronicle the journey of a notable black LGBTQ+ individual from history and their contribution to society.
  4. Address the influence of economic class within the black community throughout history.
  5. Sketch out how the intersection of black and immigrant identities has shaped societal progression.
  6. Reflect on the effects of the intersectionality of race and gender on a black individual in history.
  7. Write about a historic black figure who had a disability. How did their unique intersectional identity affect their experiences?
  8. Think about how a black religious leader has experienced intersectionality in their life and how it impacted their work.
  9. Discuss the relationship between race and mental health within the black community.
  10. Write about the intersectionality within a specific sporting event such as the Olympic Games.
  11. Think about the role that age has played in the black community's fight for justice, and how different generations have experienced intersectionality.
  12. Explore the intersection of black identity with indigenous identity, considering shared and unique experiences.
  13. Choose a piece of black literature that addresses intersectionality. Reflect on its messages and implications.
  14. Discuss intersectional discrimination within the legal system and how it has affected black communities.
  15. Think about how intersectionality impacts the education of black students, particularly those with additional identities (such as being LGBTQIA+ or having disabilities).
  16. Reflect on how intersectionality played a role in a specific event or era in black history.
  17. Write about the intersection of black identity and art. Discuss a black artist who has influenced a particular genre or medium.
  18. Reflect on the intersectionality of race, politics, and public policy throughout black history.
  19. Explore the intersection of black and Latino identities in the United States. Reflect on notable figures or events that highlight this intersectionality.
  20. Think about how intersectionality impacts black activism, considering the influence of different identities within movements.

Black Music And Its Influence

Deeply interwoven with the history and experiences of the African American community, Black music and its influence provides fertile ground for exploration and reflection. Here are 20 journal prompts focused on Black music and its influence:

  1. Write about a Black artist whose music has shaped the contemporary music landscape. What contributions did they make?
  2. Describe a Black music performance that deeply moved or inspired you. What about it spoke to you most?
  3. Reflect on the influence of Black gospel music on modern pop and rock genres.
  4. Detail how hip-hop, which emerged from Black communities, has influenced global culture.
  5. Write about a song lyric from a Black artist that resonates with you and explain why.
  6. Think about the role of spirituals and field hollers in the history of Black music. What feelings or messages were they often used to convey?
  7. Analyze the social and political messages you have noticed in the songs of Black artists.
  8. Explore the intersection of Black music and the Civil Rights Movement.
  9. Write a tribute to an influential Black musician who has passed away.
  10. Discuss how jazz, a genre with roots in the Black community, has evolved over time.
  11. Explore the way Black music has impacted the fashion industry.
  12. Identify three ways that Black music has influenced your personal taste in music.
  13. Discuss the role of Black music in promoting social justice issues.
  14. Write about the impact of Black music on the film industry, citing specific examples.
  15. Examine the influence of African rhythms and harmonies on various Western music genres.
  16. Discuss how Black music has created spaces for Black expression and identity.
  17. List three Black female artists who have broken barriers in the music industry.
  18. Reflect on how Black music continues to push boundaries and redefine norms in the music industry.
  19. Write about the importance of music in the Black family or community settings you have observed or experienced.
  20. Discuss the positive effects of the global recognition and appreciation of Black music.

Black Literature And Authors

Examining black literature and authors allows us to recognize and appreciate the rich tapestry of African-American cultural experiences, fueling insightful journal entries about race, resilience, and resistance. Here are 20 journal prompts around the theme of Black Literature and Authors:

  1. Write a short reflection on your favorite piece of Black Literature and how it resonated with you.
  2. Which black author's life story inspires you and why?
  3. How does Black Literature challenge the narratives of mainstream literature?
  4. Write a letter to an African-American author whose work significantly impacted your thinking.
  5. Discuss the themes you frequently come across in Black Literature.
  6. Which themes from Black Literature are still relevant today and why?
  7. How do black authors inspire you in your daily pursuits?
  8. Discuss a memorable quote from a Black author and explain why it's meaningful to you.
  9. Write a book review about a Black-authored book you recently read.
  10. Explore a lesser-known Black author whose work you feel should get more recognition.
  11. Write about a character from a Black literature piece that you particularly identified with.
  12. If you could have a conversation with a black author (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
  13. Discuss how Black Literature has evolved through different historical periods.
  14. Write about a Black literary work that shook or challenged your beliefs.
  15. How would you encourage someone unfamiliar with Black Literature to start exploring it?
  16. Analyze the writing style of your favorite Black author.
  17. Write about a moment in a Black authoured book that moved you emotionally.
  18. If you could change the plot of a Black-authored book, which one would it be and why?
  19. Discuss an inspiring journey of a character in a Black Literature piece.
  20. Write about a Black authoured book that you think should be mandatory reading in all schools and why.

Black Culture And Traditions

Exploring Black culture and traditions through journaling allows us to better understand and appreciate the richness and diversity of the Black experience. Here are 20 prompts to inspire your writing on Black Culture and Traditions:

  1. Reflect on a significant piece of Black literature you've read. What did you learn from it?
  2. Write about your favorite Black musician or musical style and its cultural impact.
  3. Describe a moment when you experienced a Black cultural tradition. How did it make you feel?
  4. List three ways Black culture has influenced mainstream society.
  5. Think about a historical event pertaining to Black culture. Describe its significance.
  6. Write a brief review of a film or play by a Black artist that has moved you.
  7. Explore the meaning and symbolism of a common Black cultural tradition or artifact.
  8. Think about the importance of family in Black culture. How does this resonate with you?
  9. Write about a significant Black author and their impact.
  10. Chronicle the evolution of a particular aspect of Black culture over the years.
  11. Discuss the influence of Black culture in the area of sports.
  12. Describe the importance of religious faith within the Black community.
  13. Reflect on the significance of soul food in Black culture.
  14. Write about the role of music in Black community gatherings.
  15. Discuss the impact of African diaspora on Black culture and traditions.
  16. Reflect on the role of Black culture in the civil rights movement.
  17. Describe the importance and role of historic Black universities.
  18. Write about the influence of Black fashion.
  19. Discuss the importance of oral tradition and story-telling in Black culture.
  20. Reflect on how Black culture and traditions have personally influenced you.

Impact Of Black History On Today’s Society

The significance of Black history plays a significant role in shaping today's society, prompting important discussions about race, equality, and justice. Here are 20 journal prompts that allow you to delve deeper into the impact of Black history on society:

  1. Reflect on a key figure from Black history who you believe has significantly impacted society. Why does this individual stand out to you?
  2. Write about a moment in Black history that shifted societal perceptions and led to large-scale changes.
  3. Describe how the Civil Rights Movement has impacted the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.
  4. List three lessons contemporary society can learn from the Harlem Renaissance.
  5. Think about a current social issue that is directly linked to historical injustices faced by Black people. Discuss potential solutions.
  6. Explore the influence of Black culture in the arts and entertainment industry.
  7. Reflect on the impact of Black-owned businesses on economic diversity.
  8. Write about how Black inventors have advanced technology and innovation.
  9. Discuss how Black Literature has shaped societal perceptions and conversations around racial bias.
  10. Consider the role that Hip Hop has played in expressing Black voices and challenging societal norms.
  11. Reflect on a significant legal case that advanced civil rights and led to societal change.
  12. Write about the influence of the Black Panther Party on today's social activism movements.
  13. Explore how the Black Lives Matter movement has reshaped societal perceptions and attitudes towards systematic racism.
  14. Discuss the importance of representation and the impact of seeing Black individuals in positions of power on society.
  15. Reflect on how Black history has influenced your personal understanding of racial justice and equality.
  16. Write about the ongoing battle for voting rights and its roots in the struggles of Black history.
  17. Discuss the role of Black soldiers in wars and how it influenced racial equality in the military.
  18. Reflect on how sports figures in Black history have used their platforms for societal change.
  19. Write about how Black Feminism has impacted the broader feminist movement.
  20. Discuss how the examination of Black history informs and impacts discussions about racial inequality today.

Prominent Black Scientists And Inventors

Highlighting the contributions and achievements of Prominent Black Scientists and Inventors through journal prompts can serve as a reflective exercise to honor Black History Month. Here are 20 prompts that can initiate these insightful explorations:

  1. Write about a Black scientist whose work has inspired you. How have they impacted your understanding of the world?
  2. Research and reflect on the work of a historical Black inventor. In what ways has their invention shaped society?
  3. Discuss the challenges faced by Dr. Patricia Bath, a pioneer in the field of ophthalmology.
  4. How did George Washington Carver's work with agricultural products influence today's farming techniques?
  5. Pen a letter to Lewis Latimer thanking him for his contributions to electric light.
  6. Write about your feelings after learning about the accomplishments of Dr. Mae Jemison, the first Black woman astronaut.
  7. Recount the achievements of Percy Lavon Julian in the field of chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs.
  8. Explore how Otis Boykin's creation of electrical devices found its way to modern technologies.
  9. Reflect on how Elijah McCoy's lubrication inventions can be perceived as metaphors for smoothing the way for future Black inventors.
  10. Consider the impact of Dr. Charles Drew's work on blood transfusions during World War II.
  11. How would you feel if you were Garret Morgan with the invention of the protection hood and signal improvements in traffic lights?
  12. Dwell upon the importance of Alexander Miles's enhancement of lift (elevator) safety.
  13. Put yourself in the shoes of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, one of the first doctors to perform successful open-heart surgery.
  14. Reflect on your understanding of the past and present challenges faced by Black scientists and inventors.
  15. Express how you would have felt as Madam C.J. Walker while developing specialized hair products for African American women.
  16. Think about the role of Benjamin Banneker in shaping the layout of Washington D.C.
  17. Ponder about the contributions of chemist Alice Ball to the treatment of leprosy.
  18. Consider the path taken by Valarie Thomas in inventing the Illusion Transmitter and shaping NASA's use of technology.
  19. What qualities do you admire the most in Dr. Jane Cooke Wright, a trailblazer in cancer research?
  20. Imaginatively write a day in the life of Ernest Everett Just, a pioneering biologist in marine biology and embryology.

The Harlem Renaissance

Exploring The Harlem Renaissance through writing prompts invites us to immerse ourselves in the compelling era of Afro-American cultural, social, and artistic explosion. Here are twenty prompts to help you delve deeply into understanding and reflecting on The Harlem Renaissance period during your Black History Month journaling:

  1. Write about a prominent figure from The Harlem Renaissance and their contribution to black culture.
  2. Imagine attending a jazz club in Harlem during the 1920s. Describe your experience in detail.
  3. Choose a work of art (painting, poem, musical piece) from The Harlem Renaissance and write your personal interpretation of it.
  4. Reflect upon the role of The Harlem Renaissance in advancing civil rights.
  5. Chronicle a day in the life of a black artist during The Harlem Renaissance era.
  6. The Harlem Renaissance celebrated black culture and identity. How does this influence your own sense of identity?
  7. Write about how the Great Migration influenced the start of The Harlem Renaissance.
  8. Reflect on the importance of literature during The Harlem Renaissance. Choose a specific work to highlight.
  9. Describe the impact of The Harlem Renaissance on modern-day black culture.
  10. Write a poem inspired by Langston Hughes, a major figure of The Harlem Renaissance.
  11. Imagine and write a conversation between two figures from The Harlem Renaissance.
  12. Describe the role of women in The Harlem Renaissance. Choose a specific woman to focus on.
  13. Reflect on how The Harlem Renaissance challenged or confirmed stereotypes of the time.
  14. Discuss the impact of global events, like World War I, on The Harlem Renaissance.
  15. Write a scene set in a Harlem Renaissance theatre.
  16. Explore the end of The Harlem Renaissance: What caused it and what were its effects?
  17. Discuss a racial conflict during The Harlem Renaissance and its significance.
  18. Write a review of a speakeasy during The Harlem Renaissance as if you were a journalist of that time.
  19. Discuss the influence of The Harlem Renaissance on today's music and art.
  20. Reflect on a lesson you've learned from studying The Harlem Renaissance and how you can apply that in your life today.

The Black Power Movement

Diving deeper into the exploration of Black History, the Black Power Movement is a pivotal part in our journey of understanding, and these prompts will serve to guide thoughtful reflections and analyses. Here are 20 writing prompts themed around The Black Power Movement:

  1. Explore the factors that led to the birth of the Black Power Movement. What were they?
  2. Write a letter to one of the key leaders of the Black Power Movement. What would you say?
  3. Reflect on the impact of the Black Power Movement on society during its peak.
  4. Explain how the Black Power Movement has contributed to your personal understanding of race and racial justice.
  5. Detail one key event in the Black Power Movement and its effect on the larger society.
  6. Imagine being a part of the Black Power Movement. Write a journal entry for one day.
  7. How did the media of the time portray the Black Power Movement? Was this portrayal fair or biased?
  8. Draw parallels between the Black Power Movement and present-day movements for racial justice.
  9. Reflect on a speech or piece of literature that emerged from the Black Power Movement.
  10. Detail the role women played in the Black Power Movement.
  11. Examine the connection between the Black Power Movement and the broader Civil Rights Movement.
  12. Think about the concept of "Black is Beautiful" that came out of the Black Power Movement. What does this statement mean to you?
  13. The Black Power Movement has had profound cultural impacts. Write about one that you find particularly striking.
  14. How does education today address and represent the Black Power Movement?
  15. Discuss the reactions from different sectors of society to the Black Power Movement.
  16. Reflect on the primary criticisms of the Black Power Movement during its time. What were they?
  17. Write a poem inspired by the ideals and goals of the Black Power Movement.
  18. Imagine an interview with a person who was against the Black Power Movement. What questions would you ask?
  19. Write about the after-effects of the Black Power Movement seen today.
  20. Summarize your thoughts and feelings about the Black Power Movement after completing these prompts.

Black Soldiers And Their Contributions To Wars

Exploring the influence and impact of Black soldiers and their contributions to wars through journaling provides an opportunity to delve into lesser-known events and personal experiences reflected in Black History Month. Here are 20 journal prompts to inspire reflection on this important segment of history:

  1. Write about a Black soldier from a specific war and how they contributed to the fight.
  2. Reflect upon how Black soldiers have shaped the course of history.
  3. Detail a story of a Black regiment or battalion known for their valor.
  4. Compare the contributions of Black soldiers in two different wars.
  5. Imagine a day in the life of a Black soldier during wartime. What challenges did they face?
  6. Create a letter as if you're a Black soldier writing home. What might you say?
  7. What are some setbacks Black soldiers might have faced during their service due to prejudice?
  8. How did the sacrifices and achievements of Black soldiers pave the way for civil rights?
  9. Detail the story of a Black war hero and their impact post-war.
  10. Write about a specific war event where Black soldiers played a pivotal role.
  11. Reflect on the journey of a Black soldier from enlistment to combat.
  12. Consider what motivations a Black individual might have had for enlisting in the war.
  13. Describe the legacy left by the "Buffalo Soldiers," focusing on their contributions and historical significance.
  14. How did Black soldiers contribute to the wars despite being segregated in many cases?
  15. Illustrate the triumphs and trials of a fictional Black soldier in the war of your choice.
  16. Write about Black soldiers' contributions to US wars and how they were acknowledged or overlooked.
  17. How did Black veterans continue to fight for equality after they returned home?
  18. Detail an account of how Black soldiers were treated by their fellow soldiers of other races.
  19. Reflect on the accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II.
  20. Imagine you're interviewing a Black soldier after a war. Detail the questions you'd ask and their potential responses.

Exploring Black Feminism

Exploring Black Feminism through journal prompts aligns our personal narratives with the wider socio-political movements, deepening an understanding of ourselves and our society. Here are 20 writing prompts to delve into various aspects of Black Feminism:

  1. Discuss a moment when you first engaged with Black Feminism. What inspired your curiosity?
  2. Write about a Black Feminist who has greatly influenced you. How has their work affected your life?
  3. Reflect on a moment when you first recognized the intersectionality of gender and race. How did this awareness change your perspective?
  4. How has Black Feminism influenced your outlook on social justice and equality?
  5. Create a letter to a young person in your life explaining the significance of Black Feminism.
  6. Write about a time when you had to confront discrimination or prejudice. How did you react and what role has Black Feminism played in shaping these reactions?
  7. Name three Black Feminist texts that have impacted you. What made them particularly striking?
  8. Discuss the influence of Black Feminism in shaping your career choices or professional trajectory.
  9. Reflect on a time you engaged in activism or advocacy. How did your understanding of Black Feminism influence your actions?
  10. Write about a societal stereotype that Black Feminism has helped you to debunk, and how this has improved your understanding of yourself.
  11. Jot down three ways in which you can promote Black Feminist ideas in your daily life.
  12. Reflect on how Black Feminism has influenced your appreciation of Black arts and culture.
  13. Imagine you're hosting a dinner party with your favorite Black Feminist icons. Who would you invite and why?
  14. Explore a time when your understanding of Black Feminism was challenged. What did you learn from this?
  15. Mention a Black Feminist quote that inspires you and explain what it means to you.
  16. Write about how Black Feminism can shape the future for young Black girls.
  17. Discuss the role of Black Feminism in shaping your personal relationships.
  18. Reflect on how Black Feminism has enriched your mental and emotional health.
  19. Explore your dreams for the future of Black Feminism. How do you envision its evolution?
  20. Write about the legacy you hope to leave through your engagement with Black Feminism.

Impact Of African Diaspora

Exploring the societal, cultural, and historical implications of the African Diaspora in your journal can imbue a richer understanding and appreciation of Black history. Here are 20 prompts to guide your reflections on the Impact of African Diaspora:

  1. Reflect on the resilience and strength shown by African Diaspora communities. How does this inspire you?
  2. Write about a cultural element (music, food, language, etc) that originated from the African Diaspora and has enriched today's society.
  3. Describe a significant figure from the African Diaspora who has contributed to the quality of life in their adopted country.
  4. Explore the impact of the African Diaspora on economic development in your country.
  5. Analyze the influence of African Diaspora in shaping the modern world's socio-cultural fabric.
  6. Write about a book, a movie, or a piece of art that accurately portrays the experience of African Diaspora.
  7. Discuss the role of African Diaspora in the Civil Rights Movement in America.
  8. Write about an incident from history or current events that highlights the struggles faced by the African Diaspora.
  9. How has the African Diaspora influenced your perception about racial and ethnic diversity?
  10. Reflect on key living conditions disparities that African Diaspora communities face in your country.
  11. Write about the psychological and emotional challenges of displacement as experienced by African Diaspora.
  12. Explore how the African Diaspora contributed to the evolution of your country's political landscape.
  13. How has African Diaspora influenced your country's entertainment industry?
  14. Discuss the disparities in education opportunities for African Diaspora communities and the potential solutions.
  15. Reflect on the strengths of African Diaspora communities and how they enrich our society.
  16. Write about a current event that directly impacts the African Diaspora community.
  17. Analyze the contributions of African Diaspora to science and technological advancements.
  18. Explore the unique challenges faced by African Diaspora women and their strategies for resilience.
  19. Discuss the African Diaspora's contributions to sports in your country.
  20. Write about the sense of identity among the African Diaspora and how it influences their lived experience.

Legacy Of Martin Luther King Jr.

Exploring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. through journaling enables us to delve deeper into his incredible life and achievements, and the impact that he had on black history. Here are 20 journal prompts to help you navigate this exploration:

  1. Reflect on Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. Do you believe his dream is being realized today?
  2. What do you consider Martin Luther King Jr.'s greatest accomplishment? Why?
  3. Write about a time when you've experienced or witnessed discrimination. How did Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophy help you understand or cope with the event?
  4. What parts of Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideology or approach resonate the most with you and why?
  5. If you had the opportunity to meet Martin Luther King Jr., what do you think you would say to him?
  6. Martin Luther King Jr.'s methods were rooted in non-violence. How do you see this reflected in today's civil rights agenda?
  7. How do you think Martin Luther King Jr. would react to the Black Lives Matter Movement?
  8. Write a reflection on the effect Martin Luther King Jr. had on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  9. How has Martin Luther King Jr.'s teaching influenced your personal beliefs and values?
  10. Think about the phrase "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." What does this quote mean to you?
  11. If you could change one thing about the world in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, what would it be?
  12. In what ways has Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision for a "Beloved Community", a society based on justice, equal opportunity and love of one's fellow human beings, influenced you?
  13. How influential do you think Martin Luther King Jr.'s message is among today's youth?
  14. Do we still need a figure like Martin Luther King Jr. today? Why or why not?
  15. Dissect your favourite Martin Luther King Jr. quote and explain what makes it so impactful.
  16. How much progress do you think has been made towards Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of racial equality?
  17. Consider Martin Luther King Jr. in comparison to other civil rights leaders. How do they differ? How are they similar?
  18. Explore the concept of "civil disobedience," as employed by Martin Luther King Jr.
  19. What specific issues or causes do you think Martin Luther King Jr. would advocate for if he were alive today?
  20. Imagine Martin Luther King Jr.'s reaction to the world today. Would he be proud of our progress, or disappointed? Explain why.

African American Firsts In The 20th Century

The recognition and appreciation of African American firsts in the 20th Century provide exceptional insights and reflection points during Black History Month. Here are 20 related journal prompts:

  1. Reflect on the importance of having the first African American U.S President in the 20th century.
  2. Write about what Jackie Robinson breaking the baseball color barrier meant to you.
  3. Imagine being present during Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech. What emotions would you have experienced?
  4. Describe how Madam C.J. Walker, the first self-made female millionaire, influences your perception of business and entrepreneurship.
  5. List three ways in which Rosa Parks' refusal to move from her bus seat has impacted social movements today.
  6. Research more about Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court Justice. What is the most inspiring aspect of his legacy?
  7. How might your life have been different if Hattie McDaniel hadn't been the first African American to win an Oscar? Explain.
  8. Write a conversation you would like to have with Bessie Coleman, the first African American female pilot.
  9. Record what you feel when you think about Arthur Ashe, the first African American man to win Wimbledon.
  10. Chronicle the achievements of Mae Jemison, the first African American woman astronaut, and share how those achievements inspire you.
  11. What lessons can you learn from Barack Obama being elected the first African American President in the 20th century?
  12. Imagine going to the theater to see Sidney Poitier become the first African American to win Best Actor at the Academy Awards.
  13. Reflect on the significance of Condoleezza Rice being appointed as the first African American woman Secretary of State.
  14. Write about the impact the Harlem Renaissance had on the United States and discuss how it affected the public view of African American culture.
  15. Study the legacy of Guion S. Bluford, the first African American in space. What can his journey teach us about perseverance and ambition?
  16. Imagine being on the sidelines watching Jesse Owens win four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. What does his victory symbolize to you?
  17. Write about your feelings on Alvin Ailey establishing one of the most successful dance companies in the world.
  18. Reflect on how Robert L. Johnson, founder of BET, transformed media perception of black culture.
  19. Research Gwendolyn Brooks, the first African American to win a Pulitzer Prize. Write the impact of her work on your life or the world.
  20. Chronicle a few of the most influential Motown songs from the 1960s and their effect on American culture and civil rights.

The Great Migration And Its Effects

Drawing from the gripping historical narrative of the Great Migration and its effects, here are 20 writing prompts to explore this significant era:

  1. Imagine you're embarking on the Great Migration – describe your hopes and fears.
  2. Write a letter to a loved one explaining why you've decided to move North.
  3. Journal about the economic challenges African Americans faced in Southern states that triggered the Great Migration.
  4. Describe the scene at a train station during the peak of the Great Migration.
  5. Write a dialogue between a Southern farm owner and a worker who has decided to leave.
  6. Sketch a timeline of your fictional journey from the South to the North, detailing the cities you'd pass through and the changes you'd encounter.
  7. Explore the psychological impact of leaving your homeland in search of a better life.
  8. Discuss how the Great Migration shaped the cultural landscape of northern cities.
  9. Write about how the Great Migration influenced the Harlem Renaissance.
  10. Describe the racial tensions that emerged in northern cities as a result of the Great Migration.
  11. Discuss the role of prominent black newspapers in encouraging the Great Migration.
  12. Reflect on the societal effects on the South caused by the large-scale exodus.
  13. Write the story of a family that chose to stay in the South rather than participate in the Migration.
  14. Create a narrative from the perspective of a child experiencing the first day at a new school in the North.
  15. Imagine yourself as a blue-collar worker in the North adjusting to city life – detail your daily routine.
  16. Write about how the Great Migration influenced the civil rights movement.
  17. Explore the difference between the optimism at the beginning of the journey and the reality upon reaching the North.
  18. Discuss the role of music, specifically blues and jazz, in narrating the stories of the Great Migration.
  19. Detail the experiences that would be unique to women during the Great Migration.
  20. Reflect on how the historical narrative of the Great Migration shapes your understanding of present-day racial dynamics in America.

Black History Icons In The Sports Industry

Exploring Black History Icons in the Sports Industry through journaling invites us to recognize their breakthroughs, challenges, and impacts, further fostering an appreciation of their contributions. Here are 20 journal prompts to help you reflect on these iconic black figures in sports:

  1. Write about a defining moment in the career of an African American athlete.
  2. Develop a narrative around the obstacles faced by black athletes in the early years of sports.
  3. Reflect on the impact of Jackie Robinson breaking racial barriers in baseball.
  4. How have black athletes advanced civil rights causes using their platform?
  5. Describe how the life and success of Michael Jordan inspires you.
  6. Discuss your thoughts on the 'Black Power' salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympics.
  7. Examine the influence Serena Williams has had on women's tennis.
  8. What challenges do you imagine black athletes face outside their professional life?
  9. How did the career of Muhammad Ali impact society beyond the boxing ring?
  10. Write a letter to Venus Williams expressing your admiration.
  11. Discuss your opinion on how race relates to representation in your favorite sport.
  12. Explore the implications of Colin Kaepernick's knee-taking protest on racial inequalities.
  13. Write about Arthur Ashe's contribution to social issues besides his tennis achievements.
  14. How have athletes of color reshaped the future of sports, if at all?
  15. Imagine a conversation with Simone Biles. What would you ask her?
  16. Write about a black cyclist in a sport predominantly white. What challenges might they experience?
  17. How did Tiger Woods' success influence your thoughts about golf?
  18. Chronicle the career achievements of Florence Griffith-Joyner and her impact on track and field.
  19. Explore how the media's portrayal of black athletes has evolved over the years.
  20. Speculate on the future of sports and the role black athletes might play in it.

The African Roots And Its Influence

The African Roots and their Influence serves as a powerful catalyst for exploration and self-reflection, particularly during Black History Month. Here are 20 writing prompts to help you delve into this poignant topic:

  1. Discuss an African tradition that has shaped your family or community.
  2. Consider a significant figure in African history. How has their legacy influenced modern society?
  3. How has learning about your African roots shaped your personal identity?
  4. Describe an African cultural practice that you admire and discuss why.
  5. Reflect on an African cultural product (art, music, literature, etc.) that has impacted you personally.
  6. Write a tribute to an unsung hero of African history and analyze their influence.
  7. Discuss an African invention or innovation that has changed the world.
  8. Discuss the values imparted by your African ancestors that you still uphold.
  9. Analyze the influence of African cuisine in mainstream culture.
  10. Reflect on the resilience of the African people throughout history and describe how this inspires you.
  11. Write about the societal impact of the African Diaspora.
  12. Discuss the role African nations have played in global politics and development.
  13. How has education about African roots influenced your perception of the world?
  14. Reflect on the importance of preserving African cultural heritage.
  15. Examine the contributions of African women in shaping societies.
  16. Discuss the role of African folklore and oral traditions in preserving history and values.
  17. Analyze the transformation of African music and its global influence.
  18. Write a tribute to an African leader who has positively shaped your community or nation.
  19. Discuss the influence of African rituals and ceremonies on contemporary culture.
  20. Reflect on the importance of recognizing and celebrating African roots during Black History Month.

Black Contribution To The Film Industry

The rich narrative of Black contributions to the film industry provides a diverse landscape for reflective exploration and inspiration. Below are 20 prompts that will inspire your writing on Black contribution to the film industry.

  1. Reflect on the first black filmmaker you learned about. Which aspect of their work or life inspires you the most?
  2. Write about a character, played by a black actor, that resonates with you. How has this character influenced your perception of the world?
  3. Describe a scene from a film made by a black filmmaker that profoundly impacted you.
  4. Write about the evolution of black representation in films throughout the decades.
  5. Explore the groundbreaking work of a black cinematographer and how they have used visual storytelling to illuminate black narratives.
  6. Contemplate the importance of diversity in script-writing in offering an authentic representation of black lives.
  7. Reflect on how black directors, such as Spike Lee or Ava DuVernay, are challenging the industry's status quo.
  8. Detail the influence of black culture on the aesthetics and style of a film you recently watched.
  9. Write about how the Civil Rights Movement (1950s-1960s) influenced black cinema.
  10. Explore how the Black Lives Matter movement has impacted the contemporary film industry.
  11. Discuss the significance of a black actor/actress winning an Academy Award for the first time (Hattie McDaniel or Sidney Poitier).
  12. Reflect on the powerful themes explored in the film '12 Years a Slave' and its contribution to understanding black history.
  13. Write about the importance of films like 'Get Out' or 'Us' in portraying the black experience through the genre of horror.
  14. Write a review of a documentary highlighting the life or work of a notable black figure in the film industry.
  15. Document your thoughts on how black animation studios contribute to expanding representation in animated films.
  16. Write a character analysis of a particularly well-developed black character in a movie or TV series.
  17. Explore how comedy has been used as a powerful tool in black cinema to address serious social issues.
  18. Document your thoughts on the intersection of music and film in black cinema.
  19. Describe the significance of 'Black Panther' in reshaping the representation of black characters in superhero films.
  20. Reflect on what future narratives you would like to see in black cinema.

Historic Landmarks Of Black History

Exploring the historic landmarks of Black History through journaling encourages deeper understanding of the resilience and achievements of African Americans. Below are 20 prompts for your reflective journaling on these significant sites:

  1. Describe what sites like the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site mean to you.
  2. Research the Selma To Montgomery National Historic Trail. What thoughts and emotions does it evoke?
  3. Write about a visit to a Black History landmark. How did the experience influence you?
  4. Reflect on the influence a Black History landmark, like the Apollo Theater, had on American culture.
  5. If you could visit any historic landmark of Black History, where would you go and why?
  6. What significance does Brown vs. Board of Education National Historic Site hold for you?
  7. Explore the challenges faced by African Americans through the lens of the African Burial Ground National Monument.
  8. Write about the contribution of a historic figure associated with a Black history landmark.
  9. Discover the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site and reflect on their achievements.
  10. Reflect on the importance of preserving landmarks like the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historic Park.
  11. Write a letter to yourself after visiting the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument. What would you say?
  12. What inspirations can you draw from the Rosa Parks Museum?
  13. Reflect on the significance of landmarks like the Pullman National Monument.
  14. Explore the themes of perseverance and courage at the Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument.
  15. Write about the lessons you've learned from the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
  16. What role do you think the National Civil Rights Museum plays in educating future generations?
  17. Write about the symbolic importance of the Amistad Mutiny Site in New Haven, Connecticut.
  18. Explore how the Black Wall Street Massacre Site ignites conversations about racial violence and institutional changes.
  19. What feelings does the Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument evoke?
  20. Write about the connections between the present and the past through the lens of a Black History landmark.

The Role Of The Black Church In The Civil Rights Movement

The role of the Black Church during the Civil Rights Movement acted as a significant seat of power and avenue for strategic planning, serving as a unifying force that helped to orchestrate pivotal moments in the fight for equal rights. Here are 20 journal prompts to help you explore this important topic:

  1. Describe the atmosphere of a Black Church meeting during the Civil Rights Movement.
  2. How did the church leaders influence the trajectory of the movement?
  3. Write about a sermon of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that you find most inspiring. Why?
  4. Consider the role of church-led nonviolent protests. How did they impact the movement?
  5. Record the impact of a standout church leader other than Dr. King in the Civil Rights Movement.
  6. Reflect on the community's response to the involvement of the Black Church in the movement.
  7. Write about a major Civil Rights event that was planned within a Black Church.
  8. How did music originating from the Black Church help fuel the Civil Rights Movement?
  9. Discuss the challenges faced by Black Churches in their support of the Civil Rights Movement.
  10. Write a letter from the perspective of a church member during a pivotal event in the movement.
  11. Detail the significances of the Black Church as a safe space during the movement.
  12. Compare the role of the Black Church in the Civil Rights Movement to its role in society today.
  13. Write about the role of women in the Black Church during the Civil Rights Movement.
  14. How did the Black Church help to address economic inequalities during the movement?
  15. Explore the legacy of a particular Black Church involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
  16. Reflect on the courage it took for church members to stand up for their rights during this inconsistent era.
  17. Explain how the principles of Christianity were used to combat racial injustices.
  18. Discuss how the role of the Black Church in the Civil Rights movement influenced other churches.
  19. Describe how a particular hymn or gospel song encapsulates the spirit of the movement.
  20. Reflect on a surprising fact you learned about the connection between the Black Church and the Civil Rights movement.

Black Entrepreneurs And Innovators

Focusing on Black Entrepreneurs and Innovators during Black History Month can inspire us to reflect on the challenges, victories and impactful contributions made by these individuals. Below are 20 journal prompts to help you explore this theme:

  1. Write about a Black entrepreneur or innovator who inspires you. What is it about their story that motivates you?
  2. Think about a business idea that you've had. What would it take for you to take the leap to pursue it, similar to the Black entrepreneurs you've learned about?
  3. What challenges do you think Black entrepreneurs and innovators face that others might not?
  4. Explore the history of a well-known Black enterprise, highlighting the key moments of its journey.
  5. Write about the importance of innovation in fighting racial inequality.
  6. Reflect on how Black entrepreneurs have influenced our society economically or technologically.
  7. Choose a Black inventor and describe the impact of their invention on our everyday lives.
  8. Imagine you had an opportunity to interview a Black entrepreneur. What would you ask them and why?
  9. Reflect on the importance of representation in entrepreneurship.
  10. Write a short bio about a lesser-known Black inventor and their contribution.
  11. Explore a moment in history when a Black entrepreneur or innovator overcame major obstacles.
  12. Write about the impact of Black-owned businesses in your community.
  13. Imagine your life if a certain invention by a Black innovator never existed. How would it be different?
  14. How can we encourage more diversity in innovation and entrepreneurship?
  15. Write a letter of appreciation to a Black entrepreneur or innovator who has personally influenced you.
  16. Reflect on the role of perseverance in the journey of a Black entrepreneur or innovator you admire.
  17. Write about how the success of Black entrepreneurs has shaped Black culture and history.
  18. Explore how Black innovators have impacted an industry of interest to you.
  19. Reflect on the path of a historic Black innovator and how they might inspire future generations.
  20. Write about a time when learning about a Black entrepreneur or innovator changed or broadened your perspective.
Black History Month Journal Prompts • Crafting a Green World (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.