Are the Nordic languages mutually understandable? (2024)

There is a common understanding outside the Nordic countries that Nordic people can all understand one another’s languages, or at least the Scandinavians (the Danes, Swedes and Norwegians) can. However, this impression of linguistic unity is not wholly accurate.

byMariève Chouinard

Are the Nordic languages mutually understandable? (1)

Is there a ‘Scandinavian’ language?

People from outside the Nordics might be tempted to believe communication between Nordic speakers is effortless, and that their languages are mutually understandable. From a practical point of view, ‘Scandinavian’ was – and still is – used when many Danish, Norwegian and Swedish people communicate with one another. They primarily speak their own language, perhaps replacing some words, phrases, or pronouncing things slightly differently, depending on who they are talking to. In fact, in a paper published in 2012, Maisa Martin discusses whether Skandinaviska, a Danish, Norwegian and Swedish hybrid-language, exists. At meetings of the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers and in their documentation, ‘Scandinavian’ can refer to Danish, Norwegian or Swedish, while the other Nordic languages (usually Finnish and Icelandic) are separate.

Without a doubt, there is some degree of mutual intelligibility in the Nordics, especially between languages that are part of the same language family, as is the case with the three Scandinavian languages; they are from the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. There is also a degree of intelligibility between some of the sign languages and between Finnish and Kven (Norway) or Meänkieli (Sweden) – two officially recognised minority languages treated as Finnish dialects. Finnish, Kven and Meänkieli are all part of the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family, together with Estonian, Ingrian and Karelian.

Yet, assuming that all speakers of Nordic languages can understand each other is not accurate. There are several crucial elements that should be acknowledged. Here are four, which are explained further in the text below:

  • First, there are far more languages that co-exist in the Nordic countries than Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.
  • Second, mutual intelligibility – even within these three languages – is not straightforward, but often asymmetric as it depends on factors like accent and dialect, among others.
  • Third, mutual intelligibility also depends on the degree of exposure: Danes in Copenhagen may hear Swedish regularly, but that is not the case far from the border.
  • Finally, mutual intelligibility in the Nordics raises a political issue. When priority is given to the national languages, many linguistic minorities can go unrecognised, or are even disadvantaged.

Many more languages than you might expect

A considerable variety of languages can be found in the Nordics. There are four main language families in the Nordic countries: Indo-European, Uralic, Eskimo-Aleut and Sign Languages. In all cases (apart from the sign languages), a ‘language family’ refers to a set of languages that can be demonstrated as descendants of a common ancestor. The sign languages are rather grouped together for convenience in this instance as they are complex in different ways.

The four language families are further divided into subfamilies (e.g. Finno-Ugric) or genera – groups of items with similar characteristics. Genera may also have sub-genera. Languages have linguistic features that make them similar or dissimilar to one another, and those features allow them to be categorised into different language families, like the branches of a tree. The classification of languages according to their structural features is a branch of linguistics called linguistic typology. Following this type of tree structure, the languages most likely to be mutually intelligible are those with the greatest proximity because they have more linguistic features in common. Thus, speakers of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian can understand one another more easily than they can understand German or Dutch speakers – two other Germanic languages from a different branch – and they cannot understand Finnish, an unrelated language. In fact, it would be fair to say that Finnish is as close to the Scandinavian languages as it is to Japanese. Greenlandic is also completely different from Danish, although the languages have certainly influenced each other (e.g. loanwords) because both languages have co-existed for many years in Greenland.

It is also worth mentioning that around 200 non-Nordic languages are spoken in the Nordic countries, including diverse immigrant languages belonging to either the same or other language families and genera. For example, Somali (Afro-Asiatic; Low East Cush*tic), Arabic (Afro-Asiatic; Semitic), Polish (Indo-European; Slavic), and many more.

Understanding one another is not straightforward

The fact that two languages are from the same genus or sub-genus does not mean that they are automatically mutually intelligible. Despite sharing many linguistic features, the Sámi languages, all of them Uralic languages, are mutually unintelligible. The same goes for Faroese and Icelandic – two insular Germanic languages – even though they share a similar orthographic system. An exception to this general rule of mutual intelligibility across genera and families would be the sign languages. This is because there is no established typology of sign languages due to a lack of knowledge and research in the area to date.

Still, even among some of the Nordic languages with the most similar linguistic structure, many studies have shown asymmetric mutual intelligibility. For example, Charlotte Gooskens, a linguist who studies inter-Scandinavian communication in relation to mainly Norwegian, Danish and Swedish, found that Norwegian speakers are better at understanding Danish and Swedish than the speakers of the other two languages. Gooskens also found that Danes understand Swedish better than the opposite, despite the fact that Danish and Swedish are practically mutually intelligible on a written level. In part, this could be attributed to the fact that the pronunciation of Swedish is more closely related to its written form than is the case for Danish. The written form of Danish is closer to Swedish than the spoken form.

Dialects also influence the mutual intelligibility of a language at the spoken level. It is difficult for people unfamiliar with specific dialects to decipher what is being said. For instance, the traditional Danish dialect from the island of Bornholm is challenging to comprehend for other Scandinavians, even to some who possess Danish as their mother tongue.

Exposure to other languages

At school, most children are exposed to one or more Nordic language that is not their own. Examples include: Swedish speakers throughout Finland learning Finnish and vice versa; most schools in Greenland are Greenlandic-Danish bilingual; and, for historical reasons, the learning of Danish is prevalent in the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Since 1982, the Helsinki Treaty (the founding document of Nordic cooperation) has included a provision that states:

“Educational provision in the schools of each of the Nordic countries shall include an appropriate measure of instruction in the languages, cultures and general social conditions of the other Nordic countries, including the Færoe Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands.” (Article 8).

The geographical proximity of different linguistic groups also leads to greater language contact and understanding. Individuals living close to language borders are more likely to be in contact with the neighbouring language, and consequently learn to speak or understand it. Sámi people tend to find the neighbouring Sámi dialects more intelligible because of their level of exposure. Similarly, individuals might understand a language better because they have been exposed to it through media broadcasting. In the Scandinavian countries, the prevalence of dubbing foreign films or television programmes also stimulates exposure. Finally, attitudes towards the language, like a feeling of unity, may lead to concrete initiatives, such as the 1981 Nordic Language Convention, the 2006 Declaration on Nordic Language Policy, or the use of Skandinaviska. This may increase mutual intelligibility or at least the will to be mutually intelligible. Nevertheless, the belief that all speakers of the Nordic languages can understand each other is a myth.

Categories of language used in the 2006 Declaration on Nordic Language Policy

The political dimension of the myth

The historical, social and cultural ties between the Nordic countries mean that people have sought to understand one another in the region for centuries. However, measures taken by the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers since the 1960s can be seen as a watershed for mutual intelligibility becoming a political issue: Nordic co-operation is, to a certain extent, founded on mutually intelligibility of language, as well as mutual social, cultural and political norms. The Helsinki Treaty, first signed in 1962, envisaged the strengthening of social and cultural ties. In 1981, the Nordic Language Convention’s goal was to allow Nordic people to use their mother tongue when dealing with official bodies across the Nordic countries. However, the convention does not cover all mother tongues, but only Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish. In 2006, a non-binding Declaration on Nordic Language Policy built on this foundation, arguably with more recognition for a greater number of languages and multilingualism. The message is clear: Mutual intelligibility is crucial to Nordic co-operation.

But does mutual intelligibility have to be based on a Nordic language? According to a Nordic Council of Ministers survey in 2021, 95% of young people in the Nordic countries say that English is ‘easy to understand’, when young people in Finland, Greenland and Iceland find Danish, Swedish and Norwegian ‘difficult to understand’. In this context, it has been argued that the use of English could make the linguistic situation more equal for everyone. But, since the Nordic languages are perceived as a key element of Nordic identity, the linguistic battle for Nordic co-operation can potentially be seen as a battle against English.

In another context, the Nordic governments, as well as the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers, have taken initiatives towards equality and the inclusion of minority groups including their languages. For example, in October 2021, the Finnish government initiated a Truth and Reconciliation Commission with the purpose of acknowledging past and present discriminative acts against the Sámi and their consequences, and to raise awareness of the Sámi Indigenous community in Finland, reinforcing their right to maintain their language and culture. Still, especially for linguistic minorities, multilingualism and the use of languages other than their mother tongue remain necessary to function in the various contexts of Nordic society. Together, speakers of minority languages (e.g. Sámi), dialects (e.g. Bornholmsk), vernaculars (e.g. Rinkebysvenska, an urban vernacular spoken in a neighborhood with many immigrants in Stockholm), and speakers of older or newer immigrant languages (e.g. Somali) have to adapt.

On the one side, there are a variety of political reasons for perpetuating the myth that all speakers of Nordic languages understand one another. On the other, there is political will to ensure that speakers of minority languages are also included in the political, cultural and social life of the Nordics. While political initiatives tend to focus on Danish, Swedish and Norwegian in the name of unity and co-operation, people with other linguistic preferences have to be more linguistically flexible - often at the expense of fully expressing themselves and making themselves heard. Mutual intelligibility can be used as a symbol of a big, happy family when looking at the Nordics from the outside, an image which rather hides the reality of language in the Nordics – a reality which is in fact much more rich and interesting.

This article has been translated into Danish for and can be read by clicking here.

Further reading:

  • Beng Östling, ‘Will English become the new Nordic language of cooperation?’. (2021).
  • Charlotte Gooskens, ‘The Contribution of Linguistic Factors to the Intelligibility of Closely Related Languages’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 28, 6 (2007) pp. 445-467.
  • Maisa Martin, ‘Multilingualism in Nordic Cooperation – A View from the Margin’, in Dangerous Multilingualism: Northern Perspectives on Order, Purity and Normality (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).
  • Oscar Bandle,Kurt Braunmüller,Ernst Hakon Jahr,Allan Karker,Hans-Peter Naumann,Ulf Telemann,Lennart Elmevik and Gun Widmark, ‘The Nordic Languages’ (Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2008).


Are the Nordic languages mutually understandable? (2024)


Are the Nordic languages mutually understandable? ›

Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian in their standard forms are mutually intelligible

mutually intelligible
In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without prior familiarity or special effort. › wiki › Mutual_intelligibility
; that is, a person who knows one of the languages can read and understand the others with little difficulty.

Do Nordic languages understand each other? ›

Mutual understanding. Much of the Nordic Region is bound together by languages so closely related that, with a little effort, most people understand each other.

Is Icelandic mutually intelligible with Old Norse? ›

Contemporary Icelandic-speakers can read Old Norse, which varies slightly in spelling as well as semantics and word order. However, pronunciation, particularly of the vowel phonemes, has changed at least as much in Icelandic as in the other North Germanic languages.

Can a Norwegian understand Icelandic? ›

Due to the differences in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, Norwegian speakers will not be able to understand Icelandic without training or practice, though they might understand a word or sentence here or there.

Are Faroese and Icelandic mutually intelligible? ›

Faroese and Icelandic, its closest extant relative, are not easily mutually intelligible in speech, but the written languages resemble each other quite closely, largely owing to Faroese's etymological orthography.

Are Nordic languages mutually intelligible on Reddit? ›

It happens that it is mostly mutually intelligible, but considering them the same language ignores the rest of the political and cultural things that make language, language.

Which Nordic languages are mutually intelligible? ›

Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian in their standard forms are mutually intelligible; that is, a person who knows one of the languages can read and understand the others with little difficulty.

Can Germans and Scandinavians understand each other? ›

Thus, speakers of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian can understand one another more easily than they can understand German or Dutch speakers – two other Germanic languages from a different branch – and they cannot understand Finnish, an unrelated language.

Could Old English and Old Norse understand each other? ›

Since then, it has become the general consensus that post-migration Old English and Old Norse had enjoyed a relatively long period in which they could understand one another, and linguistic evidence continues to strengthen this view.

Does anyone speak Old Norse anymore? ›

Do people still speak Old Norse? The language of Old Norse is no longer spoken today. However, elements of Old Norse live on in the modern North Germanic languages of Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Faroese, and Icelandic. Scholars believe that the modern Icelandic language is the closest modern language to Old Norse.

Can you read Old Norse if you know Icelandic? ›

Icelandic is an ancient language that originates from the vicious Vikings that terrorized the majority of Europe for centuries. Modern Icelandic is close enough to the Old Norse that most Icelanders can read and understand. Yes, even most of the texts that were written almost a thousand years ago.

Can I understand Swedish if I learn Norwegian? ›

Thus, they are closely related, and largely mutually intelligible, particularly in their standard varieties. The largest differences are found in pronunciation and language-specific vocabulary, which may hinder mutual intelligibility to some extent in some dialects.

Can Danes understand Norwegian? ›

The short answer is yes. Danish and Norwegian are mutually intelligible, meaning that Danish people can understand Norwegian (particularly in its written form) and vice versa. This mutual intelligibility between Danish and Norwegian is stronger for the written forms of the languages and weaker for the spoken forms.

Which Nordic language is easiest to learn? ›

Origins: Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish bear numerous similarities, and much of their grammar and sentence structure are linked. As they all have commonalities with English, Norwegian is the easiest to learn overall, but even more so for English speakers, as many of the language patterns are familiar to learners.

Can Icelandic and Swedish understand each other? ›

Most Icelanders can read and understand Danish and Swedish though, because they study Danish in school. For Swedes and Danes, trying to understand Icelandic is a bit like a modern English speaker trying to understand Middle English (think Caxton or Chaucer).

What language is closest to Icelandic? ›

Icelandic is an Indo-European language, belonging to the group of North Germanic languages, to be specific. This group also includes Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Faroese. Of those languages, Norwegian and Faroese (spoken in the Faroe Islands) are the most closely related to Icelandic.

Are Spanish and Catalan mutually intelligible? ›

Catalan and Spanish are very similar languages. They're both part of the Western Romance languages and, as such, have a high degree of mutual intelligibility.

Can you understand Ukrainian if you know Russian? ›

Ukrainians understand Russian much better than Russians can understand Ukrainian (actually, few of them can), which can explain a lot. This asymmetry is great evidence that similarity is insufficient to understand both languages equally. Moreover, it says a lot about the political influence of Russia in Ukraine.

Are any Native American languages mutually intelligible? ›

There are hundreds of Native American languages. Of course, some of them are related to each other and some are not. Some are so closely related that there is a measure of mutual intelligibility - an example are Comanche and Shoshone, which are distinct languages, but quite closely related.

Are Yiddish and German mutually intelligible? ›

Germanic. German and Yiddish (only spoken, because German is usually written in Latin script and Yiddish usually in the Hebrew alphabet). However, Yiddish use of many borrowed words, chiefly from Hebrew and Slavic languages, makes it more difficult for a German speaker to understand spoken Yiddish than the reverse.

Why is Finnish not a Scandinavian language? ›

Yes, even though Finland is part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Finnish is not a Scandinavian language. This is because it belongs, together with Estonian, to a different language family, namely Finno-Ugric. Finnish is a Nordic language, but definitely not a Scandinavian language.

Which Nordic languages are the most similar? ›

This is because they all developed from Old Norse, a language that was spoken in Scandinavia a long time ago during the Viking Age. Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are the most similar of the Scandinavian languages, and they are mutually intelligible to a large extent.

Can danes understand Swedish Reddit? ›

As a Danish person in academia who often works with coauthors from both Sweden and Norway, we always just speak our own languages and rarely have problems understanding each other. I think it's mostly just a matter of getting used to it and making sure to speak clearly.

Do Finns understand Swedish? ›

Can Finnish people understand Swedish? Finnish people understand Swedish, even though Swedish-speaking Finns only make up 5.2% of Finland's population. In most parts of Finland, the bilinguality is hard to miss, since road signs (almost) everywhere are written in both languages.

Are Finnish and Estonian mutually intelligible? ›

In particular, no isogloss exactly coincides with the geographical division into 'Estonian' south of the Gulf of Finland and 'Finnish' north of it. Despite this, standard Finnish and Estonian are not mutually intelligible.

How hard is it to learn a Nordic language? ›

According to a study conducted by the Foreign Service Institute, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian are among the easiest languages to learn for English native speakers. With only 575 to 600 hours of study, you can achieve fluency in these Scandinavian languages.

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