Ashland County Jail - Prisonroster (2025)

Updated on: January 23, 2024

Ashland County Jail - Prisonroster (1)

Ashland County Jail - Prisonroster (2)

Visitation Hours

  • Sunday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM
  • Monday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Friday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM
  • Holiday Closed

Ashland County Jail Basic Information

Facility Name
Ashland County Jail
Facility Type
County Jail
1205 East Main Street, Ashland, OH, 44805
Telephone Carrier
Securus Tech
Security Level
Postal Code
Ashland County
Official Website

Ashland County Sheriffs Office

E. Wayne Risner
1205 East Main Street, Ashland, Ohio, 44805

Ashland County Jail offender search: Warrant Comment, Current Location, Case Description, Mugshots, Document Type, Gender, Degree Level, Court Type, Status, Disposition, Disposition, Grade, Who's in jail, Current Housing Section, Arrests, Incarceration Date, Court Record, Criminal Records, Case Description, Release Date, Bookings, Bond, Jail Roster, Booking Date.

It can be a tough transition finding out that a friend or loved one is in jail. However, just because someone you care about is facing time, doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to be there and support them.

Those who were arrested in Ashland County will most likely be taken to Ashland County Jail in Ohio before being sentenced. In this guide, you will learn a little about the jail, how to make sure an inmate is there, and how to be a support system while a friend or loved one is incarcerated.

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About the Ashland County Jail

Ashland County Jail in Ohio actually houses both the main jail and the road prison as well as those who are arrested in Ashland County.

The Ashland County Jail is dedicated to keeping the public safe through custody and control of inmates. However, they also treat inmates with fairness and respect while maintaining a safe, humane, and secure environment for inmates, staff, and the community.

The Ashland County Jail also supports former inmates to reintegrate into the community by providing programs that encourage positive behavior changes and positive attitudes.

The Ashland County Jail currently has work release security, health services, booking, transportation, central support services, training, and contract services.

How to Search for an Inmate

In order to fully support an inmate, you must first locate which facility they are in. So, your first step would be to do an inmate search.

To search for an inmate, click on this link. From there, you can search for an inmate by going through the list or typing in their first and last name.

Once you find the person you are looking for, you will want to write down pertinent information such as the booking number, facility code, the facility address, and the booking date.

You will need the information from the inmate search to send mail, visit, or send money to the inmate.

How to Support an Inmate

Whether an offender is in jail for a minor offense or a major offense, it is important to their rehabilitation to be in contact with positive friends and relatives. A great way to support an inmate is by being a person they can call, writing letters, visiting, and helping them get things they need from commissary.

Each jail and prison has different rules and procedures when it comes to keeping in contact. Here is how you can stay in contact with an inmate at Ashland County Jail in Ohio:

Send Mail: To send mail to an inmate, you will need to use the address assigned to the inmate that you wrote down from the inmate search. Be sure to include all information. Here is an example

Inmate Full name/number

Ashland County Jail

1205 East Main Street, Ashland, OH, 44805

When sending mail to an inmate, it must always have a return address or it will not be given to the inmate. Include your full name and address.

Talk on the Phone: Inmates are only allowed to make outgoing phone calls. There are two ways they can do this.

  • Make a prepaid account with CenturyLink. This prepaid collect allows you to receive calls directly to your phone number.

  • Put money on an inmate’s phone account. Using CenturyLink, you can also fund an account that allows the inmate to call any number on their approved list.

Visit an Inmate: In order to visit an inmate, you will need to schedule a visit online. If you are a new user, you will need to register for an account. You will be required to check the box stating that you read and understand the visitation policy, rules, and regulations. Keep the following in mind when scheduling a visit:

  • No cell phones are allowed during the visit.

  • No visitors can be added to the visitation the day of visitation.

  • You must schedule a visit 24 hours in advance.

  • Visitation is Monday through Sunday from 9am to 8pm.

  • Visits can also be set up by video.

If an inmate is housed in Ashland County Jail, you can call the facility to schedule a visit as well.

  • 419-281-9009

Commissary and Sending Money

Inmates who are staying in the Ashland County Jail in Ohio are able to buy things they may need from commissary. Commissary is a store within the jail that an inmate can purchase such as:

  • Books

  • Paper, pencils, pens, stamps, envelopes

  • Clothes

  • Shoes

  • Tablets (no internet)

  • Hygiene products

In order for an inmate to purchase these items, make calls, or to bail themselves out (self-bail), they will need money put on their trust accounts. You can easily make a deposit online.

Once on the page, you will click on the Corrections bubble “Make a deposit now” to make a touchpay account. You will need to register for an account if you haven’t done so before.

Send Care Packages

Additionally, Ashland County Jail allows you to purchase items online through iCare Gifts. Using this service, you can send your friend or loved one a package of their favorite snacks to let them know you are thinking about them and care.

With so many ways to stay connected with an offender, you can make this hard time in their life and yours a way to show them that you are confident in them being able to be rehabilitated, and that you will support them through this tough time.

Keep in mind that all rules and regulations must be followed for the safety of the community, the inmates, and the staff.

Ashland County Prison Statistics

Ashland County Prison Admissions

Latino Prison Admissions -
Other Prison Admissions 2
Male Prison Admissions 82
Total Prison Admissions 99
Female Prison Admissions 17
White Prison Admissions 86
Native Prison Admissions -
Black Prison Admissions 5
Asian Prison Admissions -

Ashland County Jail Admissions By Race

Black Jail Population 4
Asian Jail Population -
White Jail Population 85
Native Jail Population -
Latino Jail Population 3

Ashland County Jail Admissions

Total Jail Admissions 1,520
Female Jail Population 22
Total Jail Population 100
Male Jail Population 70

Ashland County Pretrial Jail Population

Male Pretrial Jail Population 13
Pretrial Jail Population 5
Female Pretrial Jail Population 3

Ashland County Jail Held Inmates

Jail Population Held for Federal Agencies -
Jail Population Held for ICE -
Jail Population Held for State Jail 12
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Prison -
Jail Population Held for State Prison -
Jail Population Held for Out-of-State Jail -

Ashland County, Ohio Warrants, Arrests

Ashland County Arrest Warrants

Ashland County Child Support Warrants

Ashland County Arrest Records

Ashland County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sales

Ashland County Most Wanted

Ashland County Pistol Permits & Gun Licenses
Ashland County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sales
Ashland County Office of The Sheriff Inmate Search
Ashland County Office of The Sheriff Sex Offender Search

Ashland County Sex Offender Registry

Ashland County Sex Offender Registry
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Nearby Jail/Prison

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Other Prison Types

46City Jail

102State Prison

1Federal Prison

1Federal RRM

Ashland County Jail - Prisonroster (2025)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.